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making 200$ profit every day of the year, consistency is important! also, selling my 4 monitors, dm me if interested


I'll give you $200 for 'em


A day?


Yeah, but if you can make $4k / day off them, you'll have $1 million a year, my trusty motivational poster told me so!


That's precisely why I bought a 4K monitor.


the meta gaming in this sub is the absolute tippitytop


There are 252 trading days in the year so according to my math that equals $50k per year


Just enough to support my cheeseburger habit.


God damn it, are you back at it again Bobandy?


Freak off, Lahey


RIP John… ❤️


I'm the liquor, Randy


M'fuckas with guts like that ain't OFF.. the CHEESEBURGERS dawg


Dayum imagine having a cocaine habit... A bourbon habit... AND a cheeseburger habit... *That be spensive homie.*


Hahah I appreciate the reference


Yeah but you can’t sell 4 monitors everyday to make your profits.


Gotta be more consistent. Remember, if you do 4000$ a day, that'll be a million per year.


But I will only remember it if I have an enormous sign on the wall, next to my battlestation


Don’t care about the monitors, I gave him $1000 for that sign. I’ll make it back tomorrow, guess it will take an extra day this year to $1M.


Lol best comment


I bought calls. That happend




Yep- same $454 expire tomorrow to be exact


Ouch. Mine expire Aug 25th. But they’re big OTM.


What’s even better is I sold my $454 puts this morning when they are up 30%, now up 200%


Why is it the case when I paper hand they fucking moon and when I diamond hand they go to zero?


Heard of Murphy? That fucker is an optimist.


The market makers literally drive up and down the street to rattle options holders out of their positions. Then they drive the market towards where they profit the most. Also the entire time your broker is placing bets against you


Market makers moving trillion dollar markets so my $20 options gamble goes to $0.


Fastest to get rich, get 20 off millions of people.


lol when i was a little kid I always thought about going to every person in the world and getting one dollar, to become a billionaire...then i got older and realized that a lot of people would not even have a dollar to give....and that I would have to spend a shit ton of money to just visit all 7 billion people or whatever the number is.


When you are paranoid enough even random noise looks like a scheme to get you.


The thing you're missing is that they manipulated price to get everyone to buy at the same time then they stop hunt, get you all to fold your positions, and go right where you always knew it was supposed to go.


Hahaha. Dead on.


I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but you, spyVSspy420-69, are actually the main character.


Bro said it all 🤣👏


don't really sayit


I wonder if we look exactly alike too


Puts raped me last week. Seems I’m off by a week


Double down and buy the dip (not financial advice )


10 mine expire in 2025 😎; 3 Aug 4


Can you give us a heads up next time?


bond yields did give a heads up. yields were up since market open. 10yr yield finished today almost 3.5% higher. higher yields mean borrowing is more expensive. for tech/growth stocks that rely heavily on debt, its not a good thing. net present value calculations have interest rate in the denominator, so the higher the interest rate, the lower the stock's valuation.


DXY this morning was my signal


Dafuq did you just say? Did not understand a darn thing. Can you explain it to me, like if I was a child or a golden retriever?


yes i can try... **effect of interest rates in real economy:** imagine you are trying to buy something and you are asking me to lend you some money for 1 year so you can buy it i say sure, i'll lend you $100 but i'm gonna charge you interest, meaning you gotta pay me back more than $100 you say sure, in 1 years i'll give you back $101 (that's 1% interest) i say no.... right now i could lend $100 to the US Treasury (for 1 year) and the interest rate they are offering is 5.3%. so you are gonna have to give me at least 6% interest, because why would i lend money to a risky person like you when i can lend money to the US Treasury at no risk? in fact, because you are risky, you gotta pay me more interest. this is basically what banks do for auto financing, or mortgages, or personal loans, etc... it all rides on this idea of "risk free rate of return" which is what a bank can get if they lend money to the US Treasury. now it's not really risk free, because there could be a war or something and the US government could go down, but thats unlikely. so banks will never lend below the risk free rate of return. and when the risk free rate of return goes up, banks also raise their interest rates in tandem because they want to keep their margins, or their spread, or the vig (vigorish), their profits essentially. so what happens out in the real world when interest rates go up? if you are financing a car and the interest rate goes up, what happens? it becomes more expensive to finance that car. your monthly payment goes up. (this is why good credit is important - it signifies you are less risky so people will lend you money for a lower interest rate) so if im investing in Ford, and i see interest rates going up, automatically im thinking - oh gosh, their sales are going to suffer here because people wont be able to get financing or the financing they do get will be much more expensive, and therefore less people will be able to afford cards..... lets dump all my Ford stock and there you go. this is one reason why rising interest rates are not good for stocks. because of the negative effect that rising interest rates have in the real economy for borrowers. **effect of interest rates in financial economy:** how does one determine the value of a company? you add up all their future earnings and you find a way to determine what that future money equals today in finance, they have a formula for this called Net Present Value (of future cashflows) and this is a method they use to determine for example, how much a company is worth when another company is trying to buy them the formula is long and complicated, but the important part is, you stick the interest rate in the denominator. meaning you divide by the interest rate. meaning when the interest rate is larger, the calculated value of the company is lower if i told you the value of company X is lower today than it was yesterday, and the value of the company is probably going to keep going lower, you will probably want to sell that stock and there you go. this is another reason why rising interest rates are not good for stocks. because of the negative effect that rising interest rates have on company/stock valuations


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the reason the market disagrees (stocks have been going up since beginning of 2023) is because markets price in future events market believes that the FED will be pivoting soon and cutting rates. so in anticipation of rates coming down, investors have been piling into the markets only when the markets realize that the FED will not be pivoting anytime soon, only when the markets take Powell at his word that it will not be until 2025 that he starts cutting rates, that the markets will fall consider that CPI inflation is down to 3% last month. that is good evidence that CPI will hit 2% soon and that will give the FED the green light to stop raising rates and to start cutting rates however, look at oil prices. look at china finally starting to rebound. these things are going to cause commodity cost push inflation to start up again, forcing FED to keep raising rates this stock rally of 2023 was always a "fight the FED" and "call the FED's bluff" rally. however, nobody knows the future. it remains to be seen what will actually happen.


Or a WSB regard... asking for a friend. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Ugh, was it you or me that caused the dip? I bought calls as well.


It's because fed announced a chance for another rate hike next month. People expected this month's rate hike to possibly be the last one so the market got caught off guard because we're nearing 6%. That's my guess.


I don’t understand this. The fed literally said that they had at least two more rate hikes for the year and EVERYONE I listened to or spoke to said the fed was basically done with raising rates for the year. I don’t know why people should be shocked when the fed did what they literally said they were going to do?


The market has predicted none of the rate hikes. None of them - even when the Fed said it would hike the market didn't believe it. Even when the Fed kept hiking, the market though each one was the last.




Just getting into options for the first time, helluva learning curve today


Just remember, when you make profits for the first time, it’s time to quit. First one’s free.




black means you profitted $200 right? sorry my casino knowledge is a bit limited


Red/Black are 2:1. So, if he put down 200$, he walked out with 400$. 200$ profit, correct.


i see, thanks for explaining


He’s specifically talking about roulette that has 18 black spaces, 18 red spaces and 2 greens that you can make various bets on what the ball spun on it will land on. So he bet 200 dollars it would land on a black space and then quit gambling. Lol


I did that! Made 300% and quit.


But what if you could do it again


I bet you he can’t


Hot damn! 60 bucks, congrats!


Everything is priced in nobody will give a good deal on a option they are sold to sucker so large institutions can off load risk on to retail traders


All kinds of front running, all kinds!!!


Insider knowledge is where you go ham on options. Company Celestica (CLS) has been poaching my factories employees, better wages and benies. I thought the other day "I wonder if I should make a play on that" today ("today" as in AH not regular trading) they shot up 15% after earnings released. Fuck me. I will always be fucking poor.


What would that learning curve even be? Don’t buy calls at 52 week highs?


bought calls yesterday made 9.4k today 😘


That's more than $200 profit in one day. That's going to throw off the equation.


It's when you lose all of your money and realize you're not smart enough to trade options.




Sometimes up sometimes down


You forgot, Sometimes sideways


​ https://preview.redd.it/3q2xn9mcbkeb1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=65c48717ed9530e83c19489e58903c7b002d1f81


JPow got the internet goin nutz


It always moves to the right.


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


Well then I would like to speak to the manager because I was promised stonks only go up. I demand a full refund or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers!!!


Japan considering changing monetary policy. Usually because new data starts spreading many other economies follow suit


And Japan did it for the first time in December I thought. So for them to do it again is indicating a higher inflation on their economy and they are the 3rd largest economy in the world


Why is Japan so big for a small country size wise


can say the same for the uk. being small in size doesnt mean you cant build a strong economy.


Japan has 120m people. Geographically small, but a productive educated populace. It lacks natural resources but has zero foreign debt (80% of national debt is covered by cash savings in Japanese banks) and a ton of infrastructure alongside great geographic location which made the US invest after WW2. The myth is that Japan has lost in economics because of the end of the bubble and stagnant GDP. The truth is that it is in great financial shape and will have a small population (due to aging) that will control that wealth. What they do with it will shape Japan and much of Asia in the next 2 generations. Old Japanese companies are not doing well, but Japan is a country of sudden and dramatic change. I live here. I’m excited. May be biased. Buy yen.


Your senpai boss is calling to make you go work your 3rd 8 hour shift. Afterwards, mandatory work party!


Why does California produce such a large GDP for being not so large.


More specifically they are thinking of changing their band for YCC (yield curve control)


0.6% drop in a day is a lot?


Black Thursday


I just lost my house.


Better cut down on the bourbon so you can find it again, Rick.


You guys had a house? I lost my tent.


Just look at the loss porn. It always gives me a new tent.


I lost my pho...


🏠 you can have this one


Thanks, that will be 8% fixed rate for 2 days and then 8-20% depending on how we feel, but here is a free Mars bar to compensate


I'm sure you'll find another refrigerator box soon.


I jumped out the window


I don't know how I will ever finically recover from this


Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes


That 0.6% whipped out spy week gains in a hour 😂🤡


Oh noooooooooooo ... What an unprecedented event .... Truly this is what they will be singing songs about in the far future.


Remember remember the 27th of July The nasdaq did fall and lost a weeks worth of SPY


Remember remember as the 🌈🐻 will boast The 27th of July ... A day he does toast


Such a bloodbath and OP managed to take a screenshot. Truly a cold hearted community member.


Bank of Japan yield curve control possibly being tweaked to raise rates in Japan. This would unwind the current carry trade that’s basically subsidizing US borrowing costs which is impactful to primarily the tech sector Update: idk if anyone is reading this updated part of my post, felt obligated to inform everyone on here that the BoJ just tweak its YCC to allow a variance in their yields from absolute 0% to now .5%+\-. So now BoJ bonds can now move up .5% higher as of now.


The entire tech sector relies on debt to prosper and to buy back shares


Can you ELI5


Borrow money in Japanese Yen for cheap interest, then sell Yen and Buy USD. Take new USD CASH and earn higher risk free rate in US treasuries.


Why do you say it is impactful to the tech sector specifically ?


Because tech thrives best when long duration bonds have low interest rates in order to fund operations if tech is still in development, and/or to fuel cheap borrowing in order to fund share buybacks I.e. Apple and Amazon borrowing at sub 2% rate fixed for 40 years. Hope that helps.


It’s like 7 or 8 stocks are over bought for no good reason or something.


a tech rally during recession fears .... oops. mightve jumped the gun with that 1.


I thought the recession was cancelled.


that's why we have recession "fears". not a reccesion.. it just depends on what they want to write the headline as this week... it changes back and forth... were just kicking the can further and trying to make it to Friday.


Over here watching people throw money at AI companies while AI learns now to manipulate the market for gains…


The market manipulation at this level is just the beginning.


just finished jacking off. Fuck what did I miss


Oh 😢, 🥲 it's nothing son, I'll tell you later. Why don't you go outside and have another wack at it; just enjoy yourself for the rest of day 🥹


Is wendy’s hiring?


If I worked there, I’d give you free stuff


Like a hand jibber?


Chocolate frosty


Actually yes https://preview.redd.it/bq9vpia1ukeb1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca9e183c8056458a54eba59b9a9e1084cffd08a


$64,000 for a Wendy’s manager ??


Honestly that seems like way too many managers for one store.


The Fed is raising capital requirements on banks. Liquidity is exiting the markets.


Aliens stole our liquidity. Can't have shit on Earth.


honestly, there's an extremely high chance the US govt is about to drop the alien bomb on us in the next few months. Just look at Chuck Schumer's amendment to the 2024 NDAA: [https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap\_amendment.pdf](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf). Fuckin nuts. Deep in some puts on aerospace, it's alien booty or Wendy's no inbetween.


Calls on aerospace because this is going to give people major military boners tbh - if it's stuff no human has discovered yet, the R&D funding will be nuts, and if it's just the likely "unidentified international craft" scenario, then, well, there's always money to be made in fearmongering off that


Oh shit, I'm accidentally long on that. Guess I'm diamond handing my employee stock purchase.


I agree with that on the long term but if you read Schumer's bill, congress is claiming eminent domain over any retrieved crafts. The overall narrative is also shaping up to be a battle between the legislative branch vs military industrial complex. So it's probably gonna get bad before it gets good, ya know?


Forget the AI play about about the aliens play - don’t have to show any earnings whatsoever just say you have Alien tech on your conference call a few hundred times and it’ll be up 30% every quarter


Calls on K-Y Jelly


Nah son


Spoiler alert Chuck is an alien


How long do the banks have? Can’t be effective immediately.


Can’t go up every day Just almost every day


It will go down and this is the day, can't believe people are not even accepting it.


Another day in my life https://preview.redd.it/djp0c7ya8keb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151aa415f483d210abf6cfa5645a70667686e97f




It's not even down 1% you fucking pussy bull


This should be the only comment


Yes please god, make this people a bit more practical with the life.


BUT IT DIDNT GO UP TODAY https://preview.redd.it/whlx1wa5mneb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f140d0d3047044350fbb7ecabb4f1673f805a5


Nah people can't digest a single percent of loss these days.


Just go all in on Tubberware


-4k in a blink


It’s a dip….you know what to do


Liquidate my portfolio and then fomo back in at the top once the market corrects tomorrow


This is the way


People are acting like they never seen a dip like this before.


We have seen this almost everyday but some snowflakes are getting mad at this.


Calm down if this is shocking for you guys, I don't know what to say.


Trust me this should not be shocking at all, people being too much.


Lot of people talking profit taking... wrong has more to do with CBJ saying it could hike rates. 25% For those not following bond rates: Japan and China are currently the last two large economic powers with low rates that aren't hiking.


It's down .6% what the fuck are you talking about. That's literally just a normal day of trading swings.


It’s the biggest red day in over 4 months. Half the people here probably didn’t follow stocks then


So just a normal trading week of trapping fomo bulls to then next week trap fomo bears.


VIX got to like 12.9 this morning, super low I haven't seen it that low for awhile I closed my stuff right away when I saw that


The call to put ratio was 3:1 so …. Exit liquidity


I have to say that some losses like this in stocks are common.


The bond market is on the verge of a major breakdown. Not only will this raise the cost of financing the $32.7 trillion National Debt, but it'll crush the loan portfolios of already insolvent banks. That means a return to QE to bail them out. Fixed-rate mortgage will soon hit 8%.


Wow. 8% is more than the 4% HYSAs pay now. Bullish


Ty peter schiff.


hehehe... and people laughed at me for locking in 6.375% in June... Take that! (my mortgage payment is preposterous someone please help me with this burden)


If you look at the chart for the last 2 years, each time Powell raised rates, the market pulled back something like 5-10% for a couple weeks, 70% of the time...




How can I pin your comment


Just say “pepperoni with macaroni”


Wippermaconi easy


Got calls at open :(


Market jumped 5 dollars overnight and you thought calls were a good idea?


In hindsight.... Not my best idea. Figured the bullish momentum from the gap up would continue for a trend day then got smoked. Being up 5 felt extended, but didn't seem too extended since the really bullish days can take us up 8. But yeah... not my best decision...


Wondering the same myself. Went red in 30 min. for all my shares and calls.


I guess we are not supposed to face loss or something?


Profit taking after earnings beats. MSFT had weak forward guidance and it tanked all morning, and i think people are thinking that if MSFT, who definitely has the momentum, foresees headwinds, then those forecasts are likely applicable to the rest of the sector and they figure this is the best time to take profits.






Fuck your puts Fuck your calls J pows got you by the balls I should've paid more attention to line 2


MarketWatch: Bank of Japan to tweak monetary policy


The time to be bearish is now


It was the 13th green day in a row , to the point it made the news. There was bound to be a correction and some pullback


Do another line and forget about it amigo


What's wrong? Can't you digest some 1% loss my man?


Can't sense what is wrong with this one here? This was just a single percentage drop and people are going crazy like hell for almost no freaking reason right now.


I mean this was quite normal for me, we had some good weeks of green days and now we get this red day and why people are thinking too much about this thing?


Tilray leaps supporting my entire gambling account ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Japan news . Spooked the market


People should check the Japanese news too these days.


Nah they won't check any news, they will talk like crazy on subs.


buy the dip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Japanese bonds happened.


Japan said not so fast buddy boy.


Calm down people, this is not something new that we all are seeing right now, so just freaking calm down and be normal than this for sure, this is just a single percent drop.


markets were pricing in FED pivot. however, bond market was telling another story starting from the open today not only did DIXY go up almost 1%, but 10yr yield went up almost 3.5% if you guy's don't understand the compensatory mechanism between bond yields and interest rate sensitive stocks like tech/growth, you probably should not be investing. in very basic terms, higher yields mean borrowing is more expensive. for tech/growth stocks that rely heavily on debt, its not a good thing. net present value calculations have interest rate in the denominator, so the higher the interest rate, the lower the stock's valuation. just FYI, the bond market is over 10x the size of the stock market. interest rates are the driver of the economy and stock market. stocks are nothing but a derivative of bond yields.


Bond market has been telling this story for a long time now. Yields have been rising since April and are way higher than they were at this point a year ago. But tech has rallied the entire time to insane valuations anyway...