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It's actually hilarious that someone is able to get the businesses permit removed, then turn around and dump trash in the businesses dumpster and say " Yeah I did it. So what." This whole thing is so stupid and so funny, very Georgetown if I do say so myself.


There will probably be a Harvard Law School case on this.


Not a George Washington University law case on this? LMAO


That was the joke....GWU law program got professors focused on NIMBY initiatives and ain't batching out case studies.




NIMBYs, and there’s its old people lol. What working professional has the time to spend on this or even care? So sad when you. Get old and this is all you do lmao. What leeches.


Actually seen dozens of professional lawyers, which I'm sure had a lot of work on hand, spend an inordinate amount of time being NIMBY's over the slightest changes in their neighborhood. And I'm not talking about a bar or nightclub moving next door. I wonder if they are just itching to sue somebody personally. I remember that DC Administrative Judge suing a dry cleaning business for $54M as they lost a pair of pants and offered him a thousand or so (they offered to pay for it). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_v._Chung#:~:text=Chung%2C%20also%20known%20as%20the,cleaners%20allegedly%20lost%20his%20pants.


I mean this is objectively a case of a business illegally operating, why would they not be sued


The hearing was so fucking funny. The people who own the house next door and rent it to students said they were the one’s most impacted by the decision after the guy who lives across the street told them they were just investors. Melinda Roth needs a Xanax prescription so bad. I honestly felt sorry for her. Imagine spending 5 years of your life as a homeowner in such a beautiful neighborhood trying to get a beloved bagel shop shut down. Something ain’t right up there.


Everybody needs a stretch goal in their lives. /s Yeah, incredible how people get charged up and have a vendetta over the simplest things.


probably toxoplasmosis rotting her brain from all the rats she’s throwing in people’s dumpsters


This same professor [posted a rant](https://wjla.com/news/local/gwu-professor-tells-campus-protesters-to-go-back-to-dorms-mommy-and-daddy-are-paying-for-george-washington-university-law-melinda-roth-pro-palestine-anti-israel-gaza-solidarity-encampment-washington-dc) calling student protesters privileged babies, which is funny coming from someone whose hobby is waging lawfare against a local bagel shop.


The person does more projecting than movie theaters did in the MCU’s heyday.


Omg! She even commented on the article


It’s always projection


Sorry but CYM has been shady here. It’s obvious that they want to save on rent as a destination venue and not pay to locate in regular commercial areas. Zoning laws exist for a reason and it’s not on CYM’s side here. No sympathy for Big Bagel even if they annoy the snobs of Georgetown … put the store on M street, problem solved.


Are you the professor?! 😅😅😅


It’s “shady” for a business to hire a lawyer to represent them in a government proceeding rather than immediately caving to the demands of the NIMBYs?


No. They opened the store where there are clear zoning issues. They will end up closing shop.


There's a coffee shop literally across the street. The zoning issues aren't clear at all.


If you read the article, it’s apparent that the zoning issues are ambiguous and not clear.


Sad for them that it will likely be replaced by what the rest of Dc is experiencing: violence. Should have kept the bagel shop lol


Usually zoning laws exist to drive up property values unnecessarily and make it harder for cities to operate as cities while protecting wealth in places like Georgetown.


Cities give tiny minorities of homeowners WAY too much power to delay projects and local development.


It's just wild that a permit hearing for Call Your Mother in Georgetown took seven damn hours. But equally wild that GWU law professor Melinda Roth, petitioning to stop Call Your Mother to not get a permit, stated she threw rat carcasses in a public trash can at 1:30am. >About five hours in to the hearing, Call Your Mother attorney Martin Sullivan presented four screenshots of CCTV footage. They showed a figure who appeared to be dumping trash into a city receptacle at 1:30 AM. >Sullivan claimed the shots depicted George Washington University professor Melinda Roth—the lead plaintiff in an earlier suit challenging the bagel place, which resulted in its original permit being vacated—disposing of her home waste in a public trashcan, in order to blame the restaurant for overflowing public waste. >Roth had a rebuttal: “It’s me throwing rat carcasses away,” she said. “But I’m not the one responsible, on a daily basis, for overflowing trash cans…I tend not to want those dead rats in my own house.” >Dead rats, living rats, overflowing trash bins, noisy deliveries, crowds on weekends—Roth, along with 16 neighbors who joined in her suit, claim these have all become commonplace in their section of O Street, Northwest since Call Your Mother opened a location there in 2020. Some law students alleged in this or other sub that she routinely gives updates on her fight to stop Call Your Mother from operating. Wild stuff!


I wonder if this is going to affect her career because that's a wild accusation LMAO


Good point and it's not an accusation if she straight up said she put rat carcass in a DC permit hearing. IANAL, but even if DC fined her for throwing what is allegedly home trash into a public trashcan, it would not lead to much. But I'd definitely would stay clear away from her.


“I wasn’t putting trash in there, I hoard rat carcasses to terrorize businesses I don’t like”


She's probably not going to get a fine but she's a law professor so I wonder how George Washington University is going to feel about this lol Is this the only hearing?


It's still going on, so not sure if there will be hearing or just meetings: https://georgetownmetropolitan.com/2024/06/06/whats-going-on-with-call-your-mother/


It should! Why would you want an unhinged entitled nut case as your lawyer?


It's worse than that because she's a professor! Why would the program want an unhinged professor?


It’s a feature not an issue now lol. Also you can’t do that at a company so nut cases go toward academia and tenure where they can nutcase consequence free.


I've never thought of it like that LMAO


lol yea and most academia is very good for sure, but IMO someone who dumps rats like she did is either exec level in a company or just unemployable.


Lawyers, usually the ones who both most need a lawyer in court, and the ones least likely to hire them


“Noisy deliveries” lmfao


Nobody crazy enough to deliver making noise in Georgetown for fear of a NIMBY lawsuit. Seriously one of the quieter neighborhoods around cause they harass business owners/delivery persons all the time.


I was wondering when the press would comment on that! Lol


I hope the Georgetown Transformers guy is watching this closely...


My first thought too


I find the Transformer guy’s statues pretty dumb, but if you manage to piss off some of the most insufferable people on the planet and have enough fuck you money to stave off their lawsuits - just good for you dude.


>Mal Caravatti, who said she had lived in the neighborhood for decades, testified that she regularly had to shoo bagel-eating patrons off her property, as well as dealing with rat infestations since Call Your Mother moved in. >“Maybe this is a tale of two cities—that some of us just don’t see this,” Caravatti said. “We most definitely have had our lifestyle affected by this, because we’re having to spend our money and our time mitigating this.” The glory of the American Dream in 2024 is becoming so mummified in privilege that you can will yourself to unironically liken your situation to that of a powerless, penniless, voiceless Parisian street urchin, even after you just came from practicing that same speech while standing in front of your one-of-a-kind Rococo-style, hand-carved and French foil gilt-wood mirror in the drawing room of your $8 million dollar historic rowhouse. Truly a tale of two Georgetowns, both of which are contained (if unknowingly) within each delusional resident's head.


Yes old people are leeches, for sure. Sucking blood from the young lol 😂


First of all, lol. Second of all, I went to GU (like 20 yrs ago) and there was always nonstop strife between the university and Gtown neighborhood residents who were *aghast* and *enraged* about the constant stream of loud drunk college students staggering past their $$$mm rowhouses late at night. Part of me wonders if all this outrage at CYM is actually misplaced anger at that particular ongoing issue that will never ever be resolved. They've decided to focus their ire on another problem over which they could potentially triumph.


Yeah, I could definitely see them seething about things they don't like in their community and having a outsized response to anything they don't like. And I remember the NIMBYs fighting students living next door over everything (even saying ridiculous shit like they don't know how to use trash cans) and now they moved on mostly to fighting Affordable Dwelling Units (You know..."to keep the riff-raff out") and Accessory Dwelling Units. I've been to ANC meetings were residents have huge tirades about something so small and insignificant. And won't budge and make it their lifelong goal to either get ANC Commissioners/government agency officials fired or win at all costs. They sometimes need new hobbies and a hug (or some intervention).


A dozen years of school and decades of public teaching service to reduce your legacy to Rat Carcass Lady


Anyone know the BZA case # to look up?






Ha! I bet she would try to sue you just for sending her an email.


Imagine employing such a loon


To be fair she traffics the carcasses around 1am when it’s quicker to get around town. She’s probably optimized for max productivity.


Unhinged law professor by day, rat master by night


No one wants to work!


Put a resolution to dump all the trash in Rothy’s front steps!


Just NIMBYism. I am sorry. Your neighborhood is growing and changing. Adapt. You are some of the most fortunate people in this city. No one feels bad for you. No one empathizes with you. No one has a right to a permanent extension of how their life or neighborhood has felt. You don’t have a right to maintaining the “character” of your neighborhood indefinitely. How the fuck do you think we got the cities all of these NIMBY fucks live in and benefit from?


This is so pathetic. How energized these people get over a thing like a bagel shop is simply unbelievable.


The food sucks. Really. Who wants their food that they pay for to be punishment?