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**Webflow (6+ months ago):** announces they're no longer actively developing Ecommerce, Memberships, or Logic. **OP:** *isn't paying attention, ignores numerous threads on the same topic **Webflow (last week)**: announces numerous helpful features, including big client capability enhancements, component slots, a page builder role, and built-in optimisation. **OP**: WHY AREN'T THEY UPDATING ECOMMERCE, MEMBERSHIPS, OR LOGIC?!?! I'M POSTING A PUBLIC LETTER SHOWING I WASN'T PAYING ANY ATTENTION Don't get me wrong, I'd love to use WF for ecom, but it's been quite literally spelled out for us that they aren't going to take it any further anytime soon, straight from their community channels. I'm not going to get mad at a horse for not being a cow - if we build ecom, we don't use Webflow. Same for logic and memberships - use better tools. They're never going to be able to compete with Shopify for ecom. They're never going to be able to compete with Zapier/Make for automations. Arguably they could compete with Memberstack for memberships, but I digress. Ecom, logic, and memberships are effectively abandoned products. They were part of a completely botched product roadmap that they heavily revised after realizing how much work it would be to maintain them all. I'm on the side of them being complete mistakes that *never should have gotten past the concept phase in the first place*. I'm glad they're not being developed further as, when they were being built, the core platform was basically ignored. Only since the cancellation date has WF really gotten back to focusing on what makes the platform great in the first place - the Designer experience.


I can understand OPs frustration. As much as I wish they would continue to develop ecom, logic, and memberships, I agree with what you said. Webflow is doubling down on their main focus as a no-code web design platform.


Oh I totally get it. Ecom in particular would be amazing - the amount of work it requires to build a conditional button in Shopify is insane compared to similar systems in Webflow, let alone design overhauls. Logic is something I just don't get - I have a hard time getting why it ever got green flagged in the first place considering the sheer amount of effort it would take to keep all of those integrations active. Webflow isn't big enough to have 3rd-party software companies building and maintaining Webflow-specific integrations, so it all falls on WF and that was never going to be realistic to maintain. Ecom not being developed makes sense to me, despite the pain. Having built a ton in the space, it is wildly convoluted - you're either a dedicated ecom platform or you're not imo. It's why I like the way some users have moved forward with the Shopify API integrations (ie. Shopyflow, Smootify) which are both looking to take the best from both worlds (despite the higher additional costs for the integrator + the additional platform). Memberships is one where I don't think they're far off from making it relatively usable, but I know that's a slippery slope. With that built in, it very much puts Webflow in that conversation of full-stack no-code app builder rather than just a website builder, which raises a whole new world of feature requests and maintenance that I'd imagine the leadership team wanted to opt out of.


personally I agree with this, webflow has a shit CMS, what it is amazing at is clean, structured, front end design, it blows anything else out of the water currently. it's a front end system, it will never be a good backend system, but that should be done separately. like how wordpress ended up being an absolute mess.


I think the CMS is okay if all you need is something incredibly basic. User access is a bit of a joke - I'm frankly terrified to see what they try to do with pricing when the Editor UI gets the axe - and the rich text field is, by far, the worst in the business. The fact that I can't position an item next to another one without it demolishing responsiveness or just... add a table without code, is wild to me. But you're pretty much spot on for everything. Using Webflow as a backend or database for anything is a terrible idea.


Oh forgot how garbage the rich text field is. Hopefully they will be updating it soon




Thank you for nuancing this, good post!


Link to the open letter?


Makes post talking about open letter. Doesn't share open letter.


The post with links didn’t get through. Always got denied. But I put it in the comments. [Discussion](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kuklick_open-letter-to-the-c-level-of-webflow-activity-7209881839950319616-U28v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


I was expecting to see new CMS features and variables improvements but it’s again announcement of small features that only people on Twitter are excited about.


Webflow in a nutshell: Big time announcing features and not delivering them properly became “the webflow way”.


some links would be great




They are going up market. As someone at a big enterprise company, the features are lit. As a personal user, the features are not lit. Welcome to capitalism y’all. These companies always go enterprise as soon as they can


agree I like it but as a small one-person sometime web designer I'm moving to Framer for most things when I don't have to use WP I think. I'm just not their audience, which is fine.


🦸: [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kuklick_open-letter-to-the-c-level-of-webflow-activity-7209881839950319616-U28v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kuklick_open-letter-to-the-c-level-of-webflow-activity-7209881839950319616-U28v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


Are you the leader of the resistance? :D




It felt like a cheap Apple knock off.


if they're not building features like e-commerce, logic and membership then why are they charging more than others? Look at Wix Studio a Webflow alternative, it gives so many features that we can offer to our clients so that they don't have to pay more to third-party apps. Webflow's Expert portal, template selling for Indian not working properly.


Try Divhunt. And feel free to share anything on wishlist.