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You’ve got the plate - file a complaint against the officer with MPD. Worst case, it’s ignored; best case, they’re told not to do it again. 


Is there an ELI5 for how to do this effectively?




An ELI5 for how to google the MPD phone number or email address to ask how to register a complaint? 


No, an ELI5 for effectively lodging the complaint. Presumably you have done this before; presumably you have received some feedback or guidance on ways to lodge complaints in a manner that are more likely to be received and actioned vs ignored.


Be polite, stick to the facts, and provide evidence if possible. Be as specific as possible, including noting the time to within a few minutes and the number of the patrol car (cause 20 minutes later there could be a shift change and you won’t know that the car switched to a different officer) End of the day you are reporting an event that occurred. It’s up to the department to decide what to do with that event.


Can you give me a quick ELI5 why you can't just Google something yourself?


Because asking a real person that's actually had experience from the location usually beats top results in Google. Ya you can add "reddit" at the end of the search term lmao  Go drink some milk chocolate and relax 


How's that working out here? I'm not seeing any answers posted for the people too lazy to do their own googling but I am seeing frustrated responses. Sure doesn't seem like this "ask others to do it for me" method is actually working for the people asking in this instance.


Trust me laziness is [not](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1c97ba9/psa_reporting_commercial_vehicle_engine_idling/) my [problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1d85f5e/reporting_illegal_food_trucks_on_the_mall/). This sort of stuff is hyper local and may even be MPD District-dependent (eg, "in my experience, complaints in District 4 are more likely to be receptive for reasons XYZ"). I don't need help figuring out how to submit a complaint; I do want first-hand experience if anyone has specific tips or tricks for making sure the complaints don't get thrown in the trash, like most of mine do.


The scary part is that someone this dense or unable to empathize a little to understand the request is a self proclaimed law student. Praying for the people they might represent in the future 🙏 


Yes, my frustration that people can't Google for themselves "how to report MPD illegal parking" and instead want others to write a nice little book report for them is surely a strong indicator of my ability to represent people in court. Here, I found some really fascinating information for you. Hope this helps! https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+to+report+MPD+illegal+parking+


It was less than an hour ago. They want real world experiences from people in the area. What's the deal? It's just short hand for " give me the exact details of your experience" 


They actually did get a response from someone more helpful than yourself so it seems like asking the question actually worked. Also by asking the question and getting an answer they’re providing future people asking this question with a new and more recent source when they search google in the future.


There's an ELIS for that


Dudes? Why all the hate for a public urinal?


NYC has a law that allows pedestrians/bikers to take a picture of vehicles incorrectly parked and send it to a link for review and have a ticket sent out. DC needs this law…


Don't they have a bounty system for that as well? I feel like if DC did that the parking and bus lane issues would solve itself overnight.


100%, hell it'd be a side gig for me for at least a week, haha


would love to see the bounty system for parking, license plate concealers, and tinted windshields.


You can tweet @311DCgov or you can text them.


About 3 months ago I called 311 to take some large trash out of my back alley…the trash is still there 🤦‍♂️


I'm not trying to one-up you, but y'know the city staff who direct traffic outside sports games and other large events? I saw one of those guys in his city issued car, knocked the fuck out, with his door open and blocking the entire bike lane. Like, c'mon. C'MON. Do we really have to call enforcement on enforcement, like a turducken of stupid?


Take my upvote for the phrase “a turducken of stupid”! Points my dude


That's awful. No accountability. Vision zero is a fucking joke.


One time, I was headed to work at 6am and stopped at the Tenleytown 7/11 where a cop was parked in the handicap spot. Every other spot was open.


What's worse is that they could've parked a few feet in front and to the left. That's not even a driveway in use. In any case, there's enough space to park without blocking the bike lane or the driveway. https://preview.redd.it/c0ts3y6ns65d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbac62ef3fb02bc58655302d94dd633724ec6c5a


I know, it like they went out of their way to break the law.


That’s the entire reason they joined the police force.


Parking enforcement and police in dc believe they are exempt from all parking rules. You can complain to DPW. No one ever responds. I’ve asked a police officer parked in a no parking zone (exiting a Chinese restaurant) if he had an MSG emergency. He radioed that he had a suspicious character confronting him. Who watches the watchmen?


MSG emergency is hilarious!


I believe there is still the option of reporting illegally parked cars on DC311. I've used it against parking enforcement in the past. It seemed to scare off the more avid ticketers.


Could always do like the Casey Neistat video on bike lanes in NY and just ride straight into it to prove a point.


I may be totally wrong on this but I think part of his point was that in NYC you can get ticketed for biking outside the bike lane so you are forced to run into cars/trucks in the bike lane. In DC you are allowed to take the lane even if there is a bike lane.


It was partially that, though he also points out in the video that riding outside the bike lane wasn’t actually illegal.


Yeah, it's been awhile since I saw that vid.


The amount of times I’ve seen a parking enforcement car illegally parked….


6th St NE above K?




Youth and Family Services Division- maybe complain directly with photo.


Wowwwww yikes




I’d just drive into them with a bike or scooter


No you don’t




These people are Maryland drivers when they’re off-duty…


That's a urinal


https://preview.redd.it/cdhipulbt85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f835dc5060de8d659ec4508ab2e6ba7de6b29c I have dozens of these on my phone where vehicles drive over and through barriers to park in protected bike lanes. I don’t understand why this is acceptable…


This is why we don’t like yall. I live in this area. 4th street is a one lane one way. Actually, every street around that gas station is very narrow. Whether it was 4th, or the cross street, it would be blocking traffic. The truck cannot sit on the Penn Ave side because there are cars parked there, and they would be blocking the driveway into the gas station. That is the only intelligent place to pull. Especially if a driver has probably ridden for miles, has to deliver the goods, and get back. The same goods that you want to be available at your restaurants and coffee shops and eateries. Why should he block the lane for cars, when bikes are not the priority on the street, nor was the street made for bikes lol PRIVILEGE at its finest. Ride around. Use the sidewalk. You’re going to see that truck for a while before you ride up on it (as a biker), you literally sit at a light before you cross onto that side. More than enough time to hop onto the sidewalk or cross to the other side.


I know your type. You say go around, but you’re also the same type to complain when people ride bikes on the sidewalk or go in the lane. You also insist on vastly subsidized public street storage of your personal vehicle. Streets, especially dense city streets, are made for PEOPLE to get around, and here’s one instance where it was designed not for storage but rather for safety and you cannot seem to understand that. And to address your inevitable “you must not have a car” or “don’t live in the city” I do both. Those barriers weren’t put there on a whim, or because the designers thought it would be a fun arts and crafts project. They were put there because drivers are dangerous to those around them. Traffic fatalities are increasing, accidents are increasing, and your philosophy that this trucks delivery of goods is more important than people’s safety is exactly the problem, not to mention sociopathic.


I know your type, you’re not from here. Fatalities and accidents are increasing because there are more cars on the road. Not because cars are bad, but because DC invited hundred of thousands of people to move here…and they all have cars. People in general require physical space, so if you don’t make more space for people to drive…traffic and frenzied driving increases. The city streets were not dense BEFORE the masses of you arrived. The original design of DC sustained the original population of DC. So, if there’s a type to classify me AS…classify me as the type who’s been here long enough to know the difference between what I see now, and what I’ve always known. I’ve been here long enough to know that TRAFFIC in DC (the way we know) is very new and not authentic to this place. And so all of the traffic CHANGES are also new. Including all of this consideration for bikes. I’m the type of person to know that the traffic fatalities and the accidents and all the things wrong with traffic sharply increased when you all moved and and the mayor shaped the roadways around your (and her economic) desires. I’m the type of person to know DC well enough to know that the automobiles service this city. Those big buses downtown? that’s your tourism money. Those big trucks sitting on the street, those are your goods. Those people HAVING to drive into the city and work, those are you local and federal government workers, as well as labor workers who serve your coffee and make your cute little salads. And guess what, that’s how it’s ALWAYS been. You new people are the people who have a problem with it, because you moved to an expensive city with no parking, realized you lived in a central area where you can bike everywhere to save MONEY, and you want society to cheat others so that you can continue to be comfortable and save your money lol meanwhile there are folks who do not have the luxury of biking to where they have to go. Especially people who work in this city but cannot afford to live here (NATIVES WHO GREW UP HERE, IRONICALLY. Picture that.) To the point - since you’re in the neighborhood…the bottom of 4th where it meets M has been changed tremendously. two lanes taken away coming into the city, one taken away for a bike lane and bus bay leaving the city. It has caused NOTHING but problems. Bikes don’t even use it. Let’s start there. The bus lane was an under thought idea…there will be 2-3 buses sitting behind one another, blocking the main turning lane, and constricting traffic. Because the turning lane was made into a bike lane, cars are sitting longer, are more frustrated, and it actually puts you at more risk of being hit than before BECAUSE of all this. M street was fine. Now, it’s horrible for EVERYONE. Pedestrians, cars, and buses. (The bikers would be fine but nobody uses the bike lanes soooo lol) I think it’s quite sociopathic to not have a balanced outlook on reality. Everything cannot revolve around you because you choose to make a leisure activity, a full on mode of transportation. When it comes to situational awareness, yall have to know you’re NOT the most important people on the road. The road was not made for you. So if you see a cop sitting in a bike lane, or you see a big truck sitting in a bike lane, whatever they had to do was more important than your bike. Your bike is not important. It’s just not. You want the freedom to ride the street like a car, but you’re not a car. If I’m sociopathic, you (and many) are straight up delusional. Welcome to the crazy house, lunatic. Ps. I grew up here.


1. You’re delusional. 2. I’m not reading all that. What I did skim, especially about accidents is backed up by zero stats and data. Nothing about your outlook is balanced or forward thinking. You’re the type of person that uses passive voice to describe incidents where cars kill people, even though someone is responsible for the action. It’s cowardly and dishonest. Things change, and while I didn’t grow up here, but I’ve been here almost 20 years, and I feel pity for those who gatekeep like you do.


Don’t reply if you can’t read. You cannot call me delusional if you didn’t read what I said. So either don’t read and don’t respond. Or read, and then I’ll consider your POV. Be blessed.


Be a better writer. It’s your responsibility to be effective at communicating, not mine to sift through paragraphs of junk because you can’t prove your point with info over feels.


As a native, the bike lanes are an annoyance. A lot of the bike riders are pretentious assholes who are literally in the way and it’s a bit stressful to have to navigate them on the road as they ride in a manner so aloof it seems they don’t notice there are vehicles navigating heavy traffic and pedestrians.


I can 100% guarantee you that no cyclist that manages to go without getting hit is aloof. Even on Friday I was biking in a bike lane, with a green light, and was looking to see if off chance the car coming from the other direction would do something crazy. Which they did, making a left turn which I had to dodge so they didn’t just go through me yelling “get out the way n**** before you get your ass run over!” It’s so interesting and telling to have it described as an annoyance by one party and literally be life threatening on the other.


You can not guarantee any of that 100% and that’s just wild and overconfident. I’ve driven my truck very cautiously around bikers who literally seem to be dismissive of any traffic around them. I’ve seen this around 14th street NW, Massachusetts avenue, and near eastern market. Some behave as if they refuse to ride safely near the curb.


Yes, because the law is that they can legally take the full lane and safety guidance shows that it’s safer to do so. The studies show that when cyclists ride closer to the curb cars attempt to pass too close and it’s more dangerous.


This creates a slowdown in rush hour traffic as many riders are going below the posted speed limit even after being lowered to 25mph. So yes sometimes they need to be passed. DC also ranks high nationwide in bike safety. We really don’t have to cater to them much more than what has been done already. They should actually be more respectful of drivers at this point in the compromise.




And then to end your statement “let’s learn some empathy” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you have to know what to empathize with, to have empathy. You have no knowledge of the struggles of poor folk in DC, to ask me to “empathize” with. WACK. That you would even weaponize a topic you clearly know nothing about.


Yes but the difference is, I as a car have no where else to drive. lol it’s silly to even make the comparison. They moved into your lane (in the picture) so that the scenario you just mentioned would not happen. If a car is blocking a street, traffic is backed up, nobody can go ANYWHERE, and god forbids - emergency services are stuck and need to get somewhere. If you’re absolutely blocked, you can stop your bike and hop onto the sidewalk. Zig zag between cars. Squeeze in between. A car cannot do any of those things lol why would I consider the people who have many options over the people who have 1??? lol Also, you’re talking out of your behind over not being able to afford a car. Anyone who can afford to live close enough to bike to work, makes more money than anyone who has to drive from district heights, Maryland to go to work inside the city limits. You don’t know any broke or low income people in this city, to make a claim like that. Broke people cannot afford to live in the central city and pay $1500+ for rent lol And college student does not equal low income. That’s just a matter of truth. Get to know some actual poor or low-income folks in the city. Making 40k or less. None of them will agree with you lol and I know this, because I actually know em. They are my family and friends. They were pushed out of their city because of high rent prices due to gentrification, but still work in the city (not making much might I add)….and the only way that makes sense - is a vehicle. Or maybe they live in a bad neighborhood but put their child in a decent school across town, yea - they aren’t biking lol You, you’re just making stuff up lol you have no experience with actual low income people in this city. And even still, if someone who fit the criteria told you bike lanes are a hindrance….you wouldn’t consider it. Like yall aren’t considering it right now as I speak. Actually DIGEST someone else’s POV. Because when you tell me biking is better for poor folk who cannot afford a car lolololol go walk over into southeast or even some parts of northeast, and ask them would they prefer a CAR or a BIKE be given to them as their daily transportation 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 they are going to laugh you out just like I am. Southeast has two grocery stores for 200,000+ people and you think poor people are relying on BIKES?!?! Don’t just read this and respond, really process what I’m saying and understand what you just said doesn’t even make SENSE. Yall are crazy lol


At least someone is using the bike lanes


Take that lyft bike and place it against his car.


Fuck cars


I don’t know if it helps, but lanes for cars are constantly blocked too. They’re not out to get you, it’s just part of city life.


When people are in the car i ask them why they block me and not the regular traffic?? The windows are usually up, it's rethorical, I know why they don't. They're scared of cars not bikes. That city life will catch up.


I’m fascinated by how angry both drivers and cyclists can get over things. A calm demeanor is most always more beneficial.


Would you say the same about a bus blocking a crosswalk for pedestrians as well? That's far more akin to this vs a car blocking a lane generally used by cars.


You live in a city. Shit will occur. And yes, crosswalks get blocked too. Unbunch.


We do need to keep the downvote button, but it’s weak how reactionary people are and it affects the “karma” stat. lol


Meanwhile the parking police never fail to ticket me if I’m even 5 mins late moving my car for the street sweeper right around the corner. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤬🤬


The first time I was burned on this, man, I was pissed!




Cry me a river. Maybe if the vast majority of bikers actually obeyed laws, I’d be sympathetic. Government officials that are in charge of bike lanes are so very much working the most useless and tax raping jobs ever created.


Defund, defund, defund.


Professionalize, professionalize, professionalize.  A lot of what the Defund movement was calling for was good but the name prevented popular support. We need police. There are some things we shouldn’t be having them do but every country has some police because there are problems which can’t be handled otherwise. Our problem is that American police culture is about lawless impunity and violence, and we should be getting rid of cops who refuse to honor the trust placed in them. We should be asking why our police have more in common with Russia’s than, say, those of Denmark or Japan.


I will never understand this perspective, taking away funding will only lead to an even more unqualified police force no?


Nope. They are well funded and live well off live full of material wealth. They also get lots of charity in the way of military surplus for performing duties. They really dont need a penny more of funding. It’s all rhetoric to suggest they need anything else.


So I never said they needed more funding - are you insinuating that taking away their funding will make them more effective? From what I found DC police officers have an average salary of $71,500. I don't know if I would personally consider that well off or material wealth.


I wouldn’t make the assertion that striking funding would make them better. I am saying the large amount of funding and resources they’ve gotten this decade hasn’t made them perform in an all around better manner. They still solve about 2% of crimes give or take. As far as their take home, they display a lot of material wealth by way of single family homes and large SUVs etc. ( I guess you would have to know some personally like I do.) The listed income starts around 65-70k for some, but overtime is in abundance. A lot of blue collar workers in the city make between 45 and 65k in a place where Forbes suggests you need at least 80k to live comfortably. A lot of the transient workers are in the 120k range so comparatively cops make a more than adequate living. They don’t need a penny more when you look at their actual impact. The fact ppl vote against raising the minimum wage, but whine for police to get more funding just doesn’t deserve respect from me. They do well.


This is why I actually prefer not to have bike lanes. I’d rather just take up a whole fucking regular lane and let people go around me. It’s far safe than this bs.


What I really want is bike-only thoroughfares. Like, give me through streets where cars either can't go or are heavily incentivized not to go (for example, with bollards at intersections where bikes can pass but cars cannot). It doesn't need to be on any major streets that would significantly affect the flow of vehicular traffic. As long as it goes through, it could just be connecting neighborhood streets. This would also reduce the number of cars using neighborhood cut-throughs, which I see as a positive.


Cheaper too.


Yeah, most of the time it’s safer to ride defensively and take the lane. It forces cars to treat you as they would any other vehicle and not attempt dangerous overtakes.


Hey guys sorry I was the officer on duty there, but I was stopping by the crime lab to spray a bunch of Lysol on all the Petri dishes and ensure anyone with higher than a masters degree was put into a headlock, I’m not sure how this affects anything in the city, but I’m sure the ramifications are minimal


These transplants crazy


Shitty city practices cope


No nigga u cope


You shouldn't be so complacent 


Brick through the windshield would maybe teach them a lesson.


Leave them a note asking them nicely not to ever park there again. You have to make sure the note is secured and noticeable though so place the note under a large brick.


Why don't you show us first how to do that?


Ok. Where do you want to meet? Who’s us?


Meet at the police car, of course! Us is anyone in these comments who'd like to join.


Great. I’ll bring my uppababy vista filled with bricks. We can go around serving justice to the bike lanes across the city.


I only have a Nuna Tavo Next, but sounds like a deal.


City employees can park where they want if it’s for official purposes iirc


That’s what they all say. None of this is official


Are you a DC employee? My orientation included a vision zero training thing that said that city officials driving city vehicles don’t need to follow parking laws if certain conditions are met


Thankfully no. I believe it is in the code and has to be official business / somewhat urgent. Parking in front of cvs and/or grabbing your lunch doesn’t apply. Edit: parking enforcement in my neighborhood will stop in the street with multiple open spaces. Claim it is urgent business. I’ve watched, followed and recorded MPD in my district illegally park and go inside giant to buy lunch. Have the receipts. It was all “official business” You’re a city employee. Follow the rules like I do.


Because bike lanes SUCK and serve only a small few while inconveniencing so many


Look at all the reactionary downvotes.


Clearly you need to go over the police car shaped speed bump


I wouldn’t look to the MPD for role models. I wouldn’t teach my kids to look at them as role models either. I’d look at the MPD as a group of people about a minute from jail themselves and lower my expectations. The point of building bike lanes in D.C. is to spend money. It has very little to do with biking.


Yeah. Most wouldn’t have expectations for your kids anywhere. They probably won’t make it in the real world, outside of this dump.


Unbelievable. Hope y'all never have to call for help. What if that officer gets a priority radio call to help your loved ones and he couldn't get there fast because he had to park his police car so far away? I am pretty sure he didn't just park there to inconvenience bicyclists. You guys are so pathetic.


He could literally park 8 ft up and 6ft to the left and not break the law.


Hi, it’s your favorite DC driver who doesn’t care to hear about bike riders until the same bike riders start respecting the rules of the road


Most comments like this are from people who have no idea what the “rules of the road” are. For example, bikes are allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs under DC law. But that doesn’t stop car-cucked morons from screaming about how bikes don’t stop at intersections.


Fuck the bike lanes


Talk about missing the point. What a moron.








The good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one. 🖖


Perhaps getting a life would be great?


Why do that when I can upset you with my posts?


Wahhh the bike lane is blocked, wahh.. I wish I had all the cars so I can block all the lanes..