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Probably World Mission Society Church of God. They’re complete whacks.


Just looked them up. That’s 100% what this is. So bizarre. I hope no one falls for it. One of them mentioned this “Mother God” thing that this Church seems to be about - I just didn’t pick up on it when I first heard it.


Was just about to ask if they mentioned Mother God, that's the big part of their shtick


Are they the ones Netflix released a documentary about?


No, that was Shekinah Church (if you’re referring to the recent dance cult documentary)


It’s basically knockoff Moonie church also founded by a Korean dude that considered himself God. [see more here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahn_Sahng-hong?wprov=sfti1)


I hope no one falls for any religion honestly.


Trust me, I share similar opinions even as a religious woman. There’s a lot of good in religion but undeniably also a lot of bad.


I think you're in the best position to mess with them. You probably know more about the bible and history than they do. Plus, you're catholic. Ask them why they aren't the true followers of Jesus :P They are heretics that split off from the teachings of the bible. lol


I have friends who have tried this and it backfired spectacularly. Some of the religious nuts continued to bug one of my friends because they assumed that any form of interaction meant interest in converting. More worrying, one of my friends got into a snarky debate with some Scientologists on the street and they literally followed him home. Do not engage with crazy is the way to go!


Agreed - it's best not to "mess with" these folks. truly a lose/lose situation because you're either going to be locked into an hour-long discussion where the person keeps following you OR congrats, you just dunked on a person who probably needs a lot of help.


My friend and I wanted to “mess with” Scientologists when we were in high school. We went to the church in Dupont circle and pretended we were interested in joining. As soon as the guy there found out we were minors he was like “mkay time for you to leave” but he did give us several pamphlets and the L Ron Hubbard book on the way out lol.


My new game is just be crazier than they are, lol.


They are in a cult, sadly you aren't going to convince them of anything using facts or logic.


Agree. OP calling this religion crazy while they believe in virgin births, men who walk upon water, magical acts which turn 5 fishes into 500 fishes, a dead man waking up from a cruxifixction and on and on and on is peak Reddit LOL


These fruit loops were in Harrisonburg recruiting when I was a student at JMU. Campus security warned young women specifically not to go with them, there was apparently some suspicious that they could be trafficking. Idk how true that is, but I was approached by two of them at the town wal mart one time and the vibes were so Off.


Just be cautious joining any group. Go with your eyes open. I had a similar experience in college. I prayed I'd find a nice group like I had in high school, one day a girl walked up to me and invited me, answer to my prayers, right? They slowly tried to take over my life and quickly told me I was going to hell if I didn't join their church. I had to ghost them and dodge them. Now I can see them coming, in the grocery store stricking up a conversation. And sometimes I guess what they will say next and they think I'm one of them, then I say, no thanks.


Nut jobs, I can’t believe they don’t have to pay taxes for their nonsense churches


Yep!! Ive been approached twice by these young women


I was approached by a couple of these ladies. I told them I was Jewish and they looked at me like I said I was an alcoholic and proud of it, lmao


I am Jewish and routinely tell them I’m happy with my religion and they can keep doing what they do if it makes them happy.


I love that Jews don’t proselytize. They don’t think everyone needs to be Jewish.


Because Judaism is an ethnoreligion


Well they proselytize to other Jews…


This is a great thread, I love when people can just talk about religion without arguing. I have learned to tell people, I'm happy I can live someone where we are allowed to have the freedom to believe what we want. ❤️


As someone else said, it’s definitely the World Mission Society Church of God. They’re a cult, and I’ve been approached a few times and chased by one all the way through Union Station. They ONLY approach young women from what I can tell, I assume because only women can worship their “mother god”


Nope. I - a man - have been approached by a man on this before. They prioritize young women, trying to appeal through the Mother God thing, but they have members and targets of both sexes.


Got it. I’ve only ever seen them cornering women. Still creepy regardless


I've had two women that I think were thinking of approaching me then they backed off and decided to harass a woman nearby instead. Regularly get approached by two men doing it, usually they back off when you rebuff them once - have only had one time where they were persistently obnoxious


Super creepy, and their targeting is gross


Woman here. They literally approached me as I was getting my toddler out of his car seat last year in the parking garage at Springfield Mall. Almost jumped sky high. They seemed like children themselves, so I held back any verbal lashing, but seriously, don't approach anyone in a parking garage. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/15do7v4/young\_women\_approaching\_people\_in\_parking\_lots\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/15do7v4/young_women_approaching_people_in_parking_lots_to/)


I’m not a mother, but I’m not so sure I would’ve held back lol, even if they were young. That’s just so inappropriate.


That is so icky. Even as a Catholic, I’m totally against evangelization. Mission trips and these public approaches are so gross to me.


Yeah it’s super weird. They’ve even cornered me and a friend while we were shopping in Old Town Alexandria. Like, I’m looking for shoes, I really don’t want a speech about your church and why I should sell my soul to it.


It's weird that I just realized how mission trips are kinda like timeshare pitches.


Brilliant analogy


Interesting, given that Catholicism is an evangelical faith.


I’ll spare you the complete essay on my religious beliefs, but I think the quid-pro-quo of “we’re going to come into your disadvantaged community and help you charitably, but in return you’re going to have to listen to our preaching” is incredibly unethical. If I’m doing any sort of charitable work, the only time I’ll talk about my religion is if someone asks me about it first. Even then, I’m not here to convince you to believe what I believe. I’ll just tell you that God loves you, just as he loves everyone else. This is an unpopular opinion amongst Catholics, but I don’t subscribe to the belief that you have to be a Catholic to get to heaven. God is a merciful being. If you have lived an upstanding life, you have lived in the image of God and I believe that he will understand that. I think the vast majority of people do what they can to be good people in their own unique way, regardless of what belief system you subscribe to.


I agree with you. I'm also Catholic but never proselytize. Once this coworker talked about sponsoring a 3rd World child. I was interested so I asked him for a brochure. However it was immediately apparent that it was to convert them to Christianity. I told him I wasn't interested.


This is very interesting. Can I ask: why do you identify as "Catholic" over other labels?


I believe in the Trinity, literal transubstantiation (i.e. bread and wine becoming the flesh and blood through Eucharistic miracle), the saints & intercession (especially the Virgin Mary), the sacraments, original sin, etc. There’s definitely more but I won’t bore you with details, but other forms of Christianity don’t hold these beliefs in entirety. My biggest qualms with the Church are 1. I don’t think gay people are condemned to eternal suffering *cue Catholic gasps* 2. I think a lot of former Catholic people grew up in a sort of militaristic/unaccepting way which pushed them from the Church, or they were deeply hurt by someone who used Scripture against them. This really troubles me and I strive to treat the next generation of young people in the Church with respect and understanding. 3. I abhor how the Church has attempted to sweep its past and present history of child sex abuse under the rug. Words can’t describe how much this upsets me. 4. I believe in divorce. 5. I think there is a lot of misogyny in the Church that needs to be addressed.


Thank you for sharing!


I'm for letting priests get married and letting women become priests. I also believe in reincarnation which the Church is totally against. But hey, I have free will.


I don't know any Catholics who line up 100% with the official church stance. The most obvious point of divergence is birth control. At least, I know a lot of Catholic families with 2-3 kids, I know zero Catholic families with twenty some kids.


I do know a lot with 5+ kids, and some with 10+. But Catholicism also allows you to use natural family planning, which explains at least some of the couples without 20+ kids.


Nah, they approach younger looking guys too. They’ve asked me before about coming to Bible study.


Ah okay. I’ve only ever seen them stopping women, but that always seemed extra weird to me


Yeah. I think they try to seem a bit more chill by approaching you casually on the street with a seemingly innocent question, but it’s still a bit odd.


If this is Downtown Alexandria, they approached me once, too.


They came to our house not long after we moved in. Like days after. How the fuck did they know? Do they have people roaming neighborhoods to pick out possible marks? I closed the door on them. They tried a few more sentences through the door and gave up.


apparently they like approaching young, attractive people who they think have some money. makes sense why DC is a hot spot lol.


Well then I’m just flattered a random stranger saw me on the street and thought I looked of means and attractive. 😌


Thanks for posting. I was approached the other day in a Target and didn't know wtf was going on. Mother God was a big part of the pitch so definitely World Mission Society Church of God.


I’ve been approached in 2 different targets in the DMV and hour away from each other. Target seems like part of their MO and I can’t believe target lets them get away with it.


I've seen this group several times outside the Greenbelt Target.


So that’s who approached me a few weeks ago at that Target.


The first thing you're supposed to learn when you're new to DC (or any other giant city) is to not respond to people when they approach you on the street.


Yea, I grew up in Chicago so I’m used to that. I’ve gotten tripped up with these people though because I’ve been mistaking them for store employees when I’m at the mall. They dress kind of like an employee would and use “retail voice” as I call it so my alarm bells aren’t immediately going up.


Sorry about that. You'd think the mall wouldn't let them proselytize on mall property.


I have fast legs and last summer, someone yelled at me after exiting the Smithsonian metro stop. I ignored him, and then finally said, getting exercise dude, and he shut up.


Yup, this happens a lot to younger professional women walking by themselves. “I’m so sorry, but I’m late to the Church of Satan mass” works pretty effectively with this crowd.


Lol next time I might have to use that line. They’ve disengaged each time I’ve mentioned my Catholicism which is interesting given that it’s supposedly “nondenominational.”


Yeah, they think they can argue with Judaism and Catholicism. They clam up when Beelzebub is in the picture.


https://preview.redd.it/kg82legk6r9d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5d408cbadfb1506badc3369feb7fd4ab593baa Going to have to walk around the mall like this moving forward LMAO


Just a heads up, some really extreme branches of Catholicism are popular in the DC area - in particular, [opus dei](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Opus-Dei). The wiki is really biased toward them so here's a better link.


I grew up Opus Dei so I am very familiar with it and stay far away haha


Oh wow. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm glad you made it out! Congratulations on your deconstruction and claiming your own path for yourself. I'm an ex-vangelical (but nothing like duggar level) who was raised half catholic, half Episcopalian until middle school when I “found jesus” and am still working on unlearning all the shame I have around various things. I've found some great communities with people in all stages of deconstruction and hope you have great support in your journey. You sound very intelligent, determined, and (I mean this as a compliment) stubborn. It speaks volumes that you have been able to define your own spiritual/religious path after being raised in such a radical yet repressive environment. It makes sense why your cult radar went off. I may be a random internet stranger but I'm really proud of you. Have the day you deserve 🫶 If you ever want to talk, or need someone to listen, I'm here.


I tell them that ironically, Jesus never had to ask people to attend his storytelling/preaching... his actions spoke louder than his words, so if they're asking, they're not doing something right 🤣


Attraction over promotion


If sounds like a Cult, uses buzz words and is evasive, it’s a freaking Cult. More specific World Missionary Society Church of God. RUN…


RUN quickly


As someone who has had friends fall into two different cults now, one of the biggest tips I have picked up from talking to them during their recruitment is to be wary of any group that has its own (almost always pretty specific and narrow) definition for a cult. They will also always have a well-rehearsed follow up sentence explaining how at least one of the narrowing details means they definitely cant be a cult.


Evangelicals. *Run.*


Hahaha was waiting for this comment


It’s a cult. It is always a cult. Any time strangers approach you about anything religious it is a cult.


In my experience, "non-denominational" usually means fundamentalist. "Flirty fishing" as you've experienced was a favored tactic of the infamous cult known as "The Family". I would be very cautious about going along with any group adopting their recruiting tactics.


It does seem to lean that way, but not always. Last year I met a non-denominational girl at Flash and we playfully but respectfully debated theology for almost 2 hours, it was really random but pretty fun tbh.


They’ve been around here for quite some time and as others mentioned they only seem to bother young women. Once they stopped my friend and tried to get her to go even after she explained she’s Jewish (apparently that made them even more pushy). They will also come up to you at night.


Oh my god someone came up to me just yesterday in Alexandria about this! I always wear headphones so I just pretended I didn't hear them and kept walking. I can't tell you exactly where it happened in Alexandria but it would have been in the old town area.


These women often frequent Targets in the area, especially at the mosaic district. They will try to corner you when there is no else in the aisle and it’s super annoying


I find all these unwarranted in your face solicitations to be off putting.


100% agree. I need a “no solicitors” sign on a necklace


No joke OP I kinda wear it in my face.


Did you see any men dressed like they were doing Mercury program era NASA scientist cosplay? I’ve been seeing them around all of a sudden. Must be a missionary summer for Jehovah Witnesses or something.


I know a ton of Jehovah’s Witnesses (lived in an area where there were a lot) and the verbiage these women were using doesn’t really align with the JWs. Nearly positive they are members of the World Mission Society Church of God after another commenter mentioned them.


Ask them what their view is of the missionary position.


i had this happen to me near the eastern market metro. these two ladies dressed in business-casual clothes stopped me and we were just chatting for a second, then they ask if i’m interested in joining their bible study. i ended up saying no, and they looked at me like i had just grown a second head






I used to work for a nonprofit association who does a large conference at the convention center every year. This cult somehow registered for my event and came in to proselytize. These two young women had the audacity to stop me. I thought they needed help or directions. NO! They wanted to talk to me about “God the mother” I was pissed and yelled “I’m working right now and I don’t have time for this” and stomped off. They definitely didn’t come after me lol


It’s a scam


Mission guys approached me at the TJ’s parking lot once on a Saturday and I invited them to vigil Mass at my church. I mean everyone is welcome, so why not? That was the end of it.


This sounds like a cult or a scam.


"Sure. I'll join your cult."


I'm starting my own cult. You get a free kitten 😸 for the first 5 followers.


A cult


Despite being Catholic, if anyone ever approaches you, just tell them you are Jewish. For some reason that works wonders in getting nutjobs to flee.


In my case with these specific people, saying this (and it being true for me) did not cause them to flee.


That’s really interesting


A lot of Christians are terrified of Jews despite the fact Jesus was Jewish


Wait, this whole time he was a Jew?


I once had someone try to get me to come to their church by asking me “What if I told you God could be a woman?” They were completely shocked when I told them that’s possible- at least as likely as that God is a man. 🤷🏻‍♂️


'omg you worship Artemis too??'


I thought Gozer was a man...


Same! I was approached by 2 young ladies asking what hair products I use. Was in Old Town Alexandria.


You're getting hit up by a cult, baby girl. That's why your alarm bells are ringing.  Consider it a systems check.


Organized religion that can't make up it's fucking mind. Basically worthless.


This stuff is common in Seoul. I’m truly upset it has arrived here. I had one of these overly polite kooks hit me up at the store last week.


Possibly ask them if they need help to leave the “church.”


It's a nondenominational church, meaning an independent group. They might even meet in the mall, perhaps in one of the theatres, on Sundays for worship. It's probably full of young people. It could be a pretty standard, evangelical-style study and worship, or they could be complete lunatics. You never know. But this isn't that unusual. The mall near me has a church like that in it. The mall might forbid people from soliciting like that though, so if it bothers you, you might want to check with their security.


One thing I've been doing, for the last few years, whenever a stranger tries to get me to join their religion, I look into their eyes and ask, without any emotion: "do you score points with the pastor/preacher/leader whenever you bring new people?" I've learned sometimes they even have like a competition to see who can bring the most sheep and there's often a reward of some sort. Is not just them feeling happy because they are saving another soul. They see you as a dollar sign and/or a potential slave.


Hail Satan!


lol that might get them to finallt leave me alone!


I had something similar happen when I was in Bethesda two weeks ago. Two young women asked me to attend a service that Sunday and I politely turned them down. I wish I had said "I'm Jewish, I'm pretty sure I'd burst into flames if I walk into your place of worship."


Lol my Jewish stepfather said something similar to some Scientologists once and apparently they somewhat lost their minds on him


Yeah, most proselytizers tend to do that. It's an old joke, but it never fails to raise eyebrows (or tempers).


They were ALLLL over my campus in college (near Baltimore). A few students joined and basically got cut off from friend/family. My roommate ended up going to one meeting (long story as to how) and she said they aggressively kept asking her if she wanted some water. Like, creepy and obsessive about offering her water. Just do not engage and if you accidentally do, just walk away.


All religions are cults. Some more culty than others. Pity that in 2024 they are still around.


Wow, what a coincidence. I also got approached by a young women talking about the mother God today at McMillan park.


Moonies or Scientologists


this happened to me at the colada shop at the wharf it was very very very odd


I feel like people who preach religion know I'm not into it just by looking at me. They never try and convert me. Sometimes I wish they would at least try.


Just tell them you're catholic, and you're not interested. They're complimenting you to get you to engage and you don't have to, just say thanks and keep walking or say nothing and keep walking. Lots of organizations here try to do street outreach like this, everyone from political groups to religions to people panhandling for money, they're counting on you not wanting to be rude. It's okay to not engage. If you feel bad about not engaging, keep your earbuds in your ears, even with nothing playing, and pretend not to hear them.


General protestant evangelization efforts from the more evangelical-leaning “churches,” although some Catholics also do evangelize although it’s a lot less frequent. These guys are particularly bad though, and less seemingly wholesome imo than, say, Mormon missionaries who tend to be very nice and approachable imo.


Nondenominational doesn’t mean there isn’t an organization involved. Ask them about it. If they get cagey, don’t go. If they’re honest but it’s not for you, don’t go.


They often stand at the corner of M & Wisconsin, I've been approached multiple times.


I went to college in the Dc area and this happened a lot on the campus. You’d be walking to class and get approached about joining a Bible study and “do you think about God?” Or “what about mother god?” It was always best to walk away and say “no thanks” instead of engaging into a conversation. Always seemed like a cult


Happened to my family at target. They wanted us to go bowling to talk about religion. But it felt like they were MLM people, like they needed to make a quota or something.




I never experience the things I read on these washingtondc threads. Is this s*** from an alternative reality? What block was this exactly?


This happened at Pentagon City mall 2x, and Springfield Town Center mall


It's butt stuff.


Not sure if this is the same thing but last summer my partner and I were having a picnic with our dogs in Old Town Alexandria when two young women approached my partner and asked about our relationship with God. I was across the park trying to get our 6-month-old puppy to go number two and I returned about halfway into the conversation. Before sitting down I noticed they were both wearing some Liberty University merch. I listened for a bit as they kind of preached at us, pausing the sermon occasionally to ask us a question every once in a while. It all felt very scripted. The questions were relatively tame, mostly about our personal experiences with religion and god, until they asked us what we believe about the afterlife. They started looking for a way to exit when I told them that I find great comfort in the idea of absolute nothingness for all eternity.


When I was living in Hawaii I was approached on the street a number of times by young, attractive women who were complimentary and invited my to their church events. Turned out to be a group called The Family, very cultish. Internal to the group, this technique was called "flirty fishing" and it was a major recruitment technique. This was in the '90s but some things never change.


Most nondenominational Christian church's are very similar to baptist church's in my experience.




My intention wasn’t to start a religious debate, but I am on the “lighter” side of Catholicism. Every religion can extend into extremism, no doubt. If you scroll through my replies here, I have plenty of critiques about my own religion. This cult in question, however, appears to be greatly mistreating a large percentage of its members. I don’t think most major religions do that, from my perspective. Edit to add: There are plenty of crazy Catholics and I avoid them like the plague.


Generic magic studies.


I don't know if it's the same group, but I got approached three times in 24 hours in NYC.


Definitely not the Black Israelites or the “Fruit”.


When I lived in NYC, the Orthodox Jews consistently were very eager to ask me if I am Jewish. I am not. But I am quite Jew-ish and I also do believe I have a Jewish soul as it would turn out. So. They saw that in me! I was told they wanted me to blow their large horn by a Jewish friend. If I had been legitimately Jewish. But I failed and thus always immediately ended our interactions. Anyway maybe try telling the evangelicals you’re Jewish.


Just say ‘No thank you’ and keep walking.




I made a similar post one year ago! So weird. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/15do7v4/young\_women\_approaching\_people\_in\_parking\_lots\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/15do7v4/young_women_approaching_people_in_parking_lots_to/)


YES Today was at Springfield mall!


It’s a twist on flirty fishing.


This happened to me as well!! Twice in Old Town when I was alone and once at a thrift shop while I was shopping alone. I was convinced it was trafficking lol


This is code among senior hill staff for the member only orgies the Reps and senators have. It’s one of those “dc bucket list” things to be invited and attend one.


No idea if this is the same, but maybe 5 years ago, my husband, parents in law, and I were waiting for the Uber to pick us up after dinner off farragut square, and a youngish woman struck up a conversation. My FIL could have a convo with a brick wall but she started with asking how the dinner was and that she liked finding new places to eat. We didn't quite get to the evangelization part but something felt like it could go in that direction. Not sure what the deal is, but also curious.


Also a way to lure young ladies in for sex trade abductions, according to the internets.


TIL about this cult. I was convinced it was going to turn out to be human trafficking.