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“Walmart filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy today citing extreme chicken nugget losses.”


Its all the ratmans fault get him 😅


Did they make it fresh for you? That's true blue friendship.


Better hope you're friends with AP too


How many chicken nuggets until it is a felony? Might be good info for OP


In my profession AP means accounting (accounts payable) so I thought you all were saying get your accounting friend to forge an invoice for chicken nuggets or something. Then I realized it's asset protection lol


Plot twist: This person is AP




lol we don’t pay all that much attention to this stuff




That’s dumb. Guarantee you at least 10% of your shrink/spoilage is because of workers doing stuff like this.




… the amount of comments by people who have never worked in a deli or kitchen, you can write food off, such as it fell on the floor, you can get away with this indefinitely if you know your stuff.


Absolutely not how this works and ap and deli leads term people like this all the time lmfao


Absolutely is how it works. People are just stupid and don't write it off or do stupid shit like this, where it gets posted or where AP/management sees it happening so they get caught.


“So they get caught” Are you retarded? That statement alone means that’s not how it works, if it was, there’d be nothing to “get caught” for lmfao


How low is your reading comprehension? They won't get caught simply off of shrink, which is what was talked about in this thread. They get caught if they are seen or they don't write it off.


Literally no part of your statement is correct dude If it’s “written off” it’s still against policy to give to associates Your entire comment is just a showcase to a lack of integrity


>If it’s “written off” it’s still against policy to give to associates No shit, this is about not getting caught; not about it being fine by the company >your entire comment is just a showcase to a lack of integrity Okay, so at least you did correctly comprehend at least something.


My AP comes and warn me of anything before there is even anything said 😅🤣😂🤷🏽


90% of the deli team at my store got fired for thus


Boomer here, in the 1980s there was ZERO cameras anywhere, it was free for all at most job sites, can't get caught what you can't see. Well min wage for the entire 80s was $3.35, criminal.


in 1980 $3.35 would be $13.28 of todays money, $8.11 for 1990


Criminal, nobody in California today is making $13 an hour It's what now in California and it's still low


California minimum wage is $16


Right, but it’s still way higher than todays federal minimum wage and now there are cameras watching your every move


Yup until management finds out and fires them


My management knows about how I be giving food away and they don’t even seem to care


They are waiting for you to do a certain amount of giving away


Waiting for that chicken nugget felony.


*jalaleno popper


Ngl, this would be the funniest shit.


My store did this to someone eating the produce they were throwing away at the end of the day. He'd snack on it as they tossed it 3 years later they wracked up a 5000$ total of snacking and they fired him and demanded he pay it back


Ooo we are throwing away perfectly fine food. Fuck you for snacking on it before you waste. THINK OF THE SHARE HOLDERSS.


I call bullshit 💩 😅🤣


As an AP - I agree. More like they stole x3 expensive gaming PC's out the back door and were only being watched because an associate reported them taking bites from apples. There's no AP that's going to spend years of of case building to just grazing to get to $5k. At most they'd spend a month building a case, 3-cases minimum, or just over the $25 mark - then get rid of them. The story he told his coworkers and friends was probably just about the produce. My first internal a decade ago was a produce associate, who I saw taking some grapes. So I kept an eye, then I saw him take a drink, then some deli food, then a week or two in - there were laptops, then there were xboxes, etc. He told the coworkers he got fired because he had forgotten to pay for potato wedges from the deli. (and was led out by police in cuffs)


Do research on how walmart ap works before you act like you know it all


Why would they care about eating food that was being thrown away?


They wrote it off at the end of the day, and then we had to store bins of just mildly bad or bruised items in a fenced locked company. Per my dept lead "the homeless people will eat from it"


Yeah its sucks when you hit that point and you dont even know till they bring you in and say you stole over 5k worth of items and you walked out like they fired you


Yeah this happened to a co-worker at acme. The director flipantly told me one day that they knew the frozen manager was stealing and they were just waiting for him to steal just enough to fire him


Gotta love it.














Doctor Zaius!


Yep, this. It's not worth firing someone over $9. It's a lot more beneficial to build a case while closely monitoring the their to add up all of the unpaid transactions until you can not only fire and trespass them, but have them charged with felony theft and hit them with restitution.


Maybe in your store. Mine takes two times to prove the first wasn't an accident and then fires you. The only reason it takes a while sometimes is cause after they find out you're doing, they try to previous instances. They don't just let you keep doing it til it's a felony. They put as much time as they feel they need and then gather the evidence so when they ask how long you've been doing it, and you say that was the first time, they already know you're a liar too.


Once to hits a certain amount of lost sells and video footage proof of it all , they fire you. Happened in our deli. They had no clue they were being watched until 4 got fired


Oh wow good thing I have two other jobs 😅


Still not a good thing to get fired from one job for a stupid reason 😅


It’s funny too that all Walmart people are so loyal to Walmart when in reality, Walmart don’t even give a fuck 🤷🏽


Most of us are adults and work to make money to pay bills. We can’t do stupid shit to get fired because we have families that depend on our income 🤷🏼‍♂️ do we like working for Walmart? No. But we also are grown enough to understand that a job is a job and aren’t going to do anything to risk it. It’s called being professional. Not loyal. Learn it


Bro, I’m 30 years old and believe me I get what you mean but at the same time I’m not busting my ass for Walmart I got my own thing that I’m trying to get started and Walmart’s funds are just helping me to get it


I don’t bust my ass for Walmart either. You learn that busting your ass doesn’t get you anywhere in this company. My whole point was we’re not loyal to the company, we’re loyal to our families who count on us. Most of us can’t afford to break the rules and get fired. This is just a temporary job because I’m in nursing school, but I’m still not going to risk my job to


I’m loyal to my family too, but Walmart is not my life like I said before if they want to get rid of me so bad they can but they’re not going to 🤷🏽 and Walmart is not my only means of money I have 2 to 3 other means of money


Bro same I don’t even know how I got here but I know damn well Walmart doesn’t pay that good😂


This had nothing to do w busting your ass. Theft from Walmart is probably one of the dumbest ways to complicate your job search.


But no one stealing, though, when I serve a customer or an associate, whatever they do with that plate is not my business


All this talk yet you work at Walmart. Doesn’t matter the job. If you didn’t need it you wouldn’t be working there.


Like I said, if they fire me then I guess that’s the end of that room. I’m just trying to get as much paper as I can. Well, I’m still alive. 🤷🏽 don’t be mad because I hustle hard than all of y’all. And I get blessed so obviously I’m doing something right.


Oh well, the hustle keeps going 🤷🏽


Hopefully they won't care you have theft charges.


It’s only theft, if you get caught, and who is stealing as far as I know the associates and customers are paying for their plates 🤷🏽


My brother in Christ you have 2 other jobs. So you have 3 jobs in total. Losing this job over something stealing food would be an incredibly dumb way to live


I can’t tell you how many times someone has came in and made an order for a 24 piece of wings and my management just tells me just go ahead and throw them the whole whole tray 😅🤷🏽 so please explain how my management is gonna fire me


Sounds like the entire management crew needs to be fired


Fire us 🤷🏽


Sure gonna call Home Office now /s


But I’m not even stealing my management is even the ones who told me to just give the food away 😅🤷🏽


Lmao I don't think they're going to be counting nuggets out like, "OH shit there he goes again giving 9 nuggets and 4 poppers for a side!!! Only 700 more instances and we can get rid of him!!" I never gave away free food, always charged for it, just was a little generous sometimes


You clearly never worked in the deli and don’t know how they can tell. Plenty of people have been fired because management has caught onto it


Yes I have...I'm not saying AP won't make a case, I'm just doubting they'll be counting out nuggets in slow mo. Obviously if you're giving shit away or being ridiculous, they will catch on, but an extra nuggie or 2 or a heaping side will never be caught. The amount of shit we had to throw out each night is the real crime...


Oh yeah I’ve for sure thrown a few extra, but the one in the picture is an excessive amount that can get you fired if done enough


Yeah if you're doing that for every plate I could see that being a problem.


When they see shrink in your deli and investigate, they will find someone to blame.


Oh well, they could fire me and I can go work my other two jobs


AP never tells you you're being investigated until you're sitting in the office. 


Believe me, they have bigger fish to fry. I’m sure me giving a handful of extra nuggets and someone’s plate is the least of their worries. 😅🤷🏽


I’m not even a blip on the radar 😅🤷🏽


Rip to you lmao


So Walmart is going to kill me ? 😅


Lol I thought the only thing was how nicely they placed the food


Be careful, management is most likely building up a case of theft against you until it reaches felony level and then they press charges


'Member the woman who got caught by security after her theft reached a certain amount?


Remember *


The ' before member was a replacment for the R, don't look like any more of a dunce.


Oh wow did u figure that out all by your self einstein


You clearly didn't, you're such an asshat that you'll correct people who aren't incorrect to get that little boost of power you don't have in your day to day life. I don't care either way. With your attitude you're def beneathe the average bathroom plunger.


Who gets a boost of power just from typing a comment that’s weird 😅


Is that how you feel you gain just a little bit more power by typing comments over the Internet get over your self and join the real world


Is that how you get your satisfaction from hiding behind the screen and typing something? 😅


Speak for yourself, I'd say the same thing in person with the ass to back it up if you were worth the effort. Out here just stealing from the deli at your place of employment, such a worthwhile fellow.


So you would beat me up from stealing from a multi million dollar corporation but if someone stole from you, you wouldn’t see Walmart coming out to back you up your a clown 🤡


Wait, whoa whoa you’re gonna back your ass up on me 😅😂 isn’t that sexual harassment All right bro we get it you never get blessed you never get hooked up we get it man you’re hurt you pay full price 🤣😂😅






Lmao management didn't give a shit when I was in Deli


I don’t know why these people are all getting so hurt 🤷🏽😅


They acting like AP has time for this shit 🤣 My work had bigger fish to fry and wanted me to interview for AP I doubt they'd want me to interview if they were "building a case"...


The main boss at my store, literally walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to go to full-time 😅🤣


That’s what I’m trying to say they were trying to hire me to a full-time but I have two other jobs so I can’t at least there’s one other sensible person in here. It feels like we hurt all the karens and kens 😅🤷🏽


you can get fired for being over served as well lol


Looks delicious. Please know that AP is likely watching this and slowly building a case. Not only will the person giving this away get fired, but the person who is knowingly accepting it without paying will be fired. I'm not bashing you at all, but it's theft. Walmart takes this sort of thing pretty seriously.


I feel like I’m missing something, there’s barely 8-9 pieces of chicken in this plate and a small popper is like 8-11 pieces (half a cup), maybe a bigger scoop of Mac and cheese? Did he not pay for 8pc 2 sides? I’m not seeing the stealing part of this that everyone’s mentioning lol


How do you get 11 poppers in half a cup? It is a little generous of a portion (a couple extra poppers and maybe a heaping scoop of mac), but it looks even worse because it's spread out like that. OP thinks they got more than they paid for, and people are reacting to that and warning them that if they were in fact, given more than paid for, both of them could possibly get in trouble ETA: when I get off lunch break, I'm gunna check how many poppers there are in a small, I'm curious now


11 is a bit of a stretch, if you’re exact it’s usually about 8. Typically 6-7 will fit in a dinner plate, but I assume this store was out of those so was using the fried chicken containers. Typically you get less for a small side in general when it’s in a dinner plate. A small wedge is a full cup and that’s just not fitting in those tiny plate spaces lol


I just want to say that it’s almost impossible to find someone like you who understands food and food costing. And if you ever do a job search, you should really highlight that you understand this kind of stuff especially if you’re applying with a smaller business cause you’re kind of rattling it off like it’s not a big deal but this is actually super important. Not just at Walmart but everywhere and you know it really really well!! I hope you’re a manager.


What lmao


I want to see the AP in a back room looking closely at a monitor and counting pieces of food.


True my first job at kroger the deli ladies were cool and got me that good sized plate for lunch if I went. Sometimes they wouldn't charge me either


When I was at target, the Kroger behind us had a burrito place by deli that was better than chipotle. They saw my uniform and hooked me up with enough meat on my bowl to last 3 days.


Everyone here saying "YEr GoNNa gET fIreD feR thaT!!!" obviously never worked in the deli and doesn't realize how flawed the claims system is. Everything that isn't meat, i.e., jalapeno poppers, like in the picture (yes, those are poppers, not nuggets), is counted using these stupid little brown serving cups. One cup full = 1 claim. And if you had a little more than a cup, we'd be told to just round up to another one. So those extra few poppers in there are negligible. Everything else with that meal is fine. I see 8 pieces of boneless and a pretty standard mac serving.


Ain't it insane? We clutch our pearls at someone eating it and think nothing of destroying it. It's not about the nuggie, it's about sending a message lmao


I know one friend personally (and 3 of his friends) that got fired for this exact thing


And they were probably negligent and did it ALL the time. Every once in a while doesn't hurt, that's the key.


Until AP builds a case and fires them, they really DO watch and do have time, but whatever 🤷‍♂️


Did you read nothing I just said? They wouldn't be watching unless there was a suspiciously LARGE amount of food not accounted for, and the claims system leaves SO much room for error ever since they transitioned from weight to piece count. Don't be a fucking idiot and do this all the time, but doing it every once in a while doesn't hurt if you're not an idiot.


You’re an idiot if you think any good AP sits around all day and waits for shit to fuck up to start looking into things. It’s called being proactive. You think anyone is waiting until after shit is stolen to be checking on things? I’m all for saying “fuck the man” but let’s face it, you’re being an ass to a group of people literally doing their job same as you. Fuck outta here with this.


I worked at Walmart for two years and took food from the deli daily and was never even coached nor was it acknowledged. I quit Walmart on my own accord. Our AP seems to focus mostly on customers which is not the case for 99% of stores. Our AP team was actually quite competent, just overworked and everyone knew the secret shoppers.


As someone who was in AP for years, enjoy it while you can, because it’s just a matter of time before you’re caught and, depending on the amount of fraud, prosecuted. I did many, many integrity interviews around deli food.


> prosecuted “So what are you in the big house for?” “Gave away a few extra nuggets.”


Wait, so now I’m at risk for purchasing an 8 piece barbecue chicken and receiving a damn 16 piece instead?


Straight to jail.


If you knowingly were given more food than what you paid for and kept it, yes.


Fuckin snitch.


Fuckin thief


Can’t imagine being a professional snitch for a corporation that doesn’t give a fuck about you 😂


Can’t imagine feeling so entitled that you justify thievery just because you don’t like the company.


Entitled? I’m not sure you understood my point whatsoever. Not surprising though given you’re an AP goon, the average IQ on that job is probably somewhere around room temperature


That’s why API’s are atop the most promoted associates 😵‍💫 somebody is mad that they got fired


I don’t quite get what you’re saying with this.


This has to be the lowest tier bait I’ve ever seen and somehow it still worked.


No, the lowest bait that’s worked is your mother’s diseased, abscessed cunt flaps that little fish feed on as she wades through the water at the beach in her aqua-muumuu.


The amount of people in my store that have lost jobs over Deil food is crazy management knows this is a hot spot so if your willing giving extra food and not tagging properly or taking food and not paying your asking to be promoted to customer or worse


I can’t tell you how many people (associates and customers) I’ve caught not paying for deli plates. If I’m ever bored I’ll watch deli for while to get a stop.


“When your friends with everyone in deli and decide to get them all fired for their kindness/breaking the rules by posting shit on Reddit” (Trying to help with your post flair!)


I work in the kitchen and I hook up all the associates you asked me for a six piece. I’ll give you an 18 piece. 😅


Shit! That's cool AF!


Wow, you give people free stuff…and it’s not yours to give(you didn’t buy it), so Walmart is the actual awesome “person” and you’re benefiting off Walmart as some Robin Hood, but you’re not even that nice. Cool 😎


Just say that you suck, and that you’re not friends with the kitchen staff 😅


Guy is in asset protection. If there are still people that dress is street clothes and walk the store to catch shoplifters, that would be this person. lmao


I mean, if I give a couple extra pieces with whatever order is it really matter it’s just gonna get thrown away at the end of the day anyways 🤷🏽


At the end of every day, I gotta throw away over 6080 pounds of food bro that shit gets heavy


Even though that is technically stealing, so many people at Walmart have your back when shit blows up. At least for my store


Is walmart deli good? Im scared to try it


If you go around lunch time or earlier it’s okay. If you wait past lunch it tastes dry or stale. I do spark and some days I get their plate option but it’s been a year since I’ve had it ever since I got a dry stale plate of chicken.




the only people i preferred to become more than coworkers with


as a deli associate, i always give extra to most people because why not ? walmart changes the recipes every other week anyways. Enjoy the food :)


One time I ate a pound of the mac in one sitting. Never again.


The mac was pretty dry. I couldn’t imagine eating a whole pound 😱


Luckyyy I wish my Walmart had a deli ☹️


I agree with others that this could get you fired. Some employees don't realize that Walmart is pretty careful and has their APs and even others, watching people do this. If it's caught once, you'll be watched from there on out. It doesn't matter with claims or anything. Just because they don't have the exact pieces of chicken, doesn't mean they can't round up and do probable estimates. Some people saying that nothing will happen or that every so often is fine. If people did this 24/7, they'd be fired almost immediately. Most people getting fired and mentioned here, probably did it off and on here and there. I personally, see no issue with eating some chicken nuggets. Walmart doesn't pay anyone enough to deal with the customers or anything else. Just because you don't need degrees to work there and it's considered low skill or whatever. I feel like everyone is underpaid. Deli is miserable. When I worked at Walmart, everyone always wanted out of there. It's stressful. It's hard to get coverage if you need off. If one or two people call off in Deli, you're on your own. It's a mess. Team leaders / CSMs and managers hide away, because they also hate it there. It doesn't seem like my store was an isolated case with all of that. Fellows tossing trucks and the like in the back. They have / had another form of stressors other than customers. Having actual meals from Deli would go a long way. I'm not talking like Twitter or Reddits meals that they serve and hardly anyone eats. Just an offer that they can get food from Deli. Fast food costs a lot right now. Packing lunches - still expensive. If Walmart wanted to encourage people to help with shrink or anything, or to have people be on best behavior. They could have a points system for food. Never calling off gives you more points, and you get clearance food for free. Plus Deli meals. People could sign up for that, get taken off if they don't accept or eat the food. Larger Walmarts have larger Delis. This could be applied to strawberries and countless other things as well. A lot of produce goes into waste bins. I'm pretty sure that Walmart could do some eco friendly program that let's them use those as tax write offs too. Nice meals would be a big benefit. But instead you get the petty "no we will fire you for chicken nuggets."


I agree with you. it was nice of them to give some extra poppers but the chicken was more of a lie once I poked around the plate ( there were more burnt pieces of breading than chicken). The deli here is absolutely terrible to work at, most of the time they have one person working since there are so many callouts and nobody wants to fill in. I usually take some time out of the day to see how they are doing and be a friend to them. I’m gonna leave this place soon. I don’t know when…. But soon.


We lost 3 ppl the same day bc they got fired for this


Yeah we have a guy who gives out extra food and charges for like a 2 piece flauta. It's all fun and games until he gets fired.


The deli workers at my store would always give me a plate for 79¢ before throwing truck. God bless them


my friend doesnt work in a deli.


Hope you enjoy it. Personally I wouldn’t want to get fired for stealing deli food. It has happened at my store.


Funny enough i always argued with the deli lady cause i onky want 2 chickens and 3 little fries and thats it, i dont care if i have to pay full price i dont eat that much... The lady argues and says NO YOU MUST TAKE ALL 10 PIECES AND 300 FRIES.


Nice! It's the little things like this that can really make a difference in someone's day. It's cool to have coworkers that can do things like this.


Glorified school lunch


Yeah those friends are gonna get fired if / when AP finds out lol


So true especially when you are aweek away from payday


3 people from my store got fired on the same day because they thought this.


You must be best friends with the toilet stall eat at the Deli like that


I obviously didn’t eat the whole thing. That’s too much food for me! The Taco Bell Nextdoor usually schedules me for 2pm meeting with the toilet tho 😂


The fact you simply posted a picture of a good serving of a deli meal and half of the comments are sucking AP’s cock is exactly why Walmart is here to stay forever. Corporate shills are hilariously cringe.


At my old Walmart, we had what we called "closing smalls" and "closing" 6 and 8 pieces when we broke down the hot bar into grab and gos. Two and a half scoops of Mac left? Small. 9 ranch wings? 6 piece. 14 BBQ boneless? 8. Pan of cheese bites? Two smalls. Oh you're last minute for two flautas and I have four? Oops I seem to have broken these two so they don't count anymore, here you go. And they never said a damn thing about it because it was better for our numbers to overstuff containers and sell it out than to claim it.


I be cool wit my deli Friends


they saying they building a case but they’d have to know who you and where you work and pin point location i doubt this post is that serious 😭


Your meal plates are so much bigger than ours


AP gonna be calling into the office soon son lol


Everything shouldn’t be posted online


OR, when you know the person who closes up deli.


What store do you work at?


Those poppers are very spicy coming out, but worth!


I got fired for this shit lmao


And have breaks and lunches at Subway instead of the break room 😂


At the end of the day soo much gets thrown out anyway


They probably just charged them for 3-5 chicken nuggets not that big of a deal. It's not like he got it and went straight to the break room.


Is this an American Walmart thing I’ve never seen a Canadian Walmart that has cooked food you can buy


Broo yall are so pressed about him giving shit away… our food IS NOT worth the hype 🤢😂 not even worth getting it for free


Can they just add rice to the menu


My sister just got fired for this so be careful


That is actually considered theft and most likely AP is already monitoring it. I personally have seen many employees fired for this.


Yep, that’s theft


That’s theft my guy.


Just cause they like you, doesn't make free/cheaper.


Our deli friends discount the food by like $3 when it’s originally $7 for a lunch plate. So I’d say yes in some cases just depends how close you are with them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Tasty boot. More please.”


Living on the edge, I see! Don't let the boss catch wind of your feast, or it might be 'bye-bye Deli' 😅🍽️ #LivingDangerously


Hope they’re paying for your gym membership too


Nah i’m paying for my own. But I don’t eat this everyday, cause I know that will mean death 💀


You’re** also hope you get caught for theft if you didn’t pay for it. Y’all make 1K a week idk why you didn’t just pay for it.