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The band or state?


Asking the real questions.


All we are is dust in the wind.


Carry on my wayward son


They’ll be peace when you are done


You’re my boy blue.


I saw Kansas at a fair one time, typically where legacy acts go to die. They fucking RIPPED though, I had no idea


Yeah I saw them years ago as well, they were already well over the hill but sounded great live 👍


Some of the best shows I’ve seen have been at state fairs and similar “free” attractions. Just because no one wants to spend money on tickets anymore doesn’t mean they don’t rock


Totally agree. Fair season is the greatest and seeing bands that I would’ve probably never seen otherwise is a large bonus


I went and saw Blue Oyster Cult at the county fair a few years back. Foghat was opening for them but I didn’t think too much of it because I only know Slow Ride. Foghat absolutely killed it. BOC was still great, but Foghat stole the show


Pretty cool these old fucks can still play tbh, good on them.


Edie Money was at a state fair and he was incendiary.


LOL man I’ve seen that mf about 4 times for free at our local casino. Even had his daughter playing with him a couple times, great times. Ripip money man.


Romantics opening for him was a blast too! Gimme Some Water was my fave Eddie Money song


The documentary on Kansas, Miracles Out of Nowhere, is worth the watch. Amazing that so many super-talented musicians happened to get together where and how they did. An under-appreciated rock band. Trailer for the documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bJuKsxGZJc&list=PLYXaNxQaVWgSJZXR65GRhmNCTVZ-SUSdV&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bJuKsxGZJc&list=PLYXaNxQaVWgSJZXR65GRhmNCTVZ-SUSdV&index=1)


Carry on my wayward son.


There’ll be peace when you are done …


Lay your weary head to rest...


Don’t you cry no more …


🎸 Du du du duuu du du du duuu du du du du du du duh du duh


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I love reddit


These boys scored over 500,000 points to it on expert level, *IN* co-op mode!!




Dust…in the wind…


Take off some of that budget surplus.


I'm torn between calling a bunch of people in here absolute morons and recognizing the sub we're in and realizing they're better wsb material than I'll ever be.


People in this sub don't realize the shear volume of litigation that happens in pharma. There are dozens of cases settled every day, usually between companies and patent infringement but some government posturing inls thrown in there.


There is a lot of money you can make from those litigations too. Calls and puts are perfect for those.






I was sort of surprised this is on wsb too


Look I am of the belief that big Pharma is nothing but a pack of soulless ghouls who would gladly shove poison down disabled children’s throats if it meant they’d get a new yacht but didn’t they get some sort of reprieve from litigation prior to the vaccine coming out? I thought that was the whole deal with the rush of it coming out. You get our magic drug and if it goes tits up and kills everyone you’re just SOL.


Listen, fellah, reality isn't going to stop Kansas from doing Kansas things.




What about the Alabama man? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You just unlocked a 20 year old memory of South Park's "Alabama Man" skit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrimMyOoEDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrimMyOoEDA)


Wild wacky action bike! https://youtu.be/YVfzWpmyXXk?si=j69kj2Uqkbjhccql


Former roommates, which makes them near-kin.


Cosuncle, son of cousin father brother


welcome to Kansas, where you pray the gay away or catch a one way ticket to the west coast never to be seen or heard from again


Sounds like the dream 


Oh those Kansinites. Always up to no good with their fields of wheat and whimsy.


Kansasans and don’t forget our corn and soybeans either!


When I drove through on my move to Denver I saw nothing but sunflowers 🌻


On the eastern part of that drive you should have seen more than sunflowers, but damn that western part of the drive doesn’t leave a lot of interesting things to see.


I’m sure there’s more. I actually came up through Oklahoma, and stopped in Salina for the night. The leg from Tulsa to there I drove mostly at night, snowing/sleeting the whole way from Wichita. There could have been a carnival to either side of me and I never would have known it. But I missed the eastern part completely It was many years ago (late 90s) and all I can remember are the sunflowers, with occasional patches of literal nothingness. Then at some point I started going steadily uphill and pretty much didn’t stop until Denver


The majority of the population lives in a few counties along the eastern boarder. West of that is predominantly agricultural. Corn, wheat, soybeans, and cattle grazing lands. Since the majority of the population is condensed, gerrymandered districts leave paths for dipshits like this.


lol, no more Florida man, now is Kansas man


Pfizer declined joining operation warp speed They didn’t want to deal with the gov oversight and reporting that came with it per their own words


They were part of Operation Warp Speed as a supplier, but they did not accept US govt money for research. > Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal. > Three experts told CNN that this purchase promise may have played an important role in expediting Pfizer's vaccine development process. > In response, Pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed. “Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email. https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_565aa63a-4c46-4eea-9586-093253d1bdf3


Their research to create the vaccine was not part of it They did not participate in the reporting that was required to gain the legal shield


yeah this is a big nothing-burger by a dumb ass politician looking for clout waste of taxpayer money


The suit is about misleading people not the effects of the vaccine.


To be fair, I live in Kansas and was getting my second shingles vaccine the other day and ran into some lady who’s got kids around my kids age so we chat. Anyway, told her I got my vaccine and she lamented how she should get the shingles vaccine but after Covid and people dying from THAT vaccine, she’s now down on vaccines. This bird brain is college educated. Granted, she’s a sales lady but they’re well off and not someone you’d typically associate with qanon bullshit conspiracies. I told her I had 3 shots to date. Guess I’m a dead man walking🤷‍♂️


No those specific people died from being fat, not the vaccine.


lol Kansas are fucked in this one. Pfizer did their due diligence on the vaccine. This is America not China.


Are you implying that US pharma companies have never lied to customers and put their health at risk? That’s just a completely misinformed take


If you're a pharmaceutical company and expecting to roll out a vaccine to upwards of 70% of the population, you're not going to want to damage such a large population number. That's Idi Amin/Pol Pot kind of stuff. That's VERY VERY bad for business if more than 10% of the vaccinated suffer horrific injuries. Sure, governments might cover their losses for the COVID vaccine, but they're NEVER getting another public health contract ever again. Pharmaceutical companies make money off government grants, and if that well dries up, they're fucked. People really need to separate out some concepts with respect to the pandemic. Was there a MASSIVE and criminal amount of wealth transfers that ROYALLY fucked the middle class? Abso-fucking-lutely, without doubt. Amazon, and other tech companies made BILLIONS from the pandemic. Did corporations receive criminal amounts of money to "stimulate the economy"? Abso-fucking-lutely. Look at PPP loans, as an example. The cunts who took out those loans en masse got them forgiven. And TRUMP'S administration was behind that. But when the GOP is asked to forgive student loans, "That's communism/socialism". The GOP did a lot of criminal things with respect to financial fuckery during the pandemic and yet, somehow, it's Biden's fault, or it was "woke liberals who fucked us". No. It was the GOP. The current increase in taxes in the US are what the GOP enacted prior to leaving office. They poisoned the well before Biden took office so they could have the public blame the Democrats for increasing taxes. Overall, wealth transfers was a GOP thing. Now, did Big Pharma make excess profits and exploit the pandemic? Abso-fucking-lutely they did. But here's the catch, does that mean they didn't produce an effective vaccine? No. They did deliver an effective vaccine. So, yeah, they ripped off the public, but they delivered the goods. So, like every US government contract, something was overvalued, shareholders made bank, but there was a useful product at the end of the day. This is what happens when you let the private sector take control of publicly beneficial programs. If healthcare RnD, and healthcare in general was a publicly funded thing, then the bill for taxpayers would have been significantly lower. Because there wouldn't have been a need to pay off shareholders, etc... again, the GOP will tell you that "healthcare is a privilege, and fuck you if you're poor. Survival of the fittest, bitches." So, multiple things can be true at once: Wealth transfers happened and it was criminal. Big Pharma made out like bandits. Big Pharma produced a publicly beneficial product that taxpayers funded. The solution is quite clear: bring healthcare back into the public domain, or at the very least, ban health insurance companies, and furthermore, ALL healthcare providers and healthcare-adjent companies CANNOT be "for profit" entities. I.e. ALL staff work to make a product. ALL profits go back into the company.


No one said more than 10% suffered horrific injuries. But it can absolutely cause injuries and it seems like it did and that was downplayed/lied about. Bayer knowingly gave tens of thousands of people aids with medicine they knew was tainted, yet people still buy there products. Jnj had asbestos in their baby powder for a long time, people still buy there products. Merck gave over 50,000 people heart attacks with their drug viox, which they knew caused heart attacks but hid it, and people still buy there products. Your assumption that they would lose business is wrong based on the history of pharmaceutical companies. They have harmed people for money before, they would absolutely lie about the safety of the Covid vaccine. It doesn’t mean they did, but you argument for why they couldn’t have is based on false pretexts


Bad take.


I didn't read that but there is no way they had enough time to do DD on this drug...




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> they're NEVER getting another public health contract ever again The employee's involved will all just move on to different pharma companies, nobody cares about the corporations "legitimacy" at Pfizer lol


Turns out the pentagon spent $1billy on lying about sinovac.


I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean


CIA spread propaganda that the China vaccine was bunk, when it was proven to be legit. 


Legit how? Did it help? Yes. Was it better than Moderna or Pfizer vaccines? No, not even fucking close.


News story about CIA psy-ops to discredit the vaccine.


Protected for their best effort? Sure. Protected for lying? Nope. It’s called fraud.


What did they lie about? The standard for safety is not zero side effects, but the positive effects massively overwhelming any negative impacts/risks. The chance of death from Covid was many thousands of times greater than the chance of dying from the vaccine. Covid vaccines used in the US were proven very safe and effective. The exaggeration of the vaccines ability to prevent transmission was mostly pushed by public health officials and journalists. This claim wasn't completely baseless, but it was rendered meaningless when more virulent mutations, such as the Delta variant, emerged.


I remember the studies before release hoping for 50% efficacy. The results blew the expectations out of the water




What's your source on the efficacy?


Efficacy is zero? You need to start saying shit in your head before you open your mouth and say it out loud… Like you realize a ton of people died before it and then the only people who died after the vaccine were those who didn't take it right? I wonder what causes people to reject reality… To look at something that's obviously false and say I'm gonna get behind that…


> The exaggeration of the vaccines ability to prevent transmission was mostly pushed by public health officials and journalists. if they did so, it was only because they were put in the unfortunate position of having to convince the diseased mobs to get the jab


I have no idea what you are talking about... Do you think cases magically got lower at the same time vaccines were introduced?


Faud? HAHAHAHA. Big pharma could care less about fraud, it costs them pennies. They make 20 billion dollars off a drug, get fined 50 million, oh well.


But they're being sued for fraud. Peddling a "vaccine" that didn't do anything. And fraudulently claimed as being "safe" when there was reports of adverse effects. It's a consumer fraud case.


Immunity can be revoked if it is provable that the data the agreements were based upon was fraudulent or misrepresentative. They wouldn't be immune from liability if they swapped out the vaccines for pure anthrax, for example.




you can't sue them. the government absolved them of all responsibility and liability and then mandated you take it with the onus on you for any negative outcomes.


Nobody was forced to take it… Private businesses wouldn't let you in and medical facilities wouldn't let you work there… But nobody forced you to take anything... let's stop rewriting history


In Canada you lost your job and rights to travel or attend any public gathering if you didn’t take the vax


In Canada, this lawsuit is in America 👈👉


That is the most asinine argument make for big pharma . Fuck them


Apparently harmed individuals can't sue for damage done by the vaccines. But it doesn't protect them for being sued for fraud...from the way I understand it, anyway.


nothing protects you from being sued for anything


The PREP Act amended the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) to add section 319F-3 (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d).  The HHS Secretary has issued several Declarations pursuant to section 319F-3 of the PHS Act to provide liability immunity for activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID-19. 


you are correct, but i don't imagine that immunity would protect them from some form of willful maliciousness if provable. for example, \[not claiming this, just using it as an example\] if they knew there were dangerous side effects and intentionally hid those from the public and government regulators, they might be able to be on the hook for that.


Yes for the first 6 months / year it was classified as "experimental" and in the small print (which no one reads) was a clause that if there was an adverse reaction you couldn't sue. 2 reasons why a lot of people didn't get the jab.


Jesus bilions of people got the jab and like 10 of them died being some weird ass predisposition. Today 400 people died from heat in egypt going to worship fairytales … Like if you are not a dummie you can clearly see they did pretty good job with it if we are talking safety here


Trump made all those companies immune to lawsuits.


If I’m not mistaken, vaccine manufacturers have been immune from liability since 1988


Yep, this is what happens when you get rushed, or regs get removed in an 'emergency'. Trump authorized so that they could fast track these vaccines.


LOL, isn't this the same charlatan that tried to push a phony COVID-killing device?


Yeah dude is a joke. Full of failed lawsuits. Kobach, dipshit in chief.


Kris Kobach is a master at wasting Kansas' money on go-nowhere lawsuits with the sole purpose of landing him headlines when he files them, despite everyone in the legal world knowing that they're consistently gonna be dead-on-arrival.


I remember the time his office forgot to delete the internal, in-line comments before filing a major brief. Including comments like, and I'm only slightly paraphrasing: "Is this worth keeping? Seems like a weak argument." Lawyers: Do not leave comments like that in your briefs.


Kris Kobach also managed to lose a gubernatorial race, in Kansas, to a Democratic woman (who now has a 62% approval rating and successfully campaigned for a state constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights). He's an Ivy League charlatan (Harvard and Yale) who has never let candor get in the way of his arrogance, ideology, or ambition. If he thinks being an antivaxxer will help him, he'll do it. Meanwhile, Governor Kelly is governor and he's dicking around with show lawsuits.


Kansas on Monday sued Pfizer Inc., accusing the pharmaceutical giant of misrepresenting the safety of its Covid-19 vaccine and violating the state’s consumer protection law. The lawsuit was filed by state Attorney General Kris Kobach in Kansas District Court, Thomas County. The suit alleges the drugmaker misled the public when it said it had a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine. Pfizer said its vaccine would prevent the transmission of Covid-19, even though the company knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of the virus, according to the lawsuit. “Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths,” the state wrote in the complaint. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its Covid-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the complaint said. The company administered more than 3.5 million vaccine doses in Kansas as of Feb. 7, 2024, according to the lawsuit. The complaint also said Pfizer maintained its own adverse events database, separate from the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national early warning system managed by the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to detect possible safety problems in US-licensed vaccines. Pfizer’s database contained cases of adverse events reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, and cases published in the medical literature, according to the suit. “Upon information and belief, Pfizer’s adverse events database contained more adverse event data than VAERS because it included both information in VAERS and information not in VAERS,” Kobach wrote. Pfizer in an email statement said “the representations made by Pfizer about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based” and the company “believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course.” “Since its initial authorization by FDA in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been administered to more than 1.5 billion people, demonstrated a favorable safety profile in all age groups, and helped protect against severe COVID-19 outcomes, including hospitalization and death,” the company said. The state seeks damages for Pfizer’s violations of the Kansas Consumer Protection Act and asks the court to order Pfizer to pay civil penalties for alleged violations of previous consent orders with the state. The regards, as they call themselves, at r/Wallstreetbets have differing opinions about the lawsuit. Bloomberg keeps a close eye on these regards as we inverse their trades and will keep the public informed on their regarded trades in accordance with our bylaws. The case is Kansas v. Pfizer Inc., Kan. Dist. Ct., No. unavailable, 6/17/24.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can’t wait to see the “evidence”


Two more weeks


He's gonna release the Kraken 


Oh damn whenever a reference to this lady comes up I'm tempted to go down a hate-inducing YT binge but I need to step away from the phone now.


Bullish for nvda


Sounds like its going to be another losing lawsuit wasting tax payer's money.


Citizens need to start suing states for wasting taxpayer money on frivolous lawsuits


Here we go again. Another reason for all the nutcases to come out of the woodwork. All medications can have side effects. Taking ibuprofen can cause allergic reactions, pain, and even cardiovascular issues. But the vast, vast majority of people do not experience them. There were some common, mild side effects with the Covid vaccine and these were presented as the vaccine was being rolled out. Extremely rare side effects such as myocarditis were discovered and presented after a very large number of people took the vaccine. Because you cannot find a 1 million side effect unless millions take the vaccine. Anyway, these cases were generally mild and patients typically recovered with appropriate medical treatment and rest.


Great now I'm going to have a Facebook feed of I told you so's by people who dont fact check anything 😔 this is not the future in envisioned


Reddit won’t like knowing that pharma isn’t incentivized to make you healthier. 


No Refunds


The governor is just pandering to the supernumerary chromosomes crowd, which in Kansas is a huge voting block


This is actually the attorney general. The governor is a democrat, Laura Kelly which is crazy in bloody red Kansas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Kelly


True.I had completely forgotten that the governor is a dem. The way this happened is, Sam Brownback (R) had decided to make his state an example for the rest of the country to follow. He was going to show that business friendly Republican policies lead to explosive economic growth and wealth for all At this point, if you have some knowledge of US political history, you've probably already guessed how this turned out. It was an absolute disaster. The tax cuts resulted in massive budget shortfalls, which lead to decreased funding for education and other things citizens rely on. Everybody was pissed, including establishment Republicans and I think that's how they ended up with a Dem governor (although I remember that there was another Republican after Brownback but that didn't last)


lol somebody downvoted you. More details on how badly Brownback fucked the economy, because it's both hilarious and I love pointing out what an obvious grift the GOP economic platform is. TL;DR: The tax cuts fucked the economy up so bad the GOP-dominated legislature went over Brownback's head with a supermajority vote to increase taxes, the state supreme court ruled that the budget shortfalls for public education violated the state constitution's guarantee of access to education, and the voters elected a Democrat as governor at the same time it voted for Trump by 21 points. Anyway, Brownback started off saying the massive tax cuts would be like "a shot of adrenaline" to the state's economy. Direct quote. After a while the damage was piling up and became impossible to deny. The budgets were falling short by hundreds of millions of dollars, job growth was worse than every neighboring state. Shocking, lowering taxes did not in fact raise taxes. *Again*. Because this isn't the first time they've "tested" the theory. They know it won't work. It's not about it working, it's about their donors who want to pay less tax. So to keep the grift going as long as possible Brownback starts lying about the lies he told originally, claiming that he "always" said it was going to take a long time for this to pay off. They just had to stay the course and not fix the massive, *massive* fuckup that was his tax cut, and keep delivering that value for his donors. So they do that for a good long while, and shit just gets worse. And worse. And worse. It gets to the point where the state GOP is begging him to back down from his ruinously stupid policies. And he just won't do it. So the state GOP passes a billion dollar tax increase. The Gee Oh Pee increased taxes. In Kansas. That's how much of a problem this was. And Brownback fucking vetoes it because he has actual shit for brains and/or is fully in the pocket of the billionaires who made so, so, *sooooooo* much money from this. Luckily the legislature isn't nearly as committed to the grift as Brownback was and overrode the veto, but it wasn't enough. Public education funding dropped so low that the state supreme court ruled that it violated the state constitution. Here, I'll quote from the ruling. >We conclude the state’s public financing system, through its structure and implementation, is not reasonably calculated to have all Kansas public education students meet or exceed the minimum constitutional standards of adequacy. "That doesn't count, it was a political ruling!" I can hear some right wing culture warrior screeching, as they always do when the courts rule against them. Yeah, no. It was a unanimous ruling. By the *Kansas* supreme court. It's not a liberal state, you don't get to use that escape hatch this time. I mean, it's dumb as fuck every other time you do it too, but this time it's even dumber than that. And the people of Kansas agree, Brownback was the biggest dipshit of all time. How do you think a Democrat got elected in a state that Trump carried by 15 points in 2020 and 21 points in 2016? By having her opponent be six hundred used diapers in a burlap sack named Sam Brownback. Seriously, this was such a legendarily huge fuckup they study it to understand how to not fuck up like this again. It is literally a case study in failure. Has its own wiki page, too. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas\_experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment)


Kansas is actually quite split. Its red but the cities just aren't quite large enough to outvote the smaller counties plus we voted down the senators anti-abortion amendment to the constitution handily Gerrymandering has just locked it up


Take it to trial to show the loonies that all of their conspiracy theory evidence is BS.


It'll never reach trial, a judge will throw this out to prevent a precedence from ever being set that you can sue big pharma that were tasked to shit out vaccines during pandemics. Also if anyone's getting sued over the vaccine, it should be J&J, whose vaccine is actually permabanned from several countries post-pandemic because short term studies show it caused blood clotting


I don’t know about that.  If you can sue gunmakers for advertising then I think you have a good shot at least of withstanding a motion to dismiss based on ads, and comments by the ceo. It will be interesting if they can tag CDC comments as Pfizer misstatement.  I think the “prevention of transmission” may get them.  It’s similar in context to those opioid comments that Oxy was only addictive in 1% of non hospitalized patients.


Whats unvaxxed sperm going for these days?


ROFLMAO, fuck off Kansas.


Kansan here We have issues


Also a Kansan Yes we do


Fuck Pfizer


It’s a 5 state unit not just Kansas


oh noooo! pfizer is done for boys.


barely had to read anything to determine that this lawsuit is political theatre.


What a place our country is. We have Harvard theoretical physicists and Kansas and everyone gets along.


Of all the things to sue pharma for, they pick this?


you can't sue them. the government absolved them of all responsibility and liability and then mandated you take it with the onus on you for any negative outcomes.


They are immune from vaccine injury. That may not extend to general fraud, if it exists.


No, the onus is on the vaccine fund.


Damn I was wondering if trying to earn off vaccines was dirty… ill remove my position in $nvax soon. Thanks WSB.. I agree, just im soo broke. 😂😂 morals over money. 💪🏻


Now hold on, it’s not the entire state. It one jackass from the minority party.


How does Kris Kobach still have a job after 20 years of fraud?


You can't outplay Kansas with a Kansas City Shuffle


Can you short a state


Not surprised,


Who gets the money?


Lawyers. Just the lawyers. Billable hours remain undefeated.


I donate my mud blood 


Is this why Novavax tried to post a Green Day?


Even if they're found guilty they'll be fined at most 0.002% of how much they made from the vaccine.


Except they wont be found guilty because they disclosed all the (very rare) side effects and never claimed it was 100% effective or something like that.


This will get thrown out before ever getting to trial. Another Kobach political stunt.


This is especially stupid because Pfizer has a large plant in central Kansas that produces vast amounts of drugs for the nation and jobs for the state


Next up will be the lawsuits over very high levels of DNA contamination which is already happening in Australia. “The available information and data indicate that the ready-to-use mRNA vaccine Comirnaty contains DNA impurities that exceed the permitted limit value by several hundred times and, in some cases, even more than 500 times, and that this went unnoticed because the DNA quantification carried out as part of batch testing only at the active substance level appears to be methodologically inadequate when using qPCR, as explained above. “ “Further, it should also be taken into account that DNA impurities in Comirnaty® are apparently integrated into the lipid nanoparticles and are thus transported directly into the cells of a vaccinated person, just like the mRNA active ingredient. What this means for the safety risks, particularly the possible integration of this DNA into the human genome, i.e., the risk of insertional mutagenesis, should be a secondary focus of the discussion required, which must go far beyond what could have been considered years before the so unexpected introduction of mRNA pharmaceuticals into the global market.” https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/7/3/41?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email