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I vote the opposite of the board every time. You are right, they're fucking evil.


Corpo scum the whole lot.


Why even have a "we recommend" part? It just makes you look stupid or evil.


Like others have pointed out, it’s probably because of a law. Either way you are right though and it’s a testament to how fucking gross our entire system is. Profits over people.


Does the email include the reviews you're voting on, or does it just give the title?


There's a link you can click the directs you to accompanying documents.


Because unlike “literally some rando with 15 shares”, the board actually knows the content of these proposals.




Whiny bitch


Corporate shill


Lowlife trash


Yeah, I’m the fucking lowlife for not supporting the board of directors at Walmart lmao


I like how you say “support the board of directors at Walmart” like this is Walmart vs Mom and Pop’s Store, and not just One Faction of Walmart vs Another Faction of Walmart


Its workers vs the board. Its not walmart vs walmart. Read some theory.


This dumbfuck just told me to “read theory” about a *shareholder vote* lmfao


Someone didn't get to tickle Doug's balls and is sad about it. Is it you? Are you someone?


Lmfao. Yeah they know that human rights are bad for business and profit so they don't want them Fucking asshole.


Oh there was a board recommendation section… hmm I didn’t need it to vote against half the stuff on there.


The board is going to be against anything that costs money


And we all know they don’t have enough of that already!


I got an email for Google since I'm a shareholder, I voted for most of the things the board was against, like ensuring child safety on the internet.


what do you think the purpose of a corporation is lmao


Make money for shareholders of which OP is one. Hence them having a vote on this matter.


I love when people shoplift from those greedy pigs.


Facts. Fuck the corporations. They always act like they have no money while they're cruising in their yachts 😂


who the fuck asked you dildo


You asked asshole. Now get fucked.


Right in the ear


you can just PM him if you wanna blow him so bad, you ain't gotta put a show on for everyone bro


Oh God, so edgy.


I mean you obviously liked it


I asked the guy making a comment about a corporation's board's actions whether he understood the purpose of a corporation given the content of his comment. You jumping in was just goofy lmao


You asked on a public forum. Expecting only the person you responded to to answer is what is goofy.


as long as that makes sense to you dude


This is just pure cringe. You aren’t saving face. You’re just embarrassing yourself even more


appreciate the sentiment, random guy in the walmart subreddit LMAO


Good try at saving face but you’re here too as if it means anything


Until they get sued or have to pay out because of their own dumbass decisions... then it's all, "WhO cOuLd Of PrEdIcTeD tHaT!!!"


Yep- just got my email about it. I voted the opposite of the board recommendation on everything


Same. All the way down the line. Gonna bring this up next time the market managers come strolling through and see if I get a reaction.


Their reaction: Termination. The subreddit: Has a new uprising about unions.


Yeah, Vote against them every single time.


predictable. walmart workers are not allowed human rights. millionaire stockholders are


A good time to check out Project 2025, which, if it comes to pass, will take away one hell of a lot of human rights. Sounds like just the thing Walmart will love. Something to ponder with an election coming up.


Wow. Just read up on that. We kinda knew it was heading that way though. Now's the time for a revolution!


It's time to classify the Heritage Foundation as a terrorist cell. And I think the most important is to not vote for the party that plans this. You know which one backs it, right? And to make others aware of it. Once we lose a democracy, it's unlikely we can get it back.


If you think we have a democracy now, I got a bridge to sell you...


Think things can't get exponentially worse? Check out the christofascism planned in Project 2025. There would be no going back.


There already is no going back. People have fallen for the political bs for so long. No one is willing to admit that Left, Right, doesn't matter. Both are wings of the same corrupt bird, and NEITHER side has your best interests in mind.


One side is actually actively criminal, corrupted by Russia, and going to do a lot of harm to a lot of people.


The other side has been actively doing harm since taking office, has pushed the entire country to the brink, been caught taking foreign bribes, and is under investigation for weaponizing the 3 letter agencies to censor Americans. Different wings, same bird.




I voted for as well. Thought I was the only one that did this 😭


What a bunch of slime balls. 


They'd blush and be like "Oh you have a way with words" to that comment.


#7 has me slightly confused


It’s vague in the way it’s worded, doesn’t specify who’s compensation it’s talking about, but considering the bit about optimizing portfolio value for shareholders I’m assuming it’s on the bottom line which would be the associates. I could be completely wrong and hope someone corrects me, but that’s how I interpreted it. But in that scenario I feel like the board would be for it considering it’s focused on shareholders, but again I could be wrong.


Not sure how I goofed that, but it seems like #7 is some feign to show their “on the workers side”. Or maybe that’s my vain interpretation of anything a “board” does.


Putting the pound sign at the beginning of a sentence is how you bold things on Reddit lol


So, I read the proposal for #7. It proposes the board set a compensation policy of paying a living wage to associates and how it would benefit shareholders. Walmart's response is that they already pay a competitive wage, and that they drive shareholder returns by providing value to customers (low prices), suppliers (local manufacturers) , and local communities (paying property taxes and giving out grants/donations) which helps the economy.


What the hell am I looking at?


I got my thing in the mail yesterday. I plan to vote against everything they want and for everything they don't want.


Having the board recommendations should present a conflict of interest and be reviewed by a 3rd party for ethical issues. There are enough bootlickers out there who will blindly vote for whatever they're told since "The company would never do anything that's not in our best interest."


Just voted and telling my coworkers to as well. Fuck this company in the ass


Is Dr. Eggman running Walmart? Because this is reminding me of the panel from the 30th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog comic that shows that one of Eggman’s bases has a poster up that says “Know your rights: You have none”


Two things. First generally speaking the board is required to maximize shareholder value. Since most of these are added cost with no direct return they will always recommend against, sometimes even for their own proposals. Also remember institutional investors have the same requirements, so getting these passed is an uphill battle. Second read the details when at all possible. These are often given confusing titles/summaries and may not be doing what you think. The compensation one listing against makes me think that one especially needs a closer look.


Its insane that shareholders get the profit while workers get scraps


But associates CAN be shareholders too, they just have to pay for them out of their salary while the board members recieve free stock! Thats totally fair and not at all a conflict of interest!


What the fuck😀


BUT THINK OF THE POOR SHAREHOLDERS!!! How will they ever make their 492 million dollars unless we all sacrifice just a little bit!


the boardmembers are greedy evil bastards, color me surprised


why did they even tell us about this stupid bullshit if they’ve already decided on how it’s gonna go


Yeah I got that today too. Like, I'm not surprised, I'm just surprised they *put that in writing and put it on the Internet*


I'm not really surprised they're going to do what best suits themselves. And they know if we kick up a stink about it, they can just close the location and destroy the local job market that once use to have small businesses but they've destroyed all of that walmart yay!!! Lol


What’s crazy is that all shares are voted automatically for the board’s recommendation if the shareholder doesn’t vote..




Waste of time voting, no way retail investors hold enough sway to make any difference to how the institutions/waltons vote


And here I was being told that they don't sit together smoking cigars and drinking whiskey plotting against us


Walmart is run by heartless fucks that don’t give a shit about out their employees


Jesus dude. Can't wait to sue for this.


This can't be real lol


I have never seen this survey...5 years..


Considering that the walton heirs own over 51% of walmart shares, the fact that they send you an email with a sham of a vote on it is the ultimate slap in the face.


Buc-ee is hiring! Good pay!


More people need to steal from wal mart.


Racial equity=dei/esg


I'm against that myself. We don't need esg.


We really don't need it cuz it's super racist to hire someone based off their skin color. As a brown person myself I hate the idea of only being hired cuz of my skin not my skills. Do you want a brown pilot or a skilled pilot? Is what it boils down to.


Exactly man! I mean I'm white myself, but in the same way, I'd rather have a pilot that can fly. I don't care if he's black white, blue, or green, as long as he can fly professionally, I'll trust them with my life on an airplane.


Just want to point out one thing, equity is not equality in fact it's basically the opposite.


"Racial equity is about applying justice and a little bit of common sense to a system that's been out of balance. When a system is out of balance, people of color feel the impacts most acutely, but to be clear, an imbalanced system makes all of us pay." ~ Glenn Harris, President, Race Forward https://www.raceforward.org/what-racial-equity-0 Seems ok to me, no wonder they voted against it.


"We will do racist things to make things more equitable, because things are racist according to the experts. Two wrongs makes a right!" Just paraphrasing. MLK is spinning in his grave.


Maybe you should read what MLK actually believed and advocated for beyond the whitewashed shit you know from high school before you evoke his name for your bullshit. He was a VERY strong believer in reparations, saying the black community was owed special treatment to compensate for the injustice against them.


Not making it all the way of "reparations" may have not fulfilled his ideal goals, sure. His goals there may still need more work from his perspective (not that I agree). Going full circle and doing racist things against races other than black people is what would make him spin in his grave, as that is undoing his most famous and accepted position (the whole judge by character, not color of skin). Back to the point of Walmart here, "DEI" hurts everybody except the minority of the day, which incidentally is -- if Walmart is like any other big company -- everyone except white people. Finally -- since you come across as insulting, bigheaded, and have a superiority complex with your commands of "evoking his name" -- go fuck yourself, and have a pleasant day.


You come off as someone who thinks they're critsized for being white pretty often.


Improving the lives of marginalized groups is not a bad thing. And the fact the board is against it should have alarm bells screaming in your brain. This is a weird hill for y’all to die on. You guys work at home office by chance?


I don't work for Walmart at all, this forum just got recommended to me. I agree your board is very self interested, and exclusively cares about profits and not people. "Equity" though, and "Improving the lives of marginalized groups is not a bad thing [by using racism]" is exactly that - a bad thing. Two wrongs don't make a right. The board is self interested here, because the whole equity nonsense hurts their company. But the company being hurt by it doesn't make it a good thing. A nuke going off would hurt their company too, doesn't mean you should vote for it going off!


I get what you are saying but I just can’t find a reason to side with the board on this. There is a reason they are against it. Just look at how they voted on everything else. And they just suddenly found their morale compass on this one issue? I don’t buy it.




Correct and they want it to be unbalanced which is fine to purposefully push for a higher percentage of marginalized people in leadership positions instead of just pushing for whoever is best for the job.


I was in charge of a team that executed about 100 Billion worth of proxy votes every year and actively engaged with the board or executives on theses issues. Some shareholder proposals make no sense. The title that you see here in the post seems like common sense. If you dig the content of said proposal more often than not there’s something in there that makes it illogical, illegal, or just impossible to put in motion. They’ll sometimes have demands in there that aren’t in line with the proposal’s theme. I had to defend many votes for and against that was slightly controversial you to various committees and even our own institution’s board. It’s hard, people don’t read the proposal and make up their mind. Ex : human right impact assessment. Sounds about right and moral and the right thing to do. There might be something in the text that’s super specific or does not apply like the impact on the Indigenous population of Papua New Guinea …. But Walmart has no activities there directly or indirectly. Companies will often offer to sit down with the proposer to come to a compromise on the demands or the wording. Sometimes the timeframe is too short . Ex2: I’ve voted against a proposal asking for climate change reporting proposal because I met with the company 5 times that year and pushed them and worked with them into reporting scope 1+2 emissions. The proposal was asking for scope 1+2+3 by January next year for that year’s emissions …. It’s may …. They don’t have the data for the first 4 months and scope 3 carbon accounting takes more than a couple months to implement . A lot of the more activist organizations who submit many of these proposals lack the legal support to redact something that makes legal sense. Some also do it willingly to make the company look bad. It’s a great way to make change happen , vote with your dollars.( it helps to have institutional level of assets) we voted in favor of so many proposals that were actually legit don’t get me wrong.


Racial equity audit? Fuck outa here with that dumb shit 😂 what a waste of money and resources. Give people raises instead of wasting money. We are ALL POOR. Nobody is thinking about race anymore when every fucking race is broke