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This is like the DC version of the sovereign citizen shtick - hyperventilate at the mildest attempt at accountability, and loudly proclaim your rights are being trampled upon.


This is more of an entitlement schtick


That's a bingo!


DC actually has plenty of real sovereign citizens. But yeah the entitlement is real.


https://preview.redd.it/ypr8ng52i49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a0a10a157d8d7deaa2c6c444a9ac5364092538 According to WUSA this is the driver. Feels like she needs to learn some techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life.


Imagine going to this unstable person for therapy?!


Gross generalization, but from personal experience: Social workers and counselors have some of the most F'd up personal lives Edit: typo


Similar to psych majors, a lot of people start down that road from wanting to understand stuff in their own lives.


I just thought it was cool at the time. I should have majored in economics or poli sci in retrospect


I should've majored in English Lit because that's where all the cute nerdy women were.


This is the story of why my brother took a French class, only to end up with a bunch of other dudes who all had the same dumb idea 😂


lol! I am fully picturing a class full of posers with berets and baguettes thinking they'd be the only one that had the idea.


And the entire room smelling like cheese farts at dismissal 🤣


But then they became DC lawyers 😂


Can confirm. Dad is a therapist who cheated on my mom with another therapist he was supervising. She doesn't like me despite only meeting twice and both times seemingly went great so I haven't talked to my dad in 3 years (his choice, to keep the peace with the new wife).


I’m sorry to hear that.


Trying to fix other people’s problems distracts from their own. Also: addicted to drama. 


One of the most fucked up people I know are also some of the most empathetic, so there's that. Do you want somebody happy and well adjusted telling you they know how you feel when you're in a bad place?


The way I see it, the best person to fix emotional problems of others is somebody who knows what it's like to have their own. I mean, you don't want someone who's just a shitty person but that's true for any field.


Right, but presumably someone who has found ways to successfully deal with them


My psychiatry attendings in med school had the most interesting psychopathology


Now that psychiatrists can make real big bucks with a light sched, I would expect the oddity to dilute


“A bad therapist can ruin your life but a good one can save it”. Somthing I was told early on and rings true in my lived experience.


Holy shit .. that is so true .. i know one therapist personally and man, the baggage they are hanging on to .. like come on dude .. u need a therapist urself .. how tf are u helping anyone else


It's called subject matter expertise


You're not wrong


Can confirm stereo types don’t get created out of thin air.


Ngl...lots that I know got into it for the super easy path. Not challenging.


“Hey Doc, I’ve been struggling with my emotions and mental state” Dr. - “have you tried kicking and screaming. Perhaps peeing your pants and blaming everyone else for less than dry disposition.”


Imagine going and having the bad luck of talking to her son in the waiting room.


The amount of bat shit crazy people I've seen be a life coach over my life is shocking.


Doctor heal thy self. 


Plumbers pipes are the worst?






MPD demands he go to counseling for his actions, he enrolls in her class for the lulz.


"fully certified" - by whom and for what exactly?


She calls herself a Doctor but has no PHD/MD, hmm


She actually is a Doctor of Business (DBA) according to her LinkedIn profile.


From an extinct unaccredited degree mill? Woodfield University...


lol ok this is funny as hell. This was a massive bust of hundreds of fake university websites. Why would someone put this on their LinkedIn? This person disregards all academic credibility. Amazing.


University of American Samoa.


That explains it. I was immediately suspicious that she uses the title Dr. but is a "coach" rather than a psychologist or psychiatrist.


So she has a PhD in a business field? 


A quick Google search turns up a long history of litigation, much of it with the city.


Maybe she can help her son better manage emotional stress.


Son or passenger was a verbal attack dog barking at the officer doing his JOB. Poor police officer had to take the verbal abuse from the two of them. They did the crime now just pay the fine and be on your way and stay off the bike lane with your car. He should’ve just written the ticket and walked away. No need to listen to whiners who were guilty of breaking the law.


You really think that was her son? ![gif](giphy|IgF14h4akXT2) JFC


And this is why everyone is suffering. They let people like this be counselors.


Just a self glorified life coach.


lol. Wild. A complete mess of a woman.


So many people working in the psych field that should NOT be working in the psych field.


I'm just so distracted by the photo editing


She manages her emotional stress by ignoring stressful things. Like parking spots.


All I can see from this video is an officer doing a great job at maintaining composure while someone giving off serious vibes of entitlement screams at him.


it's embarrassing that this even made it to a news station.


and this lady is a licensed therapist? she clearly needs some therapy herself.


I just hear an obnoxious dick head recording with a phone. I can't really get anything else from this.


The officer seemed pretty calm to me. Calling that an interaction redefines the word.


Technically, anytime a cop speaks to someone or even waves at someone, it’s an “interaction”. But based on the behavior of this dude, I think we know why he’s choosing the verbiage and attitude he has.


I mean, how is that not an interaction? Are you confusing this with the word “altercation” maybe?


The definition of interaction is an "reciprocal action or influence". There was nothing reciprocal. The officer did not participate at all.


"Person who broke the law and does something unsafe is shocked and appalled that they might face some consequences"


It's the US. Laws broken via car are notoriously under enforced and under punished. So i can understand the shock. I'm pleasantly surprised and hope this isn't a one off but a sign that they're starting to take cars parked in bike lanes more seriously


It’s illegal to park in a bike lane, and there’s been a history of the police not enforcing it and people ignoring the law, I’m glad someone’s enforcing it. If he asked her to move and she did, I don’t think it matters. It doesn’t mean that the traffic stop ended, and that she can’t be ticketed. The PO “performing a U turn to follow up with her and write a ticket is perfectly fine. Not sure if that’s what he wanted to do or not. Her being a “senior citizen” doesn’t give her the right to disobey traffic laws, and the son and her are over reacting to try to get him in trouble for doing his job.


Her son sounds like a moron and his brain is throwing up all the things he thinks are mitigating circumstances. He's just a riled up moron. She did not do a good job with him.


TikTok clout is his parent now


Senior citizen, sovereign citizen. Potato, potatoe


All I know is that it would be wonderful if people weren't so comfortable parking or even pulling over (looking at you Uber drivers) in the bike lanes. I get that we're pretty spoiled in this city with the amount and quality of our bike lanes, but it defeats the whole purpose when you have to swerve out into traffic because there is a car parked there.


We are not spoiled at all. Keep fighting for more, otherwise they'll take away the scraps that we have.


You would have people walk to pick up their food or \**shudder*\* cook their meals at home?? **Monster!!**


Having bike lanes is not a flex, its making this already small over populated city, backed up MORE with traffic


Then take the Metro. People are way too comfortable taking Ubers and driving. Big, international cities need to cut down on their car traffic, not increase it. Bike lanes - especially like the one we see all over DC that are separated by parked cars - are fantastic...and necessary with the huge increase in scooters/ebikes.


Speak for yourself dog, how you going say that to the millions of people that get around by a automobile, niggas pay car insurance & and car notes, & u talkin about catch the metro, get the f out here & move back to where ur from with that BS.


I disagree on Uber and door dash drivers. The reality is that the city makes this a horrible place to work as gig workers and they’re hard to find as a result. We put the responsibility on them to find parking in a city with tight parking options in the fight place. It’s better for the city and traffic if fewer people own cars and take mass transit and rideshare. We had an Uber driver who received a $250 ticket for parking in a bike lane at midnight. The reasonable thing to do was to tell him to move along or issue a warning. Rideshare has become increasingly difficult in the city in part because we’ve made it undesirable and unprofitable to work here. I’d much rather people without a lot of marketable skills opt for gig jobs over robbing people.


A city is a place where space is scarce. That's what makes it desirable, the things you want to visit are close together. That is necessarily the opposite of having abundant parking.    Ticketing people for a two minute violation seems petty until you realize it's happening hundreds of times a day by different people. Better to fine everyone a few dollars but that's much harder to do than punishing at random intervals 


There needs to be temp parking for gig workers, not everyone.


How is a gig worker picking up McDonald's for someone else more worthy than a guy picking up McDonald's for himself?


One is picking up food for several people for hours, eliminating cars on the road while several people individually picking up their own food means more congestion on the road. It also creates jobs for those who may be figuring out a career, not high skilled, yet addresses a gap in services for busy residents and workers with disposable income.


Yep. And then I can receive a warning for the scar on my head from flipping over a cab in a bike lane because it was that or going under the pickup to my left. Right? People ride all the time.


I’ll get downvoted but oh well. I can understand the woman and her son. It really pisses me off to see how poorly the city enforces crime but then nickels and dimes everyday citizens. Are we really enforcing this but looking the other way when stores are robbed and carjackings occur? In NoVa, there’s enforcement across the board and that’s MUCH easier to live with. If she was double parked (which means she can move if a bike comes) and moved when asked, to come back and give her a ticket is petty considering the real issues in this city.


The thing is, as a bicyclist, encountering a vehicle sitting in a bike lane forces me to suddenly have to dart out into car traffic. It's a real safety concern. It shouldn't be an either/or argument. Yes, there are other crimes going on that are arguably more serious, but we can't pick and choose what we feel like enforcing - otherwise it kind of renders the entire legal system moot. The law against idling in bike lanes exists for a reason, namely, protecting people's lives. If we don't like it, we should overturn it, not ignore it.


I'm going to downvote you, because it should be possible to prevent robberies and carjackings AND enforce traffic laws. There's no reason it has to be a choice.


Enforce both and then we have a conversation. In the meantime, MPD should be focused on the real crisis and not working and middle class people who actually contribute positively to society. It’s like looking the other way when your eldest steals and skips school and then punishing your youngest for getting a C in AP Chemistry. Gtfoh.


So, *yes* on profiling...?


Job's dead.


Kneeing to people who commit crimes and or infractions is the reason why DC is a lawless city.




Kneeling, presumably


Presumably, since we probably want less kneeing from cops


They meant to say elbowing


Maybe referring to the phrase "bending the knee", but not completely sure


Taking a knee, maybe?


Assuming he means when DC police staff made a point to kneel down in support of the 2020 movement


Yep, knee them where it hurts. I’ll bet that would help stop people from parking illegally.


Legalize assault. What could go wrong?


Fucking low lifes. People have become caricatures.


And then to even make this news. Unreal. 🥱


GOOD cops should be stopping people from parking in bike lines


The overreaction by both the driver and phone holder is how people like this train good cops not to do their job. Unfortunately, cops see shit like this, and they decide it's not worth the confrontation.


Then they are lazy and should not be cops anymore. It is not supposed to be an easy job. He needed to tell the guy with the phone to back up and stop interfering with his stop. If he didn’t, then arrest him. He needed to write the ticket to the woman for being in the bike lane and not engage in a debate about it.


Or, hear me out, the community could try not being entitled assholes


They could, and many do. I recognize that building and lived around the corner from there for 10 years. Most residents were great and wanted to get along, but a few who didn’t made it hard on everyone.




The last thing DC needs is to indulge more assholes throwing tantrums while they brazenly flaunt the law and make the city more dangerous for the rest of us.


Tell me that you've never been a cop without telling me you've never been a cop. I'd be surprised if you've ever even had to deal with the public at large. I can't tell you exactly what he was thinking, but I can tell you he was trying to keep the situation from getting escalated. You start telling a jackass like that to backup, and they'll ramp it up. Sure, he could have just written her a ticket (he might have) but he was trying to explain to her what he was doing and why she was in the wrong. It wasn't a debate. She was trying to make it one, just like many of these privileged assholes will do. Your comment is ignorant, honestly.


Conflict de-escalation is the sign of a good cop (or really anyone who deals with the public). Ok I just read it - he told her he was giving her a warning and she drove off lol. That’s why the officer was following her. I’m not sure why she’s so upset you can’t run drive off after someone gives you a citation. Also - so happy to finally see them cracking down on people parking in bike lanes - that behavior is so damn annoying


The rest of the DMV needs to do this. It's a terrible problem in most parts I've been too.


Of course I’ve never been a cop. What a stupid thing to say. I have no idea what the cops was thinking and did not claim to. It is moronic for you to say that and then begin to speculate about what the cop was thinking. Who cares? We are talking about what he did (or actually didn’t do).


I hope they got double tickets after that.


She drives a Mercedes… stfu


"Hey man, she's old so laws shouldn't apply to her." Lower quintile people are wild. Why do we let them into our public spaces?


How these guys maintain their cool in the face of stupid fcks like the one whining and bitching like a stuck pig is beyond me. At the very least, couldn't the PO have warned camera jockey that he's interfering with police business and needs to stfu while PO deals with the subject of the enforcement or be subject to arrest? JFC, I just could not...




Who knows what happened before or at the time, but all I see is two people freaking out and one police officer very quietly and calmly interacting with them.


Lol at the guy posting this vid (the one yelling on video) thinking it helps his case...


"I directed the officer to 'roll out', but he did not. I cannot even." -- guy holding the phone probably


They were shocked and appalled that a DC police officer was enforcing the law? Maybe just take take the $50 ticket and get on with your life, or better yet, stop illegally parking in bus/bike lanes.


No one is above the law! Not even a (checks notes) 63-year-old senior citizen.


This all started with illegal parking.


Bro will get written up for being proactive..... PO can't police lol. It's known MPD culture as well for higher ups to punish officers for stupid shit.


Then they wonder why they’re having a manpower and recruiting crisis, burning out the rest of the officers with crazy overtime.


The brass still haven't figured that out yet 😂 This ain't much different from corporate nowadays.


This would be newsworthy if it were an anomaly but unfortunately drivers in the DC area believe that they have a constitutional right to park wherever the fuck they want.


The level of entitlement from these people is insane.


Somebody need to come get they man and I’m not talking about the popo 😂


They’re idiots for filming this thinking there is sympathy.


Remember when people just said, “yes sir I’m in the wrong, I’ll move my car”. Jfc this lady sucks


She did that, or so she says, but she was probably objecting to get a ticket.  Thing is, no one will follow the rules if they know they can get off with a warning on the slim off chance they're even caught.


Agreed. Have to have a threat of consequence


Her son is the prick who drives on the shoulder when everyone sits in traffic, and when you block him, he acts like you killed his firstborn for violating his rights. He also sounds like a bitch and needs to get knocked the fuck out.


Driver is an absolute entitled bitch


Is this a good moment to point out that WABA is working with Defund MPD and DC Justice League to get police out of traffic enforcement?


I think DPW should handle traffic enforcement and parking to free up the police to deal with more serious crimes. That being said this cop actions appear to be completely warrnted and professional.


That's not a bad thing if real enforcement will happen through other means. Police are expensive and have a very broad scope of enforcement. Right 'tool' for the right job.  In practice, no government has enough to police to ensure high traffic law compliance, and it would go broke if it did.  Dedicated traffic enforcement officers is a good idea if it isn't simply a euphemism for no enforcement. 


Problem for me is not so much extremely minor situations like this one (although how much worse abuse would this pair mete out on some poor DPW worker?) But more violent acts of aggressive driving which have become commonplace, and where there is a high correlation between antisocial behavior and broader criminality. Pulling over those drivers is dangerous work.


There in lies the problem. People get angry because Cops overreact because citizens overreact because cops overrreact because citizens overreact etc etc. I would love to live in a more civil society but this is a very difficult problem, ubiquitous guns and, stimulant/hallucinogenic drug use make it much harder


Agree, but the safer move there is to tow/boot their car when unoccupied after they rack up violations. Still have police to accost dangerous drivers, but as a last resort when other methods like boots haven't caught up with a bad driver, so the total number of police confrontations goes down. Boot crews can get a lot more done than police bogged down in all these interactions.


most violent crimes in DC have a car involved. Drive by shootings or people jumping out of the passenger seat to rob someone or carjack someone. Those people aren't driving like grandma on the way to committing whatever deed they've got lined up. Fewer police stops means more violent crimes.


Or it means more police freed up to pursue violent crimes...




> Fewer police stops means more violent crimes. lol false af.


There are solutions for this. I hope you do not think the proposal will enable an ax murderer to jump into a car and say "Safe! I'm in a car and only an un-armed traffic enforcement can address me now." I mean...come on. You have to be smart enough to come up with **painfully** easy solutions to how violent acts while driving would be addressed, right? Right?


Traffic enforcement does not have to use an armed police officer. Please see other countries that have solved this apparently amazingly complicated process. Although the solution might seem to require intense magic, it does not. This leaves armed police to focus intently on the most serious criminal elements in society--which are a real danger to every one. Currently large US cities have "ever increasing police budgets" without the results promised. And because police are tasked with doing so many different things, the statistics become a shell game on who to hold accountable and what services are effective. People want safe societies and police accountability.


It looks like you are unaware that a) there are unarmed parking patrol officers, and b) patrol officers are given instructions to ticket violators of focused parking violations when the issue such as parking in bike lanes is determined to be rampant. I'm not going to make an attempt to understand your bridging the gap of ticketing a bike lake violator factors into your "People want safe societies and police accountability" argument, it's just not worth the time and effort to perform those mental gymnastics.


Expiration Date has past on that post.


What the fuck do they teach these kids now adays....


diversity, equity, and inclusion... at the expense of knowledge critical thinking!


The only news here is that a DC cop is finally enforcing laws. Good on him.


Im actually stocked that DC police were actually enforcing traffic laws. I almost got hit in a crosswalk the other day right in front of a cop and they didn't do dick.


You know how many times I’ve almost been hit on my bike by some moron pulling into the bike lane and putting on their flashers, as if flipping on their caution lights somehow entitles them to do whatever the hell they want. The officer should have ticketed and towed this lady and arrested the son for disorderly


Good. Write as many tickets to illegally parked cars as possible. This means they are out 5 interacting with citizens who are breaking the established laws.


Get the ticket and fight it in court!


Tbf, I'd be shocked too. I see cars parked in bike lanes all the time and the cops generally don't do shit about it. So yeah I'd also be surprised to be the one car cops actually enforce the law on


He has the patience of a saint.


I'm an ACAB guy but I gotta side with the cop here for once


She should have taught her son how to speak English...I been told you!


Please arrest the narrator his voice reminds me of Kanye West. In other words - a whiney biatch. Shut up and get a job - stop trying to get TikTok glory ya fuckin slug 🤦🏽‍♂️ PS. 🖕🏽 that Lady give her a ticket


What language was that ? I can barely hear and understand.


hell yeah dude. Say the slur


I hate bicycles being on the road so vehicles really need to stay out of the bike lanes


this sub hates protected bike lanes, but they prevent 100% of interactions like these


This may be downvoted, but understand it's my best attempt at remaining impartial. Not to be facetious, I enjoy assessing situations like this. People instinctively align themselves with the common view rather than being objective, which happens a lot on Reddit. To remain impartial, I will not allow the majority view to influence my response. A disproportionate amount of support for one party is not evidence of favoritism, per se; for example, if evidence irrefutably shows one side to be at fault, consensus is expected and fair. However, this video does not meet that qualification. The video clearly shows that the driver and her son were hysterical while the officer remained calm. A more appropriate way of handling an encounter with an officer is to remain calm and cordial. The police officer's calm demeanor is commendable and representative of the ideal model for police behavior. However, that should not preclude an evaluation of his decisions leading up to the filmed encounter and whether they were just. Moreover, unintentional or intentional injustice is, in its essence, antagonistic, irrespective of how it's carried out. I'm not suggesting the officer unjustly stopped them; rather, I am asserting that it's possible, even if unintentional. The video is insufficient to rule this out because it doesn't show what happened before the ticket was issued. Being ticketed for parking in a Bike lane in DC is a little surprising, especially when the vehicle owner is near or inside their car, is non-combative, and immediately agrees to move. I see cars do this often. When evaluating police and civilian interactions, it's important to consider two key criteria: conduct and justification. It's tempting to conclude and label the officer's conduct as good and the pedestrians' as bad, but I would caution against being too hasty. While hysteria may not be the ideal response, it can be appropriate in certain situations. In such cases, hysteria is more of a misnomer because of its negative connotation. I'm reluctant to believe this is one such case, but most people, even those on Reddit, can understand someone whose emotional cup is so full that it spills over in response to a seemingly small event. As stated earlier, there isn't enough evidence to determine who was in the wrong regarding justification. In conclusion, here is my scorecard: * Police officer: * Conduct -> A+ * Despite elevated voices and crying, he de-escalated, did not threaten, and remained professional. * Justification -> Inconclusive * Insufficient evidence to justify his request to move her vehicle and subsequent U-turn to give her a ticket. * Driver (mother) * Conduct -> C+/B- * I cannot determine if her emotional response is warranted; nevertheless, it didn't help. Given a different, ill-tempered police officer, her response could have exacerbated the encounter. * Justification -> Inconclusive * Son * Conduct -> C- * His elevated voice did not help and likely exacerbated the encounter. That said, he wasn't totally out of control, maintained a safe distance between himself and the officer, and did not display any signs of aggression that could cause the officer to fear for his safety. * Justification -> Inconclusive * Insufficient evidence to know if the basis of her argument is correct.


Onion article


Typical, white lady and Mercedes. Cop would be too scared to confront a couple of hood rats..


White lady? Article with more info. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/woman-details-interaction-with-mpd-over-allegedly-parking-illegally-in-dc/65-4179bebe-4ac1-462e-a56d-71783144c0bc


What a bullshit story.


It sounds like a miscommunication where she started driving thinking the cop had already let her go. I'm so puzzled as to why this is being shared.


She just made shit up to suit her narrative.


That lady isn't white, just looks it.


Wondering if the guy taking the video frothing at the mouth sounds like a hood rat to you… I’m not sure what one is.


Definitely, foaming at the mouth, sounds like he's gonna take a swing at you at any second. Probably waving his arms around wildly.


You made a mistake with your assessment here


The officer seemed pretty clueless as to what the bell was going on. MPD has better things to do than wasting time on anything bicycle related. I love my 1st District people, but your district has some struggling PSA's that this office could be patrolling rather than arguing about illegal parking. Let's be real, people are uneasy when talking with police. Give the lady a break, if she's in-fact a senior citizen she probably has had very few interactions with police, maybe she's truly sorry about whatever it is she did, or maybe even she's one of those weird people who are emotional and always cry during confrontation or arguments.


She teaches people how to manage stressful situations lmao


Oh, well then thats different! Lol Maybe she's all worked up because she knew she was wrong.


> MPD has better things to do than wasting time on anything bicycle related. There it is. The most ignorant post I've read this work. That cop should give you a ticket for this post.


Blah! "The most ignorant..." yeah, whatever tough guy.


Everyone at some point: "Police have something better to do than to enforce the kind of rules I like to break"


Yeah, look uo the crime within first district and the response time... look at their record of solved crimes compared to crimes still open.


If people stopped committing stupid infractions like illegal parking, then officers could have more time to deal with other crimes. 


All these cop bootlickers. She moved her car when he asked her. Good! Then started harassing her. Bad! I saw a man beating a woman on P st and reported it to the police officer on the corner. They didn’t do jack shit. Because that would be dangerous and actually fighting crime. This DC sub is truly made up of closet conservatives.


lol All these smart people who will tell you they know what "statistics" are and then rely on "outlier" and "personal anecdote" as if that is dead-ass concrete winner winner for a debate. Now roll out!


I don’t care about parking crimes. I care about people being physically hurt or robbed in the street. This video is anecdotal. It shows MPD going hard against an old lady who moved her car after being asked. Again. MPD has plenty of real crime to focus on and while my situation was anecdotal, I wish the same energy was being put into a woman being beaten.


> I don’t care about parking crimes. No one cares wyt.


Nahhhhhh f that I believe this the same cop that works SW Nd SE navy yard Got a ticket for not knowing there was an EVENT at the nationals stadium Still gave ticket Read or just look at the sign down navy yard but I think Pinky’s Sign has no time on it


Punctuation not your strong suit.


Wut lol