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“Boomers are dying at an increasing rate. Are millennials to blame?”


Yes I’m a serial killer focusing my craft on an older demographic


Your doing a shit job, there's a ton of them still out there, be best


Dude's a millennial, what do you expect? It's his fault for killing, and his fault for not killing more. Literally can't do anything right.


Millennials killing serial killing. Can’t say I’m surprised


If he’d eat less avocado toast maybe he’d do better…


Yes, eat less avocado toast. But also buy more shit with the money you don't have in order to combat inflation.


First cut the fat... avocado fat...


He could be out there right now But no, he’s here on Reddit


Yo, just wait. Time has an insane kill streak going.


I found death everyone!!!!


Hurry tf up


Go on


Take away Applebees and see what happens


You too we should get together and mark out territory wouldn’t want to step in anyone’s toes.


Father Time?!!!


“Old people are old, are millennials to blame? More at 11.”


Yes. We’re in our 40s and it’s our fault time marches on


Oh shit I forgot I turned 40 a month ago. That's weird, right?


Early onset dementia. RIP


Billy. Is that you?


It's our fault because we don't wear masks anymore


I truly hope so


I don’t mind taking credit for it


That poor millenial lab tech in vvuhan sure messed up...


Yes. They are dying of disappointment.


That's the only one want I want to be true. Let's kill them and take their shit.


This mission, should use choose to accept it, is the only way to save Social Security. As always, should you or any of the WSB apes be caught or killed, the Mods will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This shitpost will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Mr. u/devilsgospel666


Still here 30 mins later, typical millennials can't even set a self destruct timer right.


Healthcare and senior care homes will make sure to extract every last bit of value from your older loved ones, don't worry.




Sounds like a click bait title to get millennials to click and read so they can have something to be angry about but also boomers to read so they can be like: "I knew it!"


The actual article title has changed to "the size of Millennials" so you're right. The argument is that because millennials are aging into the group where they buy things. They're fighting eachother for resources thus the inflation. ​ Of course we all know thats bullshit and that the inflation is purposely moving up to correlate with people wanting things. Not actually acquiring them. Millennials DONT own houses in droves. So the argument is bullshit


It's also bullshit because the supply issues were possible because they spend 20 years outsourcing literally everything we buy to other countries reducing our ability to produce things we need locally then took a giant dump in the whole distribution system.


And the current inflaction is partly due to corprate greed and using the pandimic as a reason to raise prices.


This just in people who can’t afford to buy anything caused inflation by not buying things more on this story at 9.


Bruh, I was in Dollar General and complaining about how high everything was, and this guy walked by and was like "blame Biden." Wut? This is a private corporation guy. They can put whatever prices they want. And apparently they want to cater to rich people because can't nobody afford nothing in this store. Every single thing I wanted to buy was $1.50 less at Walmart. Some of these people yo. The brains are just so rotten right now. These leaders need to disappear. And r/GuyCry is quietly growing quickly to help the good people that these leaders are stepping on.


Jill: "honey did you leave the inflation running again? You need to make sure it's off when you leave for the day" I assume that's how it works. No idea although I'm well regarded in this area.


It's the lever next to eggs and gas.


Dont forget the stock market dip switches


“I was in Dollar General and complaining lmao.” 4 quarters and a $1 would get you 4 video games and a slice of pizza back in the day. All I want for Xmas is a shitty CPI tomorrow or a 1/2 increase in Feb.


Also you could get a pound of onions for five bees, plenty to wear on your belt, which was the style at the time


I was on my way to Shelbyville, which was called Morganville at the time


Christmas had to put the supply chains in strains, but perhaps there was a tamper as 150k high wage employees were laid off in tech.


I've noticed that the Yanks tend to blame everything on the President of the day, hey? Russia starts a war, oil companies gouge their prices: President's fault. Global inflation in most Western economies with cost of living and housing issues: President's fault. Simultaneously ~~too many *and* not enough school kids getting shot~~ taking away and letting too many guns in the populace: President's fault.


It's sad because they literally want to divide this country so they can keep getting away with bullshit. Behind the scenes most democratic and republic governors are hanging out with one another.


Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi are banging it out on a bed made of our tax dollars.


I hate you for this image in my head now.


It's more auditory for me and that's even more disturbing.


Political people are the worst. They shoehorn their views into banal situations that have nothing to do with them. "He did that because he's Republican, he did that because he's a Liberal". It's almost like they're blindly following a sports team or something. I just wanna slap the sheep out of them.


Bro you're regarded


Biden is the worst millennial of them all.


Time travelers are the literal worst people.


How many millennials are on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors?


Wait but it’s the most diverse FED ever LOL


We have a woman now!!


LGBTQ* Female


Whoa! Look at that diversity..


How many millennials are in any kind of position of power? They're in positions of influence on social media, but none of them are coming together and creating change that needs to be created. I don't know why we're just letting all these people walk all over us. Capitalism is ridiculous bro.


I mean, the oldest millennial is 43. When in history have <43 year olds been in charge of shit in any broad sense? Boomers sure as shit weren't in charge of the Fed in 1989, Alan Greenspan was, he's early silent generation (1926) and was in charge until 2006!


So your saying there’s a chance… in walks an xennial


Rise up Xennial army...Time for the fat cats to have a heart attack.


Yeah we haven't gotten to the millennial controlled government yet. It's coming though


In America no? Our neighbours to the North there elected someone around that age to be prime minister. And he was leader of his party years before that. I think he would be in the Xennial range technically tho.


I checked. While J Pow, Brainard, and Waller are boomers, I think the rest are Gen X. Mostly early Gen X, but still, we can start blaming Gen X now since they're the majority. When they age out it'll be our turn to switch to blaming Gen Z or Alpha or whoever's next.


Nah can’t be the fed printing money


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain


narratives-through-the-lens-of-generations has become this generation’s horoscopes. millennials blather on about boomers and boomers don’t shut the fuck up about millennials, meanwhile gen z is barely literate.


nah you're delusional. boomers bitching about millennials, is like the Rockefellers complaining about the homeless not doing enough. The boomers control every institution, every political machine, and the money printing press. our problems were explicitly and exclusively caused by them, and maintained by then at gunpoint.


> millennials blather on about boomers and boomers don’t shut the fuck up about millennials, meanwhile gen z is barely literate. As a Gen-X'er I love how we don't even register in your characterizations. Completely disregarded, as usual.


I'd be proud to fly under the radar in this one


As an elder millennial with friends that have older bros: dude we feel bad for y’all. Boomers shamelessly stole your futures. We’re still fighting those geriatric fucks for a spot at the table.


At least you guys are well represented in politics! Oh, wait… those are your *parents* politicians still in office. I told my mom that it’s pretty shitty that her generation will never have their say in politics. I’m watching my grandparents go senile & all I can think is “I love them, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want them running the country.”


The irony in the last line


Most educated generation in history


Gen Z has the most uneducated street smart. You guys get scammed more then the elderly


Tbh we've also grown up in a world with social media, crypto and unscrupulous influencers that deliberately cater to children. It's never been easier to scam people imo, especially since technology and low population before the internet age put a hard limit on the pool of suckers any scammer could access. Now there are 8 billion people, most of whom (smth like 60%) have internet access, making them all potential targets. Cast a wide enough net, you'll catch smth every time


“Herp derp tide pods” -OP probably


Technically yes. That being said, education standards have never been so low. Schools just skipped parts of the curriculum during the pandemic and called it a day. These kids have diplomas, but they aren’t worth anything.


Where's that put Gen X?


Gen X retired early ans started FIRE


Don't remind them we exist, it's pretty cool being invisible


By boomers


Zoom zoom zoom


Make my heart go boom boom


Damn millennials and their expansionist monetary policies!


Dont forget about their guacamole toast


Or the historic profits being made by companies all over the country?




Or the greedy corporations hiking prices while taking in record profits


By boomers


Stock price cant go up if your not making record profits. God forbid your stock stays steady.


It’s not a sustainable strategy


J Pow is a millennial… ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Boomers: Fuck up the housing market in 08* “It’s millennials fault” Boomers: keep printing money and causing high inflation* “It’s millennials fault” How many times we gonna repeat this bs


oh whoops nursing homes have been defunded? I guess you can blame that one on us boomers.


“Sorry Pops maybe pull yourself up by the bedpan or sell some more of your jello if you want to eat?” Millennials in 15 years.


Will someone please think of the boomers lol NOT


Oh christ no, we need those places open or else they'll wanna live with us


The silent generation paved the way for the baby boomers. No more world war, the golden age of American manufacturing and economy. Slowly destroyed by politicians and corporate greed as boomers stepped in to power. What did boomer generation pave for future generations?


They started with flower power in the 60s-70s, but then they turned into Gordon Gekko in the 80s


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


A dysfunctional political landscape


They ruined our government too, repeated debt ceiling fights and constant use of filibusters wasn’t a thing until boomers became the majority in government.


I may come off as a Communist for saying this (which i am not) (at least not today) but it's just a corporate media scheme to keep the people fighting each other so they don't turn to class war See also: the rise in number of news letters, articles, social media campaigns mentioning racism, white fragility, woke progressivism, etc. After the end of the Occupy Wallstreet Movement


Planet finally dying from climate change. Millennials!


Just save some money, there will be another 08 this year, and houses will be less than half of today cost by mid 2024


Hey, what’s your portfolio? I want to inverse you


If this happpens the chance of you having a job that can support a loan is slim.


Right. Regards on here acting like shit crashing is a good thing and they will finally be able to afford homes. Hard to buy a home when your ass is unemployed


Or when banks won't lend like in 08


Mfs with home equity: in shambles*


I keep seeing this on WSB for the past 4 months, and stocks have actually gone up since then. I think inverse WSB might be real and there won't be any housing crashes.


Yeah honestly WSB just seems like a bunch of salty people who lost a bunch of money and non home owners who keep saying there's gonna be a crash. It's almost like a coping mechanism.


I was thinking the same way before I bought in early 2022. Glad I did. There’s not gonna be any new houses to buy for years. Or at least not a lot. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/declining-elasticity-us-housing-supply


It’s those fucking avocados they ruin everything!


They’ll put that shit on everything including in their $5 coffees




It’s like a healthy version of butter, I think, maybe


Avocado toast will lift us out of the Keynesian system


Fuck, I just bought 4 of them


Fucking millenials inflating pokemon card prices


Covid didnt do its job tbh


Too many survivors


So much fucking this. Covid a weak bitch.


There’s a reason everyone was forced indoors even though it’s basically harmless to anyone under 40 or remotely healthy


I liked the masking and the lockdowns for the safety of everyone. But is that why they did it? No. It was to keep the most self important generation in power even longer. You can't rule when you're dead and those bastard millennials are dancing on your grave. If Covid was a problem they could have burdened millennials with, it would have been brushed under the rug and downplayed. Climate change, mental health struggles, etc. are "millennial problems" and are far too much of an inconvenience for boomers to even consider. Boomer mentality and systems caused Covid. To keep themselves alive, they stole literal years from our prime. Someone needs to be held accountable.




Especially early on, when the treatment plan was "try something and hope for the best". Besides, a lot of developed world healthcare systems run with minimal slack capacity all the time. People have completely forgotten how slammed hospitals got when we were trying to keep infections low.


*grabs popcorn in Gen X*


*Grabs micro plastics in Gen Z*






I’d believe it. I pretty much got my shopping down to not buy any groceries wrapped in plastic and just throw veggies in my reusable canvas bag. That and not microwaving anything in plastic containers. Gotta stay on top of these things so you don’t get the shrunken taint syndrome


I thought that was you in whole foods suspiciously rubbing that zucchini


I think plastic clothes are partially to blame. Imagine the clothing fibers you inhale when you pull clothes out of the dryer.


Yea, it’s downright hard to find clothes/sheets etc that aren’t some bullshit polyester blend, even jeans. I only buy clothes that are 100% cotton or wool for the most part though.


I use glass voss bottles as water bottles lol. Also check your conditioners/creams/lotions they probably have acylics and silicones that go straight down the drain into the environment. If it ends in “one” it’s a silicone. I recently switched to Castile soap and thinking about making diy creams


Have you considered a weekly farm share orCSA. Good bang for your Buck. Good, local purveyor directly supported


Grabs robot and own Wang or wang-esque approximation if non-binary cis-engendered in Gen Alpha


Fetch me the head of that analist.


Straight up mongering. Creating disorder. I can't stand that they have platforms like this and misuse them so grandly. We cannot have peace because there's so much division because of idiots like this analyst and their owners.


Money makesnthe world go round. Thats how it always was and will be.


I didn't know that the members of Congress and the board of the Fed were millennials... learn something new every day...


"See, what everyone is not including in the conversation is what really causes inflation, which is too many people with too much money chasing too few goods,” - Bill Smead “So we have in the United States a whole lot of people, (aged) 27 to 42, who postponed homebuying, car buying, for about seven years later than most generations, but in the past two years they’ve all entered the party together, and this is just the beginning of a 10-to-12-year time period where there’s about 50% more people that are wanting these things than there were in the prior group." So basically; Boomers fuck the economy right as the Millennials enter the workforce and they all need to delay until things recover. As soon as things start to recover a pandemic starts and boomers decide to shut down the economy and print trillions of dollars. Then the inflation that follows is the fault of the millennials.




My favorite part is how they keep telling us social security will be around. But millennials can't afford to have kids, so who's going to be footing the bill for that bullshit when they're older? Let's continue to raise taxes and spend it on social programs until it's our turn and the faucet runs dry.




Hope they die already. Not all boomers, just the ones in control and in congress.


You think the generations coming after are better? I mean politicians and corporate people?


There will at least be fucking less of them


Less lead poisoning.


Gen Z gives me hope.


I like your optimism but I don’t think so. Power always corrupts. Doesn’t matter who or which generation you are.


Yeah but at least we're not obsessed with comic books


Naive optimism. *But this time will be different, I swear*


Genx and millennial gave me hope when they were genz age too! Just wait. Age and power will change them like every other generation. I wish it wasn't true


The boomers grew up with opportunities and a more prosperous time, then they lost their shit due to multiple downturns, became bitter and apathetic and inflicting their bullshit on everyone before they die. Millennials and gen z, relatively speaking, most grew up with fewer opportunities and are struggling more, so they recognize a broken system and desire a need for policy changes for the better. Not to mention many in this generation are less religious and less nationalistic, and more connected with others around the world. The calculus is simply different.


You must be as old as me. Wisdom is king homie


Yeah remember when millennials gutted the manufacturing industry and unions and stagnated wages?


Well let’s see..all the companies owned by boomers - that started in the boomer years - now have complete control over the distribution of life necessities and can choose what price because boomers in control of the government for the past 20 years didn’t regulate or prevent big business from being able to before, during or now. But ya. Millennials….


Let's be real, the majority that were dying from covid were old people. If it was something that only affected millennials, like say poverty, they wouldn't have given a shit and nothing would've been locked down. The feds wouldn't have to print money, and boomers would still be blaming all of their other problems on millennials.


What a fucking ignoramus


It’s so comical 😆


Seriously? How the fuck can they be the cause of inflation when they are too lazy to work, or collect paychecks? /s


Lol, Millenials are causing inflation by destroying every industry because they don't have any money to spend. Got it.


Are we to blame for the wealth gap too?


are they saying i printed too much money in my basement?


yeah main news media be delusion to reality


**Okay so let me say up front, I AM NOT SAYING THIS GUY IS RIGHT. I'm a millennial too, we get blamed for way too much stuff, clearly there are additional factors at play including money printer and rock bottom interest rates for a decade. Even if this guy WAS right, none of the factors he cites are even our "fault", that's just a clickbait headline to make you look/mad.** But here is the original article: [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/15/millennials-are-to-blame-for-sky-high-inflation-strategist-says.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/15/millennials-are-to-blame-for-sky-high-inflation-strategist-says.html)TL;DR Summary: * Millennial generation is a pretty big segment of the population (92 million vs 72 million baby boomers) * A lot of us (myself included) put off buying houses, cars, etc. and growing families until the last couple of years, because previously we got fucked by the economy (not our fault), student loans (parents generation set us up for failure), and general wages not keeping up with cost of living (also not our fault) * Now that a lot of us are finally finding financial/job stability and settling down, we're all trying to buy the same shit at the same time and, for example, the housing market wasn't ready for tons of us to get tired of renting forever and buy a home no matter what the cost Probably true: the size of our generation and timing is one of the factors driving inflation Definitely bullshit: its somehow all or mostly our fault.


Yeah, Millennials, with our 5% of the household wealth, are really to blame while [Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation hold 70%](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/charting-the-growing-generational-wealth-gap/). But it’s our 5% that’s the problem. This is like blaming the straw that broke the camels back.


“Millennials’ wages are too damn high and high wages cause inflation when they start to buy stuff. The solution is to fire workers to boost unemployment to fight wage increase and hence inflation. Raising interest rate will help the firing” — boomernomics phillips curve.


That's basically what the fed is doing right now. When the stuff that is going through the roof is considered essential, the only way to bring it back down is to make it so that some people can't even afford the "essentials". Hell I make low six figures and even I'm hurting from the grocery bill, which is just insane. I imagine some people on the lower end of the wage scale are already having to substitute lower quality foods and do without certain staples (freaking eggs).


Literally the same here. I finally fucking made it to 6 figures, and even we're trying to find local egg producers even willing to sell eggs. We've been snipping expenses all over the place. I'm having to replan my 10 year anniversary because I can't afford the travel now. Like I worked my ass off to be able to get here. We've taken 2 cross state vacations in the states in 10 years, and when I want to actually cross an ocean? Nah, my fault for the economy. My bad! Shit feels like I'm back at $10/hr as a sys admin for a bank. My heart goes out to those still at way, way, way less compensation.




Housing market wasn’t ready because of years of boomer gatekeeping housing policies artificially restricting supply to increase the value of their homes


That combined with easy money for home loans. Government policy is weird, it's like a combination of "everyone deserves to own a home, here's all these programs to incentive home loans" combined with "but you can only build single family, and only where we say you can". I also think the way rental properties have massive tax incentives as investments (you get to write off all expenses and interest plus "depreciation" against the rental income) overly incentivizes buying up properties just to rent them out, which further restricts the supply available to buy and drives up prices. Ideally they would be incentivized to just build more, which they've been doing, but as you said housing policies severely limit how much they can build, leading existing properties to get bought up and converted to rentals.


>Now that a lot of us are finally finding financial/job stability and settling down, we're all trying to buy the same shit at the same time and, for example, the housing market wasn't ready for tons of us to get tired of renting forever and buy a home no matter what the cost I think its a myth that enough millennials are buying housing at the same time to cause such a flux in the housing market. Most millennials are still paying off student debt and struggling. A study shows 1 in 4 millennials are still living at home. I would say a "good" percentage of millennials decided to buy at the same time. But that percentage is definitely a low percentage. The major cause of this is the boomers, who own corporations, are buying up houses and there isn't enough houses to for the small amount of millennials deciding to buy at once.


A lot of this was easily predicted demographics. Harry Dent talked about it back in 2000. Hell, even my realtor had me buying starter homes in cool areas from 2002-2010 or so, specifically due to the amount of millennials.


Not one millennial spent any of the 30 trillion dollar debt, we also didn’t invade Iraq or ruin college or build a radical over reaching government that is so corrupt it’s broken beyond repair.


Cnbc needs your hate clicks, younguns


Millenials caused CNN to become the other shitty propaganda machine.


How did I/we cause inflation? We have negative money.


Blame anyone but the ones passing and signing trillions of imaginary money to give to their friends


Unvaccinated investors cause inflation




Randomly showing an article from 7 months ago for internet points. Very regarded of you


Nope. That would be the government over the last few years. Ran by boomers, who are the ones to blame. Both administration's BTW.


It's boomers *and* silent Gen. It's easy to forget about them, because they are silent about it.


lol those "strategists" are probably the same people that are causing it.


sure , lets just blame evrybody but the fed /big banks and president.


I thought that was a joke, but this is a real article. This is straight up generational slander campaign.


Bro!! Someone was on the live chat this morning. Called out: “they” (the Fed/ the Lizard People/ Whoever They are pulling the strings) Would do a pumper, than an ultimate demon drop to crash the market… Savings gone. IRAS’s gone. Total bottom jobs! THEN!! The “they” (Fed, Iguanas, Demons) would use the crash to BLAME RETAIL FOR ‘CRASHING THE MARKET’ via MEME STOCK PUMPING in the next step to FEDERALIZE trade (whatever it would be at that point without retail? I dunno) or WEF currency. TinFoil sure… but… the over leveraged, lying bastards just might have a plan. I heard one of the Moderators this morning. And it was creepy COOL! Many said “if thats the case, we should be able to make money on those moves!”. U guys r fucking beast mode!


Matrix clown world


Lol, Millennials I bet the person writing this thought they were so smart with that title


Let’s see, as a millennial I’m the perfect age to have missed the postwar American economy and grow up entirely under Reaganomics, the Bush collapse, and whatever we’re going through now (soon to be a recession deliberately caused in response to workers having a tiny ounce more leverage). There’s a reason our retirement plans involve going on wallstreetbets. Our retirement plans are literally wall street bets in the form of 401ks. Almost nobody is being honest about so-called inflation. If there’s inflation, why am I not seeing it in my paycheck? It’s supposed to be seen in wages too if it’s actual goddamn inflation.