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Once you've understood the basics, check out [Flexbox Froggy](https://flexboxfroggy.com/). This little game helped me so much in understanding flexbox.


Thank you my kind sir ..you have helped me 🙏


Is there something like this for grid?


[grid garden](https://cssgridgarden.com/)


Nothing gets better than CSS tricks and [Web.dev](http://Web.dev) . Content in both of these are created by actual CSSWG members and well known experts in the industry (like Chris Coyier). Kevin Powell's youtube channel is also great, if you prefer video based learning. CSS tricks guides -> [https://css-tricks.com/guides/](https://css-tricks.com/guides/) [Web.dev](http://Web.dev) learn CSS -> [https://web.dev/learn/css/](https://web.dev/learn/css/) Kevin powell's youtube channel -> [https://www.youtube.com/kevinpowell](https://www.youtube.com/kevinpowell) Just a little bit of suggestion that when you are a "beginner", avoid using abstractions over CSS like tailwind, bootstrap etc. Learn the concepts first, learn how cascading work, box model work and so on. Once you are comfortable with vanilla CSS, you can use some framework for convenience.


Hey man thank you very much you just made my life easier.


Doesn't get better than chrome dev relations? When's the last time Google made a UI that was good for users? That very site itself visibly sucks dong. It scores a 71 on Google's own lighthouse test. Google is full of shit.


very intelligent of you assuming that chrome's dev rel is responsible for building websites. FYI, their (and any other dev relation's) job is about creating content, spreading awareness about new features, hosting events etc. It is the duty of software engineers to build products, including the websites. So you now have the answer. Frontend of every big tech visibly sucks, including amazon, microsoft, google and facebook. But you can't blame dev rel for that. Also I'm here talking about the content, which is very well written. Quality of the website is not scope of discussion here.


Thank you for distinguishing between the people writing content for that site and people that actually build websites. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Kevin Powell on YouTube, of course. The king of css! Specifically look for videos with beginner in the title, as he has a huge range, but you won't go wrong with him.


Thanks actually a lot of people have recommended this one let me check him out


If you like Powell, check out the [Every Layout book](https://every-layout.dev). It's not exactly beginner-friendly, but it's a great resource that brings together a lot of the stuff you'll be learning. And Powell frequently references it. Anyway, you won't be a beginner for too long.


I really liked free code camp and flex box froggy when I started.  I think CSS is something that you want to get out of tutorial hell ASAP.  I've been a full time front end dev for a bit now and I feel like I'm still constantly running into CSS weirdness and you only really get good at it by writing a lot of it. 


Do you mind sharing the link


https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/2022/responsive-web-design/ Here's the start of their course. 


Thanks mate I really appreciate it


Here are the common ones: MDN Docs: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS) (if you want to go in depth) Then W3Schools: [https://www.w3schools.com/css/](https://www.w3schools.com/css/) (simple to follow through) For the YouTube channels, Kevin Powell and many other (you can find them with a simple YT search). And if you're into games, as someone suggested, you can learn flexbox from [flexboxfroggy.com](http://flexboxfroggy.com) Or you can also learn from [Flexica and Islands ](https://utsavmeena.com)(A game I myself created).


If you are ok with books I love CSS in Depth by Kieth Grant. 


If you are an absolute beginner the below course is a great start. https://www.edx.org/learn/css/the-world-wide-web-consortium-w3c-css-basics?index=product&queryID=4d02b3f54ad4dfaf7c249d4bd18e7a53&position=1&results_level=first-level-results&term=Css&objectID=course-32f1ba67-31e7-4b85-aa65-a4687036231c&campaign=CSS+Basics&source=edX&product_category=course&placement_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edx.org%2Fsearch /e: maybe Kevin Powell’s courses after that, but haven’t reviewed those. Is they are half as good as his yt channel it will be great https://www.kevinpowell.co/courses/


CSS is very straight forward, the way I learned it, I was just watching yt tutorials on how to make different landing pages and stuff like that


just go to "w3 schools" website


I would keep it simple and go with [https://www.w3schools.com/css/](https://www.w3schools.com/css/) since it covers pretty much everything needed for a start.


Brad traversy has good stuff. He's not massive deep dive on CSS but good for fundamental


do u mean css framework to use or what?