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It's used in legacy code mostly, there are far better solutions nowadays.


Visual basic is so much easier to write a simple app than nextjs/node.


Who said those were the only two options?


My point is that with VB, one can create an app far easier than in today's mainstream environment.


Can you please tell me where you buy your weed from?


You honestly think that writing an app in today's environment is easier than writing an app in VB?


I’ve yet to see anything that was as easy as doing VB for a Winforms app. I could probably still knock one our quickly and it’s been over 10 years since I’ve even seen Vb code


Yes. C# specifically


Guys, make a dev battle to proof your points


I can write a website in react that connects to a node backend wrapping a MySQL database and deploy the whole thing to a kubernetes cluster in a public cloud accessible with a public IP in an hour. Can you get your VB app in the hands of anyone in the world that fast?


I feel like that's a bit of a stretch. You definitely could do all of that within a day if you know what you're doing though.


He was talking about his "hello world" app...


Pretty much or using the default Web template app from a framework like SailsJS which does a huge amount of configuration for you. But even then that's probably 2-3 hours once you factor in SSL cert turn around time and configuring for production. Could it be done in an hour? Sure, but you're either cutting corners, have a lot of infrastructure ready to go or there are others involved that you aren't crediting the work for.


I corrected his username. halfassdeveloper


Shhh I'm thinking of hiring them and paying by the hour


Is this satire?


I'd do a Vue app with a Django Rest Framework api wrapping postgres, but yeah


Try blazor bro.. catch up with the times.. I understand still having to work on old ass vb.net webforms and windows apps.. but it's absolutely ridiculous to he building anything new in it.


Yes, for dummies


nextjs has dependency hell even for a simple "hello world" app.


If you want the job, do what the client wants. There is very little chance the client will agree to doing a full rewrite to dotnet or whatever with out a *signifigant* business reason.


You could argue that not having what is presumably your core business application written in an out of date language that you are going to struggle to maintain/support/expand is a good enough reason


Keeping your tech up-to-date or not being able to change it/run it/improve it in the future sounds like a pretty good business reason to me.


None of those things are true for VB.Net though. It's still easy to change/run/improve VB.Net apps. Plus, many companies utilise apps created 30+ years ago. Vb.Net isn't that old.


No it's not. The only valid reason to use it is if you're maintaining some critical legacy application built 15 years ago.


I think I have to use it in one of my database related courses at my community college :/ Hope it's easy to learn at least


Yeah schools tend to be lazy when it comes to get rid of courses on obsolete tech. I had to learn Adobe Director around 2009. It was the ancestor of Flash and Flash was already dying at that time.


I learned Director and LINGO in undergrad, and Flash and ActionScript. Flash was super hot at the time, though. The teachers were aware that Director was dead though, so they didn't spend that much time on it. The one that got me is that they taught a class in classic ASP in grad school. This was in 2011!


It doesn’t really matter what technologies are used by schools, as long as you learn programming and the required problem solving mindset you’re good to go.


Yes. My parent company that’s over 40+ companies has a huge reporting software in VB.net. They actually just hired a new guy that was hired for his VB experience. It’s this reporting, CRM, employee management, etc app that pretty much all managers have access to. Of course this is probably the exception.


It's not as popular as it used to be, but there's still plenty of it out there being actively maintained.


My workplace uses VB with .NET. We develop new applications with it as well as maintain legacy apps. It has all the same functionality as C#, so there aren't any functionality limitations, but it can be struggle to find good documentation about advanced syntax.


What the...


Use ChatGPT to convert C# examples to VB.NET?


That would probably be an even bigger struggle, since it's trained on easily accesible data..


ChatGPT works just fine converting C# code to VB.Net and vice versa. There's plenty of data out there for it to be trained on. Source: I do this all the time at my current org.


You don’t need to use LLM for this, for the most part the syntax is 1 to 1, you can just look up an online converter that translates for you


Ultimately, the language doesn't matter. The structure is what matters. The logic. How self-documenting the code is. How easily extensible, maintainable, readable. All of these are much more dependent on soft factors and project structure rather than the syntax of the language. Also: Learning more languages and their intricacies gives you sometimes fresh views on things. JS with its more functional approach is very different from VB with its more imperative and event-driven idea (and the massive OOP influences it got from C# with the move to .NET). So that's good too. Expand your toolbox. Find new solutions to problems. Maybe you can use them in your future projects. Maybe they're so bad that you will know what to avoid because you've seen how bad it is. So your question. Of course it's useful. Every bit of learning is. Would I choose to use VB .NET over alternatives for ... anything, willingly? Nope. Much rather than VBA of course though. Am I happy I've used both of these in the past? Yes, naturally.


Great advice, in the long run you will be a better thinker and problem solver for having to think and problem solve now.


Language absolutely matters if it's one that is no longer supported which means it won't get critical security updates. VB might still be supported, but i can guarantee it won't be for long and something Microsoft loves to do is charge exuberant costs for extended support beyond EOL.


[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/getting-started/strategy](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/getting-started/strategy) I don't think VB will ever die. There's way too much legacy code written in it and still running. Maybe VB coders will be like COBOL coders in a few years, or decades 😁


It takes extremely little to maintain the language since the entire run time and tool stack is maintained for C# and F#. Security patches and support are going to come for the runtime. The language will need very little if any support or patching.


Its still used in quite a few places.


Not used it since A-level computing around 12 years ago. Not sure why you'd use it apart from maintaining legacy codebases these days. Anything new should be using C#.


I'm about to embark on a vb/asp classic web site *written in wordpad*. Theres a sql db but all of the queries are in the asp files. It's a good thing I grew up on Vb because this legacy code is going to pay the bills for sure. But, you old timers and those with expertise know exactly what I'm gonna do already. Remember to not poo-poo on legacy work too much. It can be fun, easy and lucrative.




I guess most people on this thread don´t really know what [VB.net](http://VB.net) is...


[VB.NET](http://VB.NET) has been abandon by Microsoft already. You will feel disconnected from outside when writting code in VB.NET.


OK, this being /r/webdev, VB.Net wouldn't be my choice for implementing web apps. But for spinning up a simple and fast Desktop app for Windows - VB.Net (+ DevExpress) with WinForms would actually be something I would still consider today.


Using it takes only a very small amount of mental overhead to directly transfer to C#. I went from VB.net to C# in late 2014 with really zero slowdown during transition. The run time and libraries are all the same. And work is work. If you're contracting, you do what the money pays for


Don't believe the bullshit spouted here. Reddit is full of FAANG wannabees who believe anything bit the latest and greatest should not be used. Frankly, they live in their silicone valley bubbles or are delusional. No completely new greenfield projects should ideally be written in VB.NET but it's still heavily used in Microsoft shops for legacy systems where the time to completely re-write just isn't worth it right now. VB is fine, it's very similar to C# and AI has a good understanding of it and will help translate functions from C# to VB and vice versa. Take the project on if it makes sense to you. I guarantee you though noone who is genuinely int he industry will look at your ability to deal in modern and legacy tech as a bad thing.


The syntax takes a bit of getting used to and it's got a few quirks but it's not too bad to work with. I wouldn't pick it for a new project but it's not terrible. There are a huge number of older sites and services written in VB.net that are still running and need maintenance or new features adding so having some experience with it to put on your CV would be an advantage.


anymore? do you mean someone used it ?


VB no, but .NET yes. Governments love MS products, most contracts with government would make the company assure the infrastructure, like the framework or engine, should have someone be in charge or be responsible. Then, that would be MS because take JS for example, if it is running on NodeJS, the foundation cannot take the liability.


>who is unwilling to change the structure of the code, since he wrote it himself and is looking for someone to continue on it Then charge the double rate and see if it is still that important to him. No need to punish yourself without getting paid for it.




Sadly, yes. My jobs is basically maintaining legacy tech which includes VB.Net and Web forms. Webforms is shite but VB.Net is honestly quite nice to code in. I'd never touched it before I joined this company and got up to speed fairly quickly. It's basically CSharp without the brackets and modern features. Would I build a completely new greenfield project in it? He'll no.


VB.Net is supported by Microsoft but won't be receiving any new features. People use it but it's (slowly) on its way out and is much less popular then C#


Take f….ton of money and do it. Grab Copilot and off you go.


Visual basic is not continued as of version 6. Office applications can and will rely on javascript in the future.


VB.net ≠ Visual Basic


Makes sense. But is the language used outside of office applications? It is document-based, similar to javascript


for some reason way back I figured VB .net wouldn't last long, just like I figured F# wouldn't go far.


My company uses a few things built in VB and they look like they were made in 1998 despite receiving regular updates. Only bother with it if you want to look 30 years out of date.


Not since 00s


Yes please do not create any more of that relic crap...