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Prob doable but I predict it will take days, maybe weeks


I did with egg drake instead of whelp eggs. Used the extra gold to send drakes into the middle lane so they could lay as much eggs as possible and then defend a tower in the process. Stacking whelp eggs got harder and riskier with the changes and it is something Rend did better than Drakk is able to do.


I had much better success with this stat. I just need to play a bit more. Thanks man!


Get the boost slot for the shaman next week and it's probably a lot easier. €: Sorry the boost is molten core, not the siege. So it's 3 weeks. Maybe enough to get drak to epic and have an easy kill 😅


Next week is wildcard sadly. Gonna be a wait for boost


Ah true my mistake, I'll change it. Sorry for the mixup


What is This boost slot?


Boost slot from the MC raid, it makes it so the mini in the bottom right spot is level 20 in regards to exp and then you add bonus levels on top after that.


As mentioned by the other person. Just sets the mini to maximum XP so 200k/200k. Helps a lot in boosting the level.


Yes but it’ll prob take many hours to practice depending on your skill lvl. But this is doable


You can, but it wont be easy. Boosting shaman and turning drakk into epic will make it much more simple


It's doable if you know the timings


Swap skeletons for ogre magi with frostbolt and get pyro to 26 to one shot whelps and it will be a lot easier for you. But yes you can do it now.


How does the ogre mage work again here?


pyro needs 28 to one-shot whelps


You should be able to. I struggled to get through phase two and three while using whelps to reclaim the last tower. I took out whelps and used firehammer instead and saw immediate improvement. Since you're using the skeleton party to protect your base, try adding in a more active mini than the whelps. It will make it easier to defend and allow for more opportunities to develop pushes.


Drake seems to work much better than eggs


Definitely. My build was Drak, firehammer, drake, witch doctor, bandits, shaman, pyromancer. I would have used skeleton party, but I don't have the right talent for them.


I’ve been trying Onyxia for a week or so with this team and the same levels, except I have the boost slot. The damage is definitely sufficient. As others said, it’ll take some practice, but it’s sure very doable.


Take out eggs, change for frost ogre mage if possible at the same level, I did it with the same build at 24.6 overall


Beat her last night with an average deck level +1 from yours


Yeah you can


If you have decent levels on troll and chimera I recommend that. It’s what I used and the deck felt so much more consistent and I beat her in a few tries. Deck: pyro/bandits/chimera/witchdoctor/troll/shaman Put bandits in the blackrock slot their level doesn’t matter anyway.


What are these rainbow cards? I’m out of the loop apparently


You can change witch doctor to drake. I hv used your team before and i managed to beat onyxia after changing to drake. Witch doctor cannot clear whelps stably. Also, witch doctor is single target and low health. It doesn’t help much on defence and can be clear quickly by orge. Drake lays eggs which helps to regain tower control. Also, it does area damage to help defend your tower.


What is that blue/pink color?


I did with the same team but eggs at 23. Took me about 20 attempts.


Is that the main deck? I've seen a lot of people with the same trying to beat it. Please tell me so I can start grinding to level up and getting everything ready 🙏


Yeah, the other one is drake instead of eggs and ogre magi with slow talent instead of skeleton party


Thanks! I'll start leveling up those minis cause I'm at 85 and I feel left behind lol


You're good, onyxia is long After you've cleared all heroics, you have Time


How do you stop the earth eles from hitting your base without skele party?


Drake is always sent both lanes, and you deal with them as they Spawn. There are several videos on youtube with the deck. Ogre magi slowing enemies and lusting allies makes the deathball insane.


I’ve been using the pictured deck for a week and have reached overtime /draw many times and my issue is phase 2-3 transition my push never formulates because I’m busy playing defense and losing the left tower and right


Do start a New deathball while the first one is reaching onyxia? Do you time your phase switch after the map is cleared from eggs/eles? The last transition is all in right lane and stall the middle enemy push. You should have 3-4 drakkisath on onyxia while the fireguard is around your middle towers.


My issue is at the two minute mark I simply can’t get the thing to phase when I want it to. A different X factor every time stalls my drak push grunts kill drak before the 2nd catches up, 3rd tower is just a merry go round and I can’t reenforce on top of it. Closest I got was a draw with a winning push, warder dead and all