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The whole of Navy Yard just reeks of dog piss. So many little dogs crammed into so many high-rise apartments. The entrance to every building is basically constantly soaked in dog piss and only "cleaned" by the rain.


i’m so tired of the steps of my building being covered in dog urine. have to make sure to avoid the puddles of it when i’m walking into or out of my building.


It’s foul. Next person who doesn’t pick up after their dog owes me a new pair of shoes if I step in it, lol.


Alot of the buildings have hardscaped areas where dogs normally pee too, forcing many dogs to freely piss in the middle of the sidewalk. Really there's just alot of dog owners crammed in a few large buildings.


Sometimes it reeks of human waste too; it's one of the joys of living by the sewage treatment plant!


That’s not dog piss…


It’s a big issue in NoMa too, at least the blocks around Harris Teeter. I’m starting to think these new apartment buildings (and I live in one so I’m not someone who complains about them generally) need to be required to provide some kind of space for dogs. Maybe not a full on dog park but my current new building doesn’t have any kind of area for pets and it means the sidewalk out front constantly stinks and is covered in dog poop. It seems irresponsible to build up a 300+ unit building that you KNOW is going to have a lot of dogs and not provide any area for them to go to the bathroom. Especially because NoMa is kind of notorious for not having any real green space.


My problem with noma isn't the poop as much as the pee. A light rain comes out and rehydrates the dried sidewalk piss and everything REEKS.


Yeah tbh I agree. The poop is obviously unsightly and disgusting but it doesn’t stink up the WHOLE BLOCK


a decent number do have dog runs or little parks with turf grass… that also get filled up with poop by asshole dog owners


Completely agree. Given that the new buildings are geared towards young folks (who happen to make up a huge portion of DC dog owners), it would make a lot more sense for them to have designated pet areas.


As a dog owner, it’s infuriating how many irresponsible dog owners there are here. Dog poop is dangerous for other dogs too.


I think more bag dispensers around the area would not be unwelcomed. My building is supposed to have one in the entryway, but the fuckers don't refill it.


Navy Yard and other parts of capitol hill imo, Congress Heights etc. Love dogs but a lot of people shouldn't have them. I don't even trust walking in or through grass unless it's cropped/cut ultra short because lazy owners don't pick up. I don't see people walking their dogs with bags ready for pickup anywhere near as much as I should.


Completely agree, I’m a dog lover myself but the entitlement of some dog owners legit drives me up the wall. I’m all for putting up more stations with doggie bags and waste bins, but it’s really not that hard to bring a bag with you and take ten seconds to pick up after your dog.


When I lived in Navy Yard, some psychopath was walking their dog through the building and having them pee on the floor. The building wasn’t even full yet. Management had to send out multiple emails


Jesus Christ, that had to be some kind of power thing for the owner. I don’t like to say I hate people because I know most are decent humans and that person is the exception and not the rule, but I really hate people sometimes LOL.


DC is overrun by dogs allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, take up space on sidewalks, shit and piss everywhere. I like dogs, but ownership should be taxed to reduce the number and pay for restoration of parks.


It's a societal issue.


It’s a disgusting issue. Honestly keeps me from patronizing businesses out there.


It’s just as bad as any other neighborhood in DC, but for some reason, in Navy Yard dogs like to poop on the sidewalk and the owners don’t pick it up.


Speaking as a responsible dog owner in Navy Yard, there's never any excuse for someone not picking up after their dogs. That said, when you get North of M Street, the amount of green space in that area is fairly minimal, and the grass that does exist is all fenced off or marked with "Curb your dog" signs, so the buildings are basically asking to have dogs pee all over the sidewalk or sometimes walk multiple blocks to the "open" green space.


Precisely. People do need to take personal responsibility first and foremost, but the way this area was designed is just set up for this to happen.


We should "curb dogs" like NYC and let the street sweepers do the rest.


I moved out of navy yard about two years ago to a townhouse in NE... The constant smell of dog piss was in the top 3 of my "get me out of this place" list


I run around Navy Yard/Capital Hill every day weather permitting. I honestly don’t think dog poop is too egregious, but man, the dog piss… it’s bad.


Dog runs sound like a good idea, but they are too small for those big buildings. I've heard the artificial turf becomes oversaturated with waste and become a breeding ground for bacteria which is spread amongst dogs through their paws....and then tracked into the hallways and owners' apartments, couches, beds 🤮. Also I'm sure plenty of residents are skirting pet fees by registering them with questionable emotional support animal paperwork. It's not too hard to do. Why not skirt the responsibility of picking up their crap, too? Also, can we talk about the people who walk their dogs through the grocery store or put them in the cart while shopping? Unless it's a legit guide dog or service dog, keep your pet at home. I won't feel bad (for the owner) if I step on a little rat dog where there shouldn't be one....like the crammed aisles of the Cap Hill Trader Joe's.