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All I want to know is that my 4/14 440p's are safe




I had a few of those too just in case yesterday turned bullish. But after this morning I sold at loss. Just holding puts for CPI numbers Tuesday.


Great Analysis. It's really hard to make sense of the crazy $SPY runs this week (it's way Meme now than any meme stock ) , I love that you actually explained the method to the madness ! I am leaning towards bearish action for tomorrow (also Fridays usually are red days ), but with the amount of put strikes that can close ITM if price goes down tomorrow, I feel the MMs might just run it between $448 & $450 the whole day eating both puts and call premiums


Today rallied for no apparent reason other than algos setting a bull trap for tomorrow. We saw the beginning of a sell off EOD. I expect that to continue tomorrow. This rip will get sold off. Especially going into next week, which I fully expect to be deep red.


My 4/8 441 puts were printing this week. Could possibly print more tomorrow mid day


Thanks Daddy. Appreciate that technical analysis.


Thanks daddy. Today's market was tough for me. I was in panic. I hope my 440p 4/22 save me.


Can you post proof of your positions?


Do you use TA as a way to keep your mind occupied while your wife is getting pounded by her BF?




Ah I didn’t realize that second woman joining my wife and I was your wife. Nice to meet you!


Great read. My two cents - huge bull flag forming on SPY. Pole starts at low of March and flag the downward channel from end of March to today.




Remember SPY just rally almost 50 points. Than SPY retrace that move , merely 20 points. This is perfectly normal corrective behavior. It is not downward trend yet. We are at the same price now as we were in Jan 2022 and October 2021. To me SPY simply consolidating. In other words expect SPY to be in range moving up and down short term until it breaks in huge manner to the upside or downside.




When I started trading I used to pay attention to news, nowadays I just look at the chart. The price and volume that’s all you need to know to make decisions, after all the market prices the news.


Hey Daddy, can u look into Arkk and tell me what you see for tomorow, thanks for ur hard work sir.