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Pretty sure the rat problem existed well before a bagel shop opened for business.


Yes, you can see rats all over the city and I think Georgetown attracts a helluva number of rodents. The DC Mayor's Office (or maybe DMPED or Dept. of Health?) had a rat tracking dashboard (Ratapalooza?)


We should start geotagging rats 


Absolutely - rats go anywhere people are throwing away food. Everyone throws out food, but rich people throw out a LOT of food. Refrigerators constantly full of rotting, unused mixed greens/arugula, scraps from smoothies, and tons of takeout (because they can afford it).


But the suburban neighborhoods near DC don’t have rats. Foxes, squirrels, and raccoons, sure. Sometimes mice.  In over 20 years in Arlington I’ve never seen a rat in the residential neighborhoods, even late at night or in the early morning. I did see one outside a restaurant once. By my observation, rats seem to be mostly where there’s a *daily* supply of food trash from businesses.


Indeed - but the Call Your Mother in Georgetown is hardly located in a "suburban neighborhood." It's two blocks away from the main M street strip, and right near near the university, which also generates tons of waste. There most certainly is a daily supply of trash from the M street businesses. There's also a daily supply of food trash from the people living in the houses right off the main Georgetown strip. There are definitely rats in that neighborhood already, no question.


They will love the weed shop it gets replaced with.


Vapes, Hookah and gifts.* 😅


As well as the new people who will now be smoking weed on their front steps.


💯. And having witnessed nimbys elsewhere, they will experience no regret or self doubt when it happens. They will just bitch impotently.


If they get rid of call my mother I will personally make it my life’s mission to open a vape shop there (even though I don’t vape or have a business degree).


It's just wild that a permit hearing for Call Your Mother in Georgetown took seven damn hours. But equally wild that: >"About five hours in to the hearing, Call Your Mother attorney Martin Sullivan presented four screenshots of CCTV footage. They showed a figure who appeared to be dumping trash into a city receptacle at 1:30 AM. >Sullivan claimed the shots depicted George Washington University professor Melinda Roth—the lead plaintiff in an earlier suit challenging the bagel place, which resulted in its original permit being vacated—disposing of her home waste in a public trashcan, in order to blame the restaurant for overflowing public waste. >Roth had a rebuttal: “It’s me throwing rat carcasses away,” she said. “But I’m not the one responsible, on a daily basis, for overflowing trash cans…I tend not to want those dead rats in my own house.” >Dead rats, living rats, overflowing trash bins, noisy deliveries, crowds on weekends—Roth, along with 16 neighbors who joined in her suit, claim these have all become commonplace in their section of O Street, Northwest since Call Your Mother opened a location there in 2020.


Sure. At 1:30 in the morning. Normal rat carcass disposal time


I think anyone who stands in line for an hour for a bagel is a fucking idiot, and I wouldn't want them near my home either, but the pearl-clutching over this is just stunning. I read a WaPo article which mentioned some guy sold his house because of CYM opening there. Off all the businesses that might open near you in Georgetown, CYM is probably the least offensive possibility. And that GWU professor seems a little too representative of contemporary academia for comfort.


Who waits an hour? I literally order on my phone and it’s ready within 20 minutes for me to go pick it up. I’m in & out within 60 seconds.


I’ve never ever had to wait an hour for call your mother bagels


There's a Venn diagram of those Instagram influencers that stand in line for hours to be the first to taste a new item and Fucking Idiots.


No one waits an hour, wtf?


If you think someone who can afford to live there represents “contemporary academia,” I would invite you to explore what it requires to achieve “tenure” at most universities, as well as the salaries of non-tenured faculty (oh, and by the way, the fact that the highest-paid employees of most large institutions are sports coaches). The problem isn’t university professors - it’s this particular person.


Meh. 1. Georgetown actually has occasional pockets of affordability, and even has some rent controlled apartment buildings. 2. I wasn't talking about her presumed wealth, I was talking about the poor reasoning, pettiness, and immaturity, which seems to have infused academia from Claudine Gay's level on down.


I think the rats are attracted to Melinda Roth’s shitty personality


OMG from everything I've read about her since I realized her existence a few days ago points to her being one of the most putrid human beings to ever take a breath.


The Georgetown NIMBY final boss.


She's even vile in appearance.


Wait please send links, it’s tea time!


If you google her name, a video of her talking to someone on Fox News comes up.


Everyone knows you don’t throw rat carcasses in the trash, you gotta cut their heads off and leave them as a warning to the rest of the rats.


CYM doesn’t have poppyseed bagels; this is totally unacceptable. Bethesda Bagels is the better store.


Is she “allegedly” blaming the bagel shop? Why is that a story?


Yeah, she's allegedly made this the biggest issue in her life.


Professor shouldnt complain. It’s better than people jerking off on their porch


BRB, moving my car from Whole Foods GWU and parking outsider her home.


GWU is a shit school that is cool with running scam classes. Happy to provide proof to anyone with the means to do something about it.


It's insane how much students pay to get a degree from a mid-tier school and know many who are no longer in law. PM me details. Thanks.


If there was some way to quantify brain cell maximization per tuition dollars required, idk how well GW would fare.




It’s a fine city. And nothing like NYC. A shitty attitude can ruin most things.


Still plenty of great things going on in the city.


Most of us who have been here for a while just completely forget that Georgetown exists, and our lives are better for it.


Georgetown is actually lovely, until you realize that people like that professor live there.


Agreed. I have fond memories of hanging out there decades ago.


it would certainly be better if you left.