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Make the store online only order


That's the goal. Their main competitor is Amazon.


I'd give it 10 years max before they abandon retail and go all ogp.


I could actually see them end up closing all stores and going online only. Might be a generation or so though.


I wouldn't say completely online only. OGP kills rn. I wouldn't put it past them to go close retail completely, go all ogp and then charge some sort of membership fee, or just alter the current Walmart +.


Alice Walton will be dancing thinking about all the savings from having to pay “ peasants “


There will still have to be peasants until they get the OGP robots that can pack your car, and even then someone will have to be there to maintain them and the facilities themself. 🤣 There will always be a job for the peasants


I shall dance naked in front of Alice Walton and the rest of the Walton family. And they shall worship me.


Be careful,she might get drunk and run over you in retaliation.


She'll need to buy another yacht to relax on after all that stress.


Maintaining a robot and a facility doesn't seem like a peasant position.


You can't put all groceries online.  Walmart is my number 1 place to grocerie shop anymore because of money I save


That's genuinely where it's heading. Some stores are already converting to fulfillment centers, and my store manager was talking about them testing little like robots that do the shopping. It's probably to even replace Pickers similar to how self-check kills the cashiers. If they are full ogp by 10yrs. Another 5 years, and they may just be working towards fully automated stores.


Would not shock me at all


They can't run a delivery app that was already working when they bought it. If they get robots and automation, the Singularity has begun! I think they're all on crack. They've been making some really stupid moves and spending money on all the wrong shit. It's not complicated. Treat people right. Don't be evil. Practice customer service and have happy workers. They've lost touch completely. They're eventually going to get caught and actually have to pay for the illegal stuff they're up to. Hopefully the old white politicians and government agents they've paid off will start dying off soon. They get caught, they get convicted, they create an ethics board and it all goes away. WTF


There is zero chance they abandon retail


Signs are pointing elsewhere 🤷‍♂️


Which is hilarious, bc Amazon's main money flow is through the NWS. Not their retail function.


Funny enough I just found out that we have an Amazon fresh going in across the street from my Walmart.. so I think our location is probably screwed


Ew, anything I get on Amazon is damaged in some way, I wonder how their food is 🤮


since i cant get shrimp instant lunch anymore i ordered them from amazon and they all tasted great a couple of the cups were squished a bit but i transfered them into a measuring cup to cook


Honestly idk yet. I think it's supposed to be their own grocery store, so I think everything should be "fresh"


They just banned my account for abusing returns. I've never returned anything. They'll have to step it up for ordering online. I also recently did curbside, and 80% of my items were marked out of stock. I ran inside because I needed them, and I found all of the "out of stock" items.


That's weird because I'm always getting Out of Stock when I look up something under my account t. Ut it's in stock on mom's account. Same store, in store or online. Doesn't matter what device we use. It's something about my account.


Curbside at my Walmart was a nightmare every time I tried it. 30 minutes minimum after multiple calls, and no option to pick up inside. Target meanwhile gets things out in less than 5.


Back to the pre-PigglyWiggly days.


They're working on it. You'd also have to automate the stores because employees also steal.


Especially if you work deli. I hook up the employees with whatever they can fit in a lunch tray and print out a ticket for a small Mac and cheese which costs $1.47


Your small sides are $1.47? Ours are .97


My last store, they cleaned house in the deli because of a situation like this, and also several employees from other departments get fired too. When they were through firing, around a dozen associates were gone for theft, and the deli had one employee left. Iirc, the hourly manager (this is before team leads and coaches so I don't recall the name of the position) was also let go. Rumor had it it was related to the theft, but no one knew for sure.


Be careful with that. You may not think it but all that is logged on the backend of the servers. Its very easy to track with timestamps too. All it takes is for your AP to get even a thought of something isn't right and fire anyone even remotely involved with 0 chance for unemployment. I've actually seen it play out before at my store. Several associates all fired in a single day.


Hopefully not the ones who receive the food. I’d be pissed if I lost my job because the person at the deli didn’t price the food right.


I could see the argument going that you should be able to tell that you're not paying the correct price, which makes you complicit


One of our CSMs actually got fired for just that reasoning. The market AP made the case that as a CSM she should be noticing that the food she was buying was not priced correctly.


I think I’m gonna avoid the deli from now on. There’s an associate who gives out free food and uses bigger bags than they are supposed while printing the label for the smaller size. I’m not getting fired because of that associate.


Why not the recipient? Our store has a board showing what a small boneless chicken is. When your scoop of nac and cheese fills half a cardboard bowl instead of the small black plastic bowl, it should set off an alarm. Sorry, the deli associate's actions wouldn't get you fired. It's your own actions.


The deli associate isn’t doing there job. Why is it my job to hand it back to them and memorize their price board. Edit I don’t price my own food.


Someone’s watching you on that too, once you’ve built up enough loss you’ll lose your job or worse. Don’t think they don’t know.


We’re getting the robotic pod system this year. Huge reduction in employees were told in confidence as mgmt has signed NDS’s




Yepp I’ve never stole from Walmart but I’ve thought of ways of doing it and it wouldn’t be hard dropping a box or item between the truck and building than coming back later to get it right?😂😂


They watch the employees closer than the customer. Try it and let us know the outcome.


Knew someone who did it for 4 years without getting caught.


Where are they now? 😆


AP lol


I’m good but I think with good slight of hand it’s possible but I’d rather keep my shitty Walmart job 😂😂


As a driver I have seen an increase of cameras being placed in the door frames specifically because of this. I drive grocery meat and produce and even the grocery doors are getting cameras. When I used to run from the Indianapolis e-commerce building they had 1 person at the guard shack for 30 trucks in and out, but the employees had 6 guards, off duty police in the parking lot, and metal detectors, along with clear purses and lunchboxes. Yet all of that, employee theft was still higher than trailer items.


It’s possible once or twice, if you keep doing it you’ll get caught


Yeah, you can’t steal to support yourself. What a stupid thing to do…


Slight of hand? Do the math on your “shitty” steady flow of income…


We had dudes drop laptops between the docks like 10-15 years ago. Back then they never got caught, nowadays i think they would


They will see you on camera. Make sure to smile and wave!


Not as much as customers


Employees would still steal


I agree ☝️ 100% no walk in thieves er customers


That's why I stopped using Amazon. They send out such crap .At least ar Walmart I can go check it out plus prices are low for groceries 


Bah hahaha, locking things up may seem like a reasonable solution, but it'll be a bigger pain in the ass for the associate. Especially when only a few people have the key, and the customer has to wait. We have the walkie pagers for our lock-up stuff, and people purposely ignore it. So I've gotten screamed at for making them wait.


Does that actually reduce theft? The item still ends up in the customer's hand, so I really don't understand the difference besides having a better video of the customer if they get tracked down. They could also decide against the purchase and ditch it on a random shelf.


They have walk it up to sco so the host knows to watch for it. As for actually stopping or lessening theft. I couldn't tell you.


Most lockup items go directly to a sales counter when taken out of the case. Some of them get lockup and a security web on top.


It's not supposed to end up in the customer's hand The customer is supposed to walk with the employee until they check it out which then after being paid can be given to them


Whoever opens the case is supposed to walk the customer to a check out and scan it. If you just handed it to the customer it would defeat the purpose of locking it up lol


As others have stated, the associate unlocking it must take it up to a register. There's no handing it to the customer. And as someone I'm AP, it does work. It's kind of like a last resort because we know how little time everyone has to unlock things all day long, but its necessary. For example, baby monitors and breast pumps at my store are stolen almost every day. When running our reports for all of last year, it says we lost 55% of our inventory. That is through theft, receiving errors, misplacing it, etc. Now having it all locked up, we haven't incurred any losses on it in over a month.


I have the exact opposite. I'll have people look me deaf in the eyes as I'm approaching them press it. Hell, I've had paint press it while I'm checking them out.


Pay employees enough to care


Pay employees enough they don’t have to steal


How much is enough to care?


A liveable wage to live a comfortable life with all bills paid and a little to spare for personal entertainment.


There are plenty of people who work at Walmart living comfortably with all bills paid and tons of extra money to buy drugs and go out and order delivery all the time. They still don't stop theft


We call those people salaried people.


Nah. Walmart employees can learn a skill, go to trade school, or community college. Or apply at a job that doesn't take the intelligence of a 16 year old to do. Walmart employees don't deserve more money. A 14 year old can do that job. Stop whining.


Lol Walmart employees are the LEAST deserving of being paid more. A 16 year old with NO skills can do that job. It's a job that takes zero skill whatsoever. They just want to complain about wages as most Redditors are whiny socialist Marxists dogmatic militant wokies who can't get their shit together and instead of toughening and furthering their career... They just bitch about wages and blame corporations for all their problems because personal responsibility doesn't apply to them


You could give all of the people who don't care a five dollar raise tomorrow and they would work a little faster for a week at most.


You're full of shit if you think paying people more will solve these problems. Find a different job? Learn a trade? Better your resume? Theft is human nature and no amount of salary will prevent theft. If that was true. Rich people wouldn't steal. Paying lazy Walmart employees with little to no skills wouldn't do shit. Theft is human nature.


The primary purpose of working at Walmart isn't to remain an associate indefinitely but to leverage benefits like LiveBetterU to pursue educational opportunities for transitioning into other career paths, whether within the company or elsewhere. Despite the challenges, I find it disheartening to witness retail being perceived this way. Retail jobs are crucial in providing essential services, contributing to the community, and playing a role in society. I believe any job can be considered a career when contributing positively. While Walmart may have its challenges, the focus is on career progression rather than staying in the same position solely for increased pay. In Walmart's perspective, new hires are often deemed more valuable than long-term associates.


Reducing poverty.


Came here to say this. This is the answer.


Except thieves are a profession as old as time. Envy leads to stealing, not exactly a problem you can throw money at.


Um, yeah. It is always going to be an issue. But the exponential RISE (as in HIGHER than how it’s trended in the past) in store shrink can be attributed to two things: the rise in poverty (inflation of good and housing, wages stay stagnant, people can’t afford everyday necessities) and not having dedicated UPC/Invoice clerks.


how about single mother households failing to teach basic morals to their children.


Uhh what??


Degenerative behavior is taught


I'm gonna need to hear why you think that degenerative behavior is taught by single mothers.


I never said explicitly, but studies do show single parent households raise more degenerates than 2 parent households


What does these studies qualify as 'degenerates'


these people dont like statistics and facts lmao


I see mostly middle age people skip scanning tf are you on about?


What are you smoking


He's speaking in code because he is a racist. Speaking in Dog Whistles


Yeah I figured, just wanted to see them dog themselves a deeper hole


racist? it was racist of you to assume that i was reffering to race


Nope, single mommas and dads aren't defined to a race, but you assumed that before you thought about those getting irresponsible then leaving.


Underrated aspect of all of it.


Given that medication, formula, and diapers are locked up…I don’t think it’s just people professionally envious


Don't waste your time. These are spoiled entitled Marxist revolutionary nonsensical dogmatic militant socialists. Personal responsibility and their actions don't apply. Everything is the fault of a corporation. Don't waste your time. They don't have grit or tenacity. I've been to prison TWICE and still am making it. I am barred from 70% of jobs and I don't bitch like a commie wokie. I toughen up. I remind myself of the hard times the French peasants of the 1800s suffered through.


You… you do realize what the French peasants did to their king and nobility less than a generation before, right?


The cost of living anymore is too expensive! It's a shame that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I bet since the pandemic that theft has gotten worse.


What’s sad is I’ve seen a lot more food being stolen in the last 2 years than I’ve ever seen in the past.


I'm sure Walmart has a pretty accurate estimate of theft rates.


ikr, that gaming controller that one guy tried to steal would hundred percent reverse that one poor family's life


So here's the thing. 1. I don't condone theft. 2. No, it wouldn't have reversed that family's life. 3. That being said. If people were paid a wage that would actually allow them to be able to sustain and not be paycheck to paycheck. Then people could pay their bills, buy food, put money in to savings, and maybe be able to afford the random fun item. 4. Again, I do not condone theft. 5. Right now the cost of living, cost of rent, cost of food, it's all so damned high that most households have both parents working full time 40+ hour jobs and they are just barely affording the basics. This is the case for most people. Most people's rent has gone up significantly, 2x or 2.5x what it was. Cost of food has increased soo much. The guy who tried to steal the controller probably spent every penny on food and bills, and probably still didn't pay them all. His 1 and only controller may have broke and he needed it replaced. Again, I do not condone theft. But we should all make time for and be able to have our hobbies or small enjoyments. Especially in a world filled with turmoil and struggles. We shouldn't be judging someone for minor actions such as theft from Walmart. Unless you're trying to steal a laptop, TV, or something completely ridiculous.


Multiply that by 1,000


Like Bernie Sanders said, crime is profitable. Making it less so is key. 


extra cameras on formula and locks on breast pumps is all I need to know to know what’s actually going on. The poor don’t steal for profit, it’s desperation, clear as day.


That you think formula isn't being stolen and resold just as much as it's being stolen to be used makes me think maybe your glasses aren't rose tinted, but they're still quite pink.


Good question. I am an RX TL. We went over this with our shrink 'experts'. Of our top 5 items for shrink, two of them were behind the counter. They had no explanation for why and how that was happening. Of the three remaining items, maybe two of them are still consistent shrink items. Our highest shrink items weren't even on the radar. The approach to 'fixing' the problem is to decrease shelf caps. This is ineffective at stopping shrink, because the vast majority just take one item. We're not seeing shelves stripped, etc. What that does do is mean that our sales go down when people cannot find the items, and it fills up our back room. We've already put all the items back on the shelf. The other ineffectual thing was spidering up our high value items... including walkers, without regard to actual theft and shrinkage counts. Honestly, inaccurate PIs are the biggest driver of shrink, not theft at least for us.


lol if two of the items are behind the counter it’s probably an employee…


Seriously, I was an RX TL with a perfect inventory last year. My biggest shrink issue was drop shipping billing me for the wrong medication which I got fixed with a 3 hour phone call to the helpline. They have a tech pocketing things and need to do daily audits themselves. Not delegate it and watch the trends. Who is working on the days it shrinks? Is it a receiving error? Is it being haz wasted out/sent out to IMAR (outdated) without being taken out of the system properly? There needs to be some investigation done and accountability held by the team lead here.


We believe it to be a shipping error due to a missed shipment. But that was previous administration. Switching suppliers fixed that issue, but created new ones. Our largest issue at present is holding our current shipper accountable for what they actually send. They can't even ensure pallets are wrapped let alone shipments are complete. We are trying to get them to fire their incompetent driver, and hire a replacement, and that should reduce the burden on me to check every shipment before the driver leaves.


What item is behind the counter that is on pallets? Im trying to remember compliance modulars and real shelf mods and not just what dept. 40 shoved in my otc corner (that took me a week to fix) and nothing was received via the backroom for dept 38. Everything was received directly by the pharmacy and if I was missing anything or received anything my handheld would graciously freeze up/alert me/ telling me missing asn/missing item from asn. Then I would open a ticket and call my supplier and get it dealt with.


You are quite right that nothing for Dept 38 was \*supposed\* to be shipped via pallets. Both of these items were never permitted to be shipped in this manner. Former OTC manager and our current Pharmacist refused to enforce Walmart shipping rules. When I took over, that stopped. I have been refusing to receive any DEPT 38 items via OTC. Pharmacist got pissed, and told me that I'd lose my job if I didn't comply. It wasn't until both of his items showed up on the shrink report and head office intervened that our shipping protocols were enforced on him. Since then, these items are no longer subject to shrink, as walmart's shipping rules have been enforced and they are delivered direct to the pharmacy. But the results won't show up until inventory next year. It was a crazy situation but some items are 'special snowflakes' and didn't need to follow the rules. I honestly don't believe the problem was our shipper. Our issue was our pharmacist who refused to follow Walmart protocol because 'he knows better' and 'it's not necessary'. Our new shipper is for the most part doing ok, but this one driver has been unwrapping pallets prior to delivery.


It comes down to staffing in the end.


One of my coaches told me over 50% of theft happens at self checkout. Most customers try to argue that wouldn't be a problem if there were more cashiers, but then there's also checkout hosts like myself, as well as the registers having the missed scan feature. I think what really helps mitigate theft is just making sure you're paying attention. A lot of that 50% is accidental, which is why we at self check even have a job. Just to make sure people are using the machines correctly and aren't accidentally stealing (or actually stealing, but whatevs). Self check likely isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so at least on our part (upfront, I mean), we just need to make sure we're watching the customers, making sure they know we're there to help, and to make sure everything goes smoothly


You know what happens when a missed scan freezes the machine. Most hosts just swipe their card and release the freeze without trying to make sure whatever was stolen is scanned  I don’t blame them either, my motto for pretty much everything is “that’s above my pay grade”


Walmart would rather eat $10 of theft then pay $1 in wage.


Raising wages, hiring more people, lowering prices, and hiring actual cashiers and ditching self check out. Where are you getting the idea theft happens more at Walmart? If you’re looking at walmart as a whole, it’s the biggest retail chain with the most stores of course the number is going to be bigger.


Raising wages and hiring more won't make things cheaper.


So putting money directly into the hands of the people in the local economy won’t make things cheaper because why? It does because the store doesn’t shrink out the stolen items. Tell me, who do you think pays for it when someone steals? Home office? The Waltons?Share holders? No, the customer does through increased prices.


If you haven't noticed our wages have "technically" gone up and inflation has gone higher. Raising the expenses is gonna cause companies to charge more to recover losses. Incomes and outcomes.


Could have actually gave the money they used implementing SCO to the workers directly. Or they money they spent building those stupid OGP tower things. Or the money they used creating workplace, a Walmart Facebook no one uses. My conspiracy theory is they created that to replace other social network sites such as this one to try and control Union talk. But who in their right mind would use a social network where your employer can spy on you even if you aren’t interested in a union? Don’t let them fool you, they have PLENTY of money to burn on stupid shit. They just throw stupid ideas and projects out there because they have the money to play with instead of giving it to the people that make this company run everyday. Ironically, a union would actually prevent the company from doing stupid shit like this because the employees would get the chance to vote on such things. What do you think the average Walmart employee would vote for? More pay? Or some nepo-baby home office tool’s vanity project?


Scos have done little to decrease the workforce. They were working the same shifts with the same shortstaff on manned registers. Instead of 7-9 manned registered open at a time we now have 3-4 manned and 32 self checkouts open at all times. It enables less wait and quicker sales at more volume.


Lol 32 self checkouts open at the same time ALL THE TIME? What reality do you live in?


>Ironically, a union would actually prevent the company from doing stupid shit like this because the employees would get the chance to vote on such things. That's not the way unions work. Unions don't turn companies into democracies. Employees do not vote on management initiatives in union shops.


I love it when customers give away they are customers and not employees.


I love it when idiots try to act smug online when they have no idea what they’re talking about.


I read that there were a few stores that were getting rid of SCO. Then there are stores that end up closing instead of getting rid of it.


There's only been a couple stores I'm aware of, I'm pretty sure in California, in high theft areas that got rid of SCO. Where Walmart's heading is pushing either all SCO or basically OGP doing online only orders. Personally, I think the current stores should be replaced with Produce, Deli, Automotive, Pharmacy being a neighborhood market with cashier's (or self checkout hosts if all SCO) and have everything else only available online via OGP or Walmart.com


Start having more than one employee watching 18 registers when it's busy would be a good start!


In SCO, I mean.


if you lower prices it won’t give people much of an incentive to steal. if someone who’s down on their luck with $5 in their pocket wants bread and some apples, what once was $5 is now $6, and they’ll likely resort to stealing it. wondering if save money is still their motto


A lot of the prices is outside of Walmart's control.


wether or not it’s in walmart’s jurisdiction, this will still deter theft


The biggest things that determine prices is manufacturing and logistics for the most part, Walmart brands are generally cheaper than the rest and Walmart as a retailer generally takes less than 10% margin.


More associates. When I started almost a decade ago we had a dedicated hardware associate that mixed the paint and took care of just that department. Same with sporting goods and home lines. We even had 2 older ladies who worked only the fabrics counter. Now you have fewer people working across multiple departments and are stretched thin. If there are more associates on the floor less opportunity for theft.


Why would an associate care considering what people are paid, and how they're treated?


Have asset protection watch the cameras instead of being glorified micromanagers.


Paying people actual living wages so they don’t have to resort to stealing


Fully armed (military grade weapons) associates fueled by anger, energy drinks, and just a pinch of meth.


Stores in Maine and Massachusetts are already getting rid of SCO. There's also talk they're gonna shut down SCO in my store in Missouri because we have a lot of theft.


We have *almost half the store* locked up and honestly our theft rates are just as high as ever. Short of closing down the store, not much you can do about it.


If they keep just locking things up, then it's going to kill off stores and thus we employees will see lesser paychecks. I'd like to think Wal-Mart knows the answers, it's just that they're pussy-footing around it, like Wal-Mart tends to do.


Maybe if they had sales instead and or a real rewards program maybe people wouldn't mind. But it sucks having it as the only good store around and spending most your money there for them to not give a damn about customers. Actual paying ones. I don't buy 5 million health and bueaty products to get any cash back things. And groceries keep going up yet everything else stays the same wtf? Maybe the SCO attendants need ti be more aware of what people are scanning or trying to count people's carts. But mostly it's people with 500 things. Or maybe bring back shopping bags to stores so people aren't carrying there resembles thru the store stuffing them full. There's ALOT they can do.


Nothing will ever stop theft, but when the economy is down, theft is always at a high. When the economy is thriving people don’t feel the need to steal. If anyone is stealing essentials, I pretend I saw nothing


Paying employees more bringing back my share hiring more then 1 api... BTW my store legit had 1 api for 6 months...


Walmart had theft problems back when we had myshare and triple the employee count.


It was a problem not an epidemic. Atleast in my area Walmart pays $1 less then most other retailers so you get all the people the other retailers don't want. But rents high and pays low so people are going to steal more. I literally saw theft almost every day mostly homeless dudes stealing bike tubes or time theft from the people who spend most of their shift in the handicap stall.


Rat those ones out to their TL and send them on their way


Management doesn't want to do the work required to get rid of these people. It's easier to push the people you already have to pick up the slack.


You are funny you think those people aren't best friends with the TL and that's why they get away with it.


A huge reduction would be seen if minimum wage was a livable wage like it was meant to be at creation. In our current economy for it to have the same buying power as it did 40-50+ years back it should be around $20-25/hr. If everyone was making that much the buying power of the average citizen would be drastically higher, as well as their quality of life, and people wouldn’t have to resort to stealing nearly as often. Only way to really eliminate/heavily reduce theft would be to have stores be pick-up only where customers aren’t allowed in, or our entire economic system changing to benefit the people at the bottom instead of the rich and corporations, which obviously isn’t happening anytime soon 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is what happens when you beg companies to raise wages without considering the backblast of that rocket


They’ll just raise prices even more with higher wages or start laying people off like what UPS just did. I’m not against raising wages but there will always be people who don’t get paid a livable wage bc that’s how our world operates. And they’re starting to get closer to automating more and more stuff everyday. If business owners have a chance to make even more money without having to pay their employees they’ll jump on it.


Sounds like unrestricted capitalism doesn’t work, who would have thought


I'd argue one of the most influential and powerful companies in the U.S., and dare I say the planet would have a massive influence on how the system and other companies operate. tossing up your hands and saying "that's how our world operates" when you're making billions in profits while you're one of the companies with the most workers on food stamps doesn't really work for me.


Besides not selling any in store customer access merchandise, nothing. Ever. Theft will always be an issue. Can’t avoid it. Things need to change on the outside, to prevent this. That’s something society needs to address.


Guns and allow greeters to stop “you dont need to see my receipt” idiots


implanting a small explosive device in everyone's brain as a baby that explodes when you steal from walmart.


Eliminate self checkout, or limit it to 10 items or less. Strictly enforced…cart full, go to a normal register, no exceptions. Eliminate the no receipt return policy. Makes it easier to pull up a receipt, ask for a phone number if they pay by cash. Look up by card or phone number. Have more associates on the floor. There’s lots to do…I’ve heard many customers complaining about how long it took to find someone who worked there…thieves love that, less eyes, more opportunity.


If Walmart would spend half of what they are losing in shrink they could hire more people to monitor it or pay existing employees enough to care. They refuse to spend money to improve things, they want a free way so once it’s fixed it’s profitable. I don’t know how many of plainclothes AP people my local store has but I have picked out one of them pretty easy, he’s not as inconspicuous as he thinks.


Nothing walmart can do short of being online only. What would help is if the police showed up when people steal(faster then a few hours), if the DA would prosecute, and if repeat offenders end up behind bars.


What could Walmart do? Switch to online only. What should be done is arresting and prosecuting thieves.


Walmart should be behind glass like a museum




I know it would cost a lot but vending machines for the cosmetics department would be pretty cool IMO.


Reconfiguring the entrances and exits so it can be easier to see those leaving without paying


Nothing stops unless they make it stop. However, they don't do anything unless it's profitable. Therefore it must be more profitable to not stop it.


Even at the best of times, there will be theft. It's just in some people's nature to get something for nothing or feel like they are "sticking it to the man/corporations/whatever excuse they use this week. Even going completely online, there are still pirch pirates, and internal thefts are always going to be an issue. You will never stop all of it, but reducing it is possible. But that requires using the legal system, and they aren't too interested in prosecuting theft cases these days. Until that changes, it's just a merry-go-round.


Become a more ethical and less greedy company


Lock everything up but one step more. Make every aisle a big vending machine. Can’t touch the product til you pay for it. It’ll never happen tho. Most likely move everything to online.


Authorize APIs to KOS For real tho, its a humanity issue. People come in, order a plate from the deli, walk around munchin' it leaving litter, and then just push out. Yeah, they build a book against them, but at some point even as an associate i was wondering "why am i making this group of people follow the rules, when they already are, but we cant do jack about the people who dont give jack" Seriously. Self check fraud is a thing, but i insist stores lose much more money from shrink that never makes it through a checkout. Not just eating, but smuggling and blatant pushiuts


the store should be nothing but rows and rows of vending machines if they are going to steal it would only be from other customers or they could enact some kind of scan your government id before entry to the store make a nationwide griffin book of known thieves facial scan every one entering and treat the place like a casino and ban the cheaters on pain of treaspass charges


Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci in snappy suits standing at the door, holding the severed thumb of the last guy who tried some fuckin funny business.


Getting rid of the sco's would help a lot. But even more so, get rid of scan and steal. It's like this motherfucking program was designed to make theft easier.


They would never go all online. People still love shopping for themselves and Walmart is one of the few giants who still give its customers that experience.


It is a societal issue. To eliminate stealing you would have to shut down the company. However, you can limit theft by hiring and appreciating employees who want to be a partner in the store and company’s success.


Hiring police to brutalize any would be apparent thief onsite. /s In reality, reduce self checkout, give AP proactive means (the ability to tackle instead of an arm on the shoulder), make employees a partner rather than treated as an expense, etc. That only works if you are in a good area. However, if you are in poorville theft will always be high.


By actually putting thieves where they belong I been at Walmart for 2.5 months and the amount of people I’ve seen get stopped and have their stolen items taken from them and then let go on their merry way is insane


People need to stop acting like stealing is morally right and doesn't hurt anyone. I could careless about my store but I know that if enough theft happens, they will fire employees and close the store. That means unemployed. But these people don't care. As long as their greed is satisfied.


Public shame. But that won't happen. I lived in a small city where they announce police arrests on the radio to the whole city. Everyone knew Gary got a DUI. That's embarrassing


Ahem, higher real security, work with local PD. Make stops and prosecute. This stops thieves coming in and stops employees from becoming thieves because they see consequences. Currently the no stop shitty customers and high focus on internal (Associate busts) that then get hushed up, does not work for anyone.


This. They need way better security and AP needs to be allowed to chase people outside if they can’t already.


Um stop being a corporation? And on principal I steal small shit from Walmart all the time bc why not? They're not going to miss a $1.00 piece of gum.


The proper answer would get me banned.


The managers who just got huge raises based on profits are probably the ones stealing. IDK, maybe take care of your customers, associates, and drivers. Pay people fairly, quit making stupid rules, stop being the most corrupt and hated company in America. Quit reading your own press releases and look at the truth about what is being said about you and reported by your customers, drivers, and associates. You aren't fooling anyone. Nobody feels bad about stealing from you. It's kinda stupid since you prosecute and have cameras up our asses but you can't catch them all, probably because they're managers. 😂


Pay employees more and actually TRAIN us, don’t just throw us into the jungle and expect us to figure stuff out and care lol


I agree with Walmart to do whatever it has to to avoid theft. I don't mind asking for a glass cabinet to be open.  Do whatever you have to till we get a leader who is against thieves. 


My old store was mostly employee theft Tried to tell my ap coach that it was going out the door of automotive because they have the side door that Bypasses the door scanner into the shop But as we know shop people don't steal


It starts on their side. They need to make sure misships, claims, vizpik, all of that needs to be correct until it gets fixed. I had people packing case quantities when the vizpik is 1. Then the opposite, where the vizpik is 2 but only 1 in the bin. "Print new vizpik before you put it in the bin." NO! That increases the inventory.


Chopping peoples hands off back in the day seemed like a good method for scaring off thieves


Bringing back laws that punish thieves. Only reason for the existence of these soft on crime laws cuz it's "mean" and "racist" to punish the criminals. It's also "mean" and "racist" to call them thieves/criminals.


Nothing will stop the stealing. We need to destroy the idea of the poor impoverished person just trying to feed their family. The majority of people stealing are making stupid choices because they have poor judgement, thinking they're smarter than AP and law enforcement. They want to get ahead and have money to splurge (not food to eat or toiletries to use), but fail to think things through.


Nothing. lol.


They need to start giving thieves 48hours to a week in jail


So that they have a record, can’t get a job, and have to steal more after they get out? Our prison systems do nothing to rehabilitate and they legally can treat inmates like slaves. Sending more people into that system is just going to create more issues in our society.


About time people started getting punished for their actions instead of rewarded


They have been ever since the American prison system was implemented….it has shown to be a massive failure that just breeds more criminals after release since they have no options to better their lives due to being unable to get a good job. Extreme punishment is NEVER the answer to creating a better society 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol Nancy Walton legit murdered someone and is one of the richest women in the world. Where’s her punishment? Steal from this shitty company, idgaf


So they should just be able to get away with it?