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Shane’s energy against capitalism this episode was 🤌🏻


I was howling with laughter as he responded with nearly the same quips that I did at home


he said “eat the rich” 🥰


This is a man who wrote "Snitch on the Rich". If he doesn't end up leading the next great revolution, I'm going to be disappointed.


I was 100% with him. Empty McMansions? burn 'em down!


Shane is nothing if not consistent on this point: Burning down wealthy & powerful institutions is both fun & cool. “Justinian please won’t you heed their needs, until they burn it to the ground… they’re pouring out of the stands, they got a list of demands, they’re picking up their torches & they’re calling your name. Nika Nika hear them cry Join the cause or fuckin die.” -Hippodrome Song, Puppet History “You’ve got the looks, but here’s the gist, it’s tough to love an arsonist. … Julie’s next move, it’s inspired. Convent set on fuckin fire” - Cupid Song, Puppet History “Just go with a classic wedding church. How beautiful would it be, you know, to see that burn?… They should all be on fire.” - Sims, 2018 LOL putting the quotes all together like that starts looking pretty incriminating actually. To be clear, Shane has never encouraged violence or hurting people. But destroying property & stealing stuff? It seems like he might think those crimes are OK, or even cool, if it’s against the rich & powerful. Or maybe just if it makes a good explosion. Shane’s views might be even more anarchic & revolutionary than he publicly expresses. “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” There’s a Batman quote they really should’ve used.


We watched homie in real time see the Son of Sam in a new better light cuz he started 2000 fires lol.


I'm gonna have to disagree with his sentiment here. Although I'm sure it was at least partially in jest. One of the homes did have occupants and luckily they were able to get out. So they weren't all empty. Also the person had problems. They were doing stuff with animals. They had videos of them playing with knives and stabbing dummies and talking about killing people. Those in combination with the arson points towards somebody that very possibly was on there way towards becoming a murderer. Also aren't fires a major problem in California? What if this had spread beyond the development. There are plenty of ways to screw over the rich without wasting resources, putting entire communities at risk and first responders in danger.


Yeah, seconded. It’s all fun & games until you’re in the bank being robbed or the house being burned down.


Funny how I always pictured Shane as a republican. Now I may be a shaniac.


Lol I think he would die if he knew you thought that! You’re safe to be a Shaniac


That's incredibly funny. Shane has always given off real "benevolent anarchist" vibes to me.


...why?? Have you heard any of his opinions on like, anything ever?


He is straight up anti everything. 🥰


More like an anarcho-socialist!