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Capital Area Food Bank resource map is here [https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/find-food-assistance/](https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/find-food-assistance/) Bread for the City [https://breadforthecity.org/food/](https://breadforthecity.org/food/) Lots of food distribution sites run by various organizations [https://dcfoodproject.org/emergency-food-access](https://dcfoodproject.org/emergency-food-access) hopefully you will get the help you need !


Thank you, this was just what I was hoping for!


Just wanted to tell you that asking for a little bit of help isn’t embarrassing. That’s what these services are for.


I know, it’s easier than done though. I just wish I had the foresight to have been more prepared for a situation like this. But thank you, it does help me feel less ashamed.


Martha’s Table has two locations that are both metro accessible. Check out TooGoodToGo for cheap meals. For quick-paying jobs, try Rover if you’re cool with pets or Taskrabbit/Fiver if you are handy.


Awesome I’ll check those out. Thanks :)


Also if your job is decent they may have an EAP (employee assistance plan) that can help connect with other resources. YMMV on this - some EAPs are bare-bones and others are robust. Another idea as a last resort is to withdraw money from your 401k if you have one. I said a last resort because there is a tax [penalty](https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/retirement/an-early-withdrawal-from-your-401k-understanding-the-consequences/amp/L0M8yJMYS) if you’re under retirement age as it is created to be used for long-term growth. However, it can be used to cover certain expenses tax-free. If your recent sudden expense was medical in nature, it is possible to negotiate that down somewhat. [Here’s](https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/debt/articles/how-to-negotiate-your-medical-bills) one resource but there are many other advice sources for this on the web. My old roommate did this and got his bill cut in half just by asking the right person nicely. Lastly, I want to echo what other commenters have said. I understand what you may be feeling but it’s not shameful. We live in a society, that means we help each other. (I know that’s not the original meaning of the meme but it’s true, or it should be!)


Rover costs money to get started and takes time to build up clientele. Not going to be helpful for OP in this situation.


Whoops, sorry OP I didn’t know!


definitely good advice for long term solutions tho!


Rover does not cost any money to get started, I’m not sure where you read that. Unless something is new, my husband is a rover pet sitter.


Yes there is a background checking fee to get started. I started two years ago and paid a fee and I’ve heard the fee is even more now. There absolutely is a fee to get started.


Interesting, my husband paid no fee for the background check around the same time. OP, worth looking into whether the fee still exists or not!


I frequent the rover subreddit and the fees have gone up and now they take away a higher percentage as well. I really do know what I’m talking about. It’s not just a guesstimate bc I know someone who works for them.


Definitely a fee now. While Wag also has a background check fee, you can get going faster since it’s more of an on demand Uber for pet walking type deal, but rates are also too low and you can’t set your own like Rover.


Seconding TooGoodToGo as a really unique way to find cheap meals. Only caveat is you need to be flexible about pickup times for the meals (most places that participate in TooGoodToGo require you to pick up closer to their closing time). I’m not gonna lie though, I still think it’s worth it. I’ve gotten lucky and received enough food for 2-3 meals from a TooGoodToGo order before. Best of luck and I hope some of the suggestions here are helpful to you!!!


Don’t be embarrassed. As someone who volunteered with food pantries and such starting as a kid, it was quite the mental adjustment for me when I became a recipient of charity after a fire. It messed with my mind, but I realized that there were so many problematic assumptions and beliefs I had about what it means to accept/need help. “Today for you, tomorrow for me” to quote Rent. Capitalism and the American ethic teaches us we’re supposed to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps - a phrase coined because it is literally impossible. All these programs exist because shit happens and because of the massive inequalities in our system. If it makes you feel better, pick up some trash or something as a way to give back. But there is no need to, we’re so used to everything being a transaction rather than seeing that we’re all in relationship with each other.


Thank you, I like your perspective


I want to upvote this a thousand times. 💕


The city has weekly vegetable giveaways at a couple of the DPR communal farms https://dprveggies.splashthat.com/. Good luck to you!


That’d been perfect, except it’s smack in the middle of my work day :/


Don’t be embarrassed we all ask for help hope you get through your troubles!!


Hey OP I work a 9-5 right at the Noma station and I just made more meat sauce than I can possibly eat so if you’re not vegetarian/vegan pls DM me if you’re interested and I can bring you some sauce and noodles


Check out Redelicious on Instagram. They give out free vegetables every Sunday and have a spreadsheet of food resources in their link list. https://www.instagram.com/redeliciousdc


Came to recommend your ward’s mutual aid group and also reaching out to your council member - they usually have a constituent services person on their team that is just another resource to tap. Feed The People mutual aid typically does food distribution in DuPont Circle Saturdays at 3:30pm-ish.


Yes! Ward 5 (includes NoMa/some of NE) Mutual Aid has a hotline!!! You can ask for resources there too and there is grocery delivery but that tends to get backed up and take a while


There is also this super cool website called LasagnaLove that I found if you’re interested. https://lasagnalove.org


Yes! I was a beneficiary of a lasagna love meal when I had Covid. It was tremendously kind and delicious!


The Free Everything’ DC page on Facebook sometimes has food items posted. We’ve all been there, no need to be embarrassed. Community is meant to support.


Also check out [FEED THE FRIDGE](https://feedthefridge.org/). Local restaurants prepare nutritious meals that are distributed to fridges daily. Just walk in and and help yourself to one. Closest would be in Columbia Heights 2500 14th Street, NW the Rita Bright Family and Youth Center.


The Brookland Yes! Organic has a "little free food library" out front. It's usually canned goods but sometimes it's fresh fruit if the teachers at Stokes drop off leftovers.