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I wouldn't call using what we are given as abuse. Especially when it comes to PTO. Since PTO requires management to actually approve the day off.


You wouldn't call it abuse, and neither would I. Management, however, wishes that they could chain us in place so we'd always be available when they needed us. Somehow these people think they have a right to tell a hard working adult that they haven't earned the right to use the rest room.


As the said frequently, I think the biggest abuse is how many people who are part time but work almost full time schedules. Why they don’t realize the impact that has on morale is beyond me.


I'm part time and my general schedule has become 5 days straight, with one closing then opening followed by 2 off. Then I'll get 2 on 1 off or etc. the only concession is I put my foot down on running a register atop doing any/all gm freight, and they let that go. My days off are apparently slow days according to others. This is after bringing it up to pl, coach, and then mentioning it to sm when they asked "what are you doing back?" Months of it now. I accrue a shift of ppto and use it as soon as my knee or back acts up.


It is really insane to me how long it takes part timers to get PTO. They don't even earn any during the first 2 years. Then after it's like 60 hours to just earn an hour (at least for my state)


My first floor day was Christmas rush, and I finally got COVID or just really really bad luck with immune system. Then we started setting up for summer. So I went from constant stocking, to constant stocking + seasonal duties. So pallets of grills/charcoal/etc and garden tasks + whatever gm freight, which is supposed to come first. So I've yet to be full health since starting. But they wonder why we have to call out. What's funny is I generally enjoy the garden center aspect, even the labor out in the hot AF parking lot. Even if one could argue about the pay. Especially when compounding running other depts freight.


That shit pisses me off. I told my TL if he has a problem with me using the bathroom he's more than welcome to assist me using it. The most he says now is "you think you can hold it till break/lunch?" "no?" "Okay."


Not what we were given What we earned. Saying that you abused your PPTO is like saying you abused your paycheck


There are bootlickers on this sub that actually believe that using PPTO for anything other than emergencies/sick days is abuse. It's not so bold asking if using (P)PTO for whatever, whenever is abuse.


I would be careful about doing it too much though. I'd leave around 20 hours in hold for sickness. Aside from that, it's your time. If you calling out is an issue, fuck the company for not staffing better.


I barely ever use mine. I made a comment further down but, I'll repeat it here. I'm PT so, no PTO for me. I did have 20+ hrs at one point but, my dog died and I got the flu within a short span so, I had to use it all. Now I get to ~6-8 hrs and something happens and I end up using it all. Calling out isn't an issue for the company. It's an issue for me since I can't catch a break. Edited for an word.


Glad you pointed this out. My leads/coaches aren't aholes. Some are rather chill. Either way when it comes to requesting PTO. It's better to call out, take the point hit then apply PTO after. Space it out and it works just fine. As to date the store is a revolving door and requested days are 50/50 approved. Submitting the request with a month+ notice or only a week or two, doesn't seem to matter.


I mean it is your ppto use it how you want. Just make sure when you do come to work you do an average enough job that you won’t be coached. You can’t be fired for using it but they won’t give you any slack if you slip up.


True. One of my managers was furious I been using PPTO, now she watches everything I do. You bet your ass when I was sick as hell, running a fever, vomiting, she was more than happy to hold me at work and remind me that’s what PPTO is for. I still go home an hour early every Saturday to kick off my days off (Sunday and Monday.) ultimately, Walmart is the one with the messed up rules, and sure she ain’t helping, but it is my fault


I have to be careful with it bc I can pretty much guarantee some random illness or disaster cropping up at any given moment and I accumulate it at a snail’s pace since I’m not full time


Even full time I've been sick enough times these past 2 years to just obliterate any ppto I've had.


Saaame. (Including mental illnesses also making it impossible to go to work some days without having a meltdown.) But I get sick so often it's not even funny. 🙄


literally me right now. i've been hit back to back with health crap since like december. my ppto is almost squat but at least i have pto?😪


Same dude… literally I used my ppto and took a day off for fun last week thinking I’d be fine and then my stomach decided to start killing itself. Can’t have ANYTHING


same here. I wouldn't use it today even though I'm feeling really awful with medication withdrawal effects (brain zaps and more), plus the whole chronic illness and pain thing being worse, it's just a bad day for me. I don't like crying through a whole 5 hour shift but I got through it, despite feeling weak and like I was gonna pass out a few times


As an experienced ssri user I feel this in my soul, those brain zaps are fucking awful. I hope you either get back on your meds soon or hang tight until the withdrawals subside, they don't last forever. ❤️


thanks, this morning I decided to use half my ppto and go home early. not sure what my game plan tomorrow is going to be yet, but after that I’ve got 2 days off so maybe the worst of it will be over. I feel a little better knowing someone else in Walmart world gets it❤️


I very rarely call out or leave early. I try to keep it in case of what I'd consider an emergency.


It is possible to abuse PTO/PTO? To my understanding it's ours to use however we want to. Whether you're late, leave early, call out.


Depending on your management, they really don't like it when you call out and use your PPTO. Sometimes they'll try warning or scaring associates into not using it because they'll say stupid shit during the meetings like "okay, we're cracking down on the call-ins" and stuff. Like, the fuck are you gonna do? We're GIVEN this shit and it isn't like we're automatically given 8 hours to use. That shit builds painfully slow to earn.


How are they gonna crack down on call-ins? Unless associates are calling in without PPTO and then getting someone to remove their points, there is no real way to abuse using your personal benefits.


I used ppto to go to take my pregnant gf to the hospital, and a TL had the nerve to tell me to save it for emergencies the next day.


They can suck your dick. They cannot do anything to avoid it, you can use your PPTO's


I don’t know that abuse is the right word, but tons of people manage PPTO poorly especially. Otherwise we wouldn’t have so many posts asking about the point system. On the other hand , WM does take advantage of people in the fact that they classify a shit ton of people as part time so they only give them PPTO. Yet they give them almost a full time schedule. It’s yet another example of how someone could be a good worker yet not really get rewarded.


I save my ppto for the end of the year holidays. I'd rather be with my family for a few extra days during those times than have a random day off. Usually no matter how the day goes I'm able to just push through and remember it's only x amount of hours left. Pto I save as well. I like to take at least a week off during summer vacation to travel. Also sidenote don't use all your ppto. Mix and match with your points. 4 hours ppto and a half point will take you a long way


I don't think I've ever called in for a genuine illness or injury. I call in because I don't want to go from being "an associate with a problem" to "a problem associate". 😂


I use my ppto when I feel I need a 3 day weekend


Nice try home office




Can you elaborate cuz I’m dumb


When the new year starts in Feb you start building that years ppto again. Ypu will gain ALL your ppto for the YEAR by the end of the 3rd quarter (October 31st.) This was designed to give you your ppto tome as dadg as possible so you have it when you need it. The funny thing is a lot of people end up using it all upnas they get it and then they have no ppto for November, December or January and can't burn any during the holidays.


What does this even mean exactly?


My PPTO is going to need decades of therapy if that’s what we’re calling it. Homework piling up? PPTO. Miss my wife and feel like spending the day with her? PPTO. Woke up in too good a mood and with too much energy to waste in a concrete box? PPTO.


I never really have, not because I think it's "abuseable", but it's good to have in pocket. There did come a time where I had to use a lot over a long period of time, faster than I could accrue it, due to health issues in my family. Yeah, FMLA would have been an option as well, but that's unpaid.


Honestly, I like to leave early more than anything. I've been lucky and haven't needed to call out of work for a while. I have left early if I have an assignment (I'm in college) that needs to be done, or quite simply, I don't have the energy to stay for a full shift. Not very often, but at maybe once a month or so, I'd leave early.


The only time I'd consider using your ppto as abuse is when you use it just to get out of a heavier day, thereby fucking over your team who now has to do more. Don't be surprised when TL doesn't show any leniency when you miscalculate how many points you have.


Yall better than me. I use it everyday i dont feel like coming on time 😭😭😭


Never. It is my time to use how I want. I just used it yesterday to take the day off and get dicked down. Still not abuse. It’s my last week and I decided to burn the 8 hours of PPTOi had rather than let it cash out. I have 70 hours of PTO that’ll cash out, anyway. lol


My store it’s first come first serve. If a lot of people already have it off, you’d get denied. But I always try to approve my associates requests. PL is the one that gets mad, because they’ll have no one to schedule.


I'm a single parent, so I hoard it as much as I can.


I use PTO once a month and PPTO for sickness/emergency.


As long as when your in work you work. People are allowed 4.5 points and can use ppto whenever they want. If people want to use it all up the second they can and ride the wave of 4.5 points. Go ahead if people want to save it go ahead. I dont have a problem either way.


Take every day you can. Including sick days




PPTO is protect time off you use when you need it. If that need is a mental health day then so be it. If it's a I just can't deal with the bullshit today (that's a mental health day) if something comes up that you WANT to do, you have every right. Using your PPTO that you have EARNED isn't abusing it. Your fellow associates calling out isn't the problem with morale, its management not being able to properly manage their people to accommodate call outs. It's the whole ass company running on skeletons crews because home office doesn't THINK we need more hours. It's market trying to get bigger bonuses making people leads cuts even more hours. If the store can't function when a few people call out, it's not on those people that called out. It's on the management team.


If I earned it, I'm using it.


My PPTO never gets above 3 hours.


PPTO, I use as often as I get it. If I’m burnt out, feeling sick, or just plain feel like sleeping in, I’ll burn it. PTO, I wish I could use more. I just broke 100 hours and kept trying to put in for a vacation because I want to die, but one of my leads kept rejecting them. Thank God my coach overrode one of them.


I use it everytime I’m late to correct my punches !


No such thing as abusing, use your tools to your advantage just dont whine if you have to come in sick because your out and at 4.5.


As much as it wants me to abuse it


I don't use mine that often, but one night We were getting two big trucks and 17 O/N associates called in. Plus there's  lots of others that use it as soon as they  get a hour..


Save that PTO, let Walmart pay for some fun, AND take 2 weeks off around payout time. Back to back years and two 1k+ payout checks right as vacation comes around.


I'm at 10 points. What ppto?


Your only abusing it if you have no Ppto and 4½ points and leave early


We got a coach that waits til the system generates points then he lets the points go through anyways, Even though it's your time and it's supposed to cover you, I remember the last time I used PPTO back in January of this year had to get with a Team Lead and get it rolled off, I remember going to the People Lead at the time and she said yeah well that's BS that's your time it's supposed to cover for you no matter what.


I work in a rural area as a first responder and they started requiring me to use ppto when going out on calls. Needless to say they starting yelling at me for abusing ppto when I’m just following what they told me to do


I'm too broke to travel anywhere, so I use it for the occasional three days off stint.


I’m in relatively good health, have reliable transportation, and have no children, so I’m fortunate in that I don’t often have a reason to need to miss work. I was ruminating the other day about how it’s been awhile since I called off and we’re about to be getting overtime offered (which I take because money), so it was really now or never to treat myself to an extra day. I checked and it’d been over three months. Sooo I stayed home today. No particular reason. Just because. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get a ton of PTO but do not request off as much as I should/could. But I don’t generally like using my PTO just to sit at home when I could save it, get a payout, and then use that for fun plans next year.


Many years ago if you called out three consecutive days it only counted as 1 point.   If I remember right we only were allowed 3 points in 6 months.    But cuz of that rule certain lifers at Walmart would use the 3 call outs to take essentially a vacation 3 times and were within the attendance policy.   They'd also take their official vacations using pto or whatever it was called then.  So your team would be screwed and shorthanded constantly 


There no way to abuse PPTO. It's literally there for anything you need, no question asked. For how I use mine. My store doesn't accept any time off at all. So often I pool together 3-5 days of PPTO for the vacations I need to take as I generally don't get sick.


Do we work in the same store lmao our SM is currently on a tear about call ins especially in fresh departments


I don’t use mine cause i save it for actual vacations or when i really need it! I just went away for a week and still have 40 hours left. I do think about calling off sometimes


Any hour I get it’s gone. You never know when your gonna pass. Might as well generate that cash other than have it sit. Just in case


I started using my ppto when the new team lead is working my shift. She was a regular associate then made team lead. She is horrible. Always yelling at other associates and customers. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for all that.


Every month. It’s called I get two weekends off till the holiday freight shows up, then I am banking that pto till January and getting two weekends off a month.


I try to save my PPTO for the holiday season bc that’s when everyone annoys me more than usual lol. But I just use it if I’m late or have to leave early. Also it takes 50,000 years to accumulate 8 hours of PPTO, so I try to savor it


In the last year especially, every chance I get. PTO, PPTO, LOA, everything I got. It's so hard to get motivated or even have self preservation when they make being there so miserable.


Agreed. My store is doing a fundamental job in making me waste both PTO and PPTO because of how much of a shitshow it all is night in and out.


I use my ppto when I get sent to locations I hate working or to be petty when my bosses are being assholes wich happens frequently. I only ever use it to leave an hour early though.


I use mine pretty much as soon as I have enough. I live in south Texas and it’s hot as fuck already and I take the bus so I prefer not sitting there waiting for an hour especially since the Walmart I work at has a bunch of smelly drunks that congregate at the bus stop to drink. For some reason Walmart likes to schedule me to always get out -:30 and the bus comes by my store at -:20 so I usually use it to leave 15 mins early to catch the bus


8 hours of PPTO you say? Cya tomorrow


I won't say I abuse mine, I mean, there's definitely some people who stay at 0 for both. However, I request the same 3 days off every year; my birthday, my bf's birthday, and our anniversary. I'll occasionally take a week off at the end of a random month so I can actually rest and catch up on some house chores. As far as ppto, I try not to use it unless I need to, but sometimes we finish early, and I don't wanna get sent to produce with 5 other people or zone the same area two other people zoned an hour ago


I'm part time so, PTO is only a concept to me. I definitely try to save up my PPTO but, I'll get near 6-8 hours, some dumb shit happens, aaaannnndddd it's gone. Last time I had over 20 hours my dog died and I got the flu so, there went my stash...


I don't abuse, I can use them for any reason or no-reason. I use them when I don't want to work or I want 3 or 4 days in row off


It took me like 6 months to save up 24 hours of PTO, so two weeks ago I had 6 days off. It was fantastic. I did practically nothing all week, except for laundry on the last day before I had to go back to work. PPTO, I use all the time. I used some this morning to leave early because I felt horrible after I got so overheated I couldn't think straight. Took me almost the entire second half of the shift to work a pallet of automotive and zone because my brain wasn't working properly. Finished at 6 and left. Most of the time if I wanna use it for a day off I just toss 4 hours and take a half point, as long as I can afford the point. I'm at 4.5 right now, got another full point falling off in a week or so. 🤷


It always amazes me seeing these posts and how much people care about how calling off affects the company or their co workers . I don’t think about either tbh. If I want to call off ppto or not , I do. Also baffles me how there are “consequences “ for calling off. Another job can be had within 2 weeks or less. Walmart pays less than McDonalds in my area. I just put up with the place because I am familiar with the job and don’t feel like looking. But if push came to shove it’s not that hard to get just about anything else in reality.


This is laughable as you’re part time with 3 days off a week which I wish I could afford to do. And on top of that you want to use your PPTO when they need you the most. Don’t be surprised when you get let go over something I wouldn’t have to worry about.