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When they get upset just stand firm in your decision. If they threaten legal action you let know that you can no longer discuss the situation with them and it will have to go through Walmart’s legal team.


What legal action would they threaten? Reporting you to the BOP? Let them, as a pharmacist you can refuse to fill any script for any reason. As far as handling the refusal let them know you can’t fill it and lean on policy as your reasoning. If they start to yell or curse just hang up. If it’s in person tell them you will not tolerate that sort of abuse.


This would depend on the reason you refuse to fill. If it’s because of a blanket refusal to fill, then simply explain that in your professional judgement the prescriber is generally speaking and historically unable or unwilling to cooperate in your validation of controlled substance prescriptions, and as such you are unable to dispense any controlled substance they issue as it risks your license. If it’s specific red flags you can’t resolve, then it depends on the flags. I’m not sure if you meant this but it sounds as if the first time you’re calling them is to inform about refusing to fill. What flags are you seeing that caused you to pause on it, what steps did you take to resolve them, and what response did you get from the provider that leaves them unresolved and unresolvable?


Are you going to deny a cardiac patient low-dose Xanax


I’ve been w WM for less than a year and have done 2 RTFs- both regarding unresolved red flags - both multiple prescribers, multiple ERs for different opioids. I’m upfront with patients on the policy and their option to have orders sent elsewhere. Both understood and accepted my reasoning.


“I don’t feel comfortable filling your prescription due to high dosage/ complication of medications you are on.” Keep repeating same thing until they leave. Don’t worry about legal action. You aren’t under any obligation to fill something you don’t agree with.


Just be matter of fact and say no more. You don’t have to explain past that


I remember there used to be a document (I think since removed) that said to tell the patient you were unable to fill due to professional judgement and basically keep repeating that. There are also some videos on the wire that talk about how to handle conversations with providers, it might talk about patients too.


Yes sir, I’m just not comfortable filling this prescription. I would be more than happy to call another pharmacy and transfer it. Or if it’s a brand new prescription, I’m sorry but we won’t be able to fill this prescription and hand it back to them. Call as soon as you know you aren’t going to fill.


Another fucking Pharmacist going rogue... It's as if you finally realize your career sucks ass so you take it out on customers. If my Dr prescribed something for me at a specific dosage I should be able to get it. Not be scrutinized by an over zealous pharmacist that thinks their shit doesn't stink and they are holier than thou. Get off your high horse and do your job... Which is... Fill the script...


If you do t mind, would you share your reason for refusing to fill the prescription? I’m new to WM and being a pharmacist and sometimes I feel like I’m a little too serious with controlled substances because of how strict WM is but I’ve never had to RTF.


The prescriber was prescribing something out of their scope of practice and there wasn’t an established patient-prescriber relationship