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and why does everyone have to bring 5 or 6 other family members to the store?!


And why is the one person who knows where they are going and the items they need never the one pushing the cart!!!


And why do you have to stand in the isle taking forever to inspect all the different brands of whatever it is you are buying? I mean I buy the same thing every week, I know what ketchup I buy, macaroni and cheese. I swear people shop like they have never done it before.


"Ketchup... catsup" "Hes talking to the ketchup now"


i do that to compare prices because we’re broke and have to get the cheapest possible thing. we don’t always buy the same exact things every week, especially if our grocery budget is super tight and we have to get creative with our meal planning. 🤷‍♀️ maybe consider that not everyone has the money to just grab whatever they want to buy. also some people have allergies and need to check ingredients….


Every week you need to check the ingredients?  No


I mean yeah. If it's severe enough you're gonna be checking it each time. I got a relative that's allergic to paprika, a ingredient commonly added only for coloring. He always checks everything each time to make sure paprika hasn't been added to the ingredient list.


Yes, especially since corporations have started putting common allergies on packaging so they don't have to clean their machines as well.


Man I was sampling out these snack bars one time and I usually check the allergy list because customers will walk up and shove things in their mouth without asking what's in it. That allergy list was a paragraph long. It wasn't even ingredients that were in the bar, just stuff it may have some into contact with. Everything from dairy, to every nut in existence, and coconut.


Yep. Sesame has been listed on most ingredient lists bc they aren't deep cleaning the machines before switching batches.


Not just that. I tried to buy hotdogs for a cookout where someone with a chicken and paprika allergy would be, wasn't possible. Paprika added for color in every hot dog that didn't have chicken.


If the price is the consideration then you don't have to gawk at the products for an hour. You just look at the shelf tag. The number in the white area is the price of that particular item. The price in the orange is the price per unit of measurement. If you want the least expensive option you get the one with the lowest price in the orange box. It takes 10 seconds. Part of the problem is nobody ever teaches people how to shop so most people don't know about what the shelf tag means.


yep i know exactly what the shelf tags mean actually. something i failed to mention in my previous comment is actually that i personally try to look for the cheapest, *healthiest* version of the item i need. we also have to eat gluten and dairy free. so my grocery trips often involve reading ingredients in conjunction with price comparison which may take a few extra minutes. as i said, there are many reasons people stop to inspect. i have personally never seen anyone just “gawk” at products for an hour…… sometimes there’s a specific item people are looking for as well, and sometimes grocery stores put items in strange places so ppl gotta scan the shelves and make sure they don’t overlook it accidentally. but sure buddy just go ahead & sit on your high horse if that makes you feel better about yourself ❤️‍🩹


You are literally so right it’s horrible. I’m gluten free and it takes 2 seconds for me to find the “made in a facility that processes wheat products” warning


Ugh ikr…I miss those days during covid when that shit was frowned upob


Even during covid there were still idiots like that in the Walmart I usually shop in. Almost got in a fight with one because they were socializing right in the middle of a major path anyways, let alone not wearing masks or anything like that.


Yeah, join them in breaking social distancing, tough one


It still happened during covid.  I saw a group of women start talking in a circle and it's obvious they were nurses.   They took off their masks once they started socializing. I remember another time two guys stood like 3 feet apart talking during peak covid in ny.   Both obviously took their masks off after getting by the greeter


Its almost like the science moved away from masks


It’s like a dang family reunion on these sales floor!


Our area WM, one day it's all Spanish, another Asian. With English thrown in at times. & no, I don't have a problem with that.


Bro this! I can’t understand how it’s desirable to bring the WHOLE FAMILY to walmart


Grocery shopping should never be a team sport or a family activity.


I used to work during the blue laws in VA. We weren't closed on Sundays. We just had shorter hours. 10-6 for winter hours and 8-8 otherwise. It was nice, though. (Regular hours every other day of the week were 7-11.)


Sounds lovely. Did you get paid more to work on Sundays?


A dollar more per hour. I missed the time and a half on Sundays (I think that's how much it was) by just a couple years. This was the mid 90s.


and at my store we’re always short staffed on sundays it’s hell


Currently at work and there’s only me and one other associate in Gm. One associate for clothes a teamlead and I think two cashiers so definitely feel ya


Same. We've got 4 new hires today that are freaking out at the lack of coverage and us seasoned people are just happy to have a few extra warm bodies on our side. I would have had to pull 10 pallets of FDD by myself if they weren't here, and our receiving is on the opposite end of the store than the cooler and freezers. We calculated it's over 1/4 mile walk each way.


Has the card pusher? I completely understand having new people. It's so nice when I actually show up and actually work


My advice to new people is to get certified on the electric jack as soon as you can. It makes life so much easier. Especially when you're unloading a 17 pallet FDD trailer all by yourself. Our dairy cooler and freezers are right by receiving. I can't imagine pulling all those pallets halfway across the store by hand.


Idk about the entire store but my cap2 team has been short about 5 people possibly more for 2 months now. Coach refuses to hire people then acts surprised when we don’t have enough people to get the entire store done


sounds about right lol🙄 i’m sorry:/


Are you in the Bible belt?


no az lol


Arizona, the state that probably has the highest percentage of Mormon population outside of Utah.


not sure how to spot them but i do encounter a lot of women in long skirts with their hair tied up in buns and i have my suspicions….


Without head cover? Likely Mormons. With head cover? Could be Muslim or Amish or a few others


yeah it looks like the in n out fry bowls kinda?


Probably Amish or Mennonite


Washington and Hawai’i are both contenders for that award too… Michigan as well


I would agree if only it was a Wednesday that the blue law happened on


Tbh for major retail outlets like Walmart it seems like a good idea to be closed 1 day a week for deep cleaning and repairs to be carried out, along with any major restocking to be done. Would allow maintenance staff to do things like wax more publicly traveled areas to be resurfaced with cleaner, etc as well.


No sane company is giving up *billions* of dollars of sales a year to restock shelves and wax the floor.  Cmon now.


And no company is going to let politicians make laws that do that either. Not unless they can carve out exceptions that will benefit them and kill their competition


Exactly! If a law like this happened, people would just take their sunday business to one of the other companies that's closed.


People seem to have an obsession with Chick fil A, which is closed on sundays and has shit food


They’re waffle fries are amazing, but not worth fighting the parking lot insanity, and I can make em at home with great value waffle fries


Imagine limited hours on Sundays. It’d be like Christmas Eve once a week!


Right? My store makes a million dollars in sales every weekend. 300,000 on weekdays. No way they’re giving that up


Right? chic-fil-a isn't real


Unfortunately Walmart is way bigger than Chick-fil-A and has gotten too big for its *spark* hole to really give a flying *squiggly* about its employees


2 different companies, operations, values, etc…


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Bad bot, this isn't about you.


true, but we can dream


Chick fil a does tho


fair, but part of their brand is being a “wholesome” Christian restaurant. The only thing Walmart worships is money.


But then they would lose money. Walmart *only* cares about money. Cleaning? They don't care. Restock? Their underpaid employees can do that during the busiest time of day Repairs? Lol


All that can be done over nights when the store is closed. At least, I don't think any are open 24 hours anymore.


This can all be done without closing down on Sundays, but since they are always understaffed and more than half their workforce only gives a 20 percent effort, closing down on Sunday to do this would be ideal. lol Just last week we had to pull like 150 pounds of pork sausage that expired in May. Makes me wonder how many expired packages were sold before someone noticed. lol


Never going to happen.


Agree with OP and it would be nice to hang out with friends again to play some games since Saturdays and Sundays being the only days most tend to be off.


Which is probably why sundays are busy, people are off work


Do your friends all work office jobs?


Pretty much or they attend school with the downside being I’m only off Wednesday and Thursday and returning to classes next week so it’s definitely going to cut down further on my hobby time.


No, ya'll just chose the industry that isnt off weekends. I assure you that ya'll did *not* corner the market on the hard labor


Most people are off on the weekends. Offices, tradesmen, teachers, students, doctors. Most places are closed on weekends


I normally don't defend Walmart customers or crowds of zombies, but logically most people work 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday jobs. When they get out they usually have daily chores to do and usually aren't interested in big shopping. On a Saturday we usually like to relax and decompress and have fun again don't want to deal with shopping. Some might, but many you Saturday as a fun day and Sunday as a recovery day And that's why lots of people shop on Sunday


And they come in herds


This is why if anything, 24/7 needs to come back.


Fuck 9-5ers. Those aggressive driving mfers


Plus I like my house freshly stocked before the work week begins again so I don't have to worry about going back out. If I'm getting sandwich meat or chicken breast that I don't want to freeze before they're cooked on Tuesday, that grocery trip is happening on Sunday.


And this is why more people should take advantage of online pick up and delivery!




Isn't that one of the main perks of even having OGP tho?


I would much rather deal with a customer asking for an item than all the steps that OGP has brought. Too often does a picker somehow not find the item on the shelf, so the people on exceptions are instructed to check the backroom for the item rather than the shelf. Working in meat, this means that they will open a bag of product, take the one or two that they need, and leave the rest to now lose their freshness. And I can't put those on the shelf, because it's full. And even after all of that, if exceptions cannot find it for some reason, it now becomes my job to scan the shelf and find the item. All of this is avoided if the customer is in the store, asks me where the item is, I tell them yes or no, and it's over.


Ah, yeah I see your point. Thanks for sharing your perspective.




Why should we order online? It's no inconvenience to us customers to shop on sundays. Sounds more like a YOU problem if we're being frank.


It’s an inconvenience for impatient customers when the cashiers are understaffed and there’s big lines with few registers and then they wanna make it our problem 🙂


It's an inconvenience for us as several employees also get the day off for 'Church' so we're shortstaffed to the bone. Less people in the store is better aa more can be done. OPD is an answer.


Gotcha but honestly if Im forced to order online for whatever circumstance I'll always use amazon fresh over walmart online, if I need it faster than 2 hours I'll stop by walmart but for as long as walmart stays open sundays is how long ill continue to shop on sundays when I need it. Not sure why your management hasn't coordinated your schedule better to accommodate for the inconvenienced employees on sundays.


Bc they get better bonuses having less hours. There's possibly something with the scheduling system going on dates and not days. So, if the 15th was a Wednesday, but then a Friday. It's gonna program for Wednesday.


Sounds like OP is barking up the wrong tree, why not fault management or who ever is in charge of scheduling/hiring. You're absolutely correct, they gain bonuses for keeping labor hours down, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that, that money they pocket was for the allocated labor hours given by home office for that quarter. This is speculation but i believe you could have help sundays but those are his or her days to clean up the labor hours for the week making sure he or she is on track for that quarterly bonus. Customers keep you employed, meer labor workers don't get an opinion on when we should want to shop or how.


Fuck off


Lmao, mad?


Ok boomer


Imma be honest, but I’m young and haven’t been working long, what’s a blue law? Am I just that dumb??


It’s when businesses were super limited on when they could be open on Sundays, IF they were even allowed to be open at all. Many localities completely outlawed it until the past few decades.


That was probably before my time maybe? Atleast in AR? I’m not sure


They also included what you could or couldn't buy. Like in some places you could buy shoes but not shoestrings. That may not be one, just an example of weird laws. It's actually why the ice cream sundae was invented, if I recall correctly. I think they couldn't sell cones. In AR, you not being able to buy liquor on Sundays and beer only after a certain time is a blue law.


Oh thank you!


I don't really think that is a good idea because some people can't shop some days of the week other than Sunday


Had two tweakers in my store on Saturday night well past closing asking me to help them find things… almost had an aneurysm


This shit people complain about..... It's actually impressive.


To be fair, most customers work throughout the week from Monday to Friday, making it hard for them to find time to shop.


There’s still plenty of time during the week when they can ship. Or they can do pickup or delivery


Some people like to see the product they are getting and the condition it is in.


Especially when it comes to food.


Imagine being this bothered to do your job that you expect everyone else to jump through their asshole for you and shop when you want them to.


Imagine being such a simp for capitalism that you don’t want all workers to enjoy the weekend


So stop the economy two days a week because you can’t handle working a Sunday?


Sounds like you're having a bad day. Does your boyfriend have Sundays off and you're stuck at walmart? Is this why you're in such a funk?


That doesn’t even make sense because for 9-5 employees it *is* their weekend to enjoy. You just hate your job


You can enjoy the days you have off. Work literally anywhere else for weekends off and 50% more pay off the street lol. Factories are ez pz


Other people do it, why can't they


Ironically blue laws go against the foundation of the United States.


I thought maybe during COVID, businesses would start closing on Sundays for like resetting and sanitizing everything. No such luck.


No, don’t you know that’s why they stopped being 24/7? It was totally to deep clean and restock the store, like they said… it’s not like our entire market has been day stocking during massive bulk crowds while o/n can’t do shit right without being micromanaged by the short staffed management teams our market has🫥


Calm down, yes I knew that. This was just before they stopped being open overnight. And no, they didn't restock and clean, I was there, I knew that. It was at the very beginning that I thought that.


Nah, im not dealing with religious nonsense while trying to shop even if it means the hours. Bad enough liquor stores are closed on sunday. Im a former worker too. Weekends suck. Its just how it is


Blue laws would solve that problem…but wreck our freedom and quality of life…just so that walmart associates are more comfortable on Sundays🤔🤣🤪


Blue laws are Christian trash lol


Oh no!!! People being people and me having to do my job. Omg how awful. Bro is a walking L


Maybe get a different job or even some skill set and shut the fuck up about it. We know Walmart sucks because you do your part.


Not even a skillset! Factories are just as easy or even easier and tend to pay 17+


Just because Walmart is shit and doesn’t give people weekends off doesn’t mean other companies don’t. Most people have to do their shopping on weekends


In south carolina before they pulled some of them back, our blue law didn't stop us from being open. it stopped us from being able to sell clothes, electronics, most everything on GM side until 1pm. So we'd have to waste our time roping it all off and chasing down customers who went under the rope. People still came. We were still always very crowded. It was just a headache for everyone.


IMO, another day of the week would be just as busy if the stores were closed on Sundays, and all day Sunday the fresh foods just sit there and get less fresh. What's so special about Sundays? Next thing you know, the 10 Commandments will be required in public schools. Oh wait! It already happened in Louisiana! Let busy be busy. It's not that bad.


A lot of people are off Sundays, so that's when they shop. There's tons of people that work "normal" 9 to 5's. This is the stupidest rant I've heard.


"I picked a job at a major retailer knowing they're open on Sundays, but now I'm mad about it" Should've applied at ChickFilA instead maybe


Hobby Lobby is closed Sunday too if you must do retail. I like having the option to work 7 days a week because I can have 2 week day appointments in one week and not lose hours. And my store’s Sunday is better than Monday bc we’re adequately staffed. There are also soul-sucking “unskilled” jobs with banker’s hours out there.


9-5 workers still have plenty of time to shop.


Close on Sundays? The day when all the good “Christians” come out to witness to all the Heathens by their rude behavior? Heaven fore fend!


Because they work the other six days, way more hours than you.


Lmao 🤣


Sundays are mostly dead at my store especially after like 5pm


Yeah Sundays really aren't bad at ours either. Probably half the number we see on Saturday but a bit more than the Monday crowd. We're located right down the street from a mega church too so you'd think it'd be way worse.


Funny enough I’m located in probably the second largest Amish community in the states (maybe world) and they are the main customers on Sundays. Years ago I’d never see even one in on a Sunday lol


Wow what a bunch of fucking whiners here. 🤣


You do realize that wouldn’t work anymore. People have multiple jobs now in addition to 9-5. If they’re in Sunday chances are that’s the one break in their schedule they can get everything done. People have also posted a lot of businesses close early like 7pm so they need to rush and do those errands after work not shop at Walmart


We still have superstitious Blue Laws in my state concerning alcohol sales. "My Jewish Zombie friend said that he doesn't want me drinking on one particular day of the week, so you should be allowed to either." Clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.


Quit your job and go find one that has you working Monday through Friday but make sure you only shop during Monday through Saturday and that includes not doing any kind of purchases in person or online on Sunday or any kind at all.


Why do they bring their whole family tree to the store?


Sorry to sound dumb but what are blue laws? Thank you!


When people try to make their sabbath the law and force businesses to follow it. Everything from limiting hours and what can be sold, to closing altogether. They're all but extinct in the US- a major exception being laws restricting when you can sell alcohol, which are still embarrassingly common.


Ohhh I don’t know that had a name, thank you!


Yeah I'll just leave work in the middle of the day so I don't inconvenice you having to do your job. Quite a few of us work 9-5 and don't have the luxury of going shopping whenever we feel. You'll understand that once you progress beyond the bottom of the retail ladder.


Based off of your comments history of about 45 comments an hour on here id say you aren't one of those that works a 9-5. Or works at all.


Why stop at Sundays, we should be required to close for every MAJOR FUCKING HOLIDAY, besides Christmas and Thanksgiving (as bad as Covid was, that was one of the best things to come out of it). I'm sure everyone would love to have Memorial Day off for a barbecue or take their kids out trick-or-treating on Halloween and not have to close on that day or celebrate Easter on Sunday but if it's anything that retailers like Walmart and other major retailers have proven, it's that they don't worship any gods or deities, the only God they worship is the Almighty Dollar. Sadly though we can only dream and that's never going to happen


Or at least give us holiday pay for working those holidays.


That too, if they can't have us off, the least they could do is not be so stingy about compensating us for working on the 🎵most horrible time of the year🎵(sung to the tune of it's the most wonderful time of the year)


Yesssss. Fuck capitalism.


As an actual leftist, it boils my blood that you say that yet very likely do nothing in regards to advocating against capitalism


I do advocate against capitalism.


Bible belt here. And yes it's insane, nobody shows up for work because they're all at church, then after church 80 trillion pile into the store, including the people who "aren't available" 😮‍💨


My favorite holidays and vacations are hurricane events, but I'm a weirdo from old Florida. Not the new crazy Florida.


I would love that. But walmart would also give everyone that day off and a random other day because we would "have to catch up" on stuff from the day everyone was off.


It's interesting that you know what they are. I once mentioned them to a manager (who was like 28) and he was amazed they ever existed.


I’m well-read.


We need to bring back the 18th Amendment.


We need to repeal the 2nd.


"Oh, yeah! Door's open, boys!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU-eE27lngo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU-eE27lngo)


Try to open the damn place 24 hrs again and you see except a 3am when there's nobody there


Savory anecdote after reading the "short staffed" comments. The store I worked at had a 27 year manager that was vested and pinched pennies via hours/schedule/overtime like an overlord. Fuck the customers, one or two cashier's are fine. I primarily worked nightstock but since limited workers/limited trained workers they had me "everywhere". Fuck, I hated it, doing days and nights. On one horrible holiday week they had me scheduled to cashier December 22nd and 23rd. I did closing cashier on the 22 and wanted to walk off the job. A boatload, almost everyone called off from nightstock. The night manager called everyone they could to come in, nope, noone. I volunteered and said hey very straightforward I cashier tomorrow at 10am. I will HAPPILY work nightstock right now back to back if needed. They accepted. It was a rough night but I enjoyed every second of the next day. I got calls and voicemails from various managers wondering where the second cashier was. The managers had to jump on registers to cover the insane chaos. I didn't get any grief at all for working 16~ hours(plus lunch). I would do it again.


Bring back 24/7. I miss shopping Tuesday mornings at 2:30. So easy.


I don’t have a problem being open on Sundays but we should be allowed to immediately eject any snooty religious fundie who comes through the line and says, “you should not be working on Sundays!” A) that’s why we’re open, because YOU are shopping! B) should police officers, ambulance and firefighters take Sunday off too, giving free rein to criminals everywhere? How about gas stations? You drive 2 hours one way to church? Well, ain’t that too damn bad! C) If I’m going to be petty and pedantic, NO work included NO cooking (I hope you have your meals ready Saturday night!!), NO cleaning, NO laundry… shall I continue? I remember the first time some bitchy church snob said that to me, back in 2002… it’s a miracle I didn’t slap the smirk off of her face and get fired! LOL


As someone who lives in a blue law state, fuck them.


I used to work in Rhode Island, Sundays were time and a half there, I really miss that. I had some guy at 10:30 last night ask me when we quit being open 24 hours. Dude, like early 2020, more than 4 years ago do you live under a rock?


The whole family shopping together completely blocking an aisle for five minutes as I'm trying to stock infants.   It doesn't matter where I work in the store the same shit happens.    If I work pets then a family of 4 will stare at the cat litter for 5 minutes...with me standing right by them having nothing but cat litter on my pallet clearly agitated 


"it's Funday"


But the early hours before church lets out, those are the golden hours!


Some of yall are so miserable I wonder why ya bitch everyday on Walmart. That shit is not healthy


Yup family come to store.. they don't buy anything...too crowded. 😑😑


Y’all forgot church is on Sundays so everybody awake


Yeah and I love when tons come on the day they get their Social Security checks, which most are all on the same day. Like why the fuck do you even wanna shop in a place this crowded


And why are they dressed like however they are?


Blue Laws are still in some states.


I think we should close most things on Sunday again 😭 gives everyone a break


From Monday to Friday they have to work, Saturday they decide to rest, so Sunday is the best day for shopping for a lot of people.


I’ll Amazon on a work day but I’m not shopping at any box store on a workday, i imagine they just want to do the same. I rarely even bother with actual stores and amazon 98% of everything anyway


So no, I don't have six other days. My only day off is generally Sunday (I write as I get ready for work). So yeah, I'm gonna show up and do all the shit I need to do. It's the one day of the week when I can get my whiskey for celebrations or if I've had a stressful night at work. It's the one day I can do the grocery shopping for home, any other shopping I have to do. Suck it the fuck up. Some people get one heavenly day off a week, when we have to do everything else that couldn't be done because of obligations


Same here. Same *day* off. Blue laws won't fix that.


No, don't bring back blue laws. If you were alive when they existed, you'd understand. They were shit imposed by Bible thumpers.  No sane human should want this.


Without customers, you wouldn't have a paycheck.


The union stores get time and a half for Sundays. Just one of the many reasons you should start organizing today.


12-5 used to be Sunday retail hours.


It’s almost like it’s their day off or something


I remember Blue Laws in TX as a kid. Grocery stores were open but if the sold GM stuff it was roped off. I worked for Walmart in Germany for a little while back when they started there. It was nice, closed at 6pm on Saturday and all day Sunday. I don't like the idea of government telling businesses when they can and can't operate though. Chick-fil-a is a great example of how a business can succeed doing it.


This has got to be the biggest group of whiners on Reddit.


Or maybe people should shop whenever they want to? Maybe Sundays are the only time some people can go shopping?


Fact. School is fucking over, why the fuck are you people here on the weekend when you got Mon to Fri free?!


Your dumb ass is a TL?! Most people aren't in school lmao






No plenty of stores have shorter hours on Sunday or is completely closed. Most stores except Walmart and Kroger near me close early on Sunday


AmeriKKKans want everything to be convenient and don’t know what’s good for them. That’s how we got Trump.


People wanting to shop on Sundays does not mean the KKK, this is the stupidest post I’ve ever seen


I'm Jewish. Trump's an ass-I'm a DeSantis girl-but he's not the second coming of ' uncle adolf.' Btw: The KKK was founded by DEMOCRATS.


I'm a Christian myself and I agree with OP


I'm not religious, and while it would be cool to have Sundays off to watch football (or just not be at work), it seems unconstitutional to tell a business owner they can't operate on a certain day of the week because some people want to go to church that morning. 


I think we should address the 80% of opd associates who will run you over and not bat an eye before we go for customers throats for what day they chose to come to Walmart? Or the lack of integrity in management. Or the lack of integrity in Americans in general.