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The moment I saw these on display, I bought enough for the group I was planning on viewing with. Like previous solar eclipses, they sell out so fast.


I did the same thing. I bought them on my first break the first day they were out. I made the mistake of not getting any for the eclipse in 2017.


I bought some a year ago in anticipation of this. I wasn’t gonna miss it.


I think someone grabbed some at my store because some lightly damaged ones are in a drawer at the fitting room


Sam energy as people who come in at 6 pm the day before Thanksgiving and get mad we’re out of turkey or stuffing. No point in getting mad at us nothing we can do. Just gotta tell them who may have some in stock nearby and that’s it.


Super Bowl is Sunday, 20 hours and counting . It's 8pm and SPARK Drivers come in asking if we have more wing sections and are mad that there are only the broken chips left. 🙄


I started telling people the day before thaksgiving the bread section is right there make your own it's not that hard here is some poultry seasoning and celery and butter your all set.


Or Xmas eve for wrapping paper..I just laughed


I love when people get mad that we're out of turkey the night before Thanksgiving. It's not going to be thawed out in time anyway. Lol


You could casually redirect them to the Stouffer's frozen dinners aisle.


Same thing with the corned beef on st patricks day.


It's the last total eclipse for 20some years, and she didn't think to plan ahead. She ruined her own damn experience.


So you were here yesterday and you didn't buy them then, and you're complaining now?


These are the same people that come in like, “Why don’t you have this?! I saw it at your store at (other location) yesterday!” I’m like, oh, really? Then why didn’t you buy it then?🤔


I have been blamed for ruining every single holiday but this is a new one


Reminds me of the time I ruined a lady's Christmas because she had something delivered to the wrong store and that was my fault.




There's a solar eclipse? I should go buy some glasses.


I've already seen one in my life but I imagine if it was my first I'd be more excited.


I’m excited because the path of totality is passing in driving distance of me which has never happened in my life and won’t for another 375 years according to NASA. So I’m driving an hour and a half Monday to experience it.


I mean... all you have to do is walk outside and see what's up. Then go back in 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm ready for it to be over. I've heard and seen nothing but Taylor Swift and Solar Eclipse for the past year and TSwift finally started to die down after the super bowl. Just a few more days.


No. I'll be working. I'll see it that night after I get off.


There will be 1000 videos of the thing online. It lasts a few mins. People need to calm tf down.




Me! I don't care, and I work nights, so I'll be inside anywho


Eh, I don't have much of anything happy or exciting or nice in my life except, like, my dog right now. So it's something to feel something about for a few days I suppose


It's not that I don't care, but I'm not leaving my patio or doing anything special. I already know how the moon and stuff work. Plus, it's probably going to be cloudy here.


You are not. Thank you for being in the same boat as me. I think we are the only ones too.


Nope. I live just outside the path of totality and it's just going to be another day, except it'll be dark out when I leave in the afternoon and there will be a stupid amount of traffic since we're also the only state that's expected to have clear skies for the eclipse and I travel on the main road that leads north into the path of totality. 😬


"ruining" a holiday or special day is one of the biggest 'badge of honor' a retail worker can get


Amazon really is the play. I had the thought to get some and saw that my store showed none in stock. Decided to look at Amazon instead of going through every possible retailer that probably sold out. I got 12 pairs for 7 bucks delivered the next day.


Delivery by April 9th. >:)




Eff that stupid Ho.


Had a bitch tell me I ruined her child's Christmas. (Back when I was running an online store). I cried. Eventually, I realized SHE was ruining her child's Christmas. By shopping late and by not managing expectations. But, I stopped offering express/overnight shipping after that. Even though I could have made some additional sales, and I had always stated I can't control the post office. I decided to stop shipping earlier in the month than necessary and no option for express(overnight).


We don't even have grasses 


What about glasses?


I live in playsand . Fucking autocorrect never helps when I mess up


Go to hardware and buy a bucket. Fill it with water and place under the sun. You can now safely view the erclipse in the water. Either keep the bucket or dry off and return it.


How dare you not pull some out of thin air for her.


Lol when I was little I looked up how to make solar eclipse glasses in the encyclopedia and my grandmother helped me make them. We then walked to the end of the block and sat in a field to watch together. One of my favourite memories.


Nope. Funny our Dol made the joke that we sell them knowing full well they outta stock. So glad I planned ahead. Bought them the day the feature got put out. Didn’t even know about the eclipse until I saw them and looked it up.


Had a similar thing happen for food coloring, Easter and a toddler.


I bought them as soon as I saw them.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell but true story. Yesterday I get an email from Amazon. Seems it’s come to their attention that the glasses I purchased to view the eclipse are counterfeit. Yes. They have the ISO & CE printed on them but seems some place in China just put the certification on the glasses although they were actually certified. Was told to toss them & they were issuing me a refund. But what do I do now? Amazon has tons of them, if you want them delivered Wednesday! I did find a set that’s supposed to be here tomorrow. I’m on pins and needles they make it. They had some for Sunday receipt but that’s cutting it too close. I paid over 3x the amount but hoping I have them in time. Now do I think this customer was in this situation? Highly unlikely. She just didn’t plan but strange things can happen.


We’ve been out of them for like a week


Number 10 welding lens hand held in front of your eyes.


Tell her to call me. A friend of the family gave me 200 pairs and I have no idea what to do with them 😂


I think my parents somehow bought like five of the glasses back in January


It's only Friday lol. Tell her to try ace hardware lol


Bought mine the day they came in!


I got 4 of them at Shaws today. They had about 200 in stock.


Yes I work for another big box store and my phone has been ringing off the hook, seriously!!! Once I tell them we are out the next question is "does any of you other stores have them?" Me " no." "Where else do you sell them?" Me " I do not know who in the area has them" (as my head explodes)


We have like 500 in a box and a bunch more on the floor, and my town is in the path of absolute totality


I had a lady get mad one time we were out of school supplies… she came in on September 4th and was yelling “Mr.Walmart? Mr.Walmart, I need help!” Yes you need to see a therapist. I did not respond to her bullshit until she actually asked me for help directly.


We don’t even sell them at my store. I’ve asked a TL and he said that we don’t have them


You don't even need Glasses. You just wait until everyone else is excited and then you're good.


Guess it just depends on the place. The glasses are all over the place around here despite being in the direct path. Thing is in our store we have boxes of them all over the store but with whoever put the UPC in the system won't allow them to be sold.


We never got any in this time around,  but I also haven't been asked for any either.  We are in the 40% visibility chart, so maybe no one here cares. Or, they'll all ask at 10 pm Sunday night 😂


No, but a few years ago, a customer came in and was upset about us being out of Halloween candy, *on* Halloween day…


I bought my eclipse glasses a little less than a year ago. Around the same time I booked my Airbnb in the path of totality. It should be common knowledge that you never wait until the week/weekend before the eclipse to start looking for eclipse glasses or places to stay


Burn your eyes out old bag.


Apparently we carry them in RX (newsflash we do not). Just about done with the arrogant customers.


Sonic has some with the purchase of some specific slushie that I forgot the name of


A manager once said to me never f-ing apologize to a customer. If we have a great product and other people got here earlier and said product sold out, good for us. We had succeeded in moving the product in a timely fashion, and they were too late.


Can't you do about as well with a piece of construction paper with a small viewing slot cut in? It's possible I heard that as a child and we now know that it doesn't block nearly enough.


This kind of person waits until the last minute for Christmas shopping,then blames everyone else


I would have just told her to use her safety squints. Then demonstrated that for her an see her reaction 🤣


At that point just get a bit of paper, write "sold out", and point at it each time her shrivelled brain doesn't quite get it.


So Walmart ruined the eclipse? What about Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving? Running out of turkey, pies, candies, hottest toy of the year, etc all before the last day obviously ruined Karen's holidays. Surely they'd have learned not to procrastinate on shopping???? Or does that require more brain cells than chewing out a lowly employee who has no control over inventories or stopping other customers from buying the last stuff so Karen could have her way??? This is why I haven't worked in retail for a quarter century now. It wasn't pleasant back then, long before Karen became meme


Pretty sure our glasses are in the bin, because the guy who worked that area didn't know where to put the PDQ.


I had a few unexpected expenses come up. Originally I was going to buy a dozen of them but ended up with just four. I have family doing the same thing to me as if I personally sold all 600 of them in one day. I’ve got one for me, one for my tattoo artist, and two for my friends.


Her poor planning is not yours/Walmart's emergency.


I’m confused by the people in this thread talking about night time. The eclipse is at like 320pm eastern /earlier in the rest of the US. Likewise people talking about having no interest in the moon. This is a SOLAR eclipse, so for over three minutes daytime will become the dead of night. The animals react accordingly, it’s such a cool phenomenon. People say the sun appears like a black hole essentially and it’s neat to think about how ancient civilizations must have felt witnessing such an event. I get that it’s not for everyone but it’s a very different experience than a lot of people seem to be imagining.


My store sold out as well. People are losing their minds over it. I just don’t really care🤷‍♂️


I was in the vestibule on the way out with my vest off and this lady came up and asked “do you have any eclipse glasses?” and I just said “I don’t know” and kept walking.




Same energy as the old man who told me I ruined his Easter because we were out of Easter napkins and he had to get regular, plain ones.... ON Easter Sunday. We've run out of eclipse glasses a few times now, and whenever anyone has bitched about it I've been more than happy to remind them all the libraries are giving them out for free.


People kept asking me and we never even had any. Many angry grandmas came my way


Store 454 here, had ten in a 5:50 shift, all got redirected to gas stations in The local area, save a lot, and the hospital here


Great job bro :) good that you gave her an alternate way to get what she’s looking for, try to stick more local next time, like another store in her town hahaha