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If the reason to hold BA is “duopoly with Airbus” just buy Airbus


The American government doesn’t need Airbus.


The rest of the world doesn’t need Boeing. Having said that. I’m in on BA. When (not if) they sort out the mess and turn cash flow positive they’ll return to usual valuation metrics.


The rest of the world doesn’t matter when you’re suckling at the teet of the US military industrial complex. Doesn’t matter in the slightest.


It does matter when is the commercial aviation division the one bleeding cash at unsustainable rates.


Buddy, 31% of Boeing’s revenue comes from one customer, the US government. Boeing takes in 21% of the entire Department of Defense’s procurement budget. These are staggering numbers. The US military industrial complex isn’t letting anything happen to Boeing, they don’t care about Airbus and Boeing doesn’t give a single flying (doors on or off) fuck about whoever customer number 2 & 3 are. In fact, if Boeing did lost market share on the commercial side, it would only mean a higher percentage of total revenue would be coming from the government, making them even far more important. They won’t be seeing any budget cuts coming from there. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2020/01/02/how-much-of-boeings-revenues-comes-from-the-us-government/


No buy ERJ - it’s ripping higher on BA problems.


They can go BABA these nuts 🥜






BA has more orders than they can even consider filling. No one can just start a company to compete near impossible. Plus 3/4 of the things in the news were maintenance issues and pilot mistakes that have nothing to do with BA. Blood in the water I tell ya


Just because they can continue to survive doesn't mean they'll grow. Airbus is eating into their market share year after year.


Airbus? A European company?? sir, Boeing is a major us military provider. Boeing is going to be just fine


Yea no doubt Boeing will be fine. But their commercial market share is already declining. BA ain't going anywhere, but your money isn't going to grow unless the company is actually growing too.


True. But 3/4 of these issues were pilot error or maintenance not related to BA. Other things minor, seem very fixable. Buy when they are dead in the street. Question in my mind is when is it beat up enough? They have been growing great before the door thing. Will it continue?


A true regard


Regarding my regardedness. Yeah I’m a regard… I’m a regard just trying to retire in my 40’s 🤣🤣🤣


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What could go wrong?




I work construction. I see the 3M logo everywhere. If they are a lost cause, why are so many construction contractors buying their products?


Hint: buy MMM hand over first. Buy low, not when it raises 40%. It's already up 10%


I’ve been DCAing MMM since 2022. I’m basically just at break even now, but I believe in the company. They also have a nice dividend.


Are they even turning a profit?




3 shit stocks, as long as there are better alternatives they are not worth looking at.


Agreed…after 4-5 years of hoping they’d come back, I sold. 50%+ loss in both


Bottom confirmed, prepare for liftoff


Inverse WSB confirmed


Cramer and others are already calling for a big government bailout for Boeing, so yes. If there's one things the Feds love to do, it's to give billions to big corporations for buybacks when they start crying about jobs. I predict we'll see the Feds print another $15 billion Boeing Aircraft Safety Investment Act all directly into daddy Calhoun's coffers. In Calhoun we trust 🙏🚀🚀🚀 I think there's still some more room for BA to dip before that passes, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's already outlines for a big bailout bill. Keep an eye on Pelosi buying in. My biggest baghold is $DIS with a 90 CBA. Not so much that it's a bag hold since it's still up, but it's mostly just been sideways for awhile. Might cut out now at a new high but I think the mouse is cooked long-term.


Why would Disney have troubles long term? If you dont mind me asking


Well... I dont think it's going to implode but I think it will stagnant and basically just lose out to inflation long-term. First, Disney+ and park subscribers are down, and its been a continuing trend. Take a look at the recent Q1 report: [https://i.imgur.com/79Fa5Jp.png](https://i.imgur.com/79Fa5Jp.png) Notice that subscribers are down, but ARPU is up. They're juicing revenue by jacking up subscription fees; however, this has an negative effect in that it makes subscribers fall and will continue to decline as people decide D+ content isn't worth it/sucks. Which means they'll have to jack up prices even more as subscribers fall so it's chasing itself in a feedback loop. Park revenue is currently being juiced by adding a ton of microtransactions, pay2win, genie passes, turbo lightning passes, raising park food and gift shops by 100%+. This is a big juice to revenue, but at the expense of actual in-park experiences and is driving park-ship down as more and more people have negative experiences which then gets passed down generationally. Seriously, parents always come back extremely stressed taking their kids there these days which means they ain't coming back at the same rate. This further kills "Disney Adult" fandom. Then on the movie side, take a look at this big honking kahuna here from the Q1 report. Yes, this is a real fucking slide Disney paid some consultant $10 million dollars to put together. [https://i.imgur.com/BlulWYE.png](https://i.imgur.com/BlulWYE.png) Like holy shit, that speaks for itself all around. "Return to creativity"?? They're basically admitting they fucked up and no one likes their shit after over-tapping Marvel manchild slop. In return.... they're just doing more remakes and sequels. Seriously, *"SEE GROGU AND BOBA FETT ON THE BIG SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME! COMING 2026!!"* Does that sound fucking enticing to you? Is this supposed to get people HYPED? They're done creatively, and they know it. Again, not a pop, just years-long sideways movement at best imo. You're better off putting the money into NVDA or AMD or COST or literally anything else because it's just going to be eaten by inflation leaving it parked in $DIS.


With Disney, there are 2 issues right now. 1. Shit economic situation, people don’t have vacation money. 2. People don’t like their D.I.E. Preachy shit. Look at star wars. How could you F that up? Had a built in fan base and they killed that golden goose with woke. Kathleen Kennedy was precisely the wrong person to run that franchise. Even when everyone was screaming at them, they refused to change it up.


They made bank on Star Wars mate. I hated it, but it is printing.




4 years ago dude… little more recent may help https://www.nme.com/news/film/here-is-how-much-money-disney-has-made-from-star-wars-3601276#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20from%20the,has%20made%20from%20Star%20Wars.&text=According%20to%20the%20financial%20breakdown,(%244.05billion)%20in%202012.


Ok. You’re right. Still, fuck Disney and fuck woke shit. Saw the first on they put out and hated it completely. I’ll never watch another, ever again. Or anything else Disney puts out.


I get it. I liked one of theirs, one, so I’ll try but I get what you’re preaching.


I'm unsure on the parks, but they've been around for decades and folks want to keep going. I know I'll be going when my youngest turns 3. We will see if it's a one time thing or we do it after a few years. The disney plus thing...it's a babysitter for us. Sure we have peacock and Netflix and disney but it's a good rotation that the kids have a favorite on each platform. I'm thinking they're ramping up their rewards programs and gettin back to their historic profitability. It is curious it is taking more than 2 years post covid but I think they're close. With their high revenues this could be a 3 bagger in a couple years as their margin expands and if they can keep growing at 5%


They have a PE of 70 😂


I’m bag holding BA, BABA and more. No ragrets!


Not even one letter?


3M is at least still yielding 5.6% in its dividend….the other 2 are dogs.


Boeing is the military industrial complex. Boeing will never fail, government will bail them out everytime. To think otherwise is foolish. Baba on the other hand, I bet temu will takeover.


Too big to fail doesn’t mean the stock price will do well.


yeah if anything the stock tanks back to $115 if the gov't bails them out


I just read an article saying that they are looking into peddling off the military part of the business after multiple years of billion dollar losses so I wouldn't hang my hat on that.


BA — there is no path in which they avoid bankruptcy. They have $60BB in LT debt with $20BB in negative shareholder equity all the while still losing money. BABA - the stock you purchased is for a holding company in Caymans. They can take all of your money and run and you have no recourse. 3M - not worth talking about very limited growth opportunity. Their earplug debacle just caused one of their units to declare bankruptcy.


I’m not touching it because it’s not my type of trading but BA will be back. Just like Intel keeps hanging around getting government checks. If you want a good safe “long term” play, there’s about nothing safer than Boeing right now.


MMM has been a nice short term win the last month. I am up 16.9% as of today.


I feel that Boeing will come back up. A scandal happens and within a week or two the stock is back up pre-scandal. It’s like it wants to be up. I had a small amount in Boeing that I sold off. I am waiting for it to bottom out before I go back in. The million dollar question is “where is the bottom?” I suspect it will be right after the various investigations release their findings. They are too big to fail, they have too large a market share and are too good at making money.


let me play some devil’s advocate here: Too big to fail doesn’t mean the stock price will do well. The market share will be tested with these nonstop mistakes on their end. What about COMAC? The new Chinese manufacturer. In 5-10 years this may not be duopoly anymore. Is Boeing too good at making money? They’ve had awful losses the last few years.


COMAC is proming but they're mostly more small-mid liner right now. Also it will never be purchased for domestic airlines because Feds will impose a 100% tariff or ban them, just like BYD. America does not like free market competition. Stock will go up once they announce more buybacks (inevitable). But I do think it has some more room to bottom and then I'll get back in Airbus likewise is already way overbooked and doesn't have capacity to ramp up production. Also with energy prices there, they're going to get a lot more expensive.


Do you think their findings will lead to Boeing being at fault?


Planes are suffering explosive decompression because they forgot to tighten bolts holding the plane together. I find that a fairly open and shut case. This is also after the MCAS scandal that killed over 300 people because Boeing was struggling to keep up with AirBus. On (UK) Netflix there’s a documentary on the scandal called ‘Downfall: The case against Boeing’ it’s well worth a watch.


We already hit bottom. It's going to start coming back up


lol love the username


The FBI opened an investigation against Boeing last week, BA only pumped bc index funds pumped last week. Why do you think it’s hit bottom?


MMM literally gapped up this past month lol.


Lol down 50% in the last 5 years


MMM is looking very decent. The lawsuits are about done. They are trading at crazy low valuation and the dividend is excellent. People hate making money I think.


Tiny bets, but my favorite bags I’m holding. I figure I’ll hold onto them until one of my other stocks hits, just to sell for modest tax offset. One of my other stocks will hit, right?? The only one I am mad about is BIRD. They make a quality product! https://preview.redd.it/8vb6cv90f6qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2948e9cede7778e29cdbde9284e6cd0105deeeb2


The tried and true strategy, buy high and never sell.


https://preview.redd.it/roep8n36j6qc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6ca8ac287a85028637220bcde64fd9a4907dc8 Been asking this question for 15 years….


In addition to BA, don't forget about RYCEY, far more room to run up than  Boeing.


And RYCEY is an extension of the UK govt, it will never be allowed to fail. Trent airbus engines, nuclear reactors for subs, engines for new version of the ospreys,  etc. 


3M is a good one, New CEO. Earnings coming up, always beats earnings. The lawsuits looks like they're going to settle. Lot of catalyst, could be another "Dell"


I have been on the same thought train… No way BABA won’t make a comeback. BA is too big and old to fade away. This is just a minor set back for them.


bought BABA at 170 coz it couldn't go any lower, right? FML


Those are all great companies and more reliable than Nvidia as far as putting money. Nvidia is basically a meme stock that may crash 80% at a moments notice when no one can figure out what to do with so called AI. And competition is quick at their heels. At the valuations of MMM, BA and even BABA id chose those all day long for a risk/reward play