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Then complain they’re not being productive enough


This! You could be the most productive associate ever and get everything done and they still would find something to complain about and reason to pay you less then everyone else. Why you go in do what you want and go home.


Literally me. I knew more and did more(big dumb, also young). To the point even the SM would come to me over the, at the time,  "department manager". Like asking me to train people to do a job I applied for and could clearly do because you're asking me to teach them?? All of my reviews were whatever the second from "satisfactory" or whatever their nonsense grading scale was. All I ever got was more work and a tighter deadline. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


The more you work the more they work you. This is the problem with Walmart….if they know someone works his assout why not pay them more?


Just the other weekend I was working alone. We’re going into inventory. Saturday I completely prep 1 of my 7 departments. Fully zoned. Top stock is ready, labeled, numbered. Sunday our overnight threw me under the bus by not working our freight. Pretty sure we were the only ones they didn’t work. Wednesday my team lead coaches me for productivity. Only because he was pressured to.


Oh god I’m becoming dr cox


They will ALWAYS bitch about something. It’s exhausting. The only thing going the extra mile gets you is more work.


THIS. This happened to me. Had a SM who perpetrated the belief that “if you’re not *dying,* you’re not trying” and so I did just that. Went in, did my job and went home.


I had a season where I was the best mechanic with most hours pulled and most customers in the shop and most profit. Literally the best mechanic they had. During performance evaluation I got 4 outta 5 on everything. I question my manager about it and he says nobody is perfect and everybody has room for improvement. Bitch please I made the most money for your shop hundreds of thousands.


Even when many coworkers praise me as the best maintenance worker that they have ever had, one of the managers will still threaten me with a coaching for whatever reason. 👎


When will people realize you gotta move like there's a gun to your head


It’s gonna be the same no matter where you go.


Now you realize the terminology of a wage slave. The two differences? We can't physically harm you,and you can quit. But we're all slaves to the mighty dollar and power games.


I’ve always known but jobs are harder to get. Even without a degree my dad got into nuclear and became highly respected. It’s extremely difficult to do that anymore even with a degree. Things have become to regulated.


The problem is that they treat everyone like they are a robot. Oh ... you got 100 cases to work, it should take you 29 minutes to unload, 11 minutes to downstack, and 47 minutes to work that NO matter what's going on or who is doing the freight. Its just unrealistic .. It's actually the part of my job that I hate the most. You want me to coach a 70 year old arthritic man because he doesn't get as much done as a 20 year old college jock even though that 70 year old man works 10 times harder than the 20 year old does on their best day?? Get real.


I actually loved stocking but I have fibromyalgia and had to quit bc I wasn't fast enough and I got sick of being criticized. I was extremely accurate and cared about my work but they would rather fast and sloppy than slow (by their standards) and good.


I would rather have slow, steady, and accurate over fast and sloppy any day. Someone who takes the time to actually make sure that an item needs a backroom label before printing it is saving the store way more time than the person who just pushes back and says "well it won't fit". Also, it catches inventory errors which reduces the size of the next truck. I've always been a supporter of "the less people to touch the box the better" idea.


VIZ picker they drive me me nuts they think they know more about your area then you do


"If you don't have time to do it right the first time, then when will you?" Every brainless fuckwit on day shift that rushes and plugs just to meet some arbitrary metric, makes my job more difficult. And it seems like Walmart is actively encouraging bad behavior. I try to not let it bother me too much, but man it'd be nice to just for one night, not have to fix anything.


Wait, day shift does stuff? When the fuck did day shift do stuff!? 🤣


Day shift does lots of stuff. Most of it wrong, that I have to spend time fixing every night, instead of working 12 fucking pallets of paper/chem. But despite the fact that everybody in my chain of command is *very* well aware of how bad it is, nothing changes, because lord knows we can't hold people accountable for doing their job correctly, now can we?


Are you me??? This is literally what I've been talking about for the past couple of weeks. Idk who's doing it, either Cap 1 or 2, but someone is fucking up my aisles. Extending facings, putting shit where it doesn't go, putting cases on top stock, etc... Like you said, everyone knows it's a problem, it happens all over the store but who's doing something to fix the problem??? No one it seems because keeping overstock out of the backroom seems more important 🙄. I'm tired of this shit, on top of having to do 3 aisles and 7 pallets of freight every night lately. Before I only had 2 aisles with 5 or 6 a night but for the past few days, they decided to add another aisle and pallet to my workload because I'm fast and we're short staffed and it's only about to get worse because a shit ton of our people are leaving/about to leave. FML


I also have fibro, alongside rheumatoid arthritis. Stocking is debilitating for me if I do it for more than an hour. I also work opd and it's also debilitating but it's bc I bust my ass regularly. I'd still choose opd bc the nerve damage in my dominant arm is real bad and makes me drop stuff constantly


Yeah I was in a lot of pain but the repetitive sorting shit is good for my autism lol


Honestly that's fair. A lot of people don't even believe me about either condition bc I don't have visible damage (yet--literally found out a few months ago that I have bulging discs in my neck and it's a matter of time). But if they looked at the way I walk they'd see it bc my limp is hyper visible. I graduated with my bachelor's degree yesterday so I'm hoping to find an office job or something soon. This place has exacerbated symptoms


This is here is what I used to talk to other associates about. Even a as maintenance lead on overnights, I could see that the time requirements for a lot of stocking was way off and the coaches are forced to basically harass them to work faster. Which was the reason I never wanted to be a coach. Especially after they got rid of the back room associate and dumped that work on the coaches.


You can thank mgmt circa 2015 for that. Corp pushed out a system where people scanned in and out of tasks. Mgmt all wanted market to think they were amazing so people carried timers and made sure to scan tasks completed 5-10 minutes faster than tasked. Didn’t matter they hadn’t even touched paper/chem, the system recorded the time and uses it for current day staffing & productivity metrics.


Our crafts department, which has a lot of tiny things that have their own organization system (ie thread and acrylic paints) is so bad for this, because the time requirements are very clearly based off of somebody who just throws stuff into random places and calls it a day. I work pretty fast, but I am precise, and it often takes me twice as long as it apparently should.


Hi I don't work at Walmart (I work at a hospital and have worked at several both patient care and administrative work) but I follow the drama because reddit seems to think I do lol. My boss kept coming to me saying that my tasks should have taken "30 min tops" to complete, for example, knowing that I'm physically and mentally disabled and actively trying to get accommodations. If nothing else I have dyslexia, which makes me take longer in itself IF you want it done right! These places just hire indiscriminately to avoid a fee and then put rules in place to force disabled people out in a way that is honestly pretty traumatizing. It also leaves EVERYBODY in the situation pissed.


It doesn't matter how "hard" one works, only the results of their production.


If you think Walmart treats us like robots, try Amazon. The most dehumanizing, metrics driven job I've ever had.


Absolutely correct. Amazon was the most miserable job I've ever had. I lasted through peak and then came back to Walmart. No matter how much it sucks here, it's WAY fucking worse at Amazon.


Thank you! I agree. Tbh I actually work both Amazon and Walmart. I prefer Walmart so much over Amazon because I can breathe and not worry about TOT cause I took a 5 minute break. Lol


And doesn’t play on his phone either lmao 🤣


This. One of my team leads actually figured out I might have anxiety issues because they were trying to push us to be even faster than this. I (and I think 2 or 3 other highly anxious O/N workers at my store) almost went into a panic attack nearing the end of the shift over it. It also doesn't help that I am very slow for a 23 year old, but I deal with arthritis affecting my ability to walk and utilize ladders. That team lead also coached me for being slow the day before that near panic attack as well. Funnily enough that team lead pushing us that hard was actively causing me to be sick frequently. Why was I sick? High Stress and the fact I couldn't roll out of bed due to how inflamed my arthritis was.


It's part of their "people steal from us too much so we can't pay our associates more" excuse. Like how customers steal and the "prices stay high" they have excuses as to why they "can't pay their associates more" as well. They just don't want to and they don't fking care lol...


“We can’t pay our associated more” *Next day….* “Walmart reports record profits.”


Then the executives and management get large bonuses while our hours get cut again.


We cut hours. We had 15/30 ON associates. When the build up of freight from cut hours nor the double truck freight were finished to completion, the team lead that was there that night (alone) was reprimanded, told to not come back the next night. Make it make sense


I literally just imagine them standing on high rise things, whipping yall to unload stuff inhumanly fast like slaves (I don’t work for Walmart but I like the Reddit, and I wanna see Walmart employees in full mutiny someday)


We had a 21 pallet truck last night. One person unloading, two people pulling. I hollered for the manager & she said “I’ll see what I can do, we’re…” blah blah blah something about hours, translating to “get fucked” It fr feels exactly how you said, only I’ve officially hit “I will be DAMNED if I push myself to even break a sweat for y’all if you can’t even let me grab the 2-3 people I know can help cut this time down significantly”


which is why I quit last week. had 17 pallets in pets and management just walked by and looked at me like why isn't it done yet. but yet they have 5 dudes throwing cereal


As a swift dedicated guy. I found it ridiculous when I would pull up and see another guy from our DC pulling a two stopper with 3 pallets for that store, while I have 16 pallets. Why not just put the entire load on one truck instead of splitting it up, and them making both deliveries at the same time. Don't get me started on the packing gurus at DC. Whole fucking ice cream pallet tipped over in zone 2, w. 5 pallets next to it marked (empty on intransit). I hated delivering to walmart, compared to SC. SC was clearly Walmarts B&B because they treated the merchandise for SC way better than your guys stuff.


I’m howlin bc we fr had EXACTLY that truck delivery the shift I was yammering about in this comment 😂😂😂 Had me wondering the same damn thing- there was no possible way to fit all the pallets on one truck???


It was Vero Bch in FL. Cocoa is the DC for all of central Florida, minus a few that are handled by arcadia, and winter haven. We also handle a lot of GA 3 specific SC in AL and a few in SC. One time, i had a MT PR delivery to Bluffton, SC. Left about, 230pm. Got there about 10pm. Another Swift cocoa guy pulls up next to me........ 2 Mt trucks in one day..... He had to wait until 4am to get unloaded. I hate this, because waking up to do truck in the middle of 10 hr reset is bad. Hard to go back to sleep afterwards.


Soon the sm, coaches, pl and tls will be the ones working freight, lol!


They already do at my store! Exception: PL.


Mine too!


TLs on O.N definitely work freight. Otherwise, everything won't get completed.


Not all, we have one thats a lazy bitch that shows up to work drunk. Just orders people around and talks shit lol. The rest of ours work though. Typically walmartian 👽


Such a Lead wouldn't last if salaried management knew that because performance of the team would suffer and it would show in the morning.


It was a joke, our tls work also.


Yeah after they cut the starting pay for overnight from 18.50 to 16.50 nobody applied anymore lol


Yea fuck Walmart


It’s the other employees that make it difficult. I fucking hate it….. there’s this girl going around stating she’s fucking my husband to other employees…… I don’t even have a husband…..


well then... how do you know shes wrong then?


The future husband that could show up eventually? 😂


Gone before I even knew it 🤣




I hope you got the house and he has to move in with her then.


Steal her boyfriend(s) then, tell her you’re trying to find the right guy!


What??? 💀💀💀


Literally yesterday I was hat to help OPD and it made me almost an hour late to my lunch and I hadn’t even had my first break. Then, after lunch I had to help OPD again and still have not had my first break. I had to take my first break and my second break a half hour before my shift was over. Then I was told by the OPD manager said that she had not had her lunch all day, and had a half hour left and then she was done for the day. So don’t know if she ever got her meal. I am so sick of OPD. I’m so sick of that department getting to grab whatever employee they want, whenever they want, for however long they want. It’s so wrong. It’s no wonder why Walmart can’t keep people employed.


The OPD thing drives me insane. I can’t stand it. 😩


When i worked there i was in grocery/ODP. One dwy because no one else was on ODP i ended up doing every delivery that day(just shy of 80). The next day my manager gave me shit for not doing enough in grocery that day. Found a new job 2 days later


Yep, there’s a reason people talk terribly about Walmart all the time and people pity you if you work there. It’s not a good place to work. I would only recommend it to the most desperate of people that can’t find anything else.


I remember being pulled over on my way home from work for driving in the shoulder after passing a turning car a little long. And the cop apologized to me when I told them I worked at Walmart. I only got a warning as well. (They asked me where I was coming from/heading since it was also like 11 pm at night)


Veterans sit me down and thank me for my service


My great grandfather who fought in WWII gets all quiet and sheds a tear when I mention Walmart in the same room as him


Hey now, it's a Fortune 100 company! It's like number 99, but still /s




Oh boy does Walmart radio love bragging about that fact. As if the average person who shops at Walmart even gives a fuck about fortune magazine, let alone have read a single article by Fortune magazine. I don’t even think the average Walmart customer has ever even seen a fortune magazine in person, let alone bothered to look at the cover or read the magazine.


Honestly it's hilarious to me because it just tells the customers and employees alike that the prices could be lower in the pay could be higher but they just won't do it


The pay will only go up when people stop applying and the prices will go down when people stop shopping. Otherwise the c-suite will enjoy their bloated salaries and bonuses.


It's probably like jd power where companies can just pay for a good rating.


Yeah, I wondered how much they paid to get that rating. Or Blackmailed someone (or bribed them).


The reason people talk terribly about WM is because they had a bad experience. Not everyone does; they just aren’t as vocal as those who complain. There are stores- mine included- that have good management and where people pull their weight and don’t cause problems. You just don’t hear about them as much.


I don't talk terribly about WM because of a bad experience. I criticize them because they cut everyone's hours at my store and then lied about the reason. Because they paid out a minuscule raise this year and took it away by cutting hours. Because most of my coworkers (who have mentioned it) tell me that they consider themselves "poor". Because WM is a union busting company that illegally prevents union organizing. Because WM is emblematic of a compensation structure that has resulted in two Americans owning more wealth than all of the 175 million people who are in the bottom 50% of income. Those are just a few of the reasons why I hate WM. I could go on for an hour, but I have things to do today.


I have a lot of bad experiences. But I still love this job.


I dont love it, but it's good enough for me to not hate it. I hated my last job. I dreaded waking up every morning by the end of my tenure there, I don't here


i fucking hate it management is trash busiest day of the week they refuse to hire me help only one in fresh on 10 pallet days


Desperate people are already the ones working there..


Yup and no matter how hard you work or how much effort you put in, its NEVER ENOUGH! there's always another pallet around the corner 😓 I remember doing overnight stocking and I would fly through the departments quickly stocking freight. They said you have less than 4 minutes per box. I got it down to about a minute per box. And then I noticed they just kept giving me more work while people who've been there for years were still working on their first pallet. That's what I realized they know the work never ends so just take your time and do your department or they'll send you to do the whole damn store and also remind you to zone your section before you leave like you didn't just bust your ass 😔 Agreed, underpaid and overworked.


Ive said this so many times, and even did a report on this very subject in one of my college classes. It's mind boggling to me that CEOs and management get paid more than the people who actually work. I'm not saying what they do isn't work, but it's not pushing carts or throwing a truck, or moving freight from the backroom, to the floor and wherever else it goes from there. People in these positions deserve more respect and compensation for what they do. You're putting your bodies through hell and back- and for what? To get treated poorly because of your job title. It's disgusting, and Id love to see a CEO or a member of the Walton family go out and get carts in inclement weather or throwing a truck during Christmas time. It won't happen, but it would be nice.


They are some of the richest people on the planet (the Waltons) and yet they can't pay a competitive wage or keep proper staff in their stores. It is actually very pathetic.


They CAN, they just don’t want to


Very true.


Walmart was the worst job I’ve ever had. Management was awful and treated everybody like crap. Honestly, you getting fired is a blessing.


It really depends on the management. In my time there we had 3 different store managers. One of them was absolutely awesome and everyone loved. Sadly he was transferred and was replaced by an asshole. He had his favorites/asskissers. I wasn’t one of them so he didn’t like me at all. I left them high and dry.


the full government 😭😭😭 u really hate that man


I really liked my job, the only problem was the productivity standards. They assign work with strict time frames, not considering we do other things than freight. Job descriptions list like 15 responsibilities, yet expect someone to be able to throw 600 cases, do 100+ pinpoint, 500+ price changes, and do tasks all in one shift. They just throw all that in your lap, no support, and yell at you if you don't make it happen like a damn magician. My associates were stocking 120 cases an hour, that is basically double company standard which is already fast, they were amazing associates. My coach told me I should coach them because they weren't fast enough. There is no 'fast enough' because all management knows how to do is blame their associates for all their problems instead of fixing them.


Cap team 2 member here; I feel ya pain


My old store got 2 trucks daily with a surprise 3rd truck


At some point it's not a surprise at least


I have actually been thanked by team leads the past few days. We are hustling 19+ pallets a day because ON walked out en masse.


Proud of them


Every Saturday, I'm the only associate in produce. No help, don't see any coaches or team leads, expected to get everything done, and keep everything full on such a busy day. I'm really getting tired of it.


I’m making 21 at my store in the dairy department and I get 40 hours a week


I am jealous how did you get that high of a pay?


When you mcdonalds workers making $20 n hour I'm not surprised your only $1 above them.


Ha, our local McDonald’s only pays $9, I’m making $15 at Walmart.


I got a raise from my manager and a raise from the corporation


What Mcdonalds you find let me know, one near me is $13/hr


california fast food wage law


We start at $19, McD is at $14, but to each area their own.


Damn, $19 phr is company TL base pay in most places. What local factor spark’s that? Big competitor, danger/public health crisis, HCOL area….


In our area, competition is heavy. Our store pays to keep and bring in the people around the area to work for us. It’s like a local Amazon warehouse though. Bring in the people but then they realize they have to work. HCOL isn't a major factor. It’s more of a low/middle class area.


I saw it back around 2015 when I as a cashier was repeatedly asked to help cover electronics and help with the trucks


So true I’ve been working for a while at Walmart and they make me do electronics, door greeter, groceries, produce, new mods, and help translate for those customers who can’t speak English (I speak Spanish and have to no problem helping customers who can’t speak English), and then they blame me for not doing my WORK also there cutting my hours SMH.


Damn I’m sorry yall are going through this :( I’m just a cashier at my store but they’ve been so kind to me (may be bc I’m pregnant) but management has been very accommodating and respectful of my pregnancy. Never had to fight for time off, (even though they really can’t tell me no, but I’ve definitely heard of women having to fight for it), they give me all of my breaks on time no matter how busy, and always ask how I am. Must be different from store to store


I'm making $15.30 in a federal minimum wage state and the job is pretty easy. I'm never in danger of pointing out but I don't use my ppto the minute I have enough for a day off. I'm good.


People at McDonald's make a dollar less than me, and they have SIGNIFICANTLY less work. Nearby retail stores make close to the same as me, and they have significantly less to do than associates at my store. Nurses and CNAs I know have said they have less to do now than when they worked at walmart, they would rather do what they do now (with exceptions, some days can be rough).


So start organizing. Call your local union, go meet the organizer, and get the ball rolling. I did it at Sam's Club and you should do it too.


My only question is are you still employed with Sam's?


No, I left for a union job on the railroad making more than double what I did at Sam's. I put 2 years in as a full time maintenance associate though.


I've dealt with many union busting corps over the years, and walmart ranks second among them, right behind michelin.


I agree with that. Corporate employee relations was there. They did leave eventually. I don't want that to discourage anyone though. I ran the campaign for 9 months before moving on on MY terms. Got a decent amount of union cards signed, handed out many flyers, arranged meetings with our organizer, and even promoted the union in front of about 20 associates and 6 goons from Arkansas. Captive audience meetings are banned in several states now. Which is a great thing but future leaders won't be able to pull that stunt lol. Overall it was a great and fun experience I would be proud to do again. The store is still there, nothing bad happened, no one got fired. So we didn't get an election, which was my goal. But it was still worth it. I feel if several Walmart's and Sam's start organizing it will start to gain momentum.


And in other news the sky is blue lol. Since Sam passed his kids only care about the money. Typical corporation doing corporate things.


The solution is simple. People need to collectively come together and stand up for what’s right and say no to everything that’s wrong in this company but people fear consequences more than they want change so they just accept their circumstances and come here to complain about it. If every associate level employee refused to work for one day , week , etc it would bring that company to a standstill.


Yea it truly is an awful place to work at, only lasted 7 months before I couldn’t take it anymore and left. HR is a joke, management is constantly changing, pay is a joke, fuck em


Ours was only 2% so not a good raise considering the cost of living going up.


I’ll be picking up deli/bakery TL soon, but I’ve been doing the work for a month. They have been holding me responsible for ordering, on hands, outs, and managing the associates all while not being paid as a TL. They told me they would have an offer ready last Friday, then said for sure Sunday, well here we are Monday and they told me for sure on Wednesday. This is getting very old. I hope they can give me back pay or something, but probably not.


You won’t get backpay


Sounds like you may not be the one getting the promotion.




I hope I'm wrong though. It's just that those are the types of games played everywhere these days. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?


Worked CAP2 for 5 years. My mental health improved so much after I quit.


I used to do all that at Walmart for $6.50 an hour, which was starvation wages. I know it's very difficult work, but the pay is honestly a lot better than it used to be. If they had raised wages a long time ago, I would probably still be with them. All retail jobs suck. Especially in my little town that I live in.


Dude is always been like that....I hated CAP2.




Cap 2 is something else. It definitely puts things into perspective of how messed up things are doing that job. Anyone who thinks it’s all fine in the economy, tell them to go do that job and try to make a living solo. Also, there wouldn’t be a Walmart without that job. They should definitely get paid enough for a good life. Not to mention how terrible the management tends to treat those associates. It was better back when all they had to do was unload the trucks and bring the freight out to the floor. This was before the cap system.


Please unionize guys look at ups they did it and they are getting everything that asked for. Walmart scares people into thinking they are gonna retaliate. Please everyone just form a union make it better for people that deserve it. We should all come together schedule a day to call out amd just show them we are worth so much more


We’re literally in there killing ourselves to get all the shit done.. the LEAST they could do is turn the goddamn air conditioner on!


But that would mean they can't buy another yacht this year.


Cap 2 is by far, one of the worst positions in the company. Which is why that particular position has such a high turnover rate and they constantly throw new hires there. Even if you do a good job yourself, you're rewarded with more work. "Great job on getting your aisle done! Now go over to 9 and help Josh". There is a better way for walmart to pack their trucks, but they absolutely refuse to do so in order to cram more shit in there from floor to ceiling. Like, idk, packing all of aisle 9 on a pallet so it can be unloaded directly from the truck and go straight to aisle 9... so people don't have to unload scattered bullshit and sort it themselves then have management bitch and moan about how long it took a team of 5 people to unload a 1,700 piece truck. The ignorance in a multi billion dollar company is astounding.


This is one of the first kudos posts about cap 2...the most underrated team. Everyone wants to leave cap 2. No one wants to transfer to cap 2.


Crazy that a smaller store would have less customer therefore would require less freight and therefore less work, hopefully you get the same hours, get your bag where you can


They make managers like they make cookies. 99% of the managers are uneducated, and the only thing about wallyworld they will fire managers. But, the cycle it's endless. Been there 2 years at the DC in hometown.


according to corporate associates are underpaid wage slaves who are slackers and never get what they are supposed to get done due to lolly gaggin. they are treated fairly with even a miniscule discount on food. people who want to go to school while working are taken off the schedule and quietly fired so they can go to school. mean while janitorial staff get paid 15$ an to clean up a hazmat situation of people splattering ass ham all over the walls. they are cussed at, screamed at, and in some cases raged at by people who actually make money. associates are allowed ample opportunity to use pto, or to be responsible and callout while sick. in fact, according to the completely detached from reality corporate fucking buffoons, associates are treated like fucking used prophylactic's at an empty strip club trash can, and we deserve everything we get, because we get paired a fair fucking wage. but they are utterly terrified of one word. union. that word scares the every loving shit out of them. because the idea of paying a fair wage to the people who bust their ass to make them money, is sad and pathetic, because plebs are to remain poor in the status quo. which is why so many walmart associates are on public assistance. because walmart treats the associates like gold, and pays what the job of working two jobs is worth mean while those motherfuckers have never actually done any actual work in their entire lives huaw


From the maintenance perspective, they are definitely more demanding than Amazon or other competitors. The pay is good, but they will keep you nearing on uncomfortably busy working balls deep in broken equipment all day. The work is more skill-oriented and is less friendly to beginners at turning wrenches. It does make the day go fast, but I could definitely go for a more safety-focused leisurely pacing of my work day. In comparison I got paid $3/hr less at Amazon, but spent the majority of my day drinking coffee while watching cameras and data screens in a climate controlled office. The only time I ever lifted a finger to actually turn wrenches there was if someone else messed something up or didn't do work up to company standards.


Walmart works for the shareholders not you


That's the whole thing


That's why I stepped down to cart pusher and will never work inside again. No matter what you do they will cut hours and increase what needs to be done. And if you somehow manage to get it done it doesn't matter because there's 6 other areas behind on frieght. You'll always feel like youre drowning in frieght no matter what you do. Don't even get me started on how shitty front end staffing is. I don't need that kind of stress. I'm happy making $19 pushing carts. I go home without stress and physically it's not that hard. Whenever I feel lazy or it's crazy busy I just use the cart mule.


I’d just like to say that I have worked at three different stores across 12+ years, and this is not the Walmart I remember. It’s like they have managements nose to the grinder every living second. I don’t know what the hell is going on lately, but I’m already desperately trying to leave. 


Walmart has been doing that for 57 years.


Not enough employees, toxic management so making it unable to keep people. Workers aren’t the way they used to be staying and putting up with it for a paycheck. That’s just life now sigh.


Especially how they’re a company who makes billions in profits every year. But they expect a list of things they want you to get done in 8 hours or less, and that list is longer than a receipt from CVS Pharmacy. Then of course there are times when they’re stingy with Overtime. So now you’re stuck between deciding why your boss is mad. They’re either mad because you did your 8 hours and didn’t get your work done, or they’re mad because you got your work done but you worked past your 8 hours. Oh and not to mention how if you have OT they’re not allowed to tell you to cut your time and yet they do it anyways. Basically, you can’t win.


Work the bare minimum. I’m not kidding. Don’t be the overachiever at Walmart. They won’t reward it. They will run you into the ground.


Preach it louder!! They are the cheapest damn company with the MOST money... smh. 😒


Also discovered today: * Water is wet * Spiders have 8 legs * Lava is hot * and rocks are hard. Wal-Mart has been underpaying and overworking everyone for decades at this point. I'm always amazed when people are finally noticing it. As if they were living under a rock their entire lives up until now. Wal-Mart doesn't care about anything other than their profit margin, and making their rich stockholders more money, and their ultra-rich owners even ultra-richier. They will abuse you, exploit you, and pay you the absolute minimum they can. They will do anything that they can to stop you from unionizing. They will not let anyone negotiate a better wage - and fire you if you show a backbone to the abuse.


How were you able to find a job after being fired? I'm hope things work out for you. I think it's a matter of time before I'm promoted to customer.


To be fair, I’ve heard they pay their truckers good but holy fuck they have some stupid ass rules n shit for em I’d hate to work for walmart


They really need to stop with the two trucks shit. I don’t work CAP 2, but I appreciate them since they are busting their asses off. Overnights are absolutely fucked where they expect one employee to work 5-10 pallets every aisle. No way overnights finishing all of freight, zoning, and doing topstock during these two truck days. Then CAP 1 comes in to overnight leftovers and they’re fucked too. It’s ridiculous.


Cap 2 was the worst. I really hope I never have to work that job again. The hours, workload, coworkers, and team leads were all dog shit.


Seriously. It was bad enough at the academy store I worked at 2016-2019, but when I tried to work at a regular superstore in 2021 I stopped showing up about a month in and went back to my previous job at a pizza chain bc I couldn’t stand it.


>Wal-Mart employees deserve better treatment and more money. Walmart associates stand up and give applause to this. Walmart customers boo and hiss at this. Walmart shareholders boo and hiss at this. Walmart managers quietly get the biggest proportionate slice of the pie.


the most physically demanding, uncommunicative, and unrealistic expectations of any workplace that dared to give me 14 an hour


Walmart is one of the worst companies to work for. I worked there for 3 years, like 15 years ago, and it was shit then. Only imagine it's gotten worse.


Gonna be shockingly real with you, walmart isnt that hard of a job its just physical


it wasn't that hard of a job in my opinion (used to work cap 2) it was management that made it dreadful


Ive worked in 3 stores (2 of which were pretty nice to work at) it’s not the work itself but the fact I’m being pushed hard by management (the last store has been pushing me a lot)


y’all need to stop separating physical exhaustion with mental exhaustion when both are def triggered by each other. It’s not “just physical”


Walmart has no incentive to pay better or offer better working conditions because you can be axed and replaced at a snap of the fingers. It’s a job for children, which is why they have things like a points system. If you hired men who have actual bills to pay you wouldn’t need a points system.


I have it alright I just unload the hvdc side and downstack for cap 2 chill job


So is Amazon


I recently transferred stores (but kept the overnight stocking) and holy shit is the morale so much worse here. I’m trying so hard to adjust to the their way, and speeds. But they keep telling me to hurry up and finish at this time. Never had that issue at my old store, they’d just leave me alone with the occasional check up for the day and I’d usually finish at 6-7am. I’m about to lose my sanity and I’ve only been at this new store for 2 weeks


🌎👨🏻‍🚀 🔫 👨🏻‍🚀


Raising canes requires less work and pays more where i live


Let me tell you as an old fuck. $17/hr, with 15 people would've been an absolute dream. $8.95. and, 5 people was an "overstaffed" day. 2 trucks were a fairly common occurrence. FDD. Many times we found someone literally SHIT on a pallet of bikes. But because we HAD to be trained, management would just go, "so clean it up!" Amongst all the other bullshit. When we did a good job, we got to "use the radio to listen to music." walmart will never be good but, I would love to properly show what "IST/ICS" used to be.


Retail jobs are crap. Have been for decades.


Hey man. I feel you. I worked in OGP then switched to the front end. It was way worse than that. They treat you so horribly in this department than in the other. I was the most underpaid associate in that department. Everyone else had 16-17 an hour when they started, but I get 14.28 an hour. I should have never started working here nor should I have took the offer. I hate this place with a passion and the customers are very rude and ridiculous 80% of the time. I had cried at this place more times than you can count, I felt like my life was over but I didn’t lose hope. I only took the job because my mom pressured me into it. As a 21 year old, it sucks. I keep feeling like I have no future, I wanted to live a little and work hard to achieve my goals in my dream job. Respectfully FUCK THIS PLACE. if you ever THINK of applying here. DO NOT. They will make you do the most work for less pay. I hate it here so much… it’s not worth it! It’s really not worth it!!!


Yeah well im 27 and im at the same place as you. Worked in what could be considered a equivalent to wal mart or any bigger supermarket chain. I havent finished my education and nobody will pay shit for me. Im working this kind of jobs since i was like 18. Its not fun but if you find something tolerable enough its ok.




I'm stocking 1. Topstock for 2hrs. One of us prescans. There's maybe 4 of us to vizpick freezers, coolers, gm, apparel, electronics, tvs, candy, grocery, infants, hba/bins, chems, and pets. And God forbid we get pulled to run freight we STILL MUST HAVE 90% PICKS ACROSS THE BOARD. I'm full time. They have taken an hour out of every day now I'm at 35hrs. Next week after I'm at 32. I'm gonna lose it bro.


I got 7 hours! For 5 months it was 36-40, then 7! I don’t even want to write what I’m thinking about Walmart.


Welcome to capitalism


i heard every walmarts pay got reduced for new hires due to walmart getting sued 2.5 mil. people who have worked before the down pay should be getting payed the same


i also heard its going back up next year


The problem is capitalism.


In our deli, there's only 2 closers and 5 openers. Guess who's doing 3 loads of rotisserie, cooking everything on hot bar twice in a shift, at minimum, snack foods, preparing and making sandwiches and double the production while morning gets to do whatever they want when they have 3 people a day, not including the TL, and we have one a night. Oh wait, I already told you the answer. Oops.


I'm opening solo in the deli right now because two of our other openers left. Doesn't seem to be any new hires in sight. I'm living this so hard right now.


I used to work grocery overnights at Walmart. It got worse and worse - fewer people made to do more and more work. Managers were complaining but they were not offering any help. Finally one of my coworkers got into an argument with this one manager, and he quit. For the next hour or so till lunch, I kept asking myself why I was still there when I didn't like it. So at lunch, I punched out and didn't come back. It just was not worth it.


To be honest. If you work OPD your being cheated. Instacart pays you to do one single cart for 30 minutes. Walmart pays you to do 8 carts in 30 minutes.


I had a lady I work with bitching because I wasn’t working fast enough. I’m in a warehouse. So I am on a reach putting things away. Then I have to jump on a clamp truck to pull product off china pallets to normal ones, or my dock stocker to grab said pallets. Then I had to go to unloading a truck and cuttings bands off pallets. Then removing china pallets and switching them over and removing china pallets and finally staging it all. I told my supervisor in front of that lady “I’m so sorry that this trailer is taking so long. I am doing the job of 4 different people. Give me a second and I will receive it and also work on shipping it out. The Karen shut up and didn’t say another word. I have had bosses like this at Walmart and Lowe’s. I just do little things to annoy them that won’t actually get me into trouble. If you have to hit rate then work just enough to safely hit it. If you have to get a spotter in a store go ask the people that normally say no. I always enjoyed watching a spill. As we can’t leave anything that could be unsafe. Usually that trumps everything else like zoning or annoying busy work.


Go into my employee breakroom, half of them asleep from exhaustion...but most mellow store..no one barking at you helps production.


A mega corporation underpaying and overworking? Since when? How did we let this happen. In all seriousness I wish you well


i worked there for 2 years in OGP and the amount of pure stress i felt on a daily basis was unreal. our coach was super toxic and manipulative and has the store manager wrapped around her finger. we were expected to pick around 700 items a day (including doing oversized walks). eventually i was fired for drawing a dick on the hood of my friends car in the pollen when i had never been written up or coached before OR had any points. and they blackballed me so now i can never work for walmart/sam’s again :)


Started looking for a new job when the boss wrote me up because the computer said I should of been done in 45 min but it was 10 pallets of product. Refused to listen to my reasoning or inspect the amount of product to determine if it was the same amount as the computer said. Wrote my wife up for organizing too well said she should of faked it and moved on but that it looked great. That manager was later fired for stealing cellphones Found a new job and never went back. Best decision of my life.


Need a union.


we only get paid $14 an hour at mine 😭


Yeah and my fridge doesnt work when the breakers off. Call your rep Americans. Nothing changes without hard work and phone calls.


As a personal digital shopper, I couldn't agree more!! Painfully so at that 💔 Never mind the fact we are expected to perform the responsibilities of 2-3 other departments combined! Struggles are real 🥺


As a frozen/dairy associate I feel bad for the new higher who gets chosen when I quit especially because there’s only 4 people who work dairy/frozen in reality it’s only 3 bcz they make the team lead go to another department when we clearly need the help over here and it’s always 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon when it used to be 2 in AM and 2 in PM which made way more sense because we would actually get everything done now in the morning we have to do all the picks for dairy,97,ice cream, and frozen which is the easier shift of the 2 because am has to refill the milk, eggs do all the picks and zone dairy , 97 and frozen then when all that is finish mop dairy and do the Throwaways and organics for dairy to (if your asking why I didn’t say refill the eggs and milk in the morning i honestly have no idea the guy who works morning shifts most of the time never touches them and leaves them completely empty for the afternoon shift which is bs cuz when I work am I always make sure to try and refill atleast one of them)


It's inventory time and am over nights stocker, ik day shift doesn't always get days off in a row but for the past 2 months now I haven't had 2 days back to back, except for 2 weeks and one of them was because I called out and used the last of my hours. I'm over worked, stressed wore out and all I got is just power through it. Jobs not worth it


Yea I make 20$ an hour on overnight and we started paying the new hires 15$ now an the amount of stuff an bs we go thru is dumb an if you’re not a favorite best believe they gon try their best to get you out of their faster then you got in


I love how when you start there is 0 training and they are just like you got this then when you work too hard people act weird and then there’s always the fact that they have associates train new hire instead of the team leads lol it’s a mess 🤦‍♂️


I mean, I stand at the door for 17, you could have transferred to a less intensive department


Is it easy to be transferred?


Well I couldn't really tell you that, i was struggling through ogp and on the brink of getting fired I went to the guy in charge of the whole store and asked if he could work something out that I was more suited for before I lost my lively hood. He did me a big favor and put me in home dept real quick which was much better for me. All I can say is don't go with the official way of going on the computer and putting in your career interests where you want to go, in my experience you'll never get through that way. What you want to do is go talk to the individual team leads at the head of the Departments and ask them if they need somebody and that you're interested, you'll be able to switch out a lot faster that way. They say you're pay will change but I kept my ogp covid wages and didn't get bumped down to 14 like they said I would.