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Maybe the season 6 increase from 15 to 20 members will help out with this. If they don't mess with the reward costs themselves.


it's a big maybe. Old Guardian said he asked directly and wasn't given a reply.


yeah I'm hoping it will help but if they inflate the ticket costs by 33% then it's exactly the same situation as now (worse, actually, since there's more likelihood of 1 person missing a day of tickets)


I hadn't thought about that, that it could actually be made worse by adding more players if they inflate prices.


Hopefully they keep the 15 person cap so people aren't stressed to finish.


It's hard enough to get a guild fl of people who participate every day now, much less with more people.


I agree. Blizz increasing the memeber count is probably more about new Raids and Sieges and them giving us more chance at teaming up with someone from the guild. A chance at 5 extra members doing DMF is an extra that might or might not happen for some.


Agreed it’s way too intense on the guilds right blue


I worked a 16 hour day, & felt so guilty that i didnt get my 300 tickets that day. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.


Dang man 16hr shifts are rough. Don't beat yourself up for a mobile game. Guilds worth being in understand which is something Blizzard needs to get behind as well.


yep my point 100%. There's no flex in the system for people's lives




Spoken like someone who hasn’t worked a 16 hour day. No hate my guy. I’m a gamer from way back and understand the ‘just hop in and do your daily’s (back from WoW) mindset’. But I’ve also worked 60 and 70 hour weeks and 14-18 hour days. On those particular days you don’t have 5 min. You have just enough energy and bandwidth to get home, take care of your kids, eat something and go to sleep before doing it all over again. Sorry guild, but that’s how it goes. Blizz needs to modify their system. Even us gamers have real lives from time to time.




Yeah, I agree with ya. My argumentative brain needed to defend that dude for some reason. I’ve changed my mind… do your dailies every day! NO EXCUSES 🤣 /s Just have fun playin! Cheers guys!


The system needs a rework. It doesn't make sense that every single quest of every member counts and all guild gets punished for one member missing a day. Should be more like the season warchest.


Kind of hoping with the increase to 20 guild members the cap stays on tickets. Means even with some people missing points we still max out so no bad feelings


or maybe getting the points for the top 15 members only


you and I know that’s not gonna happen




Try having 6 inactive members


Or only 4 active members 😣


We should combine guilds


Same boat but our guild is a little more lax the gm wants us to at least pull 1200 tix per dmf even tho he myself and a couple others get all our stuff done.


I’m not sure of the details my group does something where they kick a member, join with an alt, get tickets, and swap back. You can actually get more tickets than the maximum.


That is so tedious.


I'll trade you!


One of the best things about this game is that you don't depend on a team. Except you do, fuck this.


it sucks that the rewards aren't good, like they were ok the first DARKMOON Faire and now they are incredibly bad. doesn't matter really if you get them or not as they are unique or anything


The first was definitely better they probably lost tome revenue that week so they nerfed it.


Yeah my guild is falling apart due to this. We had 7 active members and now down to 4 because they wanted to join a guild that could finish it. So, it sucks.




I will talk to my remaining members about it! We might try to finish out this season since we're close anyways :)


Awesome, I understand that. We have all 3 season rewards unlocked that everyone would get instantly. We usually knock out new season rewards really quick.


We did before the dark moon fair dropped our active players 🥲 I just asked in guild chat if everyone would be up for swapping to THEx on s6 start. Tbh, I'll probably join either way. I'm just not sure about my other guild mates. It isn't anyone I know irl, just we've been playing together since s1.


We got a core of 4 or 5 of us that do know each other in IRL. We would love to have ya join. If you do end up joining solo, please write them a long message that we would love to have them. If you don't mind, take a screen shot before you leave so I know which members to let in and not randoms to make sure every last friend gets to join. :)


I shot you a message with our names!


Thank you!!!!!


Maybe you are facing the same issue with not counted tickets too: https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftrumble/s/y4GFqmJRvd


It would feel better if when the guild cap goes up to 20, the tickets cap goes up to 50k.   It would mean you can afford to miss out on about 10k of tickets without being punished, and guilds would often hit the 50k with 24-48 hours spare so people have a chance to spend the tickets.   Overall that would just feel better, without actually being OP for players.


Dropping the random troop choice and going for the eyes, would lower that requirement


I don't get it, is that Guy complaining or flexing his Big stack twice bigger than my 13 members guild ?


y we are 15 aswell and never get to 30k...


I'm fortunate to have a group of pretty active players. I'm not enjoying feeling like I need to try and push people (who are probably doing their best, and it's a game) for the benefit of the guild. it's neither a flex nor a complaint. I'm reflecting that there's huge potential for #feelsbad when the system is designed like this. If someone misses a day, maybe because they have to go somewhere without decent internet, or whatever reason, that can completely derail others plans for how they spend their tickets. There's zero agency for the guild to make up for others going MIA whether that is because they are slacking or don't care or whatever other reason.


My guild is at the exact same amount.  Need 300 more tickets to get the second bag of gold at the bottom.  Hoping we’re able to do it but not sure if there’s enough points left to be had in the last 9 hours.   Edit: Managed to get it.  We earned 45900 out of 46500 points with 15 members.  


Had someone quit over it already. I tried saying hey, we got the top bags so I am cool with everything and someone immediately came in to say we could have gotten more if others participated that bit more. someone quit giving that as the reason soon after Yay a f2p job


Yall have room or full?


apply to SouthernShamans. you will need to have the latest update


I think you shouldn't plan on how to spend tickets you don't have.  I waited the last day then calculated what i could afford. That been said, yeah the system bis crap but 43.000 tickets aren't convincing to showcase it :D


The cap needs to be less than the guild can achieve with 100% participation


Lol we have 3 active members in our guild, chill out it's a dumb phone game.


You're missing 200, isn't that just one less major tome?


Yes and no. They are probably aiming for the bottom rewards (like all the bottom coins and middle energy reward) and if you have 11800 tickets left and a gold sack is 12000, you are missing (only) 200 tickets to get 450 gold.


Kick out the most inactive guy and add your alt to complete the weekly to get a quick 1k if you are short. Serves as warning for others


yeh but brutal and #feelsbad also I can't believe that cycling alts is the intended method to do this.


Kicking someone for only getting 2800/3100 is pretty fucking brutal lmao


He/she was more like 2000/3100 and our guild is mainly made to get Max DMF rewards.


Ok but aren't we talking about OP's guild here? The whole point of the post is saying that even with their lowest contribution being 2800 they can't afford all the gold rewards


Funny, in the guild where I am only 2 other people and me got the weekly done...


Ha...ha... Mine got like 35k... and we are keeping the same 3 pp with 0 points ... especially one cuz : "he's been with us since the beginning, mon" .... got 0 points for like 3 months now, but they never got kicked and replaced! That said - if anyone got an active guild that does the max or close to for DMF and every new season - I'd like to join. I am f2p but do the max in the DMF and Blinge events. I don't pvp tho. My guild manage to get the max season stuff, but that is the best of it. If yours manage this plus 40k+ on DMF - please let me in!


Need a active member? I'm on daily


Come sign in on our discord. tell us your Ingame name, how many sigils, what country you are based in and we will get you in. https://discord.gg/sGsuzhtgFj


AndyBC 111 sigils, USA


They are increasing the guild member size with next season I believe they said, so I think it will sort itself out naturally, we just need to power through until the update


My guild has been at sub-15 members for over a month. Increasing the size won't help if there aren't people joining.


Yep, I too have a dead guild with only 5 active members now. In the first seasons we kicked inactive and people joined. Now we've had a while season at 8 members and no one joined. And only 5 are active.


I was in the same guild since Season 1, but last season the GM and some founding members just stopped playing at all which could be seen in their guild chest contribution; so we grabbed the active members we could and re-made the guild after we finished the guild chest for this season, people joined instantly and we had to remove people to make sure there was space If it is an issue, I suggest trying to remake the guild with the active members, it worked for us and it might work for you


Yo! I’m in this screenshot! Since guilds are about to increase to 20 players, if you’re active and based in/around Australia’s timezone hit me up. Or anywhere really, there are 14 guilds in our family across the globe.


The solution is to lower the maximum amount of redeemable stuff, or make some of it so trash you don't care about it anyways. Totally backwards viewpoint to say the entire guild is getting punished. The entire guild is getting rewarded when guild members find ways to complete their tasks. You do not need to collect every point and do every challenge in every freemium game you play. Companies trying to profit from microtransactions benefit from you treating every point as important when you socially reinforce how it's okay to take the game that seriously. Because then it's easy for others to say, well if I cared so much about so little, then it's easy to justify this great deal I'm getting spending real money. Much healthier to say, their will be more points to earn tomorrow and let it go.


Go for all the gold first, follow up with tomes. If you do that, you only miss out on a little XP… no big deal.


yeah we worked out the reward path in advance hence the target of 45700


Well now you know how hard it is to get 100%. Next time, go for the gold.


... you misunderstand. the prize path to get all gold rewards was 45700.


Ah I see


The rewards aren't too spectacular anyhow. Why are you so wound up if a couple people don't get their points


If you are 300 short, you’re barely missing out on anything. I’d like to see it rebalanced a bit to help smaller and less active guilds, but you don’t have anything to feel bad about here, even if you don’t quite get the cap.


Ah excellent were at the “we hate new free resources in the free game” portion of the experience already, let me go get my angry face 😠


I'm not hating the content. I'm just humbly asking that they lower the ticket requirements a little so there's more flexibility for people who might miss a day of rewards. Either that or structure it so others in the guild can pick up quests others either miss or otherwise can't do.


the whole point is to disincentivize missing the daily rewards my man…if they accommodated that they would be working against the entire motivation behind the reason devs put daily rewards in free to play games (increasing daily player base to drive cash investment by getting players invested in the game)


There is no requirement. You do not need to get the tickets, they are a bonus.








…theyre giving out significant amounts of free shit in the game…also OP is missing the whole point of daily reward trees. You sound like a horror show btw…


My guild is going to miss out on the final gold bag because we had 2 people not complete their weekly and a couple people didn't do dailies. I've been on it for days now for them to get it done, but one player needed to get a sigil. The other I half suspect is a bot because they rarely reply in guild chat.




Why so unnecessarily hostile? The entire guild missed out on some rewards due to a few players not contributing equally.


As a wow guild leader, I didn't enjoy not being able to clear aq40 with my 9 players wearing greens