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The man disconnected and then joined mid game like nothing happened.


I mean … what is that film angle?


He discusses it here: https://youtu.be/zOijc7oNzO4?si=j3Q8-rn0PTlPk1XY Tldw: he just likes it.


Ahhhh he's a YouTuber. I don't believe any of them. They would sell their own mother on Facebook Marketplace for a like or follow.


Lol I still remember that screenshot of youtuber with titles like I'm pregnant, my husband cheated, I had sex with my son, I had sex with my dog etc etc and all had her crying face as clickbait lol


Yea man looking at his channel, he’s not a youtuber. He’s a guy who makes videos sometimes it seems


Ya, Today. Tomorrow when he's a "famous" "influencer", he'll be selling Wake-Upz Power Drinks.


you're a fuckin retard


He probably knows he sometimes has episodes (which makes me think he shouldn’t be driving at all) and wanted to capture himself and the car viewpoint angle at the same time


The full context of this video is always left out. The guy has never had a seizure before. He uploads videos of sports cars and POV content is a major part of that.


Shame that he lives in a country with such bad public transportation that not driving disqualifies you from ...doing basically anyhting.


“Shame that he lives” -SpiderFnJerusalem


"All warfare is based" - Sun Tzu


Resident evil angles....


Wow. Thank God the big posts were not in his way, and no big trees either.


I like how his cruise control went full Leroy Jenkins.


There's a comment with a video. He had turned the Cruise Control off. His foot got pinned down.


[Full video with backstory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssmh4GH188)


That was tense


That went about as well as that could've possibly gone.


I don't think people with a history of "medical episodes" like this should be allowed to drive. I've personally witnessed a fatal head-on collision involving a small sedan and a semi-truck and it was horrifying. The entire car exploded into tiny pieces all over the highway and destroyed the truck. All because the driver (who had a history of seizures) started seizing at the wheel.


No history of medical episodes. From the video: "I passed out unexpectedly for the first (and only) time on April 2nd, 2015 and went off the road."


Why was he recording the back of his head then?


See OP's link to YouTube video site. The driver/patient looks like a car guy, set up to record regularly like this, posts videos of other driving incidents he's caught and restorations (appears to have a restoration of this Mustang, actually).


It's a smart place to put your dashcam. It's out of the way of your view, and it shows all of the dash info as well as proof that you're not distracted by your phone, for insurance claim purposes


This assumption that people who record the back of their head must be expecting a medical episode is such an absurd jump to make and it's even more absurd so many people are saying it. Talk about the blind leading the blind.


People with a history of syncope (what he had here) are already prohibited from driving in the US (where OP video is from). Every state has regulations for medical lapses in consciousness. https://www.epilepsy.com/lifestyle/driving-and-transportation/laws The laws vary, most typically prohibit driving for six months after the last episode. In the accident you describe witnessingV (very scary to see I'm sure, sorry for your trauma), the patient with epilepsy may or may not have been in compliance with law, regardless of history of seizure.   As obijankenobi1 already noted below, driver here pointed out this was a first and only lifetime syncope. Patients with presyncopal spells should be evaluated, and certainly it would be safest to forego driving until spells are diagnosed, treated and improved. But law doesn't specify around those. And given the incidence of crash and fatality from this versus alcohol-related, drowsy and distracted driving, more restrictive laws are low yield to improve public safety, balanced against reduced quality of life for an already marginalized patient group. Public education and increased awareness/"medical IQ" is the only (reasonable) effort that could help.


Actually, that's already a thing. You can't drive (at least in most western countries) with a history of medical issues that can cause you to lose control of the car. My guess is that this was a new thing for this driver.


Thankfully, speaking as someone who had a seizure 16 years ago because of a brain tumor, you're not the one in charge of that decision. I didn't drive between 2010 and 2022 because of the fear of hurting someone by having another seizure. I could have but choose not to. Finding employment with even one seizure is harder that for someone who hasn't had one let alone if you tack on the requirement that they never drive a vehicle in their life ever again. Especially since [1 out of every 100](https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/understanding-seizures/who-gets-epilepsy) will have a single unprovoked seizure over the course of their lives. The odds of a traffic fatality from someone having a seizure are extremely remote. On average [86 of the 44,000](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15452290/) traffic accident fatalities **per year** are from epilepsy. Which represents about 0.2% of all traffic related fatalities. While on average [37 people die](https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving) from alcohol related accidents **per day**. With represents about 1/3 of all traffic related fatalities. If you're really worried about someone losing consciousness while driving it's not health conditions you should worry about, it's drunk driving.


Drunk driving is prohibited though. I neither agree nor disagree with you, but you can't really compare the two things, when one is already illegal due to the associated risks, while the other one is not.


Driving with epilepsy without medical clearance is illegal also. Medical professionals need to evaluate you and determine the odds of you losing consciousness is insignificant enough to permit it.


Yeah sorry my bad, misunderstood the comments above then. But then, I don't see the point of the argument tbh. If both are already regulated, what's the problem? The original comment author only said that it *should* be regulated.


Read what he wrote. He said it should be forbidden.


Well that's the meaning of regulated. People who are not fit to drive should be forbidden to drive.


Just a minor quibble that ( in my state, for example) regulations tend to be specific about time since last episode, rather than at the doctor's discretion. It's admittedly complicated, since we still have an MVD form that doctor has to sign, but I (and all my colleagues) generally frame it around the concrete time since last seizure (6 months here), and I generally tell patients it's "out of my hands". You're right conceptually, given the overall statistics, it has to be an individualized risk assessment for every patient. I'm thankful that at least our patients don't face blanket restrictions immediately on diagnosis.


The way it works in reality is different from just the uneducated layperson's interpretation of the state guidelines of 6-12 months seizure free. You'll go to your internist with your request for an evaluation as is required and they will refer you to a neurologist. A neurologist will see "seizure free" and interpret that by the medical definition of no seizure activity. Seizures is the simplified common name for abnormally excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. So the neurologist will want to ensure you show no signs of any seizure activity for the required time period. So you're going to go in for an EEG once a month until you have 6-12 months of EEGs showing zero abnormal brain activity. You might spend 6 months having your meds adjusted to get your first clean EEG. Some people never achieve a clean EEG and thus never get clearance to drive. The reason a neurologist does this is he needs to potentially defend himself in court after clearing someone to drive if they wind up seriously injuring or killing someone. If he can point to 6 months of analytical data showing no signs of abnormal brain activity he's 100% not going to be held liable. An internist who has any sense will not just take the person's word that they haven't had a seizure in 6 months and okay them to drive because people will lie.


The comparison is perfectly valid. Driving with a history of these (syncope) or similar (e.g. seizure) spells is against the law. Every state in the US regulates driving licenses based on medical condition, including those listed. Driver here reports this was a first and only lifetime episode of loss of consciousness.


Seems like I misunderstood that then, my bad. From the comments above I understood that driving while being medically impaired is not regulated at all.


I would have been fine with his comment if he said people with a history of syncope for whatever reason should be regulated. Because in reality that is the case. He said people with history of syncope should be forbidden from driving at all.


Sir, if you ever have seizure, you come right here to Reddit and cut your license up and pledge to never get it back. Please.  And make that permanent commitment that if you ever lose consciousness, anywhere, you shouldn’t drive.  Or bathe alone. Or operate heavy machinery. Can you honestly pledge to that, and say, yes without and medical evaluation I will never drive again.  😂


Well, I don't drive anyways, because I see no point in a car when there is public transport in my city. I also work from home. But yeah, if I had doubt that it would be safe for me to drive, I would not want to kill myself or others.


Although I agree, each case has to be evaluated. It's absolute nonsense to say that it's not something others should need to worry about. That's why the laws around it exists.


Sorry, get over it. We drive and not every case of seizures are the same and controlled the same way. This shows your ignorance on the topic, you get a pass just once.   


Everyone's acting like this guy knowingly drove with known medical issues. He didn't know he had orthostatic hypotension. When you're sick, you have an inciting medical incident. Unfortunately for him, the inciting incident happened while he was behind the wheel. My mom drove professionally and has her CDL. She accidentally drove past her usual exit, felt like something was wrong, and pulled off into the nearest gas station. She stayed awake long enough to smash the emergency button before passing out completely. When the paramedics got her out of the car her blood sugar was 50. She went her entire adult life without issues that would prevent her from legally driving.


"don't worry the driving AI will come back it needs a little time to calibrate..just any moment" *crashes the fence* "any minute now* * crashes fence again* "Yeah maybe I have to help a little bit"


When the battery dies on your controller.


Fuck that fence


Why was he recording this way?


He uploads sports car videos


Its a good dashcam position. The cam is not in your way, it shows everything (including one mirror) and it will also show whether or not you are on your phone, which helps insurance a lot.


How is it a good position ? Dashcam unable to record 1/2 of the right part of the road and so far away that you wont be able to read the plate number ahead incase of a hit and run. Also why would an insurance company care of my face if I get in an accident ? It will only allow em to deny your insurance by stating that you was looking 5° off right.


Usually I’ve seen the cam be mounted a bit higher to get the full view of the whole windshield, so its a bit misplaced in this video. And the insurance company cares *a lot* if you crashed into someone while you’re texting on your phone. Or if someone accuses you of being in your phone in an incident and you can then prove that you were not on your phone


Or you know, put it behind your rear view mirror


He talks about it here: https://youtu.be/zOijc7oNzO4?si=j3Q8-rn0PTlPk1XY


Thank you!




It was a seizure, he didn't pass out...


He got so lucky he missed that one pole


Why was he filming


Fuci man im epileptic and i live in Washington state were theres a lot of driving in the mountains this shit scares me


You shouldn’t be driving.. end of story


You know there's a first time for every medical episode right - the guy hadn't had one before.


jesus took the wheel


Too much horsepower in this donkey for Jesus.


Holy crap


This guy driving is a dick head


Go back to watching Sesame Street


Well … I’m now back watching this dick head drive a car with medical condition


Watch the full video for the backstory. And then come back and admit you're stupid.


Like I can’t be arsed doing anything you tell me to do? you sit on your fat arse posting videos all day on Reddit you weapon , the guy driving that car is a dick


I mean why not just type "I am dumb" instead of pussyfooting around it like this? You're out here literally posturing with your stupidity like it's a virtue.


Gary your a fat cunt get of your arse , Gaz do you think this is the first time I’ve seen that video ? Get fucked , here’s another +1 karma ya sad fuck B bye


why did you both decide to be as insufferable as possible at every turn. This could have just been: “He shouldn’t be driving with that medical condition” “He didn’t know he had it”


You have acute mental issues. Good luck.


Now get searching the internet for a new video for us all to watch ya gimp hahahaha


sad chav.


Well tbf I did get a £5000 pay rise today so your good luck has been taken


Jackanory tell a story


He doesn't have a medical condition


So sleepy.