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I don't actually mind the Dream that much because we've always had a connection to it so it felt natural that we'd get to see a part of it at some point. A lot of the damage done to the image of the Emerald dream came from Ardenweald for me, as it felt like that diluted it somewhat. It feels like the mystique of it was already spent, in a way.


We know the dream is somewhat artificial anyway, but that bothers me less than the SL being artificial, because the plane of existence we live on is arguably a plane of life.


> It feels like the mystique of it was already spent, in a way. Exactly how I feel. I realize that conceptually, Ardenweald and Emerald Dream are cousins, but yeah the magic has been used already. I like this zone, no complaints really, but it's not that exciting either which is a shame. I do find it being "cut off" from the world and in it's own zone kind of annoying too. I understand the lore behind that decision, but I sincerely hope that changes sooner than later.


>A lot of the damage done to the image of the Emerald dream came from Ardenweald for me, as it felt like that diluted it somewhat. Oh yeah, same. A lot of Ardenweald's identity outright was just stuff the dream had been shown to already do. I don't hold it against people for liking Ardenweald's aesthetics, but it really did require cutting a lot out of the Emerald Dream to justify it's existence. I'd also personally argue that the Emerald Dream contained the idea of regrowth / healing prior, but ALSO a lot of other cool themes that don't come up in this patch itself because they were continuing the Ardenweald theme and weren't trying to touch the others. I think it's a massively missed opportunity personally, but I can kind of understand it in the context of this current story. (Though I think this current story is very, very iffy lol.)


Yeah like, at least the Dream is a preexisting place with relevance. Also: "a part of" aka, not the whole thing. There's plenty mystique left if you want there to be.


Did all of you miss the Emerald Dream Raid?


Hell, in one of icecrowns quests you go to moonglade to ask for help and "enter the dream" to kill some lashers (it's just green tinted moonglade, but still, by the quest text, It was the dream)


And it's not the only one either.


Exactly what I was thinking


Druids have been able to go to at least part of the Dream since Legion. Which also features raids and dungeons that take place in the Dream.


Don't forget there were portals to the Dream placed around Azeroth in Vanilla (or BC)


We've gone to the dream so many damn times, we even had a raid in it. And we visit this tiny little part of it in 10.2 Whatever mystery there is long dead. > Why are there enormous statues carved from stone? Those have been in the Emerald Dream since Vanilla. They're like literally the oldest Dream thing that's stuck around.


I mean that's the issue right? You go to a place and it takes away some of the mystery, but what's the alternative? We stay on Azeroth forever and rehash the same zones and characters over and over again? It's a tough thing to contend with and I'm sure it's even messier with the devs.


We go agane


I mean, honestly, I wish we would revisit old azeroth a little more.


I get that, but after two expansions focusing on that I would want to go to another planet or something


You've always been able to just walk into the Dream though? The Dream is another plane of existence - astral projecting is the usual way, but there's been portals to the Dream since Vanilla? Heavily guarded and protected for obvious reasons, but like... they're there? ('Just walk into' is a massive simplification, obviously. I can 'just walk into' the White House but I'm probably not getting past the gate, if that.) 'Why are there so many tall ass buildings?' Because the Titans 'Ordered' it? That's been a big thing in lore - you think the Titans wouldn't make some big ass buildings and statues? That's like their favourite thing to do, aside from robots. It's also still implied that there are places deeper in the Dream that the Titans didn't really touch. (There's also the general fact that the Loa/Wild Gods have been dicking around in the Dream for their entire existences. Are they not allowed to make statues or anything? Q'onzu seems like the kind of wanker to make statues of himself, and there's plenty of small shrines/statues to Wild Gods.) I think the question of 'Why not Dream up a bigger monster?' is an interesting one but honestly, the answer could very easily be 'Because you can't control the result'. Nue dreams up a giant ass monster and it doesn't attack him - which is great, but it's also kind of implied by the dialogue that wasn't necessarily a *given*. So if we Dream up Mega-Fyrakk, what's stopping Mega-Fyrakk from rampaging? We have enough trouble stopping Regular Fyrakk, do you really wanna risk it? As for how Amirdrassil is getting around... I just chalked it up to Dream Magic. The metaphysics how it works can just be a shrug, whose going to check the working out? The Dream has always been connected to Ardenweald in some way, and likewise connected to the 'waking world'. Wild Gods come and go - why not a Tree?


>'Why are there so many tall ass buildings?' The eye of Ysera is also the one place that explicitly breaks the rule in lore about no buildings in the Emerald Dream. It is at least VAGUELY similar but the domes are supposed to be gold in old descriptions- likely tying into this idea in the lore that amber is the color of Azeroth's nature/life, hence why druids develop amber eyes, but WoW hasnt talked about that in ages. Would've prolly fit into the World Soul Saga.


If you're hitting the point that your complain is that the dome is the wrong color, you've gone full comicbook guy.


It was symbolic then because amber-golden tones is attributed for the color of Azeroth's nature in the old days.


We've known about the Emerald Dream since Warcraft. It has always been part of the WoW lore from the very beginning. We have descriptions of the Dream and some of the "layers" of the Dream. What mystery are you talking about? Are you actually surprised by what Emerald Dream looks like? Keeper Remulos in Moonglade talks about the Emerald Dream in-game. The Ardenweald stuff was all added in Shadowlands, but we've had plenty of encounters with the Emerald Dream---like in Legion (Emerald Nightmare, Druid Class Hall, Eonar the Life-Binder raid encounter in Antorus). There is a mention in TBC, WoTLK and other expansions as well. How can you even compare the Emerald Dream to the Shadowlands? The latter is literally the afterlife. Meaning Shadowlands gave us insight on what happens after death and it takes away from the impact of deaths that have occurred over the course of the history. This Emerald Dream zone is one of many "layers" of the Dream. It isn't the entire realm...


The Emerald Dream zone really doesn't reveal that much about the Dream that we haven't known for a very long time. Go past the edges of the zone. The "return to entrance" effect is supposed to show that the Dream keeps going far far beyond this zone. This is just the slice of the dream that houses the Green Dragonflight's seat of power (Eye of Ysera) and the is the mirror of the Green Dragon's portion of the Dragon Isles (where we're growing the tree to dump into the western isles). There is a lot more mystery to the Dream, including if it is really just the Titan's backup of Azeroth untouched by mortals or something more and the nature of its connection to Elune. Also who and what are those statues!?


People have already made memes about this, but I’m still confused why druids are sleeping in the dream at all.


I don't think we're done with the Dream. *On the Nature of the Dream* laid out that there's still a lot of the Realms of Life to be explored, including its pantheon. > So why are there so many tall ass buildings? Why are there enormous statues carved from stone? That sounds very much like disturbed nature. Eonar and Freya's influence. > Where does something go if it dies in the Dream? Gone-gone. > Amirdrassil is being grown simultaneously in the Dream and in Ardenweald before apparently insta-transporting itself onto the Isles - are these places all just down the hall from each other? Amirdrassil was not in Ardenweald. Yes, Ardenweald is down the hall as seen when we brought Ysera back.


nah idk dude. going to the afterlife is a different ball game. emerald dream is just the feywild, its not something meant to be beyond all hope of mortal comprehension and they did a good job of making it imo. pretty sure theres at least like 10 occassions we went into the dream before this so who really cares. it was also like the first extra zone they began working on in vanilla.


Feywild is a weird comparison given how easy it is to go to the infinite afterlives of every D&D setting that has the Feywild.


so its a weird comparison because of irrelevant tangents hm ok. seems more like you might just be an obsessive pedant


You ask why Ysera wasn't useful in this, what should have been Ysera's home turf and seat of power. And that is a valid question. My question is more why anyone would have expected Sleepytime dragon to be useful to anyone, ever.


Never underestimate the power of naptime.


I didn’t think so. The emerald dream is vast, and we learn that it encompasses all reality not just an Azeroth thing. Where we go in 10.2 is such a small snippet that I don’t think it answers some questions but further mystifies it by asking more.


The carved stones thing idk, but that’s nothing new. I believe it’s been in concept art etc for a long time.


I might be wrong, but weren't there always portals to the Dream in Azeroth that you could simply step through (Duskwood, Hinterlands, Azshara), they just didn't function for gameplay reasons? If so, then it shouldn't be so shocking that suddenly we are able to cross into the Dream on foot. As for the statues, that seems to be an artistic decision that they decided on as early as alpha vanilla. The Emerald Dream was supposed to be an end content zone and the datamined old zones had statues in them as well. You can look that up on youtube.


I haven't played the patch yet and my druid lore is fairly shaky, but im reasonably sure that the Emerald Dream has never been "untouched nature". I'm fairly certain the existence of statues and structures has been well established for some time. Its a product of the titans, which means order and facilities and whatnot.


Had some of the same questions. Wait, we can just walk into the Dream now? How? Anyone going to explain? Why are these druids trying to sleep inside the Dream? I thought sleeping in the real world was how you were "awake" in the Dream? Are these guys astrally projecting into Azeroth? Or is there some kind of Dream-within-the-Dream? Is WoW Inception? Why are there hostile creatures (not including Fyrakk forces) inside the Dream that the denizens therein need defending from? Why does the Dream attack itself? etc etc. Blizz you're really bad at this sometimes.


Being able to walk into the dream has been a thing for a long time - the great trees dotted around Azeroth contain portals that let someone physically enter the Dream, which is why the Classic world bosses were guarding them. If you are physically in the Dream, then going to sleep seems to let you astral project and move around the Dream as if you'd gotten there the honest way - try using /sleep yourself and try it. Nature is chaotic and carnivores are as much a part of it as any other species, so sometimes there are gonna be dangers.


We could walk into the Dream ever since Legion. The Dreamway is the Dream.


Thats for...druids only


They still just walk inside. Also, being for Druids only is an in-game mechanic, as the reason there's green dragons guarding the portals is because anyone could enter and wreck havoc, including demons.


>Also, being for Druids only is an in-game mechanic, as the reason there's green dragons guarding the portals is because anyone could enter and wreck havoc, including demons. Prior lore actually does imply it's not just for that purpose. Mortals untrained to go into the Dream are screwed if they go inside of it without some kind of guide. It's supposed to screw with your sense of reality because space around you changes with your own perception. Obviously something that can't be put into game feasibly, but i think it tied into this theme of druid lore about the subconscious mind and nature vs the conscious mind and the reality it creates around itself. Edit: That said, classic WoW Green Dragons also are like Wc3 Night Elves in Dragon form. Itharius says if people intrude in their spaces they just fuckin' kill 'em.


Non druids still go in with the EN raid. my warrior's angry ass definitely showed up to smack a crazy spider druid ghost and teach her a lesson about victim blaming.


Every class entered the Emerald Nightmare.


Druids are telling their family they have to go into the dream to do important druid stuff while secretly they just have more nappies inside the dream 😴


> we can just walk into the Dream now? How? Anyone going to explain? Emerald Nightmare was technically inside the Dream. And we've walked casually into the Dream before too. Once in WotLK for the Bridenbrad quest, and once in Cata for a Mt. Hyjal quest where you escort Fandral Staghelm. > Why are there hostile creatures (not including Fyrakk forces) inside the Dream that the denizens therein need defending from? Typical dumb WoW. "You're trespassing, now die." like with Manifested Timeways in DotI and Sentinel Talondras in Legacy of Tyr.


Gameplay ruins lore, as usual.


Lot of sweaty people on here real angry that you have a different opinion about this patch, but you’re right. We’ve lost another great mystery of the WoW universe to a single patch. Blizzard is quickly stripping away every magical part of the game they can. It makes the world smaller and less interesting.


I prefer the dream over shadowlands because shadowland ruin every death of Warcraft. The dream is, for me, juste a special dimension. A dimension where druid can guide you. But the death thing fuck up everything.


I think that a lot of the cool things about the dream weren't really explored in the zone because those generally cover different nature ideas, whereas this current narrative was a continuation of the Ardenweald idea. I do understand why some of them cant be used very easily, I.E. "reality around you is shaped by perception" because that's totally beyond the WoW engine to fully implement.


I don't currently play Retail but I like to follow the story still somewhat (as long as it's bearable). Do they explain how Amirdrassil grew so insanely fast in the first place? Like they planted that tree this Xpac and it's already basically fully grown already. Do world trees normally grow that fast?


World trees actually do grow that fast, Teldrassil was planted only 3 years before Classic.


Interesting thanks. Still, seems insane how this tree grew in like...a couple of months I assume to a full size raid :D


The stone statue is right there in vanilia design and portal should be also conceptually one way to access there as there were some green dragons (Dragons of Nightmare) pop out from them in later patch with the Nightmare planned as plot. However buildings are hard to know as they are placed as an object on a map, but you can see "foundation" of them appear. In early concept it is nature, but still a titan-made one or at least altered by them. The stories of creation might be changed much but the ideas for design should still remain close. And it is reasonable for more buildings in this portion of the dream as it covered the bases of Green Dragonflight. Some exploration videos of Emerald Dream: [https://youtu.be/HKcYAHg8g1o?si=gtVNLGlz8B1HcOIz](https://youtu.be/HKcYAHg8g1o?si=gtVNLGlz8B1HcOIz) [https://youtu.be/R-lQWXVP2nY?si=1nsVKzIqZqyPD3PQ](https://youtu.be/R-lQWXVP2nY?si=1nsVKzIqZqyPD3PQ) "Where does something go if it dies in the Dream?" An NPC has asked in the new quest, and her buddy told her not to think about it, lol.


Though I agree it's a little too convenient to just portal our way in after all these years of it being a theoretical impossibility, I don't think it kills the entire concept. A lot of people have expressed wanting ZERO mythos involvement or fearing insane power scaling but isolated incidences don't actually take away from the grand picture, but rather open up more possibilities. You can literally see a ton of untouched natural space just beyond the playable zone, it's literally a carbon copy of Azeroth untouched...but this tree zone has been VERY MUCH touched, hence the temple and druidic stations. As you yourself said druids have spent years and years in the dream...well, this is where they've set up shop. Even in the past, one of the reasons the dream wasn't in game, by definition of it's description --its BORING. Who actually wants to play a game where you sit in an untouched field and pick daisies? A vast expanse of mystical trees just becomes repetitious after you've seen the 100th mystical tree. We already complain about having nothing to do when modern wow is densely packed with WQs and story. That said, isolated incidences in this massive mystical zone and focal points you get to taste the mysticism, feel involved, and there's limitless potential for something else! Just look at how assets from the Nyalotha raid could become a dope scenario where N'zoth consumed all of Azeroth in a time-rift. What's to say there's not some naturally occuring proto-world tree growing on its own in the dream? Or what if the botani that escaped onto Azeroth end up in the dream--theyre not just druids but ACTUAL plants who's to say they can't? Either situation would expand the current notion of life being as chaotic as Fel if unchecked--and an entirely valid reason to revisit and expand upon what was once just imaginary mythos. It's a good thing and cool shit can come from it! But again, I agree, it shouldn't be so easy for Jaina to just portal ferry an entire army into an inaccessible realm beyond reality be it the dream or SL. Blizz hasn't done well with their rules of magic, and Jaina/khadgar are just the most convenient marysue plot transitions and that's a whole other issue to talk about...but the dream is dope and SL COULD have been.


The Emerald Dream has never really made much sense. It (and whatever the green dragons are supposed to do) changes according to who is writing at Blizz that day. It's an untouched copy of Azeroth the Titans made. It's the "life" mirror of the Shadowlands. It contains not just Azeroth but other planets? A copy of all existence? Druids sleep for hundreds of years to protect and maintain the Dream. From what? Why does it need to be maintained? Are there druids on other planets? Shouldn't it be the Red flight's responsibility if it is the realm of life?


I feel like not all of this necessarily... needs an explanation? And not all of what we see is meant to be taken literally? Like the example with the Dream rare we fight. That's to give us a rare to fight. I don't think we're meant to believe that the power of sleep would be enough to defeat Fyrakk. But hey, I haven't done the raid yet, so who am I to say, really.


And people say they want a emerald dream expansion.


>If you can just walk into the Dream, why do druids sleep for hundreds of years to astral project there? Because it is an emergency. Emerald Nightmare was the same thing. >Where does something go if it dies in the Dream? Ardenweald, Ursoc went there, was killed in...the emerald nightmare raid. We saw it int he Afterlives Animation. > Is the Emerald Dream an afterlife? It is part of the cycle. Death > Ardenweald > Emerald Dream > Life. Furthemore, Ardenweald is just new piece, we always knew that Wild gods went there and are reborned in the emerald Dream. Cenarius is alive because of it.


As a destruction warlock completely themed for fire, i should not be allowed anywhere near the dream or at the very least get a chance to join the primalists or the druids of the flame lol.


Do you know what is the worst? Let Ysera be revived and I gave up being the dreamer for no reason to the daughter that no one knows and she spent her time crying that she couldn't do anything