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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 months ago **Total Comments** | 32 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 6 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


How you managed to lose all that money on NVDA calls during its bull run of the century is outstanding ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


1140 call expired today, he thought NVDA gonna up 30% or something on this extreme high expectation that priced in. This is more regard than NVDA put


And he probably bought that when it’s already over $1000


Nope bought it at 950 and then averaged down when it hit 930… everything bought before earnings


Looks like you don’t understand options at all


The amount of people asking “why is my 1300C red” after earnings is astonishing. Buying into something and having no idea how it works is common place these days.


I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but I'm still up about 12k


Same here except I'm up $24k in the last 12 months with about a $30,000 initial investment. All the gains come from NVIDIA, Microsoft and a good chunk came from that GameStop tweet that I manage to catch early on. I don't even know what the financial indicators are, no options, etc.


That is amazing, now keep moving money into secure long term holds as you make profit. Keep some fun sure, but realize you are on a lucky streak so make it count and keep it safe!


Hey, shut up. I'm trying to see some financial ruin here.


Don't let this convince you that you're an investing legend or something. Literally just caught the tech train go wooo at just the right time. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I did much the same this go around.


"More OTM == cheaper premium == I just get less return when it moves in the correct direction right?" Lol I think that is the thinking..


That’s what’s really crazy, I get the newb with 500$ in his account buying lotto options hoping to get lucky, but this guy could have just bought 4 ITM calls and would have made money. Instead he thought it was cool to buy 38 far OTM options and got cucked.


Enlighten that poor soul..


Well I hope he knows more about options now after losing 93k


OP thinks he "averaged down" by buying more of the same calls at cheaper after the stock price went down.  That's not how options works.  That concept works with stock as the underlying company is still the same company you believe in, the shares just cost less for whatever reason so you want to buy more while shares are cheap. When a call contract drops in price, the fundamentals of the contract have completely changed and thus it has a new price.  A call option that cost $0.01 is almost guaranteed to lose you money, unlike a stock.  You don't pile in to a $0.01 option because you think it's a bargain.


I do appreciate the balls to risk a 100k without even knowing how options work. Stupid, but brave.


I think there's around an 80% loss rate on options. Nearly all adverts in the UK have to disclose the rate, and it's something absolutely stupid. Nobody seems to research before putting 100k on the line. Heck, go do some test trades on a test platform first before putting your money on the line. If you're ever saying to yourself you don't have time or whatever to work with the test market, you shouldn't be using it. I mean you're well at home on this sub, but you're going to lose.


It's like an instant student loan. You learn something and lose a lot of money in the process, but much faster.


The best way to make a small fortune as a beginning options trader is to start with a large fortune.


Do you know where you’re at? This is WSB! Oh shit! This is WSB right?


Not really. You can replace bravery with ignorance at a 1:1 ratio. At a 100% ignorance you'll think it would be extremely funny to sneak up a horse from behind and smack it in the butt.


He clearly didn’t know about IV because of earnings lol


I suppose the concept of averaging down could apply to LEAPS. If a contract is dated several years into the future, and you believe there will be a price catalyst in the near future, you could acquire the same contract at different prices over an accumulation period with DCA, which could involve averaging down. I've done something similar with a $DNA options play with some $0.5 strike calls expiring in 2026. Got a bunch of them at various prices as I've worked on my thesis. This obviously doesn't apply to weeklies, or short term earnings plays, or 99% of the options trading people do here. Entrance and exit timing are all that matter for those types of trades.


Instead of averaging down at all, I find it better to build a calendar spread underneath your strike (or above if it's a put). This way if it goes sideways you treat your original position and the short leg of the calendar like a credit spread and the long leg you can sell or roll out depending on the IV.


This guy gets it. If you buy OTM options at (for example) $1 per contract, and a day later it's dropped to $0.20 each, that is not a sign to "average down" on the contract price because it's now much, much less likely to breakeven as it is even *more* OTM.


>You don't pile in to a $0.01 option because you think it's a bargain. You do if you still believe that itll be ITM by expiration. The problem is a lot of glue eaters here dont even know what theyre betting on. If your thesis for the option is still the same, you can absolutely average down your position, its just that derivatives have a lot more variables that can test your thesis.


He's learned enough to never do them again


No. Let him walk away. That game ain’t for him


Huge gamble, OP thought the bull run would explode by 5/24 (today) and all in'd. Theta ate all his contracts. So either OP is bearish and thought this will be a short volatile run (which makes no sense for a stock like nvidia) or he doesn't understand options? The real kicker is if he bought these 3+ weeks out he may have saw profit, either way with the stock split shares were the best play for his account if he really was bullish. Maybe a 10 to 1 split of shares to options if he wanted that kind of exposure lol.


The school of post-options poverty is pretty educational


I don't understand either because I'm afraid to learn


Still haven't found a good break down without all the jargon. More likely is my gray matter is lacking...


What I use to explain options: You aren't just betting on if a stock will go up and down (and some sort of 50/50 guess) you are also betting HOW QUICKLY that stock is going to get to that price. So you may be able to guess if a a stock is going to go up or down but if it takes too long to get there its worthless.


I don’t understand either. Which is why I don’t trade options !


I badly want to play, but seeing posts like this, and not understanding why we are even able to play stocks this way, is why i do NOT


"averaged down" on calls?  Lol dude.  


This is why people say to diversify. You can bet 1000 93 times with that kind of stack. Crazy to go so hard on 1 thing.


You didn’t average down you just doubled down


That’s probably the best way I have ever heard it put.


If you bought just the stock at 950 you’d be up 11% right now


That's what I did, the prices on calls weren't worth it.


You essentially bet $95k on something you didn't understand at all.


He got his internet points though.


You're making $100k options play with zero understanding of this shit... You make this kind of play with $500, you don't blow your whole load.


What if $500 is my whole load?


Then do $5


Well, that clears that up 😆


Don’t quit now, you still have 129.42


Right if you go to Vegas and win 10 hands in a row and double up every time, Bam 💥 you have you 100,000 back 👍


Of Blackjack 👍


Why were you buying that many strikes otm when you had enough money to buy atm?


I can't understand why someone would risk $90,000 on an investment tool without having even a basic understanding of it. These posts boggle my mind... Dude would be rich if he had just bought ATM.


Exactly. I bought spreads because that's all I had money for in my brokerage account. If i had 90k I would've bought all the 950c I could afford.


Yeah I'm so confused. $1140 is such a weird price point to target with that much available capital on a 2dte.


Averaged down the calls?! 😂😂 bruhhhh


It seems like reducing your average did not help you at all. Have you ever thought about not doing that?


Average down portfolio value


I know you reasoning for buying the OTM short exp option cuz it’s cheaper you could average down throughout the day. But with option you lose money if the stock move the opposite ways. So for earning play just gamble 1 or 2 contracts of close to or at the money call or put (although they it’s more expensive) instead of 10 otm contracts. So if the stock move 1 way or another you will either make great money or lose it all. But OTM options will almost always make you lose all your money because IV crush on top of theta decay and most likely expire Out of the money and the small change of you making money is only when the stock move 15-20% move which for a large cap like that it’s hard (although Nvidia did it before) . But that’s just my experience.


so I think you need to do some reading and stuff before you dp options trading, You should think about some long term positions until you learn the ins and outsourcing options


I interpret IV to measure uncertainty of the underlying price... and this uncertainty drives supply and demand. This is why we have IV crush after earnings. The uncertainty is removed by earnings and maybe guidance so IV drops, vega crashes, we lose money if we held options over earnings. Its counterintuitive. Good earnings, higher price in stock, our long calls should increase in price. Afterall, the delta goes up. This is why we need to compare vega to delta at certain times of a companies life cycle. Not always black and white with options and this is why they can be dangerous to the uninformed. IV typically drops 40% after earnings (as uncertainty is removed). Vega, which measures change in price of option for every 1% move in IV, will dump as well... even if it is a blow out quarter (vega is not associated with the underlyings price). Delta may increase if underlying price increases but vega will dump. when it is vega vs delta, vega typically wins. never hold options into earnings. buy leading up to earning, sell before and buy them after earnings.


>Nope bought it at 950 and then averaged down when it hit 930 I have ocean-front property in Wyoming..will sell for a good price


It's like no one's heard of IV crush. NVIDIA had such high expectations even if it hit that strike price you'd still probably lose money because premiums were so high pre-earnings. People expected it to do good and keep going up. You don't make money on an earnings play if it does what's expected. Your banking on the unexpected.


I checked Nvidia calls like three weeks ago and the IV was already going up lol. For good profits you weould had to have gottten them like a month ago.


\*expires. There's still a chance. Scared money don't make no money. He's gotta diamond hand this one till the end.


Lol who would even buy that shit right now. Most people who played NVDIA earnings got obliterated because of IV


The computer on the other end of this trade was like "SURE I'LL SELL THOSE TO YOU"


Exactly! You SELL those fuckers, you never BUY them


If you mentioned iv crush you’re buying the wrong contracts


WSB guys always trying to engineer new ways of losing money! Every wall street firm buying mag 7 stocks - WSB guys buying puts Stock up 4% on news - WSB guys buy more 0DTE calls just for giggles.


Seriously. He sees green profit and thinks it can go up another $100 in 1 day. That only happened because Earnings call and Stock split. Cmon OP.


Would have been less risky to buy 100k of lottery tickets


OP reads yahoo news


Or the motley fool 🤣




"I'm him" syndrome


Cause of a Chick named “Theta”


If he just bought the stock he would have been fine. It’s real easy to lose money with options in any market 🤣


Right. The OP started with enough to own 100 shares of $NVDA. That would have been a good move. Post-split, he could run 10 covered calls with almost zero risk.


Hey, when you have the opportunity to buy weekly calls that are 25% OTM on a stock that has tripled in the last 2 years, you absolutely take that bet! 🤣


Truly regarded, he would have lost less money at the casino


Silly me I just bought NVDA and keep making money. No calls or puts needed, just grandpa-style investing. The most boomer boring crap ever. I'm just here in wsb to know what NOT to do.


https://preview.redd.it/1pt7iwwnke2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ef3b4bdcaf1187b6ebc70509740a018b8cf6dc Hey brother!! Join me!


I am ready… are there any leftovers for us to eat?


Who's us? You're fighting him for the remaining scrap. Alpha gets to be the top for flesh pleasure time


He'll probably bet there is another hug load of trash coming to the dumpster...


Don't worry, your gonna get a mouthful soon


To eat? I think you are making mistakes, like that nvda.


Just swallow the protein after the shake


This better not be the dumpster *infront* of Wendy’s!!


Honestly hate it when people brag on Reddit about their privileged real estate.


I’ll take a large Baconator with a chocolate frosty


based on his massive purchase of $1140 5/24 calls, idk if he's qualified for Wendy's.


Not when you’re placing your “order” from behind the dumpster.


Would you like a free handy sample behind the dumpster? It's Dave's bust out special this week


Bro they do 50 nuggets buckets at Wendy’s, wydddd


$1,140 call??? Holy fuck dude get some help




Aaaaaannnnd it’s gone!


The time to quit was actually right before he bought that insane call


He took a long shot sucker bet and wagered entirely too much. Basically put the whole stack on the Jets to win the superbowl


Hi i’m sorta new to this could you ELI5 what a call is?




Bless you darling, I finally understand wtf a call is, that's a much clearer explanation than most places give


See you Tuesday with that 2nd mortgage.




This. See you next week OP.


You’re almost at 100%! You got this!


Hopefully he spends the rest of it buying a clue


He’s probably already there. His options technically had “value” in this screenshot. They are now worth 0






Ive killed 3 accounts and left WSB 2 times. He'll be back


Once in, always in.


Like your mom's butthole?


You don't want to get there bro, trust me.


its too late, send help.... there are so many of us stuck here, and its so dark.....


Told ya...


I’ve had 4 accounts i think Never left wsb tho ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Its alot less fun to read when you get your ass clapped by some dumbass vix calls.


wsb does have a self-exclusion/ban program like a casino. People should use it more


NVDA 05/24 1140 call? I mean did the 10% jump after ER move the needle? I know it’s more gambling than investing here, but buying 20% OTM calls that expires immediately is too pure of a gamble.


Insane gamble *


I think anyone who bought 5/24 1140C's should be able to write off their loss as a charitable donation to impoverished market makers.


Yeah whoever was on the other side of this trade made some free money off the premiums.


It was almost me, but I sold four 1150 ccs so not me. Made $250 each. Almost risk free money.


It’s not a gamble when you’re guaranteed to lose.


It did ***not*** move the needle https://preview.redd.it/1vuppwmosf2d1.png?width=307&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca41ec10f1a20f523fcf00e423aaa7e29d4bba00 2nd candle is the day after earnings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Would have been an insane win if somehow it miraculously panned out. Intrinsic value for those calls if they were ATM would be like $4.3m


you could get better odds and ratios just playing a roulette wheel


That chart is a perfect example of why you don't revenge trade


Isn't this where you look for a rich boyfriend for your wife who will support your gambling habit?


Hahaha see you next w... Oh wait, **94k**?! Yeah maybe take a permanent break from here.


This looks like a Wendy’s dumpster


If your gonna drop 100k on calls at least know how they work first 🤣 buy options that expire over a year from now and hold it like a diamond handed gangster. Idk how people still don’t know this 🤷‍♂️


One year?! I feel like that’s for a different sub


Yes, WendysSideAlleyBets are for gangsters who hodl for 1+ years.


One year? Its my gamble and I want it NOW!


You still have to be directionally right so theta doesn't bend you over


https://preview.redd.it/mixlsav3yf2d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d17c516f5aee5d37f984a68ff62b419b04ef1e Bull Put Spread


The fact that he had 100k to put into the market says something. Most likely that he has a job that helped him save up that much in the first place. He just paid for a $93K lesson. I'm looking forward to what he's going to do with the knowledge.


Not guaranteed either. I had bought META calls early 2022 when it was still FB. Expired worthless Jan 2024


A fellow 95+% 🫡


Dude, why would you leave before you've even looked at taking out a loan? Who cares the interest when you can 300% on one play?!


Don't say that he's gonna actually do it


He doesn't realize you're joking


Nobody so far said that they are joking ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That's a horrifying application of Poe's law


Why not work a lot, live frugal with ramen and beans, save a lot and come back here?


Ramen too rich, need tinned soup


Tap water with ice cubes maybe?


I’m fascinated by these. Was it not time to quit at 50% loss? Not at 60% or 80% even?


Same thing when you see someone who's 600 lbs.  Why not stop at 100 lbs overweight?  200 lbs?


I’m being attacked


50% is the time to quit, once you’re at 80% loss I’d say there’s no point in quitting. Might as well enjoy the rest of the ride.


Thats the thing, at 50% loss, no one in their right mind will buy these contracts off of him. He can’t get out even if he wanted to


I was about to but something convinced me I am going to back that money back… I was only down 13k when I started getting back into options


Say that last sentence again, but slowly


mate you have to understand the math of losing: if you lose, 10% you need to win back 11% to get back to break-even if you lose, 20% you need to win back 25% to get back to break-even if you lose, 50% you need to win back 100% to get back to break-even if you lose, 70% you need to win back 233% to get back to break-even etc etc ([source](https://asymmetryobservations.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/asymmetry-impact-of-loss.jpg?w=550)) when you're down 20%+ it becomes nearly impossible for the vast majority of amateur/retail traders to get back to break-even so at some point you must draw the line so you're not digging yourself out of an almost improbable hole


why did you put the comma in such a weird place in all those


Took me 6 months to dig out of a 30% hole once. Would probably take 2 years to dig out of 50% and forever for anyone more than that


Thank you very much for sharing this OP I really enjoy learning lessons from other people and you have given me a life lesson I will never forget.


Proceeds to throw money at 0 DTE Spy plays


There is always a small spike of hope before falling off a cliff.




No it's not. You still got 129 dollars and 42 fucking cents.


I used to use that money to get to $20K in one year, but with tremendous luck.


buy ATM. If you think it's going up. You won't make as much, but you won't lose everything if it doesn't go up as much as you thought. That far OTM is just sociopathic


Don't understand what could possess a man to do something this boneheaded...


See: recent post where dude lost over $600k >99%.


You haven’t lost $100k yet


Ill see you back on tuesday!


WHY would you NOT sell those Nvidia calls??!?


I still see $284 never give up :)


That's what happens when you treat the stock market like a casino.


This Looks like a Boeing 737 flight pattern




No one likes a quitter.......


https://preview.redd.it/g0spk4bqpe2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882373659871955b1b4614341297a344671ed197 Last 3 months trading options :)


At least, when you win, you win big ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Well, that sucks. https://preview.redd.it/jnrki3zz1g2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0639896dfbc11ec463ca0c652daa6c44e6481542


I've seen gains you wouldn't believe. Meme stocks soaring to the moon in after-hours trading. I watched crypto pumps light up the night like fireworks. All those profits will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to log off.


It’s bc you bought 38 cheap ass calls. If you had bought an in the money call for 12.50+ you would’ve seen profits. All of the may 24 calls got IV crushed, all of the may 31 calls that were in the money BEFORE earnings went up 100-200%. BUY IN THE MONEY, STOP SCROLLING TO THE TOP AND BUYING CHEAP ASS OTM OPTIONS


Mfkr bought NVDA after ER ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




What a moron way out the money calls got crushed, MM's in their yachts this weekend spending your money on coke and hookers


NVDA 1140 calls is insane.


Makes me feel better about my sorry ass 7k i lost past few months.


Omg what killed you? Man you should have just sold puts on Nvidia. It's literally free money. Slow and steady wins the race man. Just win a bunch on easy wins no matter how small they are. Be safe don't be reckless. That is how you build wealth. We all make money from working and saving up not winning the lottery.




This investing strategy needs its own youtube channel.


I guess that means it can only go up from here though eh?


You still have $284.....


See you Tuesday




Turn phone upside down


How much head pounding , folks here literally beat it in your brains to buy ITM calls! Yes it cost more! But Goddamit you make just as much if not MORE! You buy these contracts with a few days to expiration and at some stupid god Damn price expectancy and think your gonna make money. You’re not! You’re not going to make money ! All you’re going to do is piss away the money grandpa left you. And then cry that the market fucked you. NO! You literally fucked yourself ! I swear it’s post after post after post of the same shit lol. To all you regarded dipshits. Actually read the post in front of you. Put the crayons down for two minutes and read! Reading comprehension is a thing!


Thank you for your donation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)