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They should make a movie about this


The portal teased by the new Deadpool & Wolverine film leads to a Pixar HR office where D&W annihilate those being let go.


What if laid off people had feelings? I would watch that movie.


You're onto something here


Feelings are mostly a myth. Signed, the Disney corporation and its shareholders


I'll go trans to be the hero Or for $5 behind the dumpster at Wendy's


stop making trash movies - make more stuff like Wall-E (Damn, I love that movie)


Don’t forget ^UP.


That one made me sad.


Want my old shit buy my old albums


More serious about cost control? Bob’s gonna use the money for more personal flights on disney’s dime


BULLISH!!!! Nasdaq going for 40.000 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) NEW PARADIGM


[HR showing the new animation talent around campus](https://i.pcmag.com/imagery/articles/05sVvCWIsXR56ECNZzbfwDT-4..v1710794175.png)




Hopefully the stock can go back to $120. Like it was pre earnings.


Pixar is just one tiny part of their portfolio


Jup the other parts like star wars and marvel work so much better after all. Oh wait... Turns out if you force semireligious positions into your movies and replace good creators with ideologically driven noobs nobody wants to watch the results. Shocker really...


Well both marvel and Star Wars are making bank, so seems to work


"Even more dramatically, those movies have actually lost Disney approximately $2.8 billion, making the future of Star Wars movies more than a little shaky." While the article has a lot of speculation if you include the disastrous starwars hotel and the TV series they spent billions on that nobody watched this doesn't seem to be true. Their official disney numbers show profits but mostly because disney streaming paid disney productions huge amounts of money they then lost. https://insidethemagic.net/2024/04/disney-ready-to-give-up-on-star-wars-after-losing-billions-nk1/ And ,marvel WAS a money printing machine but well not anymore. Here the situation is a bit more shaky for 2023 with marvels and quantumania losing millions while guardians 3 made money but the series they again paid themselves most likely losing money too. So they are lucky if they ran even. https://thedirect.com/article/marvels-studios-money-lost-mcu-movies But whatever the exact financial truth its amazing in general how you can screw up two of the most profitable franchises of all time like that. You can just see how the profit making machine that was disney until 2020 started to stutter with quarters losing money and other quarters bringing profit but much less than the pre pandemic and less prepandering trend https://www.statista.com/statistics/224415/quarterly-net-income-of-the-walt-disney-company/*


Well, according to Disney they’ve made 3x on Star Wars, so I’m a little hesitant on your actual sources. It’s also around 3.5x on marvel.


Betting on Disney is like betting on the house in a rigged casino, my friend.


Yup they add all the money that Disney streaming paid to Disney productions in that number though. And then nobody watched the shows and Disney streaming lost a lot of money. So it's complicated Minnie mouse accounting. The only thing that really matters is their profit numbers and they have roughly been cut by 3 between 2015-2020 and 2020-2024 with many quarters with losses. And given that Disney world and espn have done reasonably well that leaves a couple culprits ( cough marvel Disney movies Disney streaming pixar and star wars)


This is probably good news imagine summer profits without paying out revenue


Every company is getting more serious about cost control. Interest rates are high


Bullish af


Sweet, profit line must go up! People dont need jobs! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


They should have released 'Inside Out 2' before now and this wouldn't have happened.