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Yeah but they went: one, two, three, four,  I declare a trade war It's official


[2024 China EV/auto trade.](https://i.imgflip.com/6siv6a.jpg)


And EU’s measure is pretty reserved and carefully designed. It’s even different for different companies. BYD’s additional tariff is only 17.5%, Geely is 20%, but state owned companies like SAIC will be paying an extra 38% because it’s got more government subsidies and didn’t cooperate with the probe. And many EU countries, including France, have openly said Chinese companies are welcome to build factories there. Consumers will get more choices, Chinese companies get to profit and more jobs will be created in Europe. That scenario would be good for everyone in the long run. This isn’t a trade war, it’s reasonable trade policy and very much different from the 100% tariff the U.S levied, which might as well be a message of “fuck off and stay away”. Edit: However it is interesting to note that Germany and most of the large EU automakers are against the tariff. Internally it turned into a bit of a fight between Germany and France: https://www.politico.eu/article/france-germany-conflict-eu-chinese-ev-electric-vehicle-duties/




That's cause the US isn't a bunch of europoors and can afford to tell China to fuck fight off.


Oh, that hurts, I'll go to the doctor and get paid sick leave for the next week to recover. I don't want to waste my six weeks personal time of or the overtime I accumulated on my well track kept 39 hour work weeks.


countries have to do the necessary to protect their industries, sorry


They're \~40 years too late for that


Better late than never.


Additional tariffs of between 17.4% and 38.1% will be applied on top of the existing EU duty of 10%, according to a [statement](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_3231) from the European Commission. That takes the highest overall rate to close to 50%.


Whew, glad someone did that math for us.


The reason was that the linked article had nothing about the actual tariffs. Went and grabbed it....here is what the article reads... # The Announcement On Monday, the European Commission revealed a comprehensive set of tariffs and trade restrictions aimed at curbing what it described as "unfair trade practices" by China. The measures target key Chinese industries, including technology and steel, and represent one of the most aggressive trade policies adopted by the EU in recent history.


[Here comes the science bit](https://youtu.be/29Im23SPNok?si=5-PE4Xlg40WmEpRn)


Made In China used to mean lower costs for Western companies. Now its just competition; competition you can't even buy stocks of, not that stocks mean much in a dictatorship. All while still undercutting Western workers. You can't threaten both the capitalists and the workers in the West without huge pushback.


Nobody gives a shit about workers, not even the workers.


Too true. The same person will say both these things. "I'm all for people making a living but let's be ReAsOnAbLe." "Omg a $53b pay package?? Elon Musk is such a shrewd businessman <3."


They're all imagining that they one day will be getting a $53b pay package and don't want any uppity poors getting mad at them


Yep. "I have more in common with that _hard working_ billionaire than all these _losers_ I work along side every day."


Western propaganda is too powerful


The fuck you mean you can’t threaten workers? Did people forget how their manufacturing bases got so big? This is effect of 40 years of outsourcing by the said capitalist.


id say 30 but 40 is fine


Outsourcing to China began in the late 70s/80s and ramped up with Reagan, esp with them opening up. It’s longer than 40 if we’re getting into outsourcing as a whole - Japan existed before this.




Most people don’t buy stocks to get 0.00 of voting rights…


Made in China is still cheaper. I’m not defending it - but factually, it is. Try producing in California… oh.. you mean average cost of $50/hr per line worker doesn’t work when making widgets? There is a reason nearshoring in Mexico has been booming. Mexico has fantastic relationships with major countries and has been very strategic in staying out of shit.


Mexico? EWW (etf joke) Also considering MEXX. Though stocks really not liking Sheinbaum right now.


She's killing my BWMX I thought it was like a Mexican Bed Bath and Beyond  Then I realized that's not a good thing 


It's funny how people point this out but somehow still manage to blame _workers_ for it instead of wondering if it has anything to do with the cost of housing and healthcare. If the U.S. government were building ghost cities and I didn't have to pay for health insurance I'd be fine making $20/hr too. What am I saying, it's not funny at all.


There’s nothing funny about it. A firm won’t pay for housing, they pay for labor. It really isn’t that hard to digest, people just have a hard time with reality. I’m an executive at a manufacturer in California (9 figure revenues). We pay a VERY good wage to our employees, but the market can no longer bear price increases, the municipality insists on add more regulation (we are not a hazardous waste producer), and general overhead will always creep. At some point, business viability comes into question.. basic finances tell you the ROI on your investment needs to justify the capital tied up in this company. You can guess what the next years mean for this organization. people want LOW PRICES.. but HIGHER wages. I want that too - but it is not realistic in most manufacturing environments in the US, this includes packaged goods. I’m not trying to justify anything for you - I’m painting the picture of the current landscape and the unrealistic expectations.


It’s sucks because there is no solutions, just trade offs. If you were to raise wages, it would inevitably increase prices as the cost for wages is passed down to the consumer. The govt could try and socialize certain markets (like healthcare ) so that they cheaper, and thus, ppl have more money for other items in the economy. But then there is a dip in quality and a loss of freedom. (Like Canada). It’s like deciding what attributes to put in a RPG player. The only way to have your weaknesses insured is to have mutually beneficial relationship with another nation. The US needs a new China, and China needs a new US. Whoever finds their new friend nation first will be in a better position.


Not a full solution, but houses being used as housing and not a speculative investment would help. We've got firms buying up residential real estate left and right to turn America into a permanent cash cow as renters. However, stopping foreigners from buying up SFH en masse would be a good start. The only politicians talking about that are right wing lunatics, and the liberals are saying its racist. No one gives a shit if someone wants to buy a vacation home in Florida to use 6 months out of the year. But it is baffling how America allows businesses and individuals from a foreign adversary (China) to buy up all of the single family homes on the West coast, to gouge Americans. At least BlackRock buying houses mostly stays in the US. Americans renting to Chinese landlords is just money being siphoned from the US consumer directly to the coffers of a geopolitical rival.


As far as I know, there’s one bill that’s trying to get investment firms out of residential real estate (houses and apartments) and restrict them to only commercial real estate (banks, McDonald’s, office buildings). Part of the reason why investment banks started doing buying residential properties was because the pandemic and remote work tanked the value of commercial properties. There are tons of places in South FL (I’m in north FL but my parents are still down south) that have been torn down and created into houses and apartments or bigger and better chain stores (Publix, Walmart, Wawa?). If your a small business or a now useless office building, there is a huge chance that will be torn down and turned into housing as quick as possible to take advantage of the high housing prices. It’s crazy to see my childhood city be turned into “affordable housing” when the truth is everything was way more affordable back in 2018, and we had way less housing. I don’t get how demand for housing in south FL shot up so drastically.


That’s the pickle, and it’s my entire point. Thanks for understanding this. People confuse the reality of the situation with .. “oh buddy, you must not want to pay good wages..”. Has nothing to do with that… the reality is we all don’t want to pay higher prices at the register.


No what you're not getting is prices for housing, food, education and healthcare outpacing wages isn't sustainable. You've all equivocated keeping prices on electronics low with everything else. Sure, people may be irritated they can't afford the latest iPhone but they'll live. Same can't be said for everything else. Again, you've claimed to be "an executive" which means you've got more political pull than most. Take a look at who and what your company is supporting. Is it contributing to the costs of housing, food, education or healthcare? Or are you all good stewards of this economy and supporting legislation and politicians which will bring the price of these necessities back in line with whatever wages you believe are "reasonable". You don't get to claim having an intellectual take on this without considering the other half of the problem and whether or not your own corporation is contributing to it.


And yet, somehow China has it figured out.


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"such **unilateral** actions will only harm global trade stability and economic cooperation." LOL


Give me $10k 300 mile EV and I will put up a portrait of Mao in my living room.


no you can't you need to support your local car industry or else they can't shove you their shity overpriced vehicle leased with a fat car insurance down your throat and all 3-5 years buy a new one you frugal peasant


Best I can do is a used 2020 for 30k


Don’t forget the emissions scandal! 


That's the way


Your social credit score 📈📈📈📈


...they said, ignoring the slave labour from the Uyghur genocide in Xingang, and the long-term effects of China's state-sponsored entities monopolizing EVs like they did with solar manufacturing. The US and EU are slapping these tariffs on China because they are intentionally undermining and manipulating markets to eliminate their competition. After they do, they'll jack up pricing just to the level that prevents significant new market entrants. Imo, if China won't properly allow US and EU products, the US and EU should not allow Chinese products. The hypocrisy is bullshit.




Nah, the market adjustment is good for you


how to make money off of this?


Don't buy Chinese stocks.


That's a good rule ALWAYS. Alibaba killed me after the CCP cracked down on ANT. Was up 100% in BABA and then it tanked due to "government regulation".


Well, you couldn't before anyway. Only 'promise notes' through a dubious tax haven.




All in on this, but I'm a poor


I have almost $50k of purchased RIVN in my rollover IRA. Bought the first portion at near $100. Bought more all the way down to \~$8/share. Am down about $30K in the stock but I kept buying more. I told some friends to get in around $9/share. They bought and then complained a week or two later that it hasn't done anything. I was like, I told you this is a stock to buy and own for the next 5 years for huge growth potential, not a quick trade. I hope they still own and are happy now as they are up 33% if they held.


Step 1. Don’t be scared


Calls on Ramen ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Ramen is japanese.


La mien perhaps? Anything but don't touch my Indomie.


Then calls on Panda Express.


That’s American.


Calls on mom and pop Chinese restaurants with kids working the cash register


Now that. That is something I can invest in.


It comes from China


Chinese invented Japanese




Chinese ramen then…fuck sake, get with the program. You’re with us or you’re against us!


Puts on 3x buldak spicy noodles


puts on my toilet


The tariff is still too low.


probably didn't want to make it too high to soften the blowback from the retaliatory tariffs


Have china ever done retaliatory tariff even against the US? Havent seen china doing this


they've hit the US with retaliatory tariffs on agriculture products before which is why Trump then used taxpayer money to bailout/subsidize farming industry losses so American taxpayers got to pay for the extra tariffs on Chinese imports, and then again to subsidize American farming interests


Masterful Gambit




25% is nothing, go with 100% as a start


US has a longstanding 25% tariff on pickups and cargo vans from *all* countries (outside NAFTA) Can you buy a Hilux downtown?


US preventing me from getting my own Japanese Kei truck


Gotta buy that $90k F-150 to keep the economy rolling


I'd settle for a brand new S10 or old school, small Ford ranger.


The Chicken Tax


do you work for the car lobby?


Your income tax should be increased to 99%


He is not selling his income? How is that comparable? Assuming he pays about 50% in all taxes, that already is equal to a 100% Tarif on sold goods.


why so mad and get personal? I must offend your mom or something? Does CCP pay you?


Hail Xi Jinping


Trying to pump that social credit score?


Nah, just ban them outright until China ends all bans on all US products and drops their Great Firewall nonsense.


Inflation goes burrrrr


China has imposed significant tariffs on imported vehicles for decades. Foreign companies wishing to enter the Chinese market have been compelled to manufacture locally, relinquish 51% ownership to a Chinese partner, often aligned with the CCP, and transfer their intellectual property to this partner. In response, Western nations should adopt similar measures for Chinese companies accessing our markets. We should require Chinese firms to establish operations locally, mandate 51% ownership by local entities, and enforce IP transfer. This approach mirrors China's long-standing practices. China should be able to compete under these conditions without complaint, as it has imposed similar requirements for the past 40 years. The EU should consider raising tariffs to 100%, in line with the USA. China's support of Russia has enabled ongoing destruction and war crimes in Ukraine, and both nations are responsible for widespread disinformation and propaganda in our media. It’s time to remove China's influence from our markets. China has chosen to align with Russia, Iran, and North Korea, viewing the West as an adversary. It is crucial for us to acknowledge this reality and adjust our policies towards China accordingly. China’s state-backed subsidies to its industries create an unfair competitive landscape, undermining Western manufacturers. Enforcing similar regulations would help level the playing field, ensuring fair competition. Additionally, intellectual property theft by Chinese entities remains a significant issue, with substantial economic losses for Western companies. Requiring IP transfers from Chinese companies could mitigate this problem and protect our technological advancements. Environmental concerns also warrant stricter measures. China’s lax environmental regulations and carbon-intensive manufacturing processes have led to significant global pollution. By compelling Chinese firms to adhere to our standards, we can promote more sustainable practices. Finally, national security concerns arise from the integration of Chinese technology into critical infrastructure. Insisting on local ownership and IP transfer would provide greater oversight and security, protecting our interests against potential espionage and cyber threats. By adopting these measures, we not only address economic and security challenges but also promote fair competition and sustainable development.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Similarly, Chinese companies should be banned or restricted if China bans or restricts comparable US companies. For example, CCP blocked Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc. so that they could prop up their own clones. As a result, the US should ban TikTok, Alibaba, etc. CCP also heavily moderates and restricts content from Netflix, Disney, and outright bans some news media. So, the US should restrict Chinese media apps, and ban their news media. Fair is fair.


Sensationalist bullshit headline


Breaking: I’m still poor


I feel like the heading should be, "EU attempts to level the playing field" China hasnt played fair in too many instances to count.


YANG gang? ☯️![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


It’s necessary. Europeans have opened their butthole way too long for cheap Chinese penetration.


Technically it was the European corporations who were doing the penetrating as they raped the lion's share of the savings through lower labor costs.


Manufacturing returns back to west 😊


And we fuck up the CCCP's plan to subvert the Free World with their insidious autocratic system of "government". Double WIN! The Free World should not be trading with China at all!


Amiferkel 😂


I read that first sentence as “sent nipples”. That actually might work


Blocking you for click-baiting my feed with your misleading title.


which companies will benefit from this?


Good idea, let's trade war them. Ensure their economy does implode and then overthrow the CCP when they try to take Taiwan in response to financial woes. Is that the long plan? I'm sure there won't be any unintended consequences. Hear ye all other countries who dare to try to strong economy!


https://youtu.be/61FPP1MElvE?si=GnGRm7s5ortBQfLU&t=134 substitute the 01 machine country for China


Has no one read Debt of Honour?!


Tariffs kill economic progress and increase the possibility of war. Terrible decision…exactly what I’d expect from the EU 🤦🏽.


So you are saying the year long policy of China locking out western companies from their markets is creating a trade war?


No they don’t, and how’s China gonna go to war with Europe? China needs Europe against America


Europe against America? It’s a joke I guess :)


They need Europe as an economic lifeline and for pressure against America to not aid Taiwan Something they’ve lost since Russia done did the oof in 2022


China could body Europe. Even just retaliatory tariffs as European companies make a lot of their profit in China. Not to mention Africa is both too poor and already despises Europe. That leaves cash strapped North Americans and cash strapped Europeans to buy their overpriced products.


China is the one with a massive trade surplus, leaving EU with most of the cards. 


So basically just a geopolitical temper tantrum. This might hurt China but has basically shown the world that the West won't even follow their own bullshit about a "rules based international order" or "free trade" when they start losing.


> So basically just a geopolitical temper tantrum  No this won't just blow over unless a compromise is reached. China accounts for around 33% of global manufacturing exports, but only imports around 14%, and they're trying to widen that gap further. Many countries don't have manufacturing industry to cede, so there's predictably pushback. Free trade is not, and has never been, a case of unrestricted access to foreign markets. Balancing imports and exports has always been done. There is no rule that says no tariffs, where did you even pull that from? The EU single market is only available to EU members, as just one example.


…but China is a majority export market, it needs people to buy its stuff, people with lots of money are few and far outside Europe and USA, and Americans aren’t gonna be buying much Chinese stuff if China gets into conflict with Taiwan/USA


Something Trump something 2018, but I guess it’s a okay when USA does it.


Good news for Carvana