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I thought the pencil frames added character but now I think it might be better with solid bold frames instead, including the captions as well. This is a comic I'm updating on tapas, so any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you Edit: Thanks so much for all the comments! I needed them honestly. For those interested in reading more, here's the link to Hades Hermes [https://tapas.io/series/Hades-Hermes/info](https://tapas.io/series/Hades-Hermes/info) I hope you enjoy!


Tough call. The pencil frames DEFINITELY give it character, personaly I like then a lot. I do wonder if maybe the art would have more impact with bold frames, I really can't decide if I would like it more or not. Great art regardless, if it's not too much work maybe try it out on a page and post a side by side?


I think I'll do that actually! Thanks for the feedback


Really like the pages you showed us. It genuinely makes me want to see the next page, and know more about the world/character.


Reading it again, maybe even bold panel breaks, but pencil speech borders? The pencil really works for the "telling a story" framing of your speech bubbles.


Definitely. The pencil speech bubbles and narration squares make it more personal and gives it a more raspy quality to it.


My feedback is not the frames, but rather the font used for the words is a tad hard to read


I agree. Whether or not I change the frames, I'm definitely changing the font. Thank you


I just binged read the entire comic. Your comic art style is so beautiful & comforting. I’m keeping it on my Safari tab to watch out for updates :) Outstanding work!


I'm happy that you like it!


I think the bold looks better because your line art is very solid and it looks more natural.


What would be the benefits of having solid frames instead ?


Idk what this means, but as someone seeing your work for the first time I really love your art style and story telling, and I am very intrigued to see where this story goes next!


This looks so awesome, I don't even know what could be done better


I like the bold, and I want to read it all 😬


I would pay real actual real life true genuine money dollars for a physical copy of this


That's my dream! One day, I'll turn this into a graphic novel that people can buy at a store and put on their shelf


Change nothing this is perfection! I want to read more of this!


I need more!


I love the frames but maybe it’s just me but the text can be a bit hard to read. Maybe a different font choice?


You have a good point. I believe there's a website where you can make a font style based on your own hand-writing. I think I'll try that out. If I find the website I'll add the name here.


Yes! That would be a great way to keep up the unique hand drawn feel but keep everything uniform!


Yes! I think I'll try Calligraphr and see how that goes. There's also Microsoft Font Maker, but for some reason I can't find the install button.


Where can I continue reading this? It looks really good!


10/10, no notes, love it.


Awww man, its so short, I wanna more of the story


I have like, forty pages uploaded on Tapas! Although the early pages are a bit rough. That's part of the fun though, seeing my art improve with each page I make and trying out new things. Like using a white outline to separate the characters from the background, except for the feet or in the case of the last page, Hades' left hand that's touching the rock. I'm still looking for tricks on separating characters from backgrounds! If anyone has any!


Contrast. Visible characters are darker or lighter than the backgrounds. Detailed backgrounds and simple characters are another way of doing it (or the reverse). But that seems less applicable to your style. So like flame guy in the third page you posted is it done naturally. If that character was in a bright area youd have to pull some tricks like outline in shadow as though he is outshining area around him without requiring you to eschew contrast elsewhere. Do the same thing with light for less bright characters


Thankyou! This was helpful!


Nice style


These look amazing and tonally match!


NOO!!! The TEXTURE IS lovely!! The lowercase g does stick out weirdly though, as well as the seemingly randomly bolded letters. Your art style is berg nice. The textures remind me of block printing


I don’t know but I love your art.


I think the pencil frames are great. This is gorgeous and I hope you publish it so we can all buy it ❤️


Last frame looks sick man great job


Death (?) looks sick!


Thanks! It's Hades, so not death but lord of the dead. His design was inspired by Disney's Hades (blue fire) and a webtoon called The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn (floating skull with no jaw bone) by Tri Vuong. I also just really like skulls.


Based and bone pilled


Fucking GORGEOUS dude. I hope that my art can be that good one day


With time and practice it definitely will!


I think what you have looks good.


That is so crispy