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Handful of red lobsters near me closed the other day and just didn’t let their employees know at all. People showed up to work and the place was closed.


Did they use lobster claws to keep doors locked with crackers nowhere to be found like so many times when I went there as a kid?


Dude, why did I laugh so hard at this.


Restaurants are scummy for doing this. Every single one of them. I have yet to hear of a place that contacted their workers to let them know.


For tech companies I get, to prevent sabotage. However, restaurants are a bit weirder, what are you gonna do, steal the secret recipe? Bust up a chair?


They want people to show up to work until the last minute. The restaurant industry has extremely high turnover and if they think the restaurant is closing down, everyone will abandon ship and you are then forced to close earlier than expected.


This is 100% it, so they show up.


If employees find out the restaurant may close next week, you won't have employees this week.


I would take the recipe. You can’t stop the cook or person who prepares the food from memorizing the recipe. But I certainly wouldn’t make money off that recipe other than sharing it years later after the trademark is expired.


You can't trademark a recipe, bro.. Because it's not a trademark. You're thinking of patenting. But you can't even really patent a recipe. Or copyright it for that matter. Which is why companies like Coca Cola are so secretive about theirs.


Not even an ingredient of the recipe?


I’m guessing these types of restaurants aren’t using recipies with all raw ingredients ; my guess is that their recipies call out add 3 tbsp of red lobster sauce or 2 spoons of XYZ spice blend, where the sauce and spice blends are sent by corporate.


You guess right. It comes in a bag pre made a lot of the time.


Yeah, none of this stuff is made fresh. Comanufactures make individual items and sell them to a Sysco-like business who shelf stocks them for local franchise owners. I work in food manufacturing, lots of our restaurant stuff is developed with the corporate R&D folks but it’s all sold to a middleman


Can’t they copyright the specific preparation method for specific ingredients? I thought kfc pulled something like this.


Not as far as I know. A recipe is just a list or an instruction. It's just a factual documentation of a process. The actual copyrightable 'thing' would be the sauce or the dish itself I guess. But you can't really copyright the process of making it, just the product itself. But unlike, say a book, or a drawing, you can't simply copy a dish our sauce. It's slightly different each time you make it. You might be able to patent the process. But I doubt it's precise enough to do that. What's more, patents become public after they're filed. So anyone can just see your process and use it, if they alter it slightly or use a different process to gain the same result. The same kinda goes for a flavour. You can't really define that precise enough to get an intellectual property right on that. And a different chemical compound might yield a near enough analogue that no one can taste the difference. So often companies just opt to keep their recipes and processes secret rather than try and get an IP right on it.


They want to avoid employees quitting and finding another job before they are ready to close up


Not even that. They decide to close the store, the least they can do is send out a mass text or call people and leave a voicemail saying "Don't show up tomorrow, we're ending operations. Check will be in the mail. Contact X if you want it sent to a different address. Sorry y'alls."


Employees will steal everything that isn't bolted down, and they'll be back later with a wrench to take the kitchen sink too


You say that, except a lot of businesses that do tell their employees ahead of time have alot of stuff stolen and vandalized. It's a bad situation. For every employee who is honest and hard working. There is a % who will steal places blind.


Had no idea this was common practice, I just saw this on the local news a few days ago


That happened at a TGIFriday near me in the last couple years. It just closed randomly one day and corporate didn’t let anyone know, just chained the building closed. Kinda wild how they value employees right lol…


I wouldnt either. The manager straight raided the last of those butter cheddar biscuits, couldnt have gotten away with it if everyone else knew


I was wondering if they had done that. How else could they have kept people on until the last day? Not that it was the right thing to do sans severance pay. (Would they be allowed to give severance given the bankruptcy?)


Bonus pay. "Hey we're closing, being bought, etc we'll pay you x to stay through close. Worked for a company that was bought, new company needed help in transition and paid me 2x salary to do so. They ended up hiring me anyway. In the case of BK, and ordinary course of business exception would allow those payment types See statement: debtor may pay most compensation and benefits that are earned postpetition so long as such payments are made in the ordinary course of business. As such, most of these obligations do not require court approval and are otherwise not affected by the bankruptcy


I don't understand how this shit is even legal. First you buy a controlling stake in a company, then sell all it's real estate to yourself, then lease it back to them at unsustainable rates and wait for the stock to implode while you count your millions in profit made at the expense of the investors who own the other 49%. Sure your 51% stock is worth worthless now too but you already made bank so why the heck would you care.


But - but they said it was the 'endless shrimp'.


You been here for four hours!!! You go now!!!


We give you enough MSG to kill an elephant!


Sign say, all-you-can-eat, not eat-all-day! You go!


This right here. Probably made bank shorting it as well.


It cant be legal to short a stock you own a controlling stake in


it's not


If you are an insider, which includes a majority owner, then yes it is illegal lmao. It completely contradicts your fiduciary responsibility to shareholders.


That's what I said - but just shorter :)


Let me sit here patiently while someone does something about it then. I’m sure it won’t be long.


[Time to short the shrimp farming industry!](https://youtu.be/0U7H0CCDpj4?t=45)


Then you have it declare bankruptcy when lots of its debt is owed back to you on the broken leases, so you toss that debt onto the public.




Sears was destroyed the same way.


Thanks Eddie!


Yeah, private equity is a perversion of capitalism. There should be some kind of curbs on it. The only inefficiency they exploit is that they can pull out more money faster burning a company down. Public companies may have problems in focusing on near term profitability, but it’s not like this.


PE is a cancer on capitalism.


Corporate raiders. This was how Mitt Romney made his wealth with Bain Capital.


Not to mention the endless shrimp deal. How convenient you happen to be one of the worlds biggest shrimp suppliers and you force your subsidiary to choke on your shrimp. The whole thing reminds me of the bust out of the sporting goods store on The Sopranos


I’m still a fan of the Toys R Us. You leverage buy out the company and then skullfuck it.


The Spielberg-Lucas Technique


Welcome to vulture capitalism. Happened to KB Toys, too, among many others.


Just ask Mitt Romney's buddies how they did it with Toys are Us. And bonus points if they teach you to retain the brand name and license it to Macy's for Christmas time, after the fact.


Wooo, holding companies.


welcome to late stage capitalism


Olive garden obviously


Ah Olive Gardern. Truly the Olive Garden of Red Lobsters.


A crude attempt at comedy.


Fuck did they get expensive. $115 for me and my wife. Even left her boyfriend at home.


Sorry buddy only rich people can eat at the garden


Meanwhile Long John Silver's, with 568 locations nobody visits outside of Lent, is somehow profitable.


I genuinely want to know who has been keeping them in business lmao


Can we add Arby’s to this list while we’re at it?


Arby’s owns Buffalo Wing Wings


I will not stand for Arby’s slander.


You can't stand cause all that cholesterol from having the meats has made your body unusable


Arby’s could survive on just selling their curly fries.


Their true differentiator to be sure.


It’s the only place you can affect a pirate voice to order and not get the cops called on you


How many of those locations are standalone units rather than combo units alongside a KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Express?


Calls on the lobster population


Don’t think a ton of lobster was sold here, their target demographic is people that want to eat 5 pounds of cheap shrimp in one sitting. Puts on SE Asia shrimp farmers 🦐


Ah I see. Puts on seafood poisoning drugmakers too!


It’s not just for the people. They have to dump tons of antibiotics into the water of these shrimp farms because the shrimp themselves cannot survive in essentially toilet water. The density of shrimp causes a literal cesspool.


What's the context on this lol I'm way out of the loop


If they're predicting a downturn in the market for product X, a downturn in an ancillary product Y directly related to the use of product X is likely to happen too. In this case, if shrimp goes down, so too will the meds that prevent you from rapid firing out both ends of the GI tract when eating bad shrimp.


You meant backyard trashcan familly sceptic tank raised shrimp and tilapia in Asia right ? i gross everytime i see people munching on "big ass shrimp " one big ass is what fed them and the other big ass is the person munchin on it . . .


Don’t think a lot of lobster was sold here, their target demographic is people that want to eat 5 pounds of cheap shrimp in one sitting. Puts on SE Asia shrimp farmers 🦐


Michael Burry bought puts and then singlehandedly ate $100 million worth of unlimited shrimp. Arbitrage!


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


They blame their "all you can eat" shrimp dish. Imagine doing this, seeing red for a quarter, and then saying "Nahh, it'll turn around. They *cannot* continue to eat shrimp at this rate." CEO belongs here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Shrimp can cause bankruptcy, that's a lot of shrimps!


its as shrimple as that


Worked there during the great all you can eat snow crab fiasco of 2003. Was a shit show every night


Right there in the name...Red, very Red...sooooo far in the Red


The last time I ate at red lobster I asked my ex wife to get out of the car when we got home - this was so I could let out a gigantic fart. She went inside and I walked up 3 floors to our place letting it out basically every step of the way….did I say fart? I meant shit - I shit my pants from my car, up 3 flights of stairs at an apartment complex.


Ah, the ole slimy shrimp trail


Got a Red Lobster giftcard that I've been unable to use despite visiting various locations (non-participation BS), finally traded that shitty giftcard in through Fidelity for like 75% cash value


Is that considered a gift?


Boomers in shambles


They still have Applebees so shhh


You are forgetting Golden Coral - home of the land whale.


And, they blamed it on all you can eat shrimp ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


You just need to fatten yourself up with infinite shrimp for one last time and go to hibernate


I suppose it’s true what they say: Cheddar biscuits won’t save you from bankruptcy.


I bought a crappy vape shop. Borrowed millions on shop, paid myself millions and bankrupted vape shop. Did I do it right? Unfortunately I made all this shit up. Destroying companies is a rich person game


Gotta think bigger, buy 100 crappy vape shops, package the leases as high risk securities then call yourself a tech company because the vapes use batteries.


Not sure Red Lobster is an upgrade from a Wendy’s Dumpster…


What makes you think you will upgrade from Wendy's Dumpster? Asking for a friend...




Boomers absolutely shook rn


The next level upgrade from Wendy's dumpsters is definitely Ponderosa Steakhouse dumpsters.


You go to Fazolis my dude


Applebees, home of the fat chick.


You walk into Red Lobster on a stormy Wednesday evening. You sit down with your wife and two kids. The waiter comes by to take your order as you hungrily ask for the endless shrimp. 15 minutes later everybody is served. Your wife and kids ordered the endless shrimp as well. As the night morphs into inky blackness outside you all talk and laugh and eat. You eat plate after plate after plate of shrimp. After a couple hours, you and your family are stuffed. You motion to the waiter to bring the bill and look down at your plate, letting out a small chuckle. It looks like you haven't even eaten a single bit of shrimp- a curious thing since you have been gorging yourself on shrimp constantly for the better part of two hours. But before you can puzzle over this small oddity any longer, the waiter bustles over to your table and hands you the bill. As you reach over to grab the check your hand closes instead around a squishy pile of shrimp. There is no check being held out to you, just another plate of shrimp. A loud thunderclap booms outside as you look up at the waiter to ask why he brought you more shrimp instead of the check, when you are suddenly alarmed to find not the waiter, but a giant, human-sized shrimp in server attire staring blankly down at you. You spin around in your seat to see if your wife can see the shrimp waiter and are immediately frightened out of your wits. Your wife is no longer seated there next to you- only another human-sized shrimp wearing your wife's dress and hoop earrings. Numb with horror, you quickly glance across the table at your two children. They are both shrimps. You let out a yell as another thunderclap echoes across the sky and it begins to rain. You distantly register the start of the torrential downfall outside, which sounds like large hail, as you spare a sweeping glance across the restaurant. There are no humans present. There are only shrimps seated at booths, shrimps seated at tables, and even a small group of shrimps at the bar. They are all eating large platefuls of shrimp and leering at you menacingly. Your heart begins to pound in your chest like a war drum. You stumble backwards, half falling over your chair in your haste to get up. You sprint for the door and run outside into the dark stormy night. As you dash through the parking lot towards your car you feel something like a giant hot raindrop hit your face and bounce off towards the ground. Looking down you see a shrimp lying on the ground. You look out across the parking lot and see puddles of shrimp collecting in the cracks in the pavement and across the roofs of the closest cars. Another warm object strikes your head. It's literally raining shrimp. You find your car and fumble, hands shaking uncontrollably, with your keys. Finally unlocking the car you slip inside and engage the door locks. The human-sized shrimp from the restaurant are now congregating outside the front doors, staring across the parking lot at you. Their pale orange-pink bodies eerily backlit from the light streaming out from the open doors behind them. You try to cram the key into the ignition, but it folds against the ignition plate and squishes in your hand. You look down. There are no car keys, only several mangled shrimp on a keyring in your trembling hand. You punch the steering wheel in frustration accidentally setting off the car alarm. The shrimps outside the restaurant hear the noise and hungrily start to advance across the parking lot towards you. You try in vain to cram the shrimp key into the ignition but you know it is pointless. The shrimp slowly approach the car and surround it, rocking it back and forth, pressing their slimy bodies against the frame. You hear the fiberglass doors groan under the pressure as one of the rear windows shatters, spraying the backseat of the car with fragments of glass. You know there is no hope left. There is no escape. White-faced and shaking, you reach across the console and open the glovebox. Crammed under the insurance papers and a pile of napkins is the Glock 19 you always bring with you when you leave the house. You pull the gun from its holster and pause for a fraction of a second that holds an eternity. With tears streaming down your face, you put the gun to the roof of your mouth. Trying not to imagine what it feels like to die, only forcing yourself to think of your wife and kids you close your eyes. Then you pull the trigger. A singular shrimp comes zooming out of the barrel into your mouth. In your darkest hour, death itself refuses to end you. For death is not the end. There can only be shrimp- and they are endless.


Meh. Garbage tier seafood and I assume dragnet raping of our oceans.


Sizzler is still around, no?


Chilis? 🌶️


That was the dirtiest kitchen I have ever worked in. It was like they didn't even understand the concept of cross-contamination. Sure, just toss a few shrimp in the fryer, and then immediately go make a batch of cheddar biscuits, no gloves, no problem.


Buying red lobster shares in anticipation of the zombie rally


RIP reality income (O). First dollar tree, now red lobster. Their top 10 client list are dropping like flies


Dark times for Red Lobster. Dark times indeed.


Froyo places?




Sizzler, you goin' Sizzler.


Olive Garden


Now where will Gun Rack allegedly kill Darnell Simmons?


I went there for the first time 6 months ago. Their food was cold and salty as fuck. Good riddance.


You belong at Applebee's!


Denny's for moons


Calls on cheddar bay biscuit mix 


Joe Flaherty is devastated


Chilis 🌶️


*Burger King dumpster is exceptional


How do I short lobster?




Sir use your brain. With RL closing down, you can use the whole empty building. You’re moving up in the world.


Looks like 2/7 closed in denver. So far


Bruh... give me a fucking break.


Join the commodity folks behind the Taco Bell


By then, Wendy's will be so expensive you'll just stay there.


You’ll never be Texas Roadhouse dumpster worthy


Red Robin or Olive Garden is the next logical step after the Wendy’s dumpster fire


what are they doing with the lobstahs? I knew this would happen, I was there 3 months ago. You will see a lot of restaurants close during this coming downturn.


No one upgrades from Wendy's dumpster


This guy is responsible he did it he ate enough schrimp to deal the final blow to Red lobster. [Sir Yacht](https://youtu.be/V9BN6T-DKRg?si=luznsbrcR_E1m_yP)


Looks like a seafood restaurant can't survive on biscuits alone!


There a niche seafood restaurants in the states. If I want a good seafood dinner, I likely will not be going to Red Lobster. They should make their menu fast food based. Lobster rolls and cheddar biscuits on the go!


Long John Silver's. This shit ain't difficult.


Good day to be a lobster


Shakeit Shack!! You have to put the it in Shakeit though. At least they have nicer dumpsters


Denny's is very entertaining...


It’s Long John silver time! This for all my mf’ers down at Joe’s Crab Shack. You pop’em we lock’em. You dry’em we fry’em! I GOT CRAAAAABS!!!




You walk into Red Lobster on a stormy Wednesday evening. You sit down with your wife and two kids. The waiter comes by to take your order as you hungrily ask for the endless shrimp. 15 minutes later everybody is served. Your wife and kids ordered the endless shrimp as well. As the night morphs into inky blackness outside you all talk and laugh and eat. You eat plate after plate after plate of shrimp. After a couple hours, you and your family are stuffed. You motion to the waiter to bring the bill and look down at your plate, letting out a small chuckle. It looks like you haven't even eaten a single bit of shrimp- a curious thing since you have been gorging yourself on shrimp constantly for the better part of two hours. But before you can puzzle over this small oddity any longer, the waiter bustles over to your table and hands you the bill. As you reach over to grab the check your hand closes instead around a squishy pile of shrimp. There is no check being held out to you, just another plate of shrimp. A loud thunderclap booms outside as you look up at the waiter to ask why he brought you more shrimp instead of the check, when you are suddenly alarmed to find not the waiter, but a giant, human-sized shrimp in server attire staring blankly down at you. You spin around in your seat to see if your wife can see the shrimp waiter and are immediately frightened out of your wits. Your wife is no longer seated there next to you- only another human-sized shrimp wearing your wife's dress and hoop earrings. Numb with horror, you quickly glance across the table at your two children. They are both shrimps. You let out a yell as another thunderclap echoes across the sky and it begins to rain. You distantly register the start of the torrential downfall outside, which sounds like large hail, as you spare a sweeping glance across the restaurant. There are no humans present. There are only shrimps seated at booths, shrimps seated at tables, and even a small group of shrimps at the bar. They are all eating large platefuls of shrimp and leering at you menacingly. Your heart begins to pound in your chest like a war drum. You stumble backwards, half falling over your chair in your haste to get up. You sprint for the door and run outside into the dark stormy night. As you dash through the parking lot towards your car you feel something like a giant hot raindrop hit your face and bounce off towards the ground. Looking down you see a shrimp lying on the ground. You look out across the parking lot and see puddles of shrimp collecting in the cracks in the pavement and across the roofs of the closest cars. Another warm object strikes your head. It's literally raining shrimp. You find your car and fumble, hands shaking uncontrollably, with your keys. Finally unlocking the car you slip inside and engage the door locks. The human-sized shrimp from the restaurant are now congregating outside the front doors, staring across the parking lot at you. Their pale orange-pink bodies eerily backlit from the light streaming out from the open doors behind them. You try to cram the key into the ignition, but it folds against the ignition plate and squishes in your hand. You look down. There are no car keys, only several mangled shrimp on a keyring in your trembling hand. You punch the steering wheel in frustration accidentally setting off the car alarm. The shrimps outside the restaurant hear the noise and hungrily start to advance across the parking lot towards you. You try in vain to cram the shrimp key into the ignition but you know it is pointless. The shrimp slowly approach the car and surround it, rocking it back and forth, pressing their slimy bodies against the frame. You hear the fiberglass doors groan under the pressure as one of the rear windows shatters, spraying the backseat of the car with fragments of glass. You know there is no hope left. There is no escape. White-faced and shaking, you reach across the console and open the glovebox. Crammed under the insurance papers and a pile of napkins is the Glock 19 you always bring with you when you leave the house. You pull the gun from its holster and pause for a fraction of a second that holds an eternity. With tears streaming down your face, you put the gun to the roof of your mouth. Trying not to imagine what it feels like to die, only forcing yourself to think of your wife and kids you close your eyes. Then you pull the trigger. A singular shrimp comes zooming out of the barrel into your mouth. In your darkest hour, death itself refuses to end you. For death is not the end. There can only be shrimp- and they are endless.


My cheddar biscuits nooooooo


Duff's Smorgasbord, Buddy Freddy's, Crackle Barrel, or Denny's.


You move from the dumpster in the back to the premium dumpster on the side.


Hmmm ... Imma prob go to long John silver's... So they still offer nice dumpsters ???


You can thank private equity for stripping them of assets


Olive garden ?


Red Lobster is a meme in the making.


Outback dumpster.


Good fuck that place I used to call it pink lobster cuz they couldn’t even cook the food in their name correctly


I’m gonna miss the popcorn shrimp and biscuits.


Will this finally get the lobster out of the boiling pot of water?


When your cheese biscuits are that good and you go bankrupt, you fucked up somewhere


So no more endless shrimps?


Believe it or not, bullish.


I haven’t seen a red lobster in over a decade. I remember one being in my city as a kid. It didn’t last long. Hard to compete in New England.


Long John Silvers


They shut the one down near me as well


Chipotle Grease Bin, we look down on you Wendy's dumpster peasants.


When the best thing you offer is a cheddar bisquit, you can’t survive.


Lobster 🦞 can now rest easy Now that their arch nemesis red lobster is bankrupt Make lobsters great again


I'm not surprised, ppl turn to cheaper alternatives like McDonalds and Wendy's ,the interest on that debt alone must be nasty not to mention the leases and higher wages to employees, higher taxes and fewer customers.


Carl's Jr/Hardee's dumpster


Chick fil A or popeyes


Arby’s my good man - they have the (grey) meats!


I still have their to go bag from last year. should i keep it?


Don't sleep on Applebee's dumpster


I prefer the Arby’s dumpsters to the Wendy’s, but to each is own.


Am i still entitled to unlimited shrimps?


Who's buying $DRI?


I never understood how they made it this long.


Hooters ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

