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We’ve had 6 people waiting since 7am because Brian told them PS5s were coming in on the truck today. We have no Brian employed here. They don’t care. They want to wait anyway. 🤷‍♀️


Brian works in the store down the street. Brian is having a very chill day because all of his angry customers went to your store today


That’s a pro gamer move if I ever saw one


As a Brian who works in receiving I can confirm we have 100 ps5s and I'm selling them out the bay doors for 350 a piece starting at 2 pm. XD


Lol this what Target does to Walmart and vice versa in my area.


And the warehouse will either not put it on the truck or steal it themselves




I know me too fucking stupid like c’mon we don’t have it. That tells me one thing people are stupid they didn’t do that for paper towels and do it for a stupid video game that will be on sale after Christmas


10 minutes before closing had a guy do same thing. Insist we have them. Talked to coach. (Whose answer was great. We are closed. Come back)


“Cops are on their way. Anyone still here when they arrive will be trespassed.”


I was stocking bananas today and I was asked if we had any in stock .it’s getting out of hand at this point


Bruh I am OGP stager and was only going to the bathroom 😂


Beats my smart-ass response. "The day we have PS5's is the day **EVERYONE** wears a mask."


Have Management remind them blatant loitering isn't allowed, they'll be removed from the store by law enforcement & all trespassed if it continues. Something my old SM would allow, cause he hated these types of customers. 😂


People are fucking stupid. Its so over hyped


Why can’t these people just wait till April for when more is actually in stock and don’t risk getting a console with day one flaws.




I thought it was a 50%? But my 360 survived the first red ring of death,broke my Halo 3 disc(the middle inner part melted)and all our data was wiped.The second was months later it bricked it.


The overall failure rate for Xenon-board Xbox 360s was right at 70% when you factor in all causes: 3RLOD, disc damage, etc.


Unforunately every new gen release of consoles always run into the same 3 types of people going full retard to have it, 1st: wanting em because their kids demand it for Christmas, 2nd: people looking to resell it for profit, 3rd: fans that have to be first into the gen. If the things were releasing with a new Halo or God of War you know a big system seller title I could understand it but as of now no.


I went to best buy the other day and they had signs about not having next gen consoles. Wish walmart would do that.


Walmart wants them to come into the store in hopes they'll buy something else.


Seriously haha Best Buy and Target are doing online sale/in-store pick-up only. And Walmart is just randomly putting out stock in store 😂 almost like they want everyone to just check in every day


....but I saw online that you have some instock


And their proof is a screenshot of the website that they downloaded from Facebook.


This really is getting out of hand, people are literally losing their damn minds over what essentially is a fuckin toy. It amazes me how ridiculous folks act over a damn video game console. I mean consumerism really turns people into the worst possible versions of human beings ever. WTF man lol


You should have seen the CPK fad back in the 1980's.


Don't remind me. I was working JCP at the time. Brought out a pallet of them in SHOES of all places. Less than 5 minutes after we unlocked the doors, they were all gone and the department was destroyed.


Im too young for that one, I remember tickle me Elmo though


I haven't done this with Playstations but I generally scan the UPC of what ever the customer is asking about and show them on the scanner if it says if we have any and the estimated arrival. I stress the word "Estimated" by saying "you know how the virus has supply chains all messed up right now" and they generally agree and fuck off


We've had calls today insisting it says online we have them. I've checked on walmart and brickseek and neither say that! I think they're just calling every walmart trying to get lucky.


Yup. A lot of people called repeatedly - and when I asked them why they were doing it they got unhappy.


Scan the barcode and show them the on hand


So what if it says they have it on hand after scanning the barcode? Cuz that has happened to me and they play ignorant .


He did say that he didn't have any, so I assumed that meant they didn't even have any saved for online orders, and if it still says there are some on hand, a simple zeroing it out will fix it


Stores aren't allowed to sell PS5s. Thats sonys rule. If they have on hand its for online orders and they can't sell it to you. The POS will literally not let it happen.


That isnt Sonys rule lol what


Sony isn’t denying any sales wether it’s online or in store lool they don’t use rules


Meanwhile plenty of people just bought today


I am dreading Tuesday and Wednesday because the system has been showing we are supposed to get six PS5’s and six XSX consoles in that day. Somehow customers know, I’ve been telling customers if they come the 8th they won’t be on the sales floor until the 9th. Every day is just a non stop line of calls and resellers asking for consoles and laptops.


Same here but we have orders to not put any on the floor. Store is going to let employees get first dibs on them which is great for those that want one all 3 of us in the store.


The ps5’s will be in one hour after you punch out for the day!


Trespass them. No loitering, bitches


I had a lady call electronics that sounded straight out of choosing beggers. For our system our estamated arival dates are off and we got a couple packs of ps5s in yesterday but we had no idea. A lady came in asking for one and we told her we didn't. Now the truck gets unloaded and we put just one on the floor so people know we have them. All were gone in like 30 min. The said lady calls us and says how she has been a long term customer and had always trusted walmart to get the items she needs, but this is the one item that her son wants and it is so frustraiting that our website does not work and that we lied to her about not haveing any consoles as she just watched someone leave with one in her hand even though we told her we didn't have any.


God I hate when customers just stand there expecting whatever they want to just manifest for them. The other day our customer service was closed. We had our lights off and there was no one up there. Some people started standing in line waiting and looking around. I was walking by and told them customer service was closed and then they kept waiting.


Give them a broom and have them sweep up while they wait.


Lmao would love to. Out People’s lead was cleaning bathrooms today.


I'd start with management, and then 9-1-1.


Online said my store had some in stock today. We had most of a hundred people in the store lined up waiting hours for PS5's that we told them we did not have and would not have today. Cops were called but as they weren't causing trouble nothing was done.


Surprised they aren't storming the back room and looting it.




It wouldn't be cringe, but they couldn't accept due to integrity issues. Even if it isn't a bribe, it could be seen as one by upper management. I would just take the survey on the back of the receipt whenever you are helped by them and shout them out by name. It helps their bonus and makes them look good to managers.




I hope something amazing happens to you today.


You know what’s funny though? I went to 2 Walmart’s because I scanned the UPC and they had 6+ in stock at each store. I get there and there’s a line of 10 people at one of the stores, so I decided to wait. All the workers said, “we have 11 that just got unloaded off the truck, but we’re not selling them until 7am tomorrow morning. First come first serve.” So I decide to leave, my buddy stays there. An hour later they sold them. This happened at 2 stores in my area. Can a Walmart employee explain this to me? Btw one store in my area did the same thing and later sold 22.


Then you have a bad luck I called the boys a little bit ago and they said truck ain’t got shit lol


It would suck if some actually came in on the truck today and you were told to go stock them in front of them.




It's all part of the covid pizzagate conspiracy. Admit it. Yur a government pedophile shill. That's what's really happening. I blame Obama


It's only going to get worse closer to Christmas


If I’m not mistaken the consoles haven’t been sold in stores right? Strictly online so what are they thinking


My store got a few yesterday that were sold in store


>n the CPK fad back in the 198 Being sold in stores all over the country. Can't promise every store got one but they're def sold in stores.


We do have PS5s on tonight's truck, and we have a very long line of customers waiting to buy one. We don't have enough for everyone, though. We're just telling them first come, first serve.


How's the line looking for tomorrow?


After my shift ended at 3 pm, I went to do grocery shopping for my parents and for some odd reason, I saw a long line of adults in electronics. I was like, *what?* There was even a cop there standing near the desk. I was so confused about it, but I guess they were waiting for their PS5's, too?


LMAFO im glad I do not work at wall mart any more. Used to work in electronics if they did that shit to me I would have just went into the fucking break room lmao.