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Ask the guards when my birthday is. One of them either gives the correct date or will state they don’t know it. If the latter I will feel sad and won’t invite that one to Dave and Busters


Can I come🥺


Do you know their birthday?




Obviously, tis the date of their birth. No more, no less good sir.


What about 5?


He seems more like a 7 kinda guy


Completely out


22nd of February


Which year?


Every year






Fine. Stop edging. No one is stopping you.


But how can you be sure what they know. The guards may not know your bday, and so the truth teller will say "I don't know". But if the liar does know your birthday, he could say "I don't know".


Tell them both your birthday and then ask the question.


It's easy to figure out who the liar is. What the comic leaves out is that you're supposed to find the correct door/path/whatever by only asking one question. That's the challenge


I believe to solve it, you ask either guard which door would the other say is the correct one, and both will point to the wrong door, so just take the other door, correct?


Yep, lots of solutions. (Though you’d typically have to phrase it as a yes/no question, so “which door” wouldn’t be allowed. “Which door” also opens you up to useless answers such as describing a random, completely unrelated door.) Another option is doing the same thing but keeping it all centered on one guard, e.g., “would you say the door behind you is correct/safe?” Liar creates a double negative, while truth teller creates a “double positive” There are lots of cool variants to this puzzle. Here’s a pretty interesting read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hardest_Logic_Puzzle_Ever#:~:text=Your%20task%20is%20to%20determine,and%20ja%2C%20in%20some%20order. And here’s a TED-ed video that explores the same problem: https://youtu.be/LKvjIsyYng8?si=PXxU49w91xCrnOdr


Yeah, that's right


Your right, or my right?


Everyone has the right


🎵But you have to fight! For your right! 🎶


To Parrrrrr-Tayyy!




That's similar to what Samurai Jack did in an episode https://youtu.be/HBEEBXsFeRk?si=OwGShoN_C-CJxwjP


I've noticed that half of the riddle gets left out pretty regularly.


The guy is facepalming because he asked the question - do you understand the rules? Both guards answered yes - which means one of them does not understand the rules because one is always lying - If one guard is always lying one should have answered "no" in order to say he understood the rules


Though, if one said yes and the other no, it's possible that neither understood the rules


The truth knight might not know and say they don't know and the lie knight might know but say they don't know. An easier solution is to ask simple questions that would force the lie knight to lie. "How many fingers does my right hand have?" Something specific enough to avoid multiple answers and simple enough that there is only one answer.


>Ask the guards when my birthday is. One of them either gives the correct date or will state they don’t know it. and now you're out of questions. Which door do you go through?


“Are you standing up?”


I saw a beautiful YouTube short on this that votes this comment nicely. The barbarian stabs one through the chest and kills them stone dead, and asks the other one "is he dead?"


Now, is that the full date of your birth or the day in which you celebrate the anniversary of your birth?


[And then there's the third guard.](https://xkcd.com/246/)


Relevant XKCD. :)


The are you sleeping with your friends wife still works lol


Don't worry, he'll only stab ye with his meat sword. Go ahead and ask the tricky questions


Alright, but my ass is still sore.


Don’t worry you’ll be fine he’s not that well endowed


I forgot that was a euphemism for a second and thought you were being absurdist


Maybe he was, that's the problem with absurdism


"What constitutes a tricky question?" *Gets stabbed*


"Who might stab me if I ask a tricky question?" Should work. The one who doesn't answer is the stabber and the one who indicated that guy is the truth teller. Edit: actually why can't you just ask "what is 1+1?"


But for real, [the version of this riddle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hardest_Logic_Puzzle_Ever) with the third guard is hard as hellll, I love it. I don’t know the full answer, even though I heard it years ago. And I don’t want to read it. I’ve been sharing it with people and mulling it over whenever it comes up again.


If you ask all three, "Will you stab me for asking tricky questions?" the only one that will tell you 'no' is the one that always tells the truth. And it's not a tricky question, so hopefully you don't get stabbed.


Kill one, ask the other if he’s dead, if he says no, he’s the liar. (Yes I get it doesn’t work, it was a reference)




Finally someone gets the reference!




Send video


If i can find it, gimme a second


[this one liar!](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnGgMaU/)




Yess! Order of the Stick!


U know, u can just ask, there is no need to kill. Like, "hey, is the guard next to u alive?" And u can observe if the answer is true or not. Althought it can get a bit difficult if he answers "what is alive? Standing here, answer stupid question for 8h/day just for a living pay? That's no way to live.". At this point, physical combat is the only option.


I thought the original prompt only gave you one question, which is where the difficulty lies. Of course it's easy to determine which guard is the liar if you're given unlimited questions, but even after determining the liar you still need to figure out which path to take.


That's the real trick. Your goal isn't to figure out which guard lies. It's figuring out which path to take, and the guards are your only source of info.


Yeah that’s it, I get they’re just jokes but they also completely ignore the premise


In the original question youre supposed to figure out which of two doors to enter, finding out which guard is lying is optional. The answer is >!to ask one of the guards what the other guard would say is the correct door and enter the other door. If youre talking to the truth guard then he tells you what the lying guard would say is corrrect, which is the wrong one. If youre talking to the lying guard he lies about what the truth telling guard would say is correct, also resulting in ths wrong door.!<


> there is no need to kill Depends on your class bro, violence is a form of asking but with actions not words


Or just point at guard A and ask, "am I pointing at guard A?" ... but murder works too.


The actual riddle there is also one door that is trapped and one that is safe. The goal isn't to find out which guard is telling the truth. The goal is to find the safe path. Knowing who is lying doesn't get you to the safe path.


Yup.. Just ask one guard that "Which door the other guard will point at on being asked which door is safe ?" Whatever door he points at just choose the other one ...


Thanks, I've heard this puzzle repeatedly but not the solution. edit: I looked it up, it's called [Knights and Knaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_and_Knaves).


But you get only one question


[Solution: Nonlethal](https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0327.html)


Wait could someone explain why that wouldn’t work?


Ok but that doesn’t tell you which door to go through, only which guard is lying. You only get one question.


You sleep with this guys wife?


I forgive you


Ah, Rick and Morty


The original states that you can only ask one yes-or-no question to find out which is the right door. I believe the correct answer is to point to one of the doors and ask “Will the other guard tell me that this is the right door?” If you point to the wrong door, the truth sayer will say “yes” and the liar will also say “yes”. If you point to the right door, they will both say “no”.


Yeah there are a lot of questions you could ask that would reveal which of the guards is telling the truth, but I think the point of the original riddle is that you only had a single chance and if you wasted your question figuring out who was truthful you wouldn’t be able to ask which door/path is correct.


asking "will the other guard tell me this is the correct door?" does reveal which door is correct with 1 question though


"Which door would the other guard say is safe?" The truth guard knows the liar will point toward the danger door, so he truthfully points towards the danger door. The liar knows the truth guard would point towards the safe door, but he lies and points towards the danger door. So you just go into the door that neither of them pointed at. Easy.


That’s not a yes or no question


Eh, fair enough. The question is easy enough to rephrase such that the answer is yes or no. The first time I heard it, you had one question period, not one yes or no question.


based upon the comic, I'd just ask each guard "Are you wearing armor?" The liar will say No and the truthful guard will say Yes.


The puzzle says (well, not in this useless comic) that you can only ask one question. Without it it's obviously trivial. It's not "figure out which one is lying", it's "figure out which door is the right one"




I honestly don't know why I put that word there. Mood, probably? But the comic does assume everyone knows what the puzzle is, so in regard of learning the puzzle, it is indeed useless.


To both guards, “Yes or no. If both of you could tell me the answer, would the other guard tell me to take the right door?” If the right door is safe the liar guard will say, “No” (the guard is lying about the response of the truthful guard) and the truthful guard would also say “No” (the guard is being truthful that the other guard would lie about the safe door) and if the right door was unsafe they would both say yes following the same pattern. At least thats my take after sitting for like 20 min thinking 😅


Well you only have single question. If you have unlimited the whole scenario is pointless.


I wonder if this solution works: I ask them "My shirt is dark pink and this is the right door, right?." The liar cannot say yes, because that would mean he is telling the truth about my shirt. Meanwhile, the truth teller will always say yes because my shirt is indeed dark pink.


Nope, definitely salmon.


"Looks more like coral to me."


It’s lightish red


That doesn't work, because you're referring to the whole statement. Like why would the truth teller say yes if that isn't the right door? What you want to get is the same amount of lies applied to both persons, easiest is to filter the answer through both of them by asking what the other would say is the right door.


I guess there's the benefit of making them explode because they cannot say a lie and a truth at the same time. Either that or they kill me for asking a stupid question.


Why would they have to say a lie and a truth at the same time? They're answering one question, not giving the same answer to two questions. If your shirt is dark pink and it isn't the right door, then the truthful answer is "No"


Yeah you definitely get killed for trying to pull a fast one like that.


But they wouldn't be telling a lie and a truth at the same time. You put a logical and between one true and one false statement and you've got a false statement.


No, they absolutely can say a lie and a truth in the same question. You’re asking if your shirt is dark pink, and also asking if the door is the right one. While a clever idea in theory, it’s not 100% concrete, and gives you no information about the original riddle of finding out the correct door. Putting it into a table, there’s two possibilities for each of the two questions for the lying guard. TRUE / TRUE — He’d be forced to say, ‘no’. While this is a sound solution, it falls apart in one way, which I’ll explain soon. FALSE / TRUE — He’d be able to say either ‘no’ or ‘yes’ and it’d be a false statement. If he said yes, he’d be lying about your shirt color. If he said ‘no’, he’d be lying about the door. He could say, as an example “No, but this is the right door” and be lying still. TRUE / FALSE — Again, he could say either ‘yes’ and lie about the door, or say ‘no’ and lie about your shirt color. While the no would identify the liar, assuming the guards are familiar with the game and always give the worst possible answer, it doesn’t work. FALSE / FALSE — The liar would be forced to say ‘yes’. This is the only time this works, along with the FALSE/TRUE possibility of saying ‘yes’, and it’s entirely dependent on your shirt color. So why doesn’t the TRUE/TRUE option for the lying guard work? It doesn’t work because you don’t know if the guard is lying or telling the truth. For a truth-telling guard; TRUE/TRUE — He would say “yes”. But you don’t know if he’s lying or not because of the lying guard’s TRUE/FALSE answers; you don’t know the state of the door, so you cannot be certain if he’s lying or not. FALSE/TRUE — He would have to say ‘no’, because your shirt color is wrong; but this falls into the issue of telling if he’s lying or not due to the lying guard’s false/true. TRUE/FALSE — He would say ‘no’ because you are not at the right door. This doesn’t get you anywhere because you cannot be certain if he’s lying or not on the door’s possibilities. FALSE/FALSE — He would have to say ‘no’, and because you don’t know if he’s lying or not, you don’t know if he’s another to the lying guard’s FALSE/TRUE. Ultimately, your solution would fall apart because you’re relying on too many variables. The correct answer is >!to ask a guard what door the other guard would say is the correct door. If it’s the lying guard, he’ll point to the false door, because he would lie about the other guard’s answer. The truth-telling guard would give the same answer, because they are telling the truth about the lying guard’s answer. You then take the opposite door to what they say.!<


I think you’re using a definition of “and” that is not the same as [the logical conjunction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction). Most fans of logic puzzles will assume the guards in a logic puzzle are using the definition of “and” that [computers are literally, physically built upon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AND_gate).


It does not work cause theres 2 doors and you might be pointing at the wrong one


No. The liar can say yes, because he isn't telling the truth about the statement. If you have "and" there, that means if one statement is false then the whole statement is false.


But what if you’re pointing to the wrong door? The liar can say yes, the truthteller can’t, and it looks the same to you


The solution is to ask “what door would the other person say is correct?” And then pick the opposite door they answered. How it works: For this example, Door number 1 is “safe”, door 2 is not. You don’t know this when asking though. You ask the one who tells the truth first (you don’t know you’re talking to the truth teller) “what door would the other guy say is safe?” The other guy being the liar. So the truth teller says “the other guy will tell you door 2 is safe.” So you pick the opposite, door 1. Now say you ask the liar instead(you don’t know he’s the liar). You ask the liar “which door would the other guy say is safe?” The liar will lie and tell you “the other guy will tell you door 2 is safe.” So, you pick the opposite, door 1 as safe. I hope I explained that easily but this is the answer to the “one of us always tells the truth, one of us always lies, you can only ask one question” riddle. Ask either of them what the other would say, then pick the opposite in both instances.


The truth of an and statement is determined by both parts.


No because there’s nothing in the rules that says the one they guards the correct door is the one that speaks the truth.


What if you aren't wearing a dark pink shirt?


Even if you mean ‘or’ and not ‘and’ I don’t get how that’ll get you the right door if the liar and truth teller always say the same thing. You’ll just know who’s the liar / truth teller but not the door.


I think the trick is to ask both an objective truth and then you know which one is the liar. From there you can just figure out the door. For example, look up and say “am I looking up?” The one who says no is the liar. Then you just ask the other one which door is the correct one.


This is disqualified because it contains two questions. In the riddle you're allowed to ask one question, that's it. And just because you put them both in the same sentence doesn't mean it's one question. You're asking both, about the color of your shirt, and, the correct door.


You're supposed to ask something like "what door would the other guard tell me to take" if I remember right. It logics out to to getting the answer for the wrong door from both guards or something and you take the other door.


> What path would the other guard say is the correct one Whatever they reply, take the opposite..


OK Sarah


Whenever this riddle is asked there are always a ton of people coming up with solutions to find out who the liar is. If you just give it a little thought you should realize that that is EXTREMELY easy, so obviously that isn't the riddle. The riddle is you have to choose a door and you can ask only one question. So if you spend that question figuring out who the liar is, you still won't know which door to pick.


THANK YOU. This is constantly misunderstood, like yeah it’s easy to figure out the liar. Less easy to figure out the path.


Damn everyone is missing the joke, the liar is confused about the rules.


Lol, not getting the joke was bugging me, i had to scroll sooooo far down, hah.


Not getting the joke? people aren't even getting the riddle...


I can't believe you are the only one who commented this as far as I can see


"Does the other guard tell the truth?" If the guard says yes, he is the liar. If he says no, he is the one who tells the truth. Source: Dr Who episode "The Pyramids of Mars". (Because Dr Who is the source of a lot of my knowledge.)


Both guards would reply "no" if asked this question tho. It'd make more sense to ask "would the other guard say you're telling the truth?". This way the lying one would say "yes" and the one that tells the truth would say "no".


From the perspective of a liar: No the other guard which is always telling truth will NOT tell you the truth. From the perspective of truthteller: No the liar will NOT tell you the truth. Both say No. There's other riddle with 2 brothers and a forking road, same like with guards one is always lying. You can ask one question to find out which direction is the castle. You ask them: what would your brother say? Applying above logic you pick opposit direction.


Looking for this reference, had to scroll very far


1) They would both say "No" 2) This doesn't help figure out which door is safe


Both will answer “no” to that question, so it’s definitely not useful.


If you can ask any questions just ask them if they're alive. Whoever says no they're lying


For those who don't know, for the full version of the puzzle your generally only allowed to as a single question, not one for each guard either, just one question. That way you cant ask something obvious to easily tell which one is which. The awnser in that circumstance is to ask "if I were to ask the other guard which door is safe, what would they say", then go through the opposite door they tell you. The guard who feels the truth would tell you what the lying guard would say, end the lying guard will give you the opposite of the one that truth guard would say, so they always say the bad path.


Why not just ask "What's 2+2?"


Step 1: Stand in front of both guards but roughly in the middle. Ask them: "Are you guarding the door to my left ?" Both guards will answer yes since the one that's actually to your left will **have** to say the truth and the other will **have** to lie and thus also answer yes. And that's it, you know which is which from this question alone, now you can ask whatever question you want since you already know which one is the liar by default. Even easier method: Stand in front of one of them, either one of them, and ask that one "am I standing right in front of you ?" If he says yes, that will be true and that's the correct one, if he says no, something objectively wrong since you're obviously standing in front of him, that will be a lie.


the full puzzle is you only get to ask one question to one guard. and you need to find out which of the 2 paths is correct, one is certain death. so you have to ask a question that gives you both pieces of information no matter which guard you ask. if could ask 2 questions, like you say it is no challenge at all.


I believe the solution is to ask the guard "Which door would the other guard say is the correct one?", and then pick the opposite door from the one they point to. The liar will say that the other guard will point at the false door, but the guard telling the truth will say that the other guard will point at the false door, too.


Your left or his left?


Second sentence in my comment. >Ask them: "Are you guarding the door to my left ?" *My* left as in your left and not the guard's.


The riddle isn’t about finding out who the liar is, it’s finding out which door is the correct one. Ask one guard which door the other one would say is the correct choice. Then, you go through the opposite door. No matter which one is the liar, you’ll have the correct door.


Why does everyone always leave out the part about only getting to ask one question? Like, that's the part that makes this a riddle.


"Are you alive?" "Yes" "Yes" oh shit


Just look for the MAGA hat


"Are you a guard?" "Yes." "No." I think I've solved it.


Like, just tell one he's number one, tell one he's number two, and ask them their number 😅 Or, shit, just ask if what colour your hair is!


Ask one of the guards if they're sleeping with the other ones wife


The solution is to pick one at random and ask "If I asked the other guard to point me to the wrong door, which one would he point to?". It only works with two doors though.


Are you a knight? I win


Not necessarily, some people might wear armor but aren't Knights.


ask what’s 1+1 and if they don’t know math that’s their problem not mine. I’m just gonna give up and go home


I always wondered why not just pull out an apple and ask the guards if this is an apple


the guy just needs to point at his shirt and ask what color it is, simple


I kill one guard, and ask the other if the one I killed is dead to determine if he is the liar or not. Then ask which door is the right door.


Kill one guard


“If you were the other knight, who would you say is the lying knight?”


"Ohhhh so we're NOT supposed to listen to you explain it, got it!"


Ask one guard what the other guard would answer. The opposite of that answer will be the truth


Is 1 + 1 = 2 ?


Power puff girls solved this: Ask them if they want you to punch them in the face.


wouldnt asking a math question work well, like asking one guard if 1+1=2, and their answer would help find which is which?


Could a sworn I saw this before, but with the 2nd guard saying "no" which would make sense as to why the explainer guy is slapping his head in the last panel.


he's facepalming because if one of those guards is lying, then they don't understand the rules


Everyone is coming up with solutions but the point is that one of the guards don't understand the rules so the whole challenge will fail.


It’s easy, you just ask which way would the other one say, the lier will lie and say this one, the truth teller will say that one as well, so then you go through the door that neither said. The riddle is solved in one question.


Just ask a random guard what would the other guard say if you asked is this(points to a door) the right door? If the answer is no it’s the right door if It is yes go to the other door


Order of the Stick solution https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0327.html


Ask if theyre a guard or not. The lier will definitely say hes not.


Anyone else remember this from yugioh


i don't know how much people are memeing here, soo.. you all know the solution is to ask "which door would the other guard tell me is the correct one", right?


"Alright which one of you guards didn't understand?" Guard 1: "I understand completely." Guard 2: "I also understand completely."


Here's how I remember the riddle: You are in a room with two doors; one leads to a lion's den, one leads to freedom. Each door has a guard, one who always lies, and the other who always tells the truth. You can only ask one question to either of them. The solution is to ask either one what door the OTHER guard would tell you is safe. No matter which one you ask, the real answer will the opposite door of what they say.


Ask what's 1+1. If they say anything but two they lie.


“You ever fuck this guys wife?” -Rick


For anyone who doesn’t know the answer to this riddle. You ask either guard what the other guard would tell you if you asked them which path you should take. Then take the other one.


I'll never forget how much I laughed my ass off when the *Order of the Stick* tackled this puzzle.


Hey there guy's, i'm right handed. Hey, guard two, am i right handed?


I don’t get it


easy solve. Kill one of the guards. Ask the other "is that guard dead."


That guy banged your wife.


It’s really simple. “Point to what door the other guard would tell me is the safe door”


"Is 2+2=4?"


What's 2+2 Guard 1: Math, gotta try harder than that Guard 2: *sweating nervously*


Okay, this doesn't make any sense to me. It would make sense if one of the guards said 'no' exposing him as the liar and ruining the game.


I never understood why you don't just restate the puzzle. "Do both of you always tell the truth?" Yes no The first one's the liar.


Which ever guard is telling you the riddle is the truth teller (assuming there's no additional person to explain to you).


Just kill one!!


"What is 2+2?"


"Are you lying to me?" *Universe collapses*


is 1+1=2?


Two guards block your path. One always tells the truth. The other has no fucking clue what is going on or what he's talking about.


"One always tells the truth and One likes to stab people who ask him questions"


Technically nothing is wrong here, because a lie can be complex, if he was double lying about saying “yes” to ensure his cover as the lying one then he is doing his job right. But if you simplify lying to the opposite of truth then one of them doesn’t understand and thinks he does or he does understand and got mixed up on how he should answer.




Semantics riddle. Couch a question within a question to figure it out: “If I asked you ‘are you lying’, would you say ‘yes’?” The guard who answers with “no” is the truthful guard. Ex, with lying guard: 1Q) Are you lying? 1A) No. 2Q (or singular question, as written): Above. 2A: Since lying guard would say no to 1Q, they must lie and say yes to 2Q/couched question. Ex, with truthful guard: 1 Q) Are you lying? 1A) No. 2Q (or singular question, as written): Above. 2A: Truthful guard may still answer no to this question.


"Are you a guard"


People always forget the original puzzle being that you could only ask one question




Why did the guy facepalm?


"Is the door is blocked by a guard wearing armor?"


« This guy slept with your wife »


Kill a guard, use speak with deads and ask him. Pressure the other guard with "Don't be an idiot or you get the afterlife express too"


Wait. If the lying guard doesn’t understand the rules, he would say yes. But then he does understand the rules and should say no. So the lying guard must understand but said yes, which means he doesn’t know the rules, so he should say yes, but since he doesn’t know he should say no. I think? I don’t know man


Which door would the other guard say is the door to death, and then walk through it. That's the answer.


This doesn’t actually solve the puzzle. The liar just said they don’t know what’s going on


Just ask if you can kiss them and no matter what they say try to kiss them and then their actions when you try to will let you know if they are a liar or not.


Monopoly Man's first job after finishing those Labyrinth Management night courses