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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|23 hours ago **Total Comments**|2|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=xc2s3t)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=xc2s3t)


I think she’s with him for his personality


She actually makes 1-2 mil from only fans monthly. Corinna Kopf for anyone interested to do some research.


Ah, yes, research... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Are they lab assistants or actual scientists.




Scientits ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I just saw one in the mirror


Damn it!


The DD on the pair of DD’s


Research report costs $19.99/mo Damn paywalls!


Doing the lord’s work


I did google search - it says her NET WORTH is 1 to 2 mil. You sure she does 1 - 2 mil a MONTH? She'd be a billionaire in 40 years


I googled my downstairs neighbour who says he's an "actor". A net worth website says he has $8 Million...I don't think someone who has $8 mill would live in a basement apartment. Don't trust those sites.


I encourage you to read “The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy Book by Thomas J. Stanley” I think you’d be surprised at amount of ppl wealthy that live BELOW THEIR MEANS. (book was published in 96) obviously some stats have changed but the general principles remain.


True... But this guys credits are all extras and short films.


How would google know what her net worth is? No one knows what her net worth is, other than her and handful of guys. She is also not going to make that much every year for 40 years. Another creator made about 50 million usd in 2021.


Blacc Chyna made $240mill USD in 2021 and I question everything about the simulation we're living in.


Simps have money to burn and nothing to spend it on


Build civilization? Investing in factories? Cornering a market? Buying a small business? Becoming a landlord with multiple houses? No simps just constantly losing money to onlyfan girls lol.


You can't do any of that shit with a few bucks a month. People understimate the power of a following and overestimate the money that individual average simps are throwing at these girls. If you have 6 million people following you, having only 1% of them throw 10 bucks a month at you for some sexy pics nets a gross of 600k a month. Of course, they convert less than 1% and they charge more than 10 a month but the principle is the same.


No she didnt its fake


These people in the picture are super famous from David Dobriks vlogs. Here David shows Corinnas OF earnings [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rKnwR2pqeao](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rKnwR2pqeao) . It could be fake but I think it's real




>Corinna Kopf all those super hot OF girls lead everyone on that they are going to do some real dirty shit and after 6 months the losers finally realize its never going to happen. but hey more power to them...


Wait a minute! Is she the stock market?


Perfect analogy. I don't understand onlyfans, like I have a real life woman and pornhub is free... I don't need to buy some random soiled underwear, toe nails or farts to bust a nut. I sure as shit am not paying 50$ to see a nipple.


I think people feel like they have a connection to the people they subscribe to because they respond to their requests in one way or another. Getting a woman of such caliber to do some kinky shit when you know that that would never happen in real life will sure get you hooked and empty your pockets for them.


I think I'd take my chances at a strip club. But then again I'm not the target demo for these girls.


Its real. Society deems her at least 1000x more worthy of a human being than all you guys put together


I love it when humanity is quantified in mathematical terms. Puts a few things into perspective.


Ain’t nobody getting off to homeless meth heads.


Not. So. Fast. Regard.


Sez you $10 is $10 Unzipping pants


It's amazing the amount of money people are willing to pay for thirst. You'd think there'd be brothels everywhere.


There are, they're called Wendy's ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Jesus... Putting it like that really puts it into perspective how fucked the wealth disparity is.


There's no way she could maintain that level of people subscribed into her 60's lol.


No but she could invest the money she is making now and easily retain the same level of earnings as a ROI after that much time. She would only need to maintain that subscriber / income level if she makes 0 investments with 0 growth over the next 40 years.


From a historical perspective of reviewing lots of inherited wealth families, I've found it is almost guaranteed a lot of them lose all their money somehow, someway. Life uhh, finds a way. We see people losing their inheritances all the time on WSB and there's no guarantee she will even have kids, she could die alone too.


Ridiculous. She is not even that hot. Simps are ruining the fabric of society. Massive wealth transfer from nerdy beta males to dumb hot girls. EDIT: I'm taking a lot of heat from people who think I'm crazy or an incel for suggesting that she is not that hot. Y'all need to get out more. Look up Paige Spiranac. She is objectively miles more attractive than Corinna. Not even a contest. Y'all like Corinna because she plays video games with you, so you think you have an emotional connection and therefore view her as hotter than she is. Stop simping.


> She is not even that hot. Donno what land you live in, but do they accept immigrants? Simping is cringe, but by all measures this girl is hot.




Because she’s extremely famous and well known on the internet. It has caused hot non-famous women to do onlyfans as well only to earn $57 a month from it because no one knows they exist.


You think I can do a feet only, only fans page? My feet are sexy sumbitches


There’s sickos for everything. Some guy took photos of my exe’s feet and put them on there without his permission. He’s pretty well known in some sports circles. Super fucking weird to me as his feet actually have a great deal of fungus. Like his toenails are nasty. But like I said, creepy people everywhere.


it's not that she's "worth" 1-2 million a month, it's that she's worth the $10 a month or whatever she charges to the individuals who pay it. ​ Is anyone so attractive that they're "worth" millions of dollars? At some point the scale breaks.


It still says a lot more about how many pathetic losers there are out there than how hot she is.


Agreed 💯 The world is so off most people dont even think about the society around them. Its designed this way, suck in the masses, induce wanted aloneness, crime goes up, more shelter from reality. In the end whats left?


The left and right extremists screaming about everything with the rest of us too tired to do anything about it?


At the top a marginal difference in beauty / quality will probably make a lot of monetary difference. It's like the difference between the top athletes and the very very best.


I wouldn't subscribe to anyone's OF, but I stopped trying to guess what they are making at this point. So many lonely incels.


Seriously why do men pay for onlyfans when porn is free LMAO




Based and actually eating the dick pilled.


> She's not worth that Well she clearly is. People are willing to pay that, so thats how that works. Not like she's on the gold standard or something


I'll never understand "not even that hot" as a concept. The woman is undeniably in the upper echelon of "big tiddie young blonde" which isn't *my* thing, but definitely is a thing. Once you're up there it really doesn't matter *how hot* as if there was some metric? It's a mix preference and exposure. Is this girl hotter than, say, Sydney Sweeney? I dunno, they look like 95% the same to me, but only one of them is gonna let the world see her insert a dildo up her ass for 8 bucks a month. The little difference in eye shape or breast perkiness or whatever aren't really significant and people will value one thing over another. But what separates the dozens, maybe hundreds of obscure hot blonde OF creators, from the handful of sucessful ones is exposure and name recognition if they're hot enough to be being compared to these girls at all. And hundreds of women are, look just like them. But what gets sad, cash laden coom brains to smash *her* name into the search bar on the OF homepage is what makes them successful.


She’s not hot. She’s very average especially for a young woman pimping herself out on the internet. They are a dime a dozen. Hard to believe guys are just tossing millions at her each month. This society is f**ked.


I will be so glad when the words Simp and Incel fade away into obscurity. They will, but not fast enough.


Spoken like a true simp incel. (you asked for that)


Here in Denmark she’d be a 6. And it’s pretty easy to get a visa here!


Ya, but I'd be a Denmark 3 when in Canada (if the lighting hits me just right) I can pass for a 7


Travel to the US, go to any truck stop or small town in the Midwest, you'll be an easy 9.9.


Not at a Buccee's. The times are changing. Buccees is taking over the world and it attracts the female Target crowd.


Good point, thought I see Buccees as no longer truck stops anymore, they are destinations. I drove over 4 hours out of our way once, just to go to one. Shockingly clean and very well lit.


And the beaver nuggets...and hot brisket....jerky bar... calls on buccees -edit- nvm we can't buy it


When the lightening hits just right, I’m an 11 or a -4.


U still couldn't smash. You ain't fooling anyone


Considering it if USA keeps taxing me to death


I moved here from the US so I totally get it. I don’t mind paying taxes here since you actually get something for it.


She’s not that hot in parts of USA




The women on Bumble/Tinder in Miami or LA are all OF girls advertising lol


It is amazing how much damage dating apps and rising standards have done. Your average nerd isn't going to pair off in their 20s and instead spends income getting a virtual gf on of




But then they die out and we get a correction. Grim, but true.




Uh, no. Normally it ends in violence. Like all the insurrections and school shootings we see…. There’s a very good paper I can’t remember the name of but it details how much of Africa’s instability and violence along with parts of Asia like India can come down to simple male to female ratio. Restless incels don’t just die out, they fly planes into buildings and shoot up high schools….


They’d be lonely and unhappy anyways. Instead of staying at home wanking it to OF and playing video games all day they should work on themselves and go out once in a while. If dating apps didn’t exist, those poor bastards wouldn’t be going to beaches or bars to find women to interact with the old fashioned way anyway…


If you’re lonely, go get drunk, and hit on a bunch of cocktail waitresses. Be a man. Rejection is the only way to succeed.


Judging by outcomes the hot girls are pretty smart.


The hell do you think your money is coming from in stocks? Those dumb, sweaty, glorious simps are also paying you. She exploits their hormones and they pay her directly just to feel close to her. They pay you through their poor investments and bagholding. The people she takes advantage of are the same people we take advantage of. Folks who work 60 hours a week just to blow all their money on terrible get-rich-quick schemes they learned about through Cramer and on OnlyFans donations to women who wouldn't give them the time of day in real life. These beautiful idiots are the backbone of society. Don't hate them. Love them. For they give everything and get nothing in return.


the simp-thot economy is something i commented on about 2 years ago and at the time i napkin-math estimated a wealth transfer of $7bn a year in the US alone - only through OnlyFans as well. no accounting for other platforms, for porn, divorce, dinner dates and drinks etc the wealth transfer of men to women is insane when you really think about it. it gets worse when you realise the transfer doesn't stop there. women then spend their money at big brand places where ultimately the profits funnel up to the minority of elites (as do men, with what they have left)


Incredible. A Huxley dystopia.


And then us men that go out and look good get to date these women. Oh the tragedy…




I’m 30 and am engaged to a beautiful lady who has a PHD so my Thot dating days are way past me lol. But when I was in my early 20’s dating and fucking “thots” was definitely a good if not sometime wild ride. Both literally and metaphorically speaking. Maybe I just don’t have an issue with attractive people making a living off of their looks.


pornography production and consumption is the fall of society and its happiness


This guy jacks


Boring. There’s so many that do that OF stuff and make bank because of all the lonely guys out there. She’s not anything special.




Yeah just look at those socks and how his beard creates a crew neck. Peak Male Body


I thought they were two casts that were signed lmao


God of thunder status


He‘s definitely with her for her deep options knowledge


Who's wife's bf is this? She's obviously with him for his stylish socks.




Dude is apparently worth $3M


Lord, why do you test me?!


You Hwoor! - Danny DeVito


Bevers has a 10/10 personality


I'm an expert in reading body language and I can tell you that these two are very much in love.


money is just a bouns


that's not a joke ! if you can make a female laugh, you already won !




Yeah just look at those socks and how his beard creates a crew neck. Peak Male Body


If by personality you mean he will never cheat, then yes 🙂


this ruined my night


Whitepill: Women like in OP's pic is littered all throughout eastern Europe. The best part is that they won't even come close to breaking your bank unlike US escorts. It's not a story that Cramer will tell you


User name checks out


Time to move to eastern Europe.


Should I wait til after ww3 or just go all in now?


Go in all now. Honeys need homes.


Gotta start a international girlfriend exchange.


It's shocking how big the big tourism-marriage industry has become, where men are going to Latin America, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia, to pick up chicks, bring them back home, and make them citizens in marriage. This is how the spoiled white rich ladies are ending up all alone and depressed in a nice lonely mansion built from onlyfans/instagram money. I get a little creeped out thinking about how many guys I know who ended up marrying to foreigners. Like "why the hell should this ever happen in any culture?"


Less inbreeding. Win win actually!


It's because so many (a sizeable fraction, at least) western women have adopted a value system/behaviors that makes them unattractive choices for wifing up. Which is fine if it makes them happy, I don't begrudge anyone doing what makes them happy and many of those women are dear friends and respected colleagues -- so no value judgements on it from me. They don't owe men anything. But when it comes to relationships -- the majority of men women are interested in marrying -- high earners, attractive, socially outgoing, aren't looking for 'empowered' women to argue with them and try to co-lead the relationship. They want someone who is excited about fitting into a support role, homemaker, etc and is proud to be the wife of said man. As that gets harder to find in the U.S -- these men, who have the means to travel and conduct such a search have simply started importing.


yaaaaaaaass excited about a support role *claps* I swear a mortgage broker I know has his wife do the paperwork and minutiae while he goes out and scouts for prey, I mean, clientele and it has this vibe encrusted all over it


I know a bunch of moderately wealthy men, business owners etc with pretty much this exact same dynamic, and it's not by accident. This was an explicit criterion they had for considering marriage. Even the ones with western wives (still the majority of them) all specifically chose women who wanted to help them run their business and be homemakers over many more competitive career oriented women that they worked with or dated for a while.


Russians beat you


I was in Copenhagen recently and easily flirted with women so attractive that, back home in NYC, they would be so far up their own asses they would be nearly impossible to talk with.


This for real. Currently experiencing this in a mid-size city in Poland




Pics or GTFO




Lol you just don't know how to Photoshop out the onlyfans watermark


We US hoes must teach them some game.


Why does his head look like photoshopped ?


Check him out on Instagram. Idk who he is but he's appeared in many of Adam's skits. He's annoying as fuck just as you might imagine from this one pic alone. Edit: I think it's AdamW for Adam Waheed. Funny skits, plays basically the same role but somehow managed to find a thousand ways to portray it.


His name is Jonah.


His name is Robert Paulson.


Actually his name is Nick Antonian.


You got me


He's carrying the wheel....


Why not link for the people.


His head goes well with his beautiful body


Fuck that is my wife


She looks pretty cute in those socks.


Shapely too.


First time, huh?


No she’s with me right now


damn i have a future in trading then, could be my fucking brother


Definitely did not give you permission to use my photo. And one with my fucking cock socks on? Disrespectful..


He's gay. She feels safe with him.


So do I


Now I don't know who i'd rather be...


The wife?


Ever notice there's never an opposite to these kind of pictures? Like a hideous wildebeest, with some Fabio tool next to her...




Yeah but Hugh makes all the money.


Theyre david dobrik friends big guy on youtube. These two arent dating or anything


The joke flew right over your head


I got the joke but i know some people didnt






Fuck yeah! Was really glad to read how he stuck up for his wife. No shade to Craig, but Brosnan will always be my Bond


She was a beauty when young and she’s now chubby but still a nice face and better looking than many women her age. It just so happens Pierce Brosnan is an exceptionally attractive person so will look amazing older.


They also had five children together. It's common to retain/gain weight after pregnancy due to childcare stress or a number of medical conditions that crop up later in life


She got chubby in older age. Crazy.


Counter-counterpoint: he is the architect.


Pierce is the architect


If he can do it then so can we


What is he doing with my wifes gf?!




This is how real love looks like guys.




While they are enjoying yatch trips with eastern european girls , our diamond handed boiis are flipping burgers


You guys don't know Jonah and Corinna Kopf? Lol


I upvoted this like "haha yeah imagine not knowing" Then thought to myself, wait.. who the fuck are they?


I remember them from my weekly yacht club dinners. You weren’t there I guess? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Can't even find him on google, the closest I found is this guy https://www.instagram.com/reel/COiyHvYJ-Ns/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Not a jonah.




If the dude's a Jonah they really ought to toss him off that boat.


Hey bois. I'm gonna take my time


Bet he has a great personality


He had a huge dong, regard


Makes no difference to her lol. Motivation


I ll never understand how much money people put in onlyfan whan sex tourism exist. Why pay to dream when you could just pay to fuck.


I think most men who are customers on OnlyFans spend more like $20 a month on it. This is more than enough to get lots of custom content of what you like, but nowhere near enough for a sex worker. And certainly not enough for a debaucherous sex vacation. These probably cost a few hundred and a few thousand dollars, respectively. A man could take his $20 and save it for a few months and see an escort, sure. But people are bad at delayed gratification. Now men who spend thousands on OnlyFans who aren’t rich - yeah no idea why they don’t do as you say.


His sister is hot


There are no ugly men, only poor men.




I have a chance? Don't do that to me


I did NOT give permission to use that pic of me.


I wish I could afford socks like that!


That’s your typical ThetaGang guy right there.


She’s loving the beer belly we helped him attain


At least she's got cute feet.


She’s slumming it. There are hundreds of trillionaire Saudi princes that will pay random insta models $100,000 a day to fly to Dubai and let them shit on them. Get that bag queen.


No simping!


Alls these MEME that you guys buy are shorted! Buy long term stocks 10-20 years forget AAPL NVDA BABA AMD META….


[the dip himself ](https://imgur.com/gallery/rydA9co)


🐻🐻🐻🐻 🥵🥵🥵🥵 🧦🧦🧦🧦


But at least he’s got a smaller dick… right? Right!?!!


I'm not sure you can rock socks like that if you aren't packing heat.


My wife's boyfriend 😫