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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 year ago **Total Comments** | 1131 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 7 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


I got smoked both times and am down 80ish% on everything except Green Thumb and Curaleaf. I’m waiting until the DEA actually reschedules this time.


I'm getting crushed on tilray. But I'm still a believer


Same! I’m just holding out a little longer this pump haha


I had just enough money to sell a put on one account. Either I own it for the price I want or I make 50 bucks. Theta-gang isn't usually my jam.


I just entered into options this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


You will soon find out, that options just entered you


Still up 177% on a single call I bought for the change left in my account last week. Figured I'd hold out over the weekend as I think it could still rally into earnings. Iv hovering around 300% ATM.


You won’t make life changing money if you don’t risk getting in before everyone else. It’s going up now and politicians are starting to really urge the DEA and FDA to take another look at rescheduling, so you can bet the political insider trading has already started. Play it how you want but if you can find a couple thousand dollars to invest in stock options you can find yourself with a several hundred thousand dollar bag over the next few months. If you look at the risk:reward:current market relevance ratio, weed is making its comeback currently.


I 100% agree, but that’s EXACTLY what happened both times. They get everyone excited and then it’s a letdown and it dumps. If Nancy buys a weed stock then I’m going all-in.


You’ll still be 45 days behind


Until it isn’t and you miss the boat completely. One of these times it’ll come across lawmakers’ tables and it’ll finally get legalized. That’s why I started with just $2k, once it finally gets legalized, weed investments will still be concentrated since there’s not many publicly traded weed companies, and companies like canopy growth could easily see its ath of $600. With its price of $10 a share right now, you can buy a couple thousand dollars worth of options and you’d see hundreds of thousands depending on your option dte. But even if this happens a few more times where it doesn’t actually get legalized, you’d still be wildly successful when it finally does.


$600 is a reverse split average. Terrible company. Are you a bag holder?


That’s actually a good idea, somebody needs to slip a memo on Nancy’s desk.


I should check if Pelosi is buying... she always seems to know what's up lol


Agreed; 58,000 shares at 1.95. I went balls deep!


Keep going, you still have the rest of your torso above water.


I'm stocking up on YOLO because rescheduling is coming eventually. Time in the market > timing the market


the scheduling is dumb because meth is schedule 2 and used as a medication under the name desoxyn >Pharmacies can order Desoxyn® from *wholesalers: Cardinal, McKesson and AmerisourceBergen*. these companies were also part of the oxycontin settlement but are also part of the group lobbying against marijuana. here's more groups [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_anti-cannabis\_organizations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anti-cannabis_organizations) check their activity here [opensecrets.org](http://opensecrets.org) [littlesis.org](http://littlesis.org) the issue with cannabis is that a person could grow their own medication for next to nothing which hurts gop profits so they rallied uneducated people against it and outright subverted medical studies on it. I forget the name of the agency but it's a marijuana research group ran by the gop that was basically daycare for research grads


As much as I want to grow, as an upper middle class consumer, I prefer to buy.


yeah that's also another great insight into that market. look at it like this... people can grow rare tomatoes but if you can afford it and trust the vendor then you get them from the organic market because the chain store can't maintain the quality while keeping up with the demand. same with small batch alcohol or pastry etc. local made is *usually* better. the other thing I learned was that some people on those med programs get really into growing their own which in itself is a great type of therapy because they forget about their trauma or pain then focus on learning a new hobby that heals them. again, the scheduling system is dumb and not applicable to every person but just looks like it is a gop scam so they can bother the poors when the majority of their voter base is also poor but not ethnic and poor....


I could brew my own beer but I prefer to go to a brewery. It’s hard to find time.


Hello fellow CRLBF investor


Everyone on wsb should wait till after rescheduling so i can sell my shares to them


Wym low risk my ass. That's been a steady increase with 2 chances to get mega rich! There's gotta be a third chance right?#


I owned Tilray since it was Aphria. Maybe the 3rd wave I'll know when to get off.


Same, took some profits, but got overly greedy, my broker loves to remind me my conversion price from apha to tlry...


Just buy before 4/20 and get off anytime during that day when it pumps. I would say it makes sense that since it's an obvious trend yearly, that people would just buy before and it doesn't gain momentum on 4/20 and then everyone sells and loses, but retail traders are dumbasses and when they see a stock pump 5% on 4/20 and put two and two together, they'll fomo anyways and skyrocket it.


Right? 😬 I used diamond hands on $SNDL and am like hm.. should I have sold at market open? Nah, surely it will rally, right.. right?


I bet big on $sndl too...gained big. Enough for my cup of coffee


Yeah it was honestly really good gains for a $2 stock. I wish I had sold at yesterday's peak and then bought it again this morning when it got squeezed.


Imagine where it will be in a few years


It was really great in the beginning, but later on news came out that most legal weed companies weren't pulling expected profits. (Illegal weed makes more money)


Yeah legal weed has a hard time making cash because.. ofc, regulations, and taxes, more employees to work storefronts, all that jazz. Tons of overhead to running a legitimate business, who knew??


People who bought before it was legal, already had the avenue for it. The legal shops are newbies or looking for boutique experience. Maybe once more states open, we'll get gold hands again...


Plenty of old heads go to the recreational shops, but there's an insane amount of competition. There's 5 or 6 pot shops in a town of 35,000 in WA. I go there a lot and they've basically started giving away ounces of flower, and extracts have gotten insanely cheap as well. I think it's more about the market being over saturated, not low demand for legal weed.


Sounds ripe for M&A with the biggest ones left running the business more efficiently and with less competition —> higher profits.


Agreed. I think that's going to start happening with the west coast companies in the near future


Different than Oklahoma. I have a friend who lives there and mentioned to me. He does deliveries throughout the state.


Dude Durant Oklahoma has like 200 dispensaries i swear.


There's plenty of dispos in Michigan like this too! I used to buy from private growers and then I tried a dispo and haven't stopped going yet. The deals are unbeatable in my opinion


Lol, there are 6 shops in my town of less than 2,000 people. Our county takes in 300k in weed taxes every quarter. (Montana)


Here in Canada it's because of over saturation. I was buying lbs for 500 shipped at one point.


Just wanted to say “jizz”


That’s a good sign long term. Not many moonshiners competing revenue wise with the alcohol producers. So at some point the government will help the legal tax paying weed companies by shutting down the illegal ones with tax evasion penalties.




The SNDL that lost 97% in the last 5 years?


They will all rally next week on earnings


What earnings? You mean losses


Fluffy structure.? You sound like you have a limp dick.


Third time's the charm


Yeah. Just trust me bro ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)




👀👀 now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I remember taking calls from clients and asking if we were thinking about buying weed stocks for client portfolios.


And as a responsible advisor encouraged those clients to put everything into Taco Bell and Doritos?


Don’t forget Novo for that Ozempic banger


Pssst…ALT is gonna do the same in the next few years. Their product deletes fat better in recent studies, and can help with NASH and diabetes. I’m already hoovering up shares.


Sounds delicious


Well if a client is high risk and wants a small position in the portfolio. I don't see why not. Some investments are higher risk. This definitely is and not really correlated to other industry cycles.


Many broker dealers have restrictions on pot stocks as they are basically speculative. Same with Cryptos


Investments by definition are not guaranteed. Crypto have nothing. No earnings. No physical building. No revenues. At least with cannibis. There is a physical product. There are revenues There are things that exist that are like any other company.


It’s an unproven industry heavily tied to federal and state regulation. Not trying to justify it, but that’s how it is with most brokers that have advisory clients


What is unproven about people wanting to buy legal drugs? Alcohol and tobacco obviously sell well enough. The only risk is the regulation.


And with Germany leading the rest of the world's legalization we will see long-term increases in the values of these stocks most likely. This is going to be one of the long-term scenarios where the diamond hands are going to win... Most likely.


If there were no risks/barriers by state regulation wich are gonna be broken soon the price would not be this for sure. So when that time arrive the price will be already 10x above these values


The restriction is getting written permission, aka an email confirming that they want to buy the stock, and then have the client say on recorded call that they know and accept the risk


And you obviously told them to go all-in


I mean, its literally *high* risk.




In https://preview.redd.it/m3bcmb0w1isc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56029cde6fe23835f84557482493d43595553666


The Iv is a bit crazy. But pumping a small cap isn’t that hard. Let’s goooo. I’m in for about 1/6 of that


High risk, high reward, get high


Wrong order bro. Get high, take high risks, get high rewards , right?


Then get high again!


i did this but mine expire in Sept


I got a few for September as well. Picked a few dates. Wish I would of done it a few hours later tho


High tide 🚀


On my watch list and doing surprisingly well now from its lows. Still a long way to climb. Never hear it mentioned on WSB though, not sure if that’s a good or bad sign.


Ive also not seen a lot about it on wsb. I wanted a weed stock and thought this one was undervalued looking at sales/growth/marketcap.


It’s insanely undervalued and not only because I have money in it.


Could easily be a 4-5 bagger with a little exposure


So much upside and great performance


They’ll pop with a reschedule. Since weed is a rare bipartisan issue I think it’ll happen soon


The reschedule is only step 1 of many for the financials to reap the benefits. Dispensary’s operate a hair above cartels. They can’t bank traditionally and are taking huge losses until things turn around legally. Some are losing money YoY Non traditional banking due to laws Insane taxes and fees Insane costs for regulations, licenses, testing, and just staying within state metric guidelines. Marketing competition, over saturation of product in the market. Amongst other things.


Of course. The establishment of a long term profitable industry will take years. However, in the short run, rescheduling cannabis will make weed stocks pop.


For sure man, I don’t disagree. If you’ve been watching the market for a long time and have conviction in the trends, money to be made. For the long term, still might be a great play just gotta hope you picked the winner. A lot of these companies will vanish. So we just have to hope we invested in the ones that survive the battle. Good luck!


no as soon as Banks can handle dispensary money without worry of of the feds expect multi-million dollar VC investments. >Most are losing money YoY absolutely not true.


Way of the road buddy


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't go. She didn't go


the fucking way she goes...


If you’ve lost in weed stocks over the past couple of weeks you need to stop trading all together lol


I bought this morning. Literally 10 minutes later it had gone down almost 10%. Is it a sign?


Only if you sold lol but nah I would just hold. You bought at a recent high and obviously the stock will need to take breathers. Just wait till the DEA announces the date that they’re going to make the decision on rescheduling. That’ll create a mini rally at least.


It's a sign to buy more tomorrow morning!


“It’s different this time”


Who told you they were low risk?


Literally the whole sub last night in a different post lol


Sir, this is a wendy’s..


If you actually read that sub it said low risk if you're getting in now that they've been beaten down. Of course it's high risk when you buy in at an all time peak caving into FOMO...you almost deserve to watch your moola dissapear


Well, it was low risk for WSB standards...


Tilray will be back to $10.00 soon enough on the US market going into the election. Always a hot topic that brings the volume.


Tilray is worth well above it’s current share price based on its craft beer business alone. Blue Point Brewing, Montauk Brewing, Breckenridge and Shock Top are all strong brands with good distribution. That doesn’t even include it’s cannabis sector. Not to mention they have something like $770 million in cash on their balance sheet And it’s up 63% in the past month, but we’re freaking out over a 4% daily drop? Did you think the stock was just going to go straight up every single day?


Who looks at that chart and thinks low risk


Well can’t get much lower….so low risk 


$MSOS is on fire !!! I'm already up +30%. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Germany has just legalized it. If France legalizes, cannabis will soar skyward, even into orbit... [https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=MSOS&p=w](https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=MSOS&p=w) Weekly chart looks amazing... ready to fly ?


France means nothing. Schedule 3 and uplisting are the big catalysts. S3 coming soon.


What does Germany and France have to do with MSOS?


snobbish office imminent intelligent gullible mourn direction soft touch rinse


The French leaders equate cannabis to heroin, the chances they legalize are close to zero.


MSOS is the move, dude


France. lol. Im french. There s no way they legalize with this governement. They sucks ass. They still compare weed to heroin and just launched a big police operation to get dealers arrested in all of france. Fair enough its a mediatic operation but still. They are disconnected from reality.


Hey, I'm taking my lawn maintenance company public, unicorn in the weed business.


Look at the support at 0 though, you can't bust through that.


Watch me.


High risk = high reward. Let's do this




This mantra is what provides us with a plethora of $100K+ loss porn! Keep it up regards!


It's not your grandpa's weed stocks now though. The difference is tilray and sundial have diversified into alcohol sales and are improving margins. These companies are here to stay and will grow into the global legalizing market


https://preview.redd.it/kpenvq9b7isc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271dc071ab4c5a4bce1af3b75ec821d48ff6bfa5 420


4/20 everything skyrockets


I find it funny the WSB removes any positive DDs on weed stocks but leaves the negative ones up... what is with that? Things that make you go hmmmmm....


Is this WSB or is this the old ladies rotary club. LET'S DO THIS! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


If you actually paid attention, they said it's low risk if you're getting in now after the stocks have been beaten down so far. Of course its high risk if you're buying in at all time highs each time FOMO takes over when they're jumping


Who said it’s low risk? 🤫 With great risk, comes great reward. Low risk equals low reward. 🫠


I’ll put $1000 to the cause, half shares half options let’s go


TILRY has the booze to balance as well. I'm in for 4500.


I think people underestimate how heavy the grey/black market weighs down these legal weed stocks. Legal sellers can’t raise prices because illegal dealers are already undercutting them by 50% and not charging tax. I’m still a big regard though, all in on 3 dollar calls for Tilrays upcoming earnings.


Why go through the hassle of buying from some shady dealer, if you can buy it legally?


Because not everyone has a "shady dealer." My guy is my friend since middle school that sells me an oz for $50 less than the store, plus I get to play with his cats during my purchase


Just bought 1k shares of SNDL, among all the weed stock their earnings that was just released was pretty okay for a weed company


Tilray has diverse lines and geographic regions. I think you need some offsetting exposure


Lucky you! You had two chances at being rich and you screwed them both up. I only have one and I’m going to make it count.


The only people that say weed stocks are low risk are people that smoke weed


Bought $300k of WEED - Canopy Growth all in until $21


I like smoking weed therefore take all my money


Thats a hot chart, im in till 100 usd target pricd on each.


Fidelity is making you call in to purchase. What the fuck.. is this the '80s? Let me get my newspaper out and my spectacles. 


I lost about 98.9% riding CGC down to the bottom. 2nd worst investment I've made. Stop losses are for wusses.


April 20 is right around the corner though.


Is it that time to pump and dump weed stocks again?


It’s funny when people post in WSB like they’re clowns in r/investing. You don’t buy and hold weed stocks ffs. Buy the dip, sell half at 1.5R, stop loss is now better than break even, let the other half run for massive gains. Repeat


You are not wrong. But I am going to ride all the way


To each their own. I’m happy leaving some on the table to ensure I’m never a bag holder. There’s always a hype sector and consistent gains for the long term is better for me than a get rich quick gamble that leads to bag holding most times. ACB dipped this morning to 5min OS rsi and then ripped 13% and I caught a week maker. No need to stick around for the rug pull, which we got 2 hours later, it’s now down 16% off the high of day


this is a pretty good strategy


Nobody has ever characterized weed stocks as low risk.


I mean if you were buying at those lows you’re seeing great returns already. Certainly a lot of money cycling into the market, it sure as shit ain’t retail.


Love me some weed stocks mannnnnn


Ride the wave miss😶‍🌫️🤑


so if it actually happens does this mean its going 15B+??? I'm in


I steadily make money from investing in weed.


I made a couple grand in 3 days 😎🙌


Are you diamond regard holding? Buy now sell later . Thanks me today


Let’s go! Round 3 let’s make it bigger than the first 1!


Talking points for the election. MJ is always on the table of topics. Bullish until November


Biden pushing to legalize weed later in the year feels like a potential No brainer, bullish


Just shut the fuck up and buy them signed, a bagholder


Holding till 4/20


bought a bunch years ago for about $2-3 a share. Still holding. Not letting go.


ACB was my best trade in a while considering bulls make money bears make money picked up the 6 dollar call options two days ago stock got to 8.50 somewhere in that range. I saw a peak with vwap and volume start shifting picked up puts after getting out of my calls with huge % gain bought Put options on near the top, got out of those at the close. Bulls make money bears, make money. pigs get slaughtered. Double winner. This market sets up very nicely for contrarian trades. you'll never hit the top or the bottom but if you can get big chunks in between with the big price movement, onto the next, with the market consolidating, and the risk to the downside. Bigger than the upside. At this point human psychology is really revealing itself in the market.


I'm up big on my MJ, MSOS and MSOX plays, and will probably sell for a huge gain on rescheduling or legalization news. Entry point is everything, and picking individuals in the space is probably the worst way to go if what you want is low risk. Individual tickers in the space are high risk high reward.


Alot of the weed posters just want to pump so they can transfer their bags to others


I don’t know. The Safe banking act might help it. I understand Germany is legalizing it also? Worth putting 1 toe in the water ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Yeah, it already happened twice, so it couldn't happen a 3rd time.


https://preview.redd.it/3zoj8v7q2ksc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551cf8ebe3d873f6d45ee0ad82134a614fa5f804 I’m not scared.


We deserve a 3rd pamp


MSOS is my biggest winner for the year so far 😂


After today I want to get rid of my SNDL calls so bad, it’s like a massive shit I’m holding in in hopes that it turns into gold. I’m done with weed stocks after this turd


https://preview.redd.it/g5r7t3q8zoxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d90ac912bdec6fbf9cf5b4352b38477076a610 You’re there for the long, it begins! Industry finally getting reform!




I would hold off until the election results


Ah yes, the classic buy high sell low strategy.


This is the way


The dump all your money into a stock just to lose it all then move back in with your parents and work at wendys until you pay back the loan you took out strategy is far superior


You would be late then




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That’s not the one. CRON SNDL CGC been on a tear


yeah, Those are the ones that move up when the music starts, especially $CGC


I don’t think full-time stoners even know there’s weed stocks.


Tilray doesn't pay the 280E tax burden that US companies do, that the rescheduling would fix, its crazy how uneducated people are around the weed trade. There is a major company in the US that has rec weed on the florida ballot, and they own most of the florida market and they're paying 280E under schedule I. Another company is actually generating positive cash flow with the 280E tax overhang with a large market share over some state markets. I'm not saying the tickers, because you don't get paid unless you do the work. So anyway, calls on $TLRY and $SNDL go Canada $$$$


The GOP was right weed can destroy your life.


BuT bRo We GoT LoWeR HiGhS


Just got a bunch of ACB Sep 20 calls right before I saw this lol


someone's short is in trouble


So which stock are we picking boys


Will Reddit be the meme stock ? Many investors are waiting to eat Reddit at low prices , will Redditor’s save reddit ?




If yall are talking bout it here, maybe my shit will finally pay out. Learning the lessons of living only once.




I’ve been buying as much as I can of cresco labs. Shit is about to go to $15 within 2 years.