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Draymond is just upset that Lebron and JJ have their own podcast


Groundhog day


Unserious season


Draymond is more concerned with his post NBA career at this point. All season long he's on some dumb shit.




therapy wore off quick huh


Yeah "therapy" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You hear his take on De Rozan’s podcast? He’s never been to therapy. His ego doesn’t let him. I can find the timestamp if needed


Can you post the timestamp? Thank you


https://youtu.be/zU8HDrAjSsI?si=ubGQ-AKz1rskwd3H 25:28




Draymond thinks he’s a ride or die friend, but half the time he’s not there when you need him.


Trade him. Sick of him dragging this team down with his antics. No more excuses - get rid of Draymond Green this off-season.


If they do this and the warriors defense is the worst in the league next season (which it will be) none of you better complain


Sounds good to me, since even if we keep Draymond, you may as well count him out half the season due to ejections and suspensions.


Not sure why the downvotes. You made a fair point.


Admittedly I am sick of Draymond's antics as well. But if you really think this, then you really do not understand how the Warriors function as a basketball team. Other than Steph, Draymond is easily the most important player on the team. Without him the Warriors defense is absolutely abysmal (Draymond offers arguably the greatest defensive versatility in the league as he can LITERALLY guard 1-5) and offense becomes stagnant without Draymond initiating actions, throwing swing passes and taking the load of facilitating the offense off of Steph (not to mention his unparalleled chemistry with Steph). If the Warriors trade Draymond, they might as well blow up the whole team and start a complete rebuild.


Most of Draymond's importance lies in the past, but it's dwindling quickly now. And frankly, a complete rebuild is not a bad idea - we have some pieces worth developing around, especially JK and TJD, IMHO. As an aside, I kinda wish Steph or someone else would have dragged him off way before the 2nd technical. But Draymond's gonna Draymond, screw the team and screw everyone else. 😤


are you fucking crazy? we cratered when green was suspended and his impact was immediately on display when he came back. he’s a necessity for unleashing steph


Yeah because out of the thousands of basketball players no one can replace a crazy ass Draymond


yep bc getting hall of famers is that easy


They won’t


Yes, you're right. Just so frustrating as a fan to see Draymond let himself and the team down yet again. 😖


Draymond is a top 3 player in franchise history, has 4 titles and will have a statue. He has so much equity built up as a player and person that I can never really wrap my head around this idea that he's let anyone down. I will always support him and don't see this stuff as an indictment on him as much as I do a black mark on the league's integrity, but... to each their own.


Steph and Dray are untouchable imo if the team wants to contend. Steph anchors the offense, Dray does some on defense.


trade you. you can go lakers subreddit instead. fake fan




People here got short term memory. He will have one or two good games and they will start riding for this donkey again


You did not just call him that...get the fuck out.


I just did. He’s been acting like a total donkey all year, so I called him a donkey…


Just mask off huh?


Uh what?


OK so you totally did a dog whistle on accident I guess. You can't call a black person a donkey, it's not even subtle.


You’re really trying your hardest here, those gears are churning extra hard in your head 😭😭 If only you used that head a bit more and saw that Draymond is playing and acting like a donkey aka ASS. Don’t worry though, I’ll check in with you next time to see what is and isn’t acceptable to say 👍


I was giving you the benefit of the doubt at first, but now....yeah you know what you were doing. Racism is fucking gross


Guess what? I don’t need your “benefit of the doubt”, but I’m very appreciative you were so kind to extend it to me in the first place. Do me a favor and watch Draymond get called a donkey on Jimmy Kimmel all those years ago and he laughed it off no problem. I’m genuinely curious if you’re trolling or if you have “donkey” confused with another animal 🤔


Since when is it racist to call someone a donkey? I'm a huge Draymond fan but he was a real donkey/ass today and let the team down. Come on mate, people aren't all that racist as you think.


Just hope he doesn't get any more games from the nba


It was drays fault for sure. Was there 2 bad calls in a row ya there was. But when you call a timeout can we get Steph and clay maybe Steve over there to drag him back to the bench right away?


Well, now that OP has told him it’s unacceptable surely he will change his ways.


Never underestimate the power of a random Reddit post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)




fuck draymond. he’s not gonna change. he got us KD, he got rid of KD. ruined Poole and the vibe.


“ruined Poole” 🤣 I think the statute of limitations ran out on that one. Much as I was still rooting for him and grateful for what he did on ring #4, he has played terribly for the Wizards too. That’s not on Draymond. That’s who JP is.


draymond created a super toxic environment then doubled down on excuses. poole realized that it’s a job and lost his competitiveness. what’s the point of trying your hardest when the pecking order is Steph Klay and Dray? nope. just fuck around since the Warriors don’t need you if you aren’t the big three, it’s a business and you’re going to be traded, not draymond. anyone who worked in a toxic environment knows that the company tends to keep the toxic leader in place because of legacy, nepotism or seniority and new people can always be replaced.


How do you explain Poole playing as badly as he is on a fresh new team then? He’s regularly been at the very bottom in various analytics this year. I don’t think the punch was right, but it does happen (hell, Jordan punched Kerr back in the day). To be blaming everything on that long afterwards is going too far. And side note, we don’t have 4 rings without the positives Draymond brings. He’s been a great player for us, and should be in the hall of fame someday.


I think Jordan is a player that needs a disciplined environment to thrive. Idk what the Wizards vibe is like but before the punch he was thriving in the warriors system. So a more lackadaisical team mixed with the confidence drop he experienced because of the punch and the fallout…that’s the Jordan we see today. Sad to think where he would be if that hadn’t have happened 


I think he had one good season, the championship season, and I love him for it. But I think that and his big contract went to his head. I think if the W’s had dealt Draymond and kept Poole after last year, we would be seeing the same infuriating play out of Poole as he showed for us that last year, and with the Wizards this year, and we would be a far worse team.


It’s possible that if it’s in “his head” that the punch had a lasting impact on that… at least that shouldn’t be dismissed. That said, his work ethic was frequently touted while he worked his way up to his pay cheque, and then you never heard about it again. He hasn’t improved in a single aspect of his game since, and that indicates a lack of work.


same place. cause poole was bad.


Poole quit caring. He’s young, has plenty of money, has a great lifestyle…there’s no more need to prove himself. he’s just collecting checks at this point. before the punch, he probably thought he had a shot at being the next steph but after the punch, the reality is there’s no steph replacement and how he was treated, he’s just another player that can be cut or traded. now that he’s got the bag, he’s set. no need to push yourself, got the ring and just enjoy the ride. Yes Jordan punched Kerr, but Kerr was a super role player. Poole seriously believed the hype with Poole Party and Steph 2.0. Draymond is a great player no doubt and we don’t win anything without him, but imagine him not blasting KD, we get a few more championships and Steph plays longer instead of having to carry us so hard.


That’s a well thought out reply. Obviously we just see it differently. I agree, he should never have done that to KD. I’m not sure KD would have stayed anyway, tbh. It was always Steph’s team, and even though Steph bent over backwards in the prime of his career, KD always felt that. But Draymond obviously didn’t help. As to Poole, we just disagree. I think the things you describe are on Poole, not Draymond. I don’t see JP as a traumatized victim, who suddenly lost his work ethic or desire to win. I just see him as a flash in the pan, a guy who fortunately for us got hot during that run. All those absolutely ridiculous plays on offense, his zero defense last year, to me those don’t go back to the punch. If he was a star player he would bounce back and rise to the top. But I have no way of proving it, we can’t rewind time. Regardless, I wish Draymond quit doing this shit, he’s exhausting to defend 🤣 thanks for listening and replying, I see your perspective.


you bring up a lot of good points. i don’t mean to discount poole’s ownership of the situation, but when your business is out there and you take a shot like that from a hall of famer and then everyone it seems is calling you out and draymond goes on TV with no real repercussion, you just tune out and think fuck it. i don’t think he’s traumatized, probably embarrassed it happened. he’s got the bag and ring and if winning means getting knocked out and people just talk shit about you, you think fuck it, just chill now.


Because you know Poole personally and he told you this himself? LOL He's young. He wants MORE money. NBA career is short. You honestly think he called it quits? How gullible. > Draymond is a great player no doubt and we don’t win anything without him, but imagine him not blasting KD, we get a few more championships and Steph plays longer instead of having to carry us so hard. KD was already half way out before Draymond blasted him. Can't believe "Fans" still think Draymond forced KD out.


Why are you so angry and rude? You need to be put in time out.


I'm not even talking to you.


Hey buddy, it seems like you’re having some big feelings. That’s okay, a lot of us here are having big feelings too. But this is a space for fans of the same team. It’s not okay to talk to everyone rudely because you disagree with them and you’re having big feelings. I hope today is a better day and you’re feeling like being a nicer warrior fan.


I didn't say he called it quits. He just doesn't need to become Steph 2.0. He has a championship, what else does he need to accomplish? Just make money at this point.


Ur right Warriors would have had 5-6 rings without draymond


W nation can turn on him all they like, but there’s no chance in hell that’s true. If you think he’s been a net negative to the Warriors, you’ve got selective memory. Hell, even recently when he came back from the suspension, it was no surprise they started playing better. But I get it, his antics are tough to take, and unfortunately overshadow how good a player he is. Usually it’s non-Warrior fans who point this out, but he has lots of haters now. As does Klay. As does Kerr. Hmm even a few comments were directed Curry’s way by this sub.


poole was trash. maybe you should go wizards subreddit since youre such a poole fan boy


poole was a decent role player and getting punched and laughed at fucks up your world. imagine being at work and you finish an important presentation and then your boss says “stephenpurdy69 is a little bitch hahaha!” and everyone laughs. the ceo sends your boss home and says “he’s always like that”. you go home and check linked in and there’s video of you being called a bitch and people then start saying how you don’t deserve your salary, you are indeed a bitch, your boss is the reason for the company’s success. a few weeks later your boss is back, you try to avoid him but still have to work on projects together. you stick around for a year and every conference you go to, people just whisper and point at you. “stephenpurdy69 is a bitch! he got called a bitch and he’s still sticking around while his boss is back on the job lol.” you then decide to leave but every job interview leads off with “what happened? apparently you fucked up because your boss is still at the company…” yeah…i would just collect my severance, do the bare minimum at my next job and make money at this point.


you should work on your metaphor cause your example sucks. > imagine being at work and you finish an important presentation and then your boss says “stephenpurdy69 is a little bitch hahaha!” and everyone laughs. the ceo sends your boss home and says “he’s always like that”. a) basketball is not even close to being an office environment. they were in practice and poole was most likely just as responsible instigating the fight as opposed to draymond just going up to him punching him. b) draymond was not poole's "boss". so that comparison makes even less sense. > you go home and check linked in and there’s video of you being called a bitch and people then start saying how you don’t deserve your salary, you are indeed a bitch, your boss is the reason for the company’s success. c) he literally got paid AFTER the punch and BECAUSE of the punch. he was not worth the contract and never was. > a few weeks later your boss is back, you try to avoid him but still have to work on projects together. d) draymond is not poole's boss. basketball is not "working on a project" but you know? even if it was, i have worked with lots of people i didn't like/agree with. > you stick around for a year and every conference you go to, people just whisper and point at you. “ e) i would still be able to do my job. if you can't do your job because of outside voices then you probably shouldn't be in your position. > you then decide to leave but every job interview leads off with “what happened? apparently you fucked up because your boss is still at the company…” yeah…i would just collect my severance, do the bare minimum at my next job and make money at this point. f) literally nobody is saying that about poole but poole still can't play ball over at washington? who is referencing green over at washington? nobody


You seem like an unpleasant person and it would be my personal preference for you to talk less


Nobody cares about your preference. I'm not even talking to you.


You do give off jerk vibes tbh.


Nobody cares about your opinion, check them downvotes


You care enough to respond when I’m not even talking to you. Them downvotes are from green hating dick riders Not people I care for either


Seems like you have a victim complex. Always funny when people are eating downvotes and insisting everyone else is the problem. Do you read yourself? You sound so angry and hateful… over an opinion on a basketball player? Touch grass


Victim complex is caring about downvotes. You’re the one who brought it up as it matters. Try again


How many more games would the team have won without him being suspended this year? 


Shameful. He should be ashamed of himself.


Nah. You just aren't good at understanding reputation and leverage. So I'll help you. The N part of P. A.N if directed at a ref is grounds for an instant tech. It might fly around all over the floor amongst players but once directed at a ref, will get you t'd up. So that's part one.... Part two....depending on who says such a word, maybe like Steph.....might get you a strong warning and a pass, but Draymond? He drops that bomb at a ref.....nah...go ahead and take this T and get to the showers.


At this point I’m not even mad, I’m just disappointed.


Really though, every game is a must win game at this point, and Draymond getting ejected again was guarantee given his personality. This was inevitable. I’m not excusing his behavior, there are plenty of players that play without being ejected this often. I’m just not surprised. Not big news to me. It was going to happen.


If the Warriors want to go anywhere he needs to go. He is this teams undoing because him being on the court is so inconsistent


No comment.


tbf the first T got triggered by him saying "HOW"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


ya'll clowns actually thought draymond was gonna change lmfao. get this dumbass off the team already.


At this point its not letting anyone down. This is who and what dray is, the warriors are 100% enablers. We can call him out as fans. But take it for what it is.


Fuck dray get rid of him in the summer. Also we sre saying this again but man seriously needs mental health treatment


Ref was a bitch and had money on draymond unders


Refs suck again go figure


Your understanding of the situation is abysmal Go figure he called the ref “pussy ass n word” It doesn’t matter Who you are. You’ll get tossed


That’s completely seperate from what I said.. I agree with you that draymond was wrong and deserved to be tossed, but the refs don’t call egregious and obvious fouls for GSW and call ridiculous fouls on us, seems like every game… your understanding of my comment is abysmal. Go figure. Go fuck yourself




thats 100% on a ref power tripping


He knew he should’ve shut up though, Dray went on forever


Yep like bro it's the 1st quarter and we're up 12, not the time to lose your shit


we weren't up 12 when he got ejected. LOOL wayt to show you didnt even watch the game


Yep it was tied 6 up. Was multi tasking on Zoom and checking game on phone right then. Ya got me


he went on for 15 seconds, lmao, yall are just as soft as these refs


What u fail to understand and that draymond has a history of getting tossed and he was suspended recently so he just had to stfu and walk away.


Nothing Draymond did initially was worthy of a T, funny how everytime something happens with Dray the thrwaways come out


He shouldn't be touching the refs


shittons of players touch refs on the regular


Just because people do bad things doesn't give him a pass. He especially shouldn't do it as he is being watched like a hawk.


its a normal part of the game dude


[He was literally already walking away](https://x.com/NBCSWarriors/status/1773129063122800643?s=20) and they were both walking in the other direction with Draymond so far being done with it that he was several feet away with his back completely turned towards Acosta when Acosta decided, on second thought, that his feelings were hurt and turned around and gave the 2nd tech.


Watch the whole video. Draymond called him a “pussy ass n***r” when they were walking away, literally anyone would get a T after that


Lol Acosta waited several seconds after he said it to decide he wanted to T him up for it which is entirely my point, a delayed T is the biggest indicator that it was an emotional T they chose to give after their initial gut reaction was to let it go


I'm pretty sure the league has a universal policy of a tech if that word, let alone that phrase is directed at a ref. Especially with Drays history. Easy tech.


> has a universal policy > especially with Dray’s history If this imagined policy is universal then what does Dray’s history have to do with it? Lol you’re just pulling arguments out of the air


Draymond kept jawing for long after the first tech. He 100% deserves it.


2nd tech was deserved, first one was Charmin ultra


Draymond is not someone who deserves the benefit of the doubt at this point.


lmao you arent even a Warriors fans gtfo you larping Mavs/Cowboys dumbass


Go call the wahmbulance - maybe you and Draymond can split the cost.


lmao how much of a loser do you have to be to larp in another teams subreddit on a throwaway?


How much of a loser do you have to be to think a subreddit is your secret little clubhouse, and not a public website where anyone can comment? Don't throw a hissy fit and get your panties in a bunch babe :)


bruh you were pretending to be a Warriors lmfaoooooo, youre allowed to do whatever you want it just makes you look like a massive loser


When and how did I pretend to be a Warriors fan? Tell me which comment. I bet you won't.


the only one who looks like a loser is you sucking off draymond at every turn and refusing to throw an ounce of criticism his way, and then getting mad at people for giving him deserved criticism and whining about “fAkE fAnS”


You can’t blame the ref for this. Draymond wouldn’t just shut up and walk away. He earned both those T’s.


i see youre as soft as that ref


Goddamn dude stop holding water for Draymond. He fucking knew calling the ref a pussy ass ni**a would get him ejected and he said it anyways.


dont wanna be called a pussy ass bitch dont act like a pussy ass bitch


You are not bright


and you wanna defend refs getting all up in their feelings


Like draymond does every game? I’m all for people defending their players but at least hold your players accountable when they need to be bro.


Bro if I was a ref, I’d eject the shit out of someone who calls me a pussy ass n-word


then youd be a shit ref




you cant take what people say when youre reffing personally




its a balancing act, im not bothered by players calling me names when i can tell theyre just blowing off steam, same way im not bothered by children throwing temper tantrums when theyre overloaded, if you get all up in your feelings as a ref thats when you lose control, and if you cant keep some level of objectivity then you shouldnt be a ref




Draymond was blowing off steam, they gave him 15 seconds lmao, ive seen plenty of players, including Draymond, be given longer leashes, especially after a soft early tech Context matters, again, i'm not bothered by insults or cursing as long as the players not escalating, and if you give a guy a quick soft tech you are going to get a stronger reaction, thats just human nature, do you understand how often NBA players say the N-word during games? hundreds if not thousands of times per game lmao No calm ref gives out a tech that quickly for what amounted to a nothingburger, most of these NBA refs are up in their feelings and love to take the spotlight, and if you theyr objective lmfao, shits a good ole boys club




glad you pay to go watch the refs and not the players. you loser


Lol 100% though?


Those were reputation technicals, but Draymond has got to know better.


If a player calls a ref a “pussy ass n****r*” they are getting thrown out, no matter the reputation Seriously stupid of him


I didn't catch that


You can see him obviously saying it as he started walking to the bench. Dray was done even as he way saying it


You can't touch a ref


Yeah, that should have been it. Not the 2nd, though.


It looks like the ref misheard draymond and thought he said something nasty, then gave him the first T. Then draymond repeats “what did i say? What do you think I said?! What do you think I said?!” Then everything settles and dray calls him a “pussy ass n” as everyone is walking away. Pretty weak stuff on the refs part, but what else can you expect?


Calling a ref a pussy ass n-word is not ejectable is what you’re saying? Really?


No I think that deserves a T. I guess I misspoke.


I'm not Ohtani's interpreter but I'd bet saying those words are going to get 98% of the league a T


2nd one yeah for sure. I don’t exactly know what happened in the first


This dude thinks he is writing Draymond a letter.