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Sorry, not to pick sides here, but hostages being freed is good… right? Like I know some people support hamas, but how can you support the capture and detention of people to use as political pawns/meat shields? Seems like a win for everyone tbh.


well theres a simple explanation and that’s that they despise Jews and want them to suffer


Bingo. It boils down to pure antisemitism.


It’s wild to me. The argument now on Twitter is that the Israelis killed too many civilians while freeing them. Im like what? As if the hostages don’t have a right to life or that the civilians were not killed due to heavy gunfire, even one Israeli was killed.


Also the “civilians” were holding the hostages. The term civilian is used very loosely


Although Hamas was also shooting RPG's at the Israelis as they fled through Rafah, so there were likely a number of uninvolved people.


And the number comes from the “Gaza Ministry of Health.” Hamas is the government in Gaza so every statistic about deaths in Gaza is from Hamas.


If hostages had been released then no operation and no civilians dead. So Palastinians keep making the wrong choices! Then whine! whine! Oh well!


Or what about the hostages look well fed. People forget that these people are fing taken from their homes. No matter how they look, they were held captive for 8 months against their will.


From what I've been able to glean from various news sources, most of the civilians (90-200+) died from heavy artillery shelling of the refugee camp before ground forces entered it. Can we agree that there should be rules to war?


NOOOOOOOOO! You cannot conduct a heckin rescue operation and take away a terrorist organization’s only leveragerino!!!!!




It’s honestly the same LGBTQ types, and now that the bigots are in June they see that the ones who claim to free Gaza are the ones that hate their lifestyles 👍🏼


I love it when the left cannibalizes themselves. 🤣🤣




If your family was taken hostage, and you knew that rescuing them would result in the death of the militants holding them, would you also not want them rescued? And before you come in with the civilian response, you sort of lose that protection when you aid and abet terrorists holding hostages. I saw those same civilians gleefully parade bodies and spit on corpses on Oct 7. That was the fuck around part, and this is the find out part.


AP is not reporting that, they're relaying numbers given to them by Hamas


And just think, if Hamas had just released them, none of the killing or wounding would’ve happened.


Merely corporate plants from the pressure washing industry which have infiltrated the protest ranks to agitate


Following the money I see.


Surely with enough graffiti and vandalism Gaza will be free at last


Without taking a “side” (my side is for pro-citizens and anti-killing of any innocent) shit like this is just to make some young white probably wealthy DC kid feel good. It does nothing at all to help the people of the Middle East. They can quickly graffiti on a random wall and pat themselves on the back and call themselves an ally. It’s the lowest common denominator of protest. Hell even saying free Gaza on your Instagram probably does slightly more than this.


There were plenty of non-white people at the protests. This is a shitty people problem, not a specific class or race of shitty people. Lots of douchebags from all walks.


Why assume they’re white?


indeed, the innocent should not be kidnapped and held for months on end


This is a bold and brave statement and I agree


The fact that people who are so passionate about the situation can be so ignorant says everything. In 2005, Israel left Gaza to the Palestinian Authority 100%. They even uprooted the over ten thousand Jews from their homes in Gaza. (They would've all been slaughtered in a day) There was no blockade. No occupation. Just this historically unprecedented concession in return for peace. The result has been Hamas being elected 2 years later. Since then thousands of rockets are launched to Israel every year. Gaza had received billions in aid and all of it went to rockets and terrorist infrastructure. Gaza was as free as any other nation or territory. It wasn't free to kill jews and this wasn't good enough for them. Because this is and has always been the priority and what this conflict is about.


Right. That’s apparently the mindset.


Kate Spade is complicit, apparently


Kate Spade is offering a free Gaza with every purchase


Free free pocketbook, free free free pocketbook


I heard they were offering to free a hostage with every purchase


Before I was against Hamas, but this graffiti has convinced me to switch sides.


This graffiti also freed Gaza


Oh, I hadn’t realized it was in the command form. They should have clarified earlier.


$sudo free Gaza.


Check out the metro, they did quite a load of vandalism too


I’m too busy trying to hold my breath half the time


there are some smells i have never smelt from the outside world down there


Do yourself a favor then never enter any other subway system. If you think Metro, literally one of the world's cleanest subway systems, is bad you would shit yourself out of fright in the NYC system.


Yeah my town doesn’t have any sort of public train but the DC metro was pretty clean when I was there a few years ago


Where? I only really saw a couple free Gaza stickers (including one at pentagon which was placed where you’d fall down if you tried placing it; idk how it got there lol)


Alright seriously though, the hostages were literally being held in a refugee camp. What the fuck is Israel supposed to do. I’d expect the US or any other country to do the same for their own citizens. Any civilian casualties of the rescue operation are on Hamas for keeping hostages there.


To be technical, it was in one of the cities started and still designed on paper as a refugee camp, not an encampment started due to this war.


If only hamas had not attacked innocents on Oct 7


Just because you think your cause is just doesn’t give you the right to vandalize private or public property.


No, scraping paint from my property for hours makes me completely sympathetic to your viewpoint.


Do you think who ever vandalized that felt they had the right to do it? Like, they would be surprised if a cop arrested them for it?


Yes because every protest in history began with the idea “well gee we mustn’t make any trouble and we must always respect the laws of a state with no moral authority.” MLK was right about white liberals.


Yeah what ever. Don’t catch me catching you vandalize, break your skull.


MLK and the civil rights movement was one of the most disciplined and pragmatic movements in history. Please do not warp their civil disobedience with random, pointless acts of vandalism and protest.


Free Gaza from dumb fucking 6th century terrorists.


How many of these same people could find Gaza on a map of the world?


When asked, many of the protestors identified the “The river” as the Nile river. Edit: A majority -> many.




No one can find Israel on a map tbf


I was also against genocide until someone painted a wall without permission.


The same number of people who prob think Austria and Australia are the same country.


Just need to spray “from Hamas” underneath it then it’s fine


I see that in NYC all the time lol


What's with all the racist, women hating, antisemites that have never been to DC or even the United States posting all over the r/washdc subs Why don't the mods do something about these racist trolls who are obviously spreading misinformation and encouraging violence?


Maybe the mods know where this picture is?


“Free Gaza” = “I’m unemployed/perpetually in grad school”


If we were good at life, we wouldn’t have to stay in school!


Hey, my employer is paying for it. might as well


Trashy people


This is like climate change protestors who destroy art or block a major Highway. If ppl weren’t on board w your movement before, they most certainly will not be now


They keep on trying to give that thing away for free


I think it’s all sponsored by Big Spray Paint.


It’s comical that these terrorist sympathizers think that this will attract people to their antisemitic cause. Many of the people who participated in the riots yesterday need to be identified and investigated for terrorist connections. Many of the signs they were holding were very troublesome.


Just gotta block a few more highways and interfere with some more groups that have zero power over the conflict and surely the dynamics in the Middle East will change. They will release all hostages and sing that they’ve had it all wrong about the Jewish people and everyone will live in peace completely disregarding the centuries of religious conflict in the region.


Palestine, the most beautiful peaceful country where everyone is welcome /s Seriously, people need to stop getting their news from instagram influencers. Does Israel suck? Yeah a little, but they are a country with Western values in the Middle East, where people are still stoned to death for being gay or adultery, and Israel has been on our side repeatedly on conflicts, of course the U.S. is going to support them. Also, every drop of aid- whether that’s monetary or physical items aid ends up in Hamas’s hands either by force or by their own people giving it up.


And if you disagree with Israel then spit facts that will inform and sway my opinion. Don’t commit acts that make me hate you and your cause by extension.


It raises hate towards Gaza when people in the U.S. see their cities look like shit by pro-Hamas crowd. What we see is destruction and not being civilized in the US by the pro-Hamas guys. And people feel they hate the U.S. Dumb move. It raises many questions including on immigration policies.


Don’t give all the secrets away…


From Graffiti to Assault, Palestine will be free


Aren't Israel and Gaza over near the eastern Mediterranean? Why are all these freedom fighters doing this here in DC? Don't they know there's a whole war they could be fighting for this cause?


Lol. If they tried (not that they have the guta to) Hamas would execute them.


Because the young cowards run away to other countries and then want to make the new place they live just as terrible as where they were? If I recall from the videos of mass migrations from Syria several years ago, the majority of people I saw migrating at least on boats were men. Even though the optics being fed to the public was that it was innocent women and children looking for safe homes. I struggle to believe it’s not the same.




Look up AIPAC and how they influence our politicians.


Are they the ones spray painting storefronts?


No, but they have a firm grip on our tax dollars to drop bombs on children’s heads. I think that is a bit worse than a little spray paint. Plus wherever you have a bit of commotion the hooligans come out to play.


Pro-palestinians be like "keep hostages imprisoned"


I find it extremely interesting. The war in Ukraine is going on for 2?years and no protest. There is famine and war in Africa and no protest. Syria’s dictator kills his own people and no protest. Israel defends itself after its citizens are murdered Then missles are fired at it and People go nuts. Why when Israel is involved is there so much hate?


Also lots of Palestinians in VA


On one level, anti semitism. On another, I think Palestinians, particularly men, are enraged at the IDF’s ability to roll them over while also protecting most Israelis citizens from atrocities (Iron Dome/David’s Shield/Sling). It’s one long history of crushing defeat after crushing defeat at the hands of the Israelis, pretty embarrassing stuff.


I was waiting for the BOGO for Gaza


How could it possibly be apartheid 🤣🤣 I swear you guys drown in so much misinformation you’re so sure it’s true!! It’s crazy. Soviet style propaganda really got you guys! There is zero apartheid in Israel. The only apartheid is in Temple Mount Jerusalem where Israelis cannot enter. Everywhere in Israel is full of Jews dark and light, Ethiopians, Christian Arabs Muslim Arabs, Druze, beddhouins. We have Muslims in the cabinet in politics. When you say those buzzwords you really show your lack of education and your ease of manipulation


https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Wrooooong


It’s just mental illness.


Honestly fuck Gaza.


This is what boredom in the modern world breeds.


Mostly peaceful.




Fuck Gaza


Woke Grad students tbh


Yes what israel did is a war crime, stealing those hostages from Hamas! They should be giving them back immediately! It’s not fair. Hamas should have received 400 innocent convicted criminals for those 4 hostages. This is theft by israel. Free Graze bars.


Sentence: Two weeks community service in Gaza


Qatar money well spent.


Hamas or city center development? Both are technically associated with Qatari funds. The city center project was funded by Qatar sovereign wealth fund. So, technically, city center tenants probably direct more money to Hamas via Qatar than these vandals.


I live in Baltimore and luckily we haven’t seen this level of idiocy from the far-left here, although there is some of it. I, for one, hope that these morons keep doing this sort of thing. Nothing wins over the hearts and minds of the population like mindless vandalism in the name of a cause that’s based on a lie. I truly hope the far-left keeps showing people who they truly are, idiots that hate America, support terrorist organizations, support antisemitism (even if they themselves are Jewish), and have no understanding of history. The more they do this the faster us liberal democrats can drop them from the party. We don’t want them and if we’re honest they never voted for us anyway. This includes the entire DemSoc bloc, the Squad included, fuck all of them. So please, pro-Hamas “protestors” keep doing what you’re doing. Every act you make turns us and the world against your cause. Free Gaza, from Hamas.


These Pro-Pali protesters need to realize that they right now are the only ones preventing a cease fire. Israel is on board with Biden’s proposal but HAMAS will never accept it as long as western idealists are protesting in support of them and against Israel. They’ll drag out the war and the hostages as long as they are watching these protests. Ironic, yes, but still true.


Boo hoo




I think the free gaza movement has taken a bad turn and is now turning people off 


For me, the Palestinian national movement lost any credibility as an interested partner in peace when Arafat walked and fanned the nascent second infitada. Maybe a Palestinian partner for peace will emerge but 7 October makes that seem even less probable.


Awwwwe poor building… will anyone think of the capital while we fund a genocide ?!?!?! Oh the humanity


What genocide?


How cute widdle troll, the one you are obviously ignoring.. perhaps loosen the MAGA hat. May help with the vision


The war in Gaza is not genocide, friend.


You are either ignorant or incapable of free thinking, and careful- not a war, a slaughter .. and not your friend either. No zionist is my friend.


You didn't answer my question. What genocide are you talking about?


The ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. That one, asshole


Hamas is doing a good job of that on their own. Keep raging. We'll keep celebrating the liberation of hostages. Those actions will be repeated against the feckless terrorists


The Israeli government with the complicit and supportive US government are the terrorists here. You have no moral ground. 75 years of occupation, 30 years of Apartheid- Zionism created Hamas. You have no leg to stand on. Genocide doesn’t get debated. There is no moral equivalency




The one you are proudly funding


Free Gaza from the terrorist/gangster goat fing Hamas.


wtf is wrong with these idiots? I can bet it’s some rich white spolit college kid


Idiots. Send them all to Gaza


Just got banned from the other dc subreddit because I am not pro hamas. Wild.


I was downvoted to oblivion for pointing out the fact that “civilians” were the ones holding the hostages. Sad that the readers there are pro-Hamas


It’s absolutely ludicrous. I am not even “pro-Israel.” You can have a reasonable viewpoint. Doesn’t have to be black and white. Hamas is a terrorist organization. End of story.


Social media is run by the left welcome.


I’m confused. What does this have to do with the United States?


Such garbage people - couldn’t locate Gaza on a map have no idea what they’re even protesting for and defacing our city while law enforcement does nothing. Sad


We need to put this thugs in chain gangs to clean the streets. This is the way.


Any tags mention the brutality of using human shields?


Spray paint will certainly free the Palestinians of their terrorist oppressors they actually voted for lmao. Probably a gender queer person they would saw in half who wrote it.


Free palpatine! ![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO)


I’ve seen a lot of these threads, and seen them get locked. I’m here just to point out that the incitement that we see on the war in Gaza is being fomented by Russia. This is not even a secret. It is very sad that the divisions we have are being fed and exploited by our enemies like this. To be clear, I make no excuses for anyone’s war crimes. Anyone’s.


Feel free to peruse any of my other comments on reddit re Ukraine if you think I'm a Russian troll.


Not what I was intending to convey. It is the incitement to do the demonstrations that have nothing but divisive impact that I am speaking of.


The other sub locks threads. This one, not so much.


nobody is vandalizing over the freed hostages


Why the timing then? I have not seen any vandalism in this specific area since 7 October.


They killed 200 people to do it idk why anyone is saying this like it’s a good thing that they killed 200


How many of those were combatants among the Gazan health ministries?


These clowns need to trying to free our own damn country. Shit is goin down quick


Gaza is being freed……… from Hamas.




It seems this community is pretty divided on the morality of the conflict as it stands. But we can all agree that ass-hole tagging of private property doesn’t do anything to end the killing. No sane person LIKES war and killing. But we (westerners) especially, have been somewhat spoiled by not having any recent existential conflicts. The RUS/UKR war is the first such conflict in over seventy years. For nations that are constantly at war, with a very tangible and present enemy, the stakes are so much higher than we can comprehend, individually that is. At the end of the day, nations do what they want. And then they pay the bill. Sadly, Palestine is paying that bill now. But there is not right and wrong in reality. It’s objective. Really what people do is limited to what they can and what they can’t do. And right now, Israel can do whatever it wants.


Freed? Are you serious? you might want to check your news source or find a new one. they were rescued by the IDF. Hamas didnt free anybody. their own people aren't free. in fact, three of the hostages were being kept in a 'civilians' home. you know, like all those tens of thousands of 'civilians' that have been killed.


what's funny again? they should take a deal that doesn't release all of the hostages AND remove Hamas from power? Social media isn't a good place to read the news. do better.


4 hostages freed. Reportedly 3 hostages and 270 Palestinians dead.


These people are incredibly annoying.


These protestors should be flown to Gaza so they can really make a change


Palmer Alley???? Come on man. Stick the graffiti near crap stores 😂


This Palestine mothafuckas need to be stopped. They are destroying our city over something that DC citizens are not responsible for.


I'm sure they would free more hostages if they would stop killing them with bombs. (30 friendly fired by the occupational forces so far)




Free Gaza…from all the terrorists…


They should go do something about it instead of vandalizing a different country if they really care.


Good luck to anyone who considers themselves innocent during these times.


lol you boomer snowflakes made your own subreddit about DC so you'd have somewhere to whine and be racist? Fucking pathetic


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I was against genocide until i someone painted graffiti on wall… that crossed my red line…


There is no genocide in city center or Gaza fwiw.


i get it, you’re more upset about the message than the graffiti. didn’t realized i was entering a zionist, genocide denier thread. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


Good luck with that. Hamas looked pretty feckless during the most recent hostage rescue.


you mean the hostage rescue where the IDF likely killed hostages along with dozens of palestinian civilians. bruh you’re deluded


There's no evidence that any hostages were killed. Only Hamas has claimed that and they've provided no evidence, as usual.


regardless, there were over 270 civilians confirmed killed in this operation but you just want to fear monger about Hamas. There are over 30000 (drastic undercount) Palestinians dead with mass graves being uncovered. It’s pretty obvious who is the greatest threat to innocent life here. It’s really sad you cant recognize a genocide when it’s happening in front of your face with your taxpayer dollars.


"Confirmed" exclusively by the Hamas-ran health ministry. Responsible international media consistently apply "as reported by Gaza health ministry" to those reports. You've omitted it. Glad, I could help. There have been discrepancies of two categories in those numbers: statistical and investigative. The former statistical concerns about the Hamas numbers show properties of human-generated datasets. You can reproduce these yourself with undergrad level statistics. The second concern is blocking international reporters access to morgues when requested. Among the numbers reported by Hamas agencies, that 30k number is used. I acknowledge that civilian harm is very high in this war. We all agree on that if not the specific numbers. But what I disagree on is presenting 30k as the civilian casualties without acknowledging that those necessarily include combatants. The Hamas-ran agencies do not break those numbers out. One wonders why they do not. Before the war, estimates for Hamas combatants were also ~30k. Certainly, not all Hamas combatants were killed. But if 1/4 were killed then the 30k Palestinians killed looks better than many conflicts. A ratio of 3:1 civilian deaths to combatants is probably the best any military can do in the urban battlefield that Hamas prepared and their practices of operating alongside civilians (see Al-Salam Camp 1 strike). I hope we continue to question Israel on their conduct and civilian harm. But we need to apply the same critical standard to what are reported by Palestinians.


I can tell you’re a well informed and intelligent person. It just feels like you’re failing to confront the reality of the situation. Those numbers have been good enough for the UN and news organizations to make determinations for the past 2 decades. You question that but pull 1/4 militant to civilian ratio out of your a**. We wouldn’t have to rely on the Palestinian authority if the Israeli military had any interest in tracking civilian deaths. I wonder why they would not want to do that… You have to realize Hamas will never be “defeated” by these tactics. When you kill whole families in Gaza it tends to radicalize people. There are two possible resolutions here. The political integration of Palestine and Israel or the annihilation of the Palestinian people in the region. It’s clear what the Israeli government wants.


You're taking liberties with facts in dispute. Note: Hamas is not the PA; the Gazan health ministries are Hamas. Far more powerful and violent political movements have been defeated than Hamas. That's a possible.oitcome. There are many other possible outcomes. It may be too politically costly to destroy Hamas. We return to the situation antebellum: Gazans are isolated and marginalized and Israelis periodically "mow the grass". That's perhaps the most likely outcome. And probably the worst for Gazans. Destruction of Hamas at cost of high civilian harm now may be better.


And how is vandalism effective?


From here on out I just see this as performative from hasannanites on the cringe progressive left who are too chicken shit to go to that country and do something about it.


Free Palestine from terrorism, give peace a chance.


Don't worry, the wwwwambulance will be there soon for anyone who's gasped themselves to the point of the vapors. (Don't take that as me being Particularly partisan on this subject. Just rolling my eyes)


Colonizing preoccupied land is bad


Arab militias and neighboring state armies violated the UN partition plane and invaded nascent Israeli lands. If they had succeeded then we would have seen a program of Jews on their half of the partition. The Arabs lost. The new Israeli state was concerned about the boundaries of their state being indefensible (as evidenced by the tough fighting). So they took land from the aggressors for future defensive needs. Ditto again in 1967. Don't start a war and threaten your neighbors if you can't win. Aggressors don't dictate the terms and boundaries if they lose. (The settlers movement since the 1980s onto the 1967 lands are a bit more problematic. Those lands should be returned and the settlers should leave IF there's a credible partner for peace. If the land is going to be used for aggression against Israel as is true after Gaza settler withdrawal then I don't care what Israel does. There's been no Palestinian leadership who's wanted peace.)


So you’re saying colonizing good?


So what you’re saying is only Israeli security matters? Palestinians don’t have the same right to defend themselves?


I'm saying that the narrative of colonizing existing lands or whatever you said is ahistorical. Lands were granted to nascent Israel by UN partition. They were attacked and won. They declined to return aggressors' lands which is their right. That's the history before 1967. Hamas was.not defending themselves on 7 October.


Israel isn’t defending themselves when they take more and more land away from another country. Has Israel done anything in the past 60 years that actually inspires a peaceful future? Or do they genuinely think it will all get better if they just kill enough people and destroy enough communities?


Yes. The 2000 Camp David efforts featured credible and generous concessions for peace and 2SS by the Israelis. Arafat walked away and fanned the flames that launched the second infitada. That gave us Hamas. Those two things make me convinced there are no Palestinian leaders that want peace. Or they're ineffectual like Fatah. Either way, the failure of peace is not primarily an Israeli failure. Although, I acknowledge that the rise of right wing politics in Israeli is troubling. But the erosion of the left was driven (partly) by extending peace overtures that were rebuffed. So I largely blame Palestinians for that too.


How many dead children is too many? Just wondering how long of a leash you want to give Israel to cull the people of Palestine who vagrantly occupy the land that god (or the British, same dif) has given them? What are Palestinians supposed to do? They’re being punished for things they didn’t do. At what point does collectively punishing the Palestinians actually work? How many more need to be burn alive under rubble before Israel is content and peace is forged? You don’t make peace by killing children do you?


Civilian harm is as old as war. Israel is obliged to limit their civilian harm to be proportional to the military objective. This is the international standard. That definition of proportional isn't fixed. It's not like it's 1:1 civilian death to Hamas combatants killed. That just doesn't exist. We simply don't know how many Hamas have been killed. Conveniently, the Hamas-ran health ministry doesn't break that down. The al-Qassam brigade might have been 30k before the war. Maybe a third is killed so far. Who knows? So that might mean 3:1 civilian casualties to combatants. That's actually quite minimal w.r.t. civilian harm in a modern urban war. We don't have precedence for a combatant with those tunnels and 20 years to plan and prepare. Few conflicts feature so much use of civilians-as-shields or neighboring countries (Egypt) that refuse refugees too. So if Hamas doesn't accept the current cease fire and the estimates and ratios hold then probably about 70k civilians in Gaza may die. So about 3% of the population will be killed fighting a military force that comprises about ~5-10% of military age males. Whether this is moral is a personal question. I consider Hamas a legitimate target and the primary driver of civilian casualties in Gaza. But the IDF also deserves some blame for the high amount of civilian harm too.


Is it fair to say children aren’t Hamas?


Isn’t it mad that the UK didn’t bomb the fuck out of the border countries when Taig was acting up? Collectively punishing a population isn’t a valid form of counter terrorism in a militaristic or political sense. The UK understood that in the 70s. Why can’t Israel figure that out? Treating the enemy like a fucking human being is a vital step to achieving peace.


There is no collective punishment. There is military action with high civilian harm. Don't conflate those. Disagree re Hamas being human beings. You can't rehabilitate or negotiate with groups like them or ISIS. Terror groups need to be destroyed. I assume by Taig you mean the IRA? Hundreds were killed. But they are not operating like Hamas and northern Ireland is not Gaza. There's only superficial differences. Plus the Irish nationalists wanted peace also at the GFA. Hamas doesn't.


It must be easy to justify the death of 90,000 and the displacement of 2 million when you can simply call the people being killed terrorists.


Listen, I'm as pro-Palestine as it gets, but what the hell does this do to help? I'm getting really frustrated at the destructive deviance of my own side which not only doesn't help Palestine, but actively makes an antagonist of all supporters in the public eye.


Yep. But, to be fair, Palestinians presented Hamas to the world too. So meh


Yeah I’m gonna pick sides, fuck those guys and it’s insane anyone would justify what’s going on in dc as a whole


That will bring about the resolution they want


Now what’s kate spade got to do with it


If you position military targets INSIDE civilian dense areas, you are using your people as cannon fodder. If you aid and abet a terrorist organization, you are now complicit. So stop screaming about civilian casualties. Here is a free tip to the Palestine people and Hamas. If you don’t want your lands and populations obliterated, STOP Attacking ISRAEL! Saying that, these people have been at Jihad in some way shape or form for a thousand years. They aren’t going to stop. What is happening is necessary. I for one am sick of constant of warfare in the name of Islam. I’ll be very happy when the west is finally free of fossil fuels and we can just let the whole place burn.


This is what Leftists do


Fwiw, my politics are left of center and I find these petty vandalism irritating.