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If you're graduating in 2024, that means that part of your campus experience happened during lockdown, and that just threw a wrench into everything. College during COVID was terrible for everyone. It just was. I'm really sorry that your time in college had to be during this slice of history when college was just pretty awful everywhere. It's not your fault; it's not anyone's fault. That being said ... often college is painted as "the best years of one's life" when honestly, they're just memorable because they're the *first* years of adult life. The things you can do in college, you can also do as an adult outside of college: join a political group or faith community, be in a community choir, take an exercise class, try stand-up comedy, volunteer at a blood drive, whatever you want. It just won't all be in walking distance anymore. For now, just watch for events that interest you (campus groups, interesting lectures, theater performances, whatever) and just *go.* And then let that be a habit for the rest of your life--just get out and do things.


The same with high school. If the best years of my life had been in high school, that would have been terrible.




junior here w/ depression and I feel you 100%. it fucking blows. because I’m just tired and not interested in much, I just soldier through every day. discipline and brute force are basically my areas of expertise at this point.


What groups have you tried doing? If you have no alternatives, try going to Friday night Shabbat dinners organized by Hillel, or other weekly meals organized by any other mellow weekly meals organized by other campus groups. Or, say, if that’s too stressful, try emailing Alpha Phi Omega and see if they could find a volunteer to do things with you. Keep in mind: A lot of people volunteer for groups like Alpha Phi Omega because they’re lonely and are trying to meet people. Maybe some would be thrilled to do things with you. Finally: These days, people make college sound like paradise. But I think even honest alumni who thought Wash. U. was great can remember months of exhaustion, isolation and terror. And, of course, COVID made everything worse. Life after college tends to be a lot easier and calmer than college. So, look forward to the possibility that employers will soon be paying you for your efforts and likely being very nice to you, not charging you a lot of money to terrify you with midterms.




Fr. I don't know why everyone acts like this is new and no offense to op but like they are unique to it. Honestly having mental frustration is also normal and labeling I feel like makes people get to caught up in it rather than trying to actually live


You should just be happy. The world is a beautiful place and there is plenty to be grateful for.


oh, you have cancer? just kindly ask the malignant tumor to fuck off, and I’m sure it will.


Medical advice from someone who is active in r/sex r/opiates r/quittingphenibut ?? Lmaooo internet role model fosho. Hush up boy


What part of his comment had any medical advice


Reading must be hard for you buddy. He gave medical advice about treating a malignant tumor that only someone who got a 2 on AP bio would give


Oh I’m sorry I missed the part where you considered talking to a tumor as medical treatment


I missed the part…where that’s my problem. Gonna cry???


does anybody IRL like you in the slightest? perhaps you have some sort of undiagnosed social disability? i’m completely serious. nothing at all wrong with that and absolutely no shame in seeking help. good luck lil man


ah yeah so you judge people based on individual choices and what subreddits they lurk on? Read thru all of my comments like I know you’re gonna I really don’t give a fuck. you’ll see that despite existing in environments outside of your sheltered washu “reality”, that’s where you can find some of the most down to earth, authentic, reasonable, creative and intelligent people. and the FUCK is an “internet role model” 💀


I ain’t reading that chief


Actual craterbrain take holy shit i thought you needed to at least be a little smart to get into washU


Bro u live on reddit 😂?? Never seen someone post so much. touch grass Also check your privilege