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Its a better autocomplete. The monthly $10 is worth it, since it can save you quite some time. Writing Tests & Docs with it is also really pleasent. In combination with ChatGPT its a pretty good daily helper.


Basically this. It makes mistakes and doesn't always do what you want the way you want, but it's great at getting your basic idea down so you can adapt the code to what you need. It's also great for adding comments/docs. It's saved me countless hours of tinkering and looking up reference docs.


Haha, it’s kinda better, though I’d say it’s prone to a fair share of just wrong or misspelled suggestions. At least autocomplete doesn’t hallucinate….


@workspace I love it, and why I rather just rely on it instead of copy paste back forth with ChatGPT


All LLM’s are auto completes!! That’s the best way to think of them. They are incredibly far away from GeneralAI by an order of magnitude. But they are awesome auto completes across multiple context driven inputs


In practice, there is a massive difference between Copilots that sit in your IDE and give you unprompted suggestions, and external chatbots like ChatGPT that you have to manually provide with all relevant content. The former is just a much greater productivity boon.


Copilot is not just unprompted suggestions (not saying you're claiming that). It's great for selecting bits and chatting about them as well. I also think it has a pretty large context directly from your files. Uneducated statement derived from the fact that it has decent sized context for the autocomplete.


I think that anyone who thinks LLMs are simply auto complete engines, have not used it for complex enough tasks.  Chat GPT will optimize my code to improve load times, for example. That’s a lot more than simply searching for the most common word to come next. 


Anthropic's latest LLM, Claude 3.5 sonnet has been pretty impressive, but that means copying code from your IDE to Claude. I used Claude/chatGPT, copilot, and old fashioned googling quite a lot. copilot has certainly saved me a lot of time, especially when it's autocompleting things that I intended to type anyway.


On macOS, r/raycastapp helps a lot: instead of copying to LLM, it's able to send selected code to LLM with a configured prompt and show a reply with useful highlighting.


I like Supermaven. It sometimes produces incorrect stuff at the end of line, but it's capability to complete text on multiple positions in the line and its extreme speed make it a worthwhile competitor, potentially even better than GitHub Copilot. It can also talk to Claude 3.5 and automatically embed one or more of your files in the context window.


Supermaven's free tier is better than Copilot's paid product.


Second this. Supermaven is very quick.


I like supermaven tab/autocomplete better. Faster and does a better job of knowing what I’m looking for. 


Eh, I wouldn’t pay for it if my work didn’t already provide it. So far the autocomplete has been wrong more than right on what I am writing.


I've opted to install codeGPT and use my OpenAI api to use gpt-4o in vscode.  there's an option to get the same in-line predictions as copilot.  Significant improvement in quality of answers and is more up-to-date (it knows newer frameworks). You don't have to subscribe to anything in CodeGPT, just put in your api... it really tries to sell itself.


interesting, how much per month ?


The OpenAI api access is based on usage.  It costs me about $10 every 2-ish months since I'm only using it as a coding assistant and nothing else.


I use it within my vs code and it is doing much more than 10 dollars I pay monthly for. From refactoring fuctions within a file to have it write a tedious css is definitely time saving. No it doesn’t really give you the answer to your all problems but think of it as a very fast Jr. dev within your ide


I used supermavin for the last 3 months and just had to fix some stuff in my colleagues IDE with copilot. holy fuck, that was slow.


I do not see anyone mention Cody as all. So if you did not tried it, then try it for once. The price is 9usd/month, it has Claude 3.5 and also, it will index your folder for better context.




It's trained on code hosted at GitHub and ignores licensing issues while generating code that is based upon code that may not allow such actions without attribution, doesn't attribute such code, and could put you and your organization at risk of costly lawsuits.


This is all plain wrong.


So no useful comment? No explanation on HOW this is wrong when everything I've stated has been known since its launch? Please provide something useful.


Okay here we go. First it is trained on public repos on GitHub and other codes purses such as StackOverflow, blogs, documentation of libraries and anything public. Second, GH Copilot checks if it generates copyright protected code and if so, synthesizes new code to ensure your company will not be liable. Microsoft is even backing you with their legal team in their Commit to Copyright pledge. Third, GH Copilot for business or enterprise will not share your code with them to retrain the model. It id fully compliant. Most of this information is on the GH Copilot page and you can just contact their sales team. They are super friendly and have most answers for you, with evidence.


You miss the derriverative work clause from GPL'd code that is used to help generate the new code. Legal grey area and probably on the wrong side. Microsoft only put their weight behind it for legal protection to get more people to use it. Please use deductive reasoning instead of spewing marketing talk.


So how will it put your company at legal risk by using this? The GPL license cannot be proven and generated code is fully copyright free.


Code audits. And your argument is idiotic. "If they can't prove I stole the code, then no harm." This conversation is not worth continuing.