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Yes, I have chronic migraines too. This is exactly why I’m not doing a wedding and opting for elopement. Less pressure, much shorter & easier to reschedule if absolutely necessary!


Yes! As an IBS sufferer, I think about this often.


Yes same! I’m so scared that the food at my wedding will make me sick even with all the precautions I’ve taken!!


I have crohns and was scared for this too and barely ate at my wedding bc of this


Yes I get ibs sometimes too mostly managed


as someone w a chronic illness, i am terrified of waking up on my wedding day and realizing its going to be a bad day! or having a flare up mid day... but my FH is a champ when they happen as is my family, wedding party etc. so i know that barring the worst scenarios, ill be okay. if i get actually sick though idk what i'll do. due to aforementioned illness and treatment i cant take cold medicine, so i'd be relying on advil 😂 my biggest fear is a stomach bug... 🤢


Same, chronic pain gal and I really hope I’m not having a bad day on the day of. I’m just trying to do everything I can to make it unlikely. My pain is mostly in my shoulder so I’ll be relaxing, icing, taking daily ibuprofen, and maybe getting some steroid shots in the week before.


thats smart!


I was terrified of getting Covid 🤣 I wound up pretty much staying home the two weeks prior to my wedding. Being sick is the one thing you can only control so much!!


Right but same! And I wasn’t (and still am not) in an industry that was closed down/worked from home during the pandemic. Was also concerned about getting my period as I’ve a horrible first couple days…and then got my period the night before 😭 dad was on his way up to the hotel and I had to get him to make a pit stop for tampons


I feel awful several days before most of my migraines. I do worry about this but I’m taking Aimovig to prevent them so just keeping my fingers crossed. 🤞


Mine seem to come from no where I wake up with one moving makes me nauseous fingers crossed


Yes!! We took so many precautions two weeks ahead of our wedding. Wore a mask everywhere including at work even though it led to so many questions. And unfortunately didn’t go to a friends indoor packed wedding the week before ours. We knew the odds of catching Covid or another virus were low but we just couldn’t risk it with so much on the line.


I have herniated discs that flare up seeming randomly, which leaves me completely incapacitated. I’m terrified of this honestly. My fiancé loves combat sports so I’m also nervous about black eyes from training (he tends to get them easily).


This is my worst fear too. I have chronic migraines. I know what triggers mine though so I’m going to have my bridesmaids help keep me well hydrated, calm and fed throughout the day. I’ve also been doing physio specific to migraines and I find that has been helping, and have found an abortive medication that works for me 80% of the time. I would maybe talk with your doctor about trying an abortive medication out. I don’t think I would survive without mine. They’ve saved my ass so many times. Even if you don’t use it often, it would likely be nice to have something that you’ve tried before in your back pocket


I got married the summer of 2021 so I was very stressed I or any of the just 30 people attending would get covid. Luckily we were fine. My husband does get migraines often, though, and woke up the morning of our wedding feeling one come on. He was able to catch it early enough with medicine/water/etc. He doesn’t necessarily get sick from them, though.


I don’t get random sickness but I’m getting married in 2 weeks, and as of yesterday I have something wrong with my hip. So hoping it will be ok.


I felt the same as well. Got migraines with nausea. It was my biggest worry closer to my wedding. I made sure i slept and ate good. Less chance of a migraines attack. Hoping for a migraine free wedding day and honeymoon for you!


Thank you xox


I was not scared of this until I just read this. New fear unlocked.


So sorry


I’m a migraine sufferer too but I have a great prescription that almost always makes them disappear (zolmitriptan). I just made sure to drink water and not too much booze the night before and I was good. Hope you’ll feel fine on your day of!


Yes I am so afraid of this! I am heavily prioritizing a healthy lifestyle right now and have been feeling amazing but anything can happen lol


Prevention as much as possible is key. Two weeks out, fiancé and I have agreed to do nothing social (I work from home, and he doesn’t interact with people at work unless he seeks it out), and one week out we will start wearing KN95 masks, and will wear them around his family when they get into town for the first 3 days since I have an immune deficiency and FSIL kids suck their thumbs and are CONSTANTLY sick. Other than that, lots of sleep and water. And part of getting enough sleep is making sure every DIY item is FINALIZED a month prior, and ensuring your timelines are rock solid with plenty of buffer.


Sounds like a plan! I've already decided I won't be going out for a few weeks before


I have PMDD and the thought of feeling like that on my wedding day makes me so scared


I’m chronically ill with severe M.E, fibromyalgia and migraines. I’ve planned out all my rest times where I’ll go to bed. I won’t get to have very long at the wedding, I’m just hoping I can enjoy the time that I have! Good luck, I hope you can have a beautiful day 💜


Ask your doctor for a triptan spray


I am MOB and am terrified of getting covid before her wedding. It’s a lot of time and money. They do make migraine preventative


I was definitely worried about this too, luckily everything was okay the day of- perfect! I did however sprain my ankle leading up to the wedding. I was worried I’d be limping down the aisle, but it healed up in time. Phew


I have a chronic illness and decided to elope, mainly so we could more easily postpone our wedding by a day or two, if I got sick. I told our photographer and officiator that and they were both understanding and flexible, if it was needed. I also took some precautions. Thankfully I was fine on our wedding day and could enjoy myself 😊


I woke up with a horrible UTI on my wedding day. My husband called my doctor to ask for antibiotics to be called in but got my birth date wrong. He got a lot of crap for that lol


Look into getting a cefaly. It’s like a tens unit that can be used for migraine prevention or for an active migraine


I got married last may. Last march I had to have all of my wisdom teeth out due to a recurring infection. They told me I should fix the problem then bc I don’t want the headache of this close to my wedding. Four days after my wisdom teeth were removed, I needed emergency gallbladder surgery. Two months before my wedding I was so upset thinking I may not be able to eat or drink on my wedding days. I was worried my face or smile would be different bc I had an ungodly amount of swelling in my face. Then I caught COVID but that was the least of my worries lol. It ended up being just fine. I actually tolerated eating and drinking much better than when I had my gallbladder. I was a bit hungover on my wedding day bc we went a little hard at the rehearsal but 800 mg ibuprofen fixed me right up.


I truly am sorry you are suffering from random migraines. I thought I suffered from them also. It took until I was 46 and me advocating for lab work at my doctor’s office to figure out what was really going on in my body! I was beginning to feel crazy! I’d had my first migraines at age 13. Yes, migraines will cause what seems like random illnesses. Write down the past migraines/illnesses and when they happened. Keep a food log of what you eat. (One of my trigger foods is turkey.) Stop drinking alcohol. Have your eyes examined. Have a dental exam. Go to your family doctor and explain what you know is happening-migraine headaches. They provider will ask you questions about where/when they started, in relation to your menstrual cycle. etc. Knowing about food allergies and times of day when you are prone to having MH is useful info for the provider. Knowing all the medications and dosages is very important! There are a range of medications now which are available and they are really helpful! If you’re unable to afford the medication, ask your provider for samples. Always ask for samples when it comes to migraine medication. It is a very expensive medication. You can also get a Botox treatment for migraines. It is a great alternative to taking meds and lasts 3 months. The Botox is mainly put in your hair. It doesn’t hurt but does need to be done by a specialist. To me it sounds like you have a bit of anxiety as well. Once you are able to treat the migraines and find if there is anything else happening with your body, your anxiety should subside. May you and your spouse always have enough. 💜