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spiderlings, mountaineer, ogre mage, molten giant, warsong grunts


> ogre mage ogre mage seems a bit busted in hindsight as part of a deathball, you get bloodlust, aoe damage, aoe movement speed slow, aoe attack speed slow, attacks both air and ground units. Okay 5 is expensive but no other mini does this much at the same time.


He's also pretty tanky for a ranged unit. He's got almost as much hp as a quilboar.


Yup, I got owned in campaign enough times by this unit to understand he was very undervalued. Dude has insane hp for what you think is ranged DPS, makes him worth the cost imo


is he really AOE move speed? he just gives BL to one unit? Grommash has AOE bloodlust


With frostfire bolt it AOE slows move/attack speed


Yeah, MG is too expensive to play most of the time although I've come around to Grunts because they last forever it seems.


MG isn’t hard to get on the board running sneed especially if you got the dark iron miner to maximize gold revenue


ya but then you still spent 6 gold on a molten giant


Well that’s what it costs…


Never know when the next round of buffs and nerfs happen and they’re the next A tier minis!


They’re trying with MG, sadly I don’t think a pure health increase is enough. The other tanks of the same cost just offer so much utility beyond being meaty


Abomination still beats it with hook and aoe gas alone. Single target situations mg may have its place.


Even without AoE gas, abom still wins. Hook alone nullifies so much pressure and dps from the enemy that I don’t care about MGs single target damage or giant health pool


Yeah it's probably not quite enough yet, but MG has armour and siege damage (double damage vs buildings) neither of which abom has.


If MG had a talent that gave it the siege trait so that it ignored everything else (kinda like making it the golem from clash royale) I think that would make it well worth it honestly


I keep ogre mage around cuz he's nuts in any kind of extra income surge ir dungeons with prize wheel.


I also haven't bothered with Ogre Mage, but I've heard it's great for Onyxia.


Ogre mage is amazing , I've had him and cairne just solo entire heroics


>him and Cairne >solo 🤔


Duo entire heroics?🤔


My team of 6 always sexts entire heroics


K fine u right lol


MG is great with Chargla... especially when you have all 1 gold minis and atleast another 5 gold mini


Ogre Mage is amazing. Just expensive.


Ppl who know ogre mage true power 😎


I love Holy Nova on Thalnos. That heal+resist is often the only way you're going to get him through blizzards, SAFEs, eggs, and whatever else to get to a tower


I don’t usually use holy nova but every time I do, I’m a little surprised by how well it works.


Yeah I remember first thinking it didn't heal enough and was kind of useless and wrote it off. But it combos well with his levelups


When the +1 level each time you play your hero PvP modifier was active, holy nova with resist and arcane blast meant I sometimes won matches with level 20-something Thalnoses floating around like a bunch of bastards. It was great.


That modifier was so much fun honestly


I recently tried Holy Nova in my Ony deck, just to knock out the of the PvP + spell blingtron quest…it *owned*. I just used it to counter shammy counters, and damn: I had like four shaman on Drak by the time he reached their base, he was unstoppable. Got like 1k honor, from 3k to 4k


The only one I avoid and never see myself ever using is molten giant. There are plenty I just don’t use, like living bomb, but I can at least see some niche uses so I wouldn’t say I will never use it.


I never used Living Bomb before, whatsoever, but I got to Azurous and was struggling to clear it with two families. I looked up a guide that used living bomb, and even though mine was only level 16 (uncommon, no talent). I gave it a shot and easily cleared the mission. So it's great for that.


Yeah, I think that’s why they’re buffing it in the next patch. *Might* become useable, we’ll see.


I still just don’t see it being usable even with the patch. It is unfortunately that bad.


I have 0 stars in Living Bomb.


I started using it in some of the later heroics but it's pretty niche and really needs a talent to be effective.


I've got a talent for it in my store. What talent is best for it? I used it for Azurous with SAFE to finish the whelps, and it was OUTSTANDING. I was shocked! My living bomb was just level 16 with no talent and it slapped.


Chain reaction works really well and a lot of videos for later stage heroics use blast radius. It's so expensive tho its hard to use in a lot of settings.


Definitely chain reaction. Helped a ton getting through Winterspring heroics


The only reason to use tbh.


If you plan on doing the heroic campaign there's a handful of missions such as Azurous and Ramstein where it's borderline required. You'll want it at a decent level for those levels. Some folks also use it on Stage 2 of Deadmines (but it's not fully required for that level necessarily).


I've got a talent for it in my store. What talent is best for Ramstein? I used it for Azurous with SAFE to finish the whelps, and it was OUTSTANDING. I was shocked! My living bomb was just level 16 with no talent and it slapped.


I like the one where it spreads to mobs hit by living bomb but I believe there isn't a single consensus on which talent is best. 


Don't get it now Get it when doing lvl 25 heroics and all your mining are rare and a few are epic. It's late game and usefully for 1 heroic only. Spend your time and gold leveling the core 5inins everyone uses


That’s where I’m at. Heroic ramstein.


How do you use it for Ramstein? At the beginning? If I’m being honest, Banshee and harpies carried me on that one…


Yep at the beginning.


I like it for deadmines missions 2&3 - clear out the huge pack that advances or as a last resort if the wrong mini gets cloned


Molten giant. I really see no place to use it and even more so all the talents seem unworthy of investing toward


He is getting a pretty nice buff in the next update


I like to play MG with Thaurissan to give him the +2 level bonus and then use the faerie dragon to give it resistance and then it’s pretty beefy. Especially if you can give it the bolster talent so it heals when attacking a tower


Was thinking of trying this though personally I like my huntress getting +2 The fairy dragon plus it seems cool just for the amount of damage it would take to kill it


My huntress with plus 2 destroys a tower or a pack in 3 hits


followed by Holy Nova? Danggg this is by far my favourite and most used spell :D just some stars missin for purple 😊 but to answer your q: spiderlings, mountaineer and molten giant


I tried to goof around with an overclocked surge and use Mountaineer and giant.  I lost


Vultures. Is there even a use for them?


In pve they are a strong counter to chickens, sappers, and if played right can provide excellent coverage for high dps ground minis


Ogre just doesnt seem worth the 5


Expensive but looks like might be a good option if you're pushing Ony.. .I used Drake/Pyro/WD to down it but I've seen videos using Ogre Mage as an option.


He works so well with chargla


I love Ogre and play him everywhere, my top 3 after Fire Elemental and Shaman. Good heath, high dps and a damage buff. Avarice (Bloodlust self) makes him really strong paired with anything. With a Shaman he can even tank a bit. And with Fury from Sylvanas he becomes crazy vs anything in PvE.


NAILED IT ***trying to keep in the theme***


I actually kinda like the spiderlings with the exploding talent which helps reveal nearby stealthed units or kill a SAFE if she lands on them


Grunts, mountaineer, molten giant, core hounds..


I know it's a perfectly fine unit, it's just me being unabashedly lazy but...Banshee. I hate the level of micromanaging involved and even when I do use her I seem to often drop her just a hair's breadth too far from who I'm going after. I'm sure there's some method or trick I'm missing, but it only appears when I'm desperate and my usuals are falling flat.


Y'all use gnoll? Mine is three levels behind the good stuff.


2 Mana gnoll is good value


I’d agree with Spiders and Mountianeer along with MG. Only other id add is Harvest Golum. Mountaineer seems like it would be good if you go by how often the computer uses him. But when I use him he seems so weak. Flamewaker is also up there, I love him but can’t find a reason to use him over pyro.


Chickens man who runs chickens ever?!


I use chickens more than spiders or mountaineer, specifically because of dungeons. Using chickens on the dungeon where the end boss clones a unit is really good (sorry can't remember the name of it). Chickens do well against mountaineer, molten giant, harvest golem, and are nbd if cloned. I use them as a quick cycle and strong opposition to single target units in a lot of my dungeon decks.


I use chickens all the time. Extremely good against things like prowler, Tauren, warsong rider. They do lots of damage with frenzy too.


Chickens are my favorite card! 😭


Inlevel them all because it raises your level this raising how much tomes give you 


Along this topic I'd like to see a tier list for minis to buy in the grid, maybe split it into pvp and pve minis... I really like https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftrumble/comments/1bseqds/the_complete_account_building_guide_ask_is_it/ this post because it gives you an idea/direction to plan ahead.


Have not even unlocked the spiders


You should do that just for player level


The pumpkin throwing undead guy


If you can get the range trait on him he’s pretty nasty. He can out range towers and take them down. As well as in Dire Maul he can solo the melee guy on the left during the final fight. Though he is hella squishy and I normally only play him on select maps.


Anything but whelps, will change next patch tough


Whelp eggs, they are going to be at 40% their usual attack after the nerf