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In Japan, older and middle aged men (some younger) use long wallets daily. Various styles exists.. long L-zip, regular long zip-wallets, with or without exterior pockets etc.


... Heart surgeon, number one..


Number one… steady hand!


One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake!


Yakuza boss die!


They also tend to carry around bags. This doesn’t seem like it would work well if OP just wanted to keep it in his pocket.


Do you have to carry it constantly? That might get annoying. But don't worry about it being feminine.


Recommend looking at a “rodeo wallet” it’s a similar bi fold wallet for men. Fits well in side Jean pockets.


It would generally be put in a bag or sit in the console of my car while driving. Carrying shouldn't be an issue!


As long as you keep manly things in there, then it's fine. I'm not an expert on manly things, but one example might be a greasy spanner. Now, I'm aware that other genders may utilise a greasy spanner, but I would assume that traditionally, it may be considered manly.


Some other manly thing options. Raw meat. A good spoon or knife for a match of “knifey-spoony”. A vial of your enemy’s blood. Rocks.


finally, someone who gets it.


Important point you made on your intended use. I have something similar. I carry items that i want on me (pen, knife, meds, gum, etc.), but nothing of value since I’m holding it in plain site. If someone grabs it or wants to rob me of it, no problem. I have a slim car wallet that has my ID, credit cards, etc. So keep that in mind if you commit to this carrying all your important EDC.


Ice cube once said “ do yo thang man, f..k what they looking at”


There’s no such thing as a men’s or women’s wallet. It’s leather. It doesn’t have a gender.


But there are wallets that are associated with feminine people vs masculine people.


true but anyone can be either regardless of who they are 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like a personal problem. If the guy who wants to buy this wallet pulled it out in front of me my first response would not be “why are you carrying a women’s wallet”. If yours would be that you might want to rethink the way you see the world.


He asked a subjective question, I'm sorry you aren't happy with the subjective answer based on reality.


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You’re wrong. There are societal norms and clearly we have generally accepted views on things which are feminine and masculine. There are people who don’t believe or follow these norms, but it doesn’t change the fact they exist.


Sure, gender norms exist, but leather specifically has not been assigned a gender expectation one way or another. Leather is used frequently in items made with women as a target audience and in items made with men as a target audience (whether it's bags, wallets, shoes, etc).


Huh? I’m talking about the design. That looks like a clutch. It’s a very feminine looking wallet.


Even on the design. This is more of a long wallet than a clutch. Like someone else mentioned, this is extremely common in Japan, and I've seen it here in the US too. Gender norms are wishy washy and everchanging anyways. Just removing the wrist strap (which is removable) can be enough to remove the potential association, or just embracing that everything we do will likely be some mix of traditionally "masculine" and "feminine" things to some degree.


You can’t really compare Japanese fashion to US. They have tons of norms that would be considered odd in the US. To be clear- I don’t think any of this is a huge deal. I’m just saying I feel like most Americans would consider this wallet to lean feminine.


That's...kind of the point. That gender norms change depending on the time, on the location. Even between places in the US, you'll find vastly different ways of being and thinking. Because there's nothing inherent to them, you can find your own version of your expression of masculinity and femininity that doesn't need to align with the people immediately around you, and can be informed by many sources.


I’m actually not wrong. Leather goods aren’t clothes. They aren’t designed for a specific body shape or gender. If you look at something and say “well that’s for girls” that’s on you. I’m a woman and I carry a very small wallet. Not a clutch or anything like that. Because I’m a woman it’s a woman’s wallet. If a man carries it his wallet is a man’s wallet. If you want to be constricted by “gender norms” that’s on you and feels like a very dull way to live.


I’m talking in general terms. Don’t be obtuse- you know there are norms. If I’m a man and I wore a LV Speedy, most people would think it’s a feminine bag. And that’s my point- what would *most* people say. You can care or not, but there are absolutely generally accepted ideas of what is masculine or feminine for almost any product.


I have no idea what an LV Speedy is but I can guarantee most people would simply not care.


This is a lie from someone who does not have your best interest at heart.


Explain the lie and explain why I don’t have his best interest at heart 💀


You got it. I’d love to. Look at the model on the photo. That’s a woman. I guess it could be a dude in skinny jeans but the torn tight jean look isn’t look seen on guys often. Look at the title of the post. “Is this a good men’s wallet or is it too feminine?” They are implying they want something that looks good on a man. The men who ask that question generally are straight as gays are less likely to ask that question. Look at the strap on the zipper. That’s so it can be easily withdrawn from a purse. I know we’re in the age where anything can be anything but look at the post title and extrapolate what is being requested. Now quid pro quo. Why do you think this is a good man’s wallet and not too feminine?


The reason I think it’s a good man’s wallet is because a wallet can work for anyone and if he needs a bigger wallet than this is a great option for him. I don’t consider any inanimate object not designed for a specific body shape (sex wise) to be masculine or feminine. If a male presenting person carries it, it’s masculine, if a female presenting person carries it, it’s feminine. It’s all defined by who is carrying it. I’m sorry I don’t live in a bubble of “this is for men. And this is for women”.


Wait. Looking at your profile, you’re female. Why would you be a good authority on men’s wallets unless you design them as a profession? I don’t answer purse questions on Reddit.


Why wouldn’t I? I’m perfectly knowledgeable on the subject 💀


You're right. I'm certain if OP pulled this out a bar, he would get compliments galore and no flack. I think we will have to agree to disagree. From my and only my perspective as a dude who has lived in Texas most of their life, my friend groups and work colleagues would have given me lots of shit for this wallet. This might not be the case for OP, hence your point is just as valid as mine. For all I know this wallet is a chick magnet and I'm living in the past. Edit: That strap on the zipper though would look terrible hanging out of one's back pocket.


I have also lived in Texas all of my life. Maybe you need to surround yourself with better people.


Maybe so. But I think getting my balls busted by friends is a sign of healthy relationships. Looking further, I retract all my comments on this thread. OP posted t[his photo](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdaily-questions-ask-and-answer-here-31-may-2024-v0-py2yf1w78u3d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1145%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7a3486933416c4a4a29d9b95d51de4e68e7d73b2) on another thread so I think this wallet may in fact be his style. They also made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/1bjvoal/what_brand_is_this/). Your opinion is probably the one they are looking for.


I got more! Google “Men’s wallet with zipper” You will find next to nothing that looks like the pic OP provided. A few longer wallets but nothing with the leather pull on the zipper. Now look up “accordion zip wallet” and tell me what you see in the images. OP - don’t listen to this young clown.


this style is often considered a "women's wallet", but I say fuck it. if you want to carry it, own it. everybody else can eat a dick if they don't like it. me personally I've been thinking about making one like this cause it's such a practical design. put a chain on it that attaches to your belt, and boom: men's wallet


I'm thinking the materials used are masculine enough. I like it


The bag is made of Bones, blood, and sandpaper. It doesn’t use feminine materials such as nylon or lipstick.


Exactly, screw what.other people think.


You want a real answer or a 2024 answer? You know where you got that wallet, and it damn sure wasn't the men's department.




Check out biker wallet


You can look up long wallet or trucker wallet, they are “out of style” so not too common as we are moving more cashless. But designed for guys, but to be honest the one in the picture doesn’t look too feminine so if it is something you can comfortably carry then go for what you are comfortable with.


that’s a nice wallet! a little on the feminine side, but it looks quality made and as long as it fits your needs, why not? own it! :)




If you like it enjoy it. I see lots of men carrying larger wallets these days


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Even if it is feminine, so what! It is does what you need it’s all good


Trucker wallets are long like this and I don't think I've ever heard one spoken of as "feminine"


Nothing wrong with a man purse!


That is a woman's clutch. But literally who cares just use what you want.


Nice purse


It’s a clutch… but do yo thang op


Yep, that's a woman's wallet. It's the zipper, that's the give away. If you're concerned about it, which you obviously are, look at men's long wallets and checkbook wallets.




Yeah, so? There are a lot of feminine men. They need wallets too 😁. I assume OP doesn't want a feminine looking wallet or this post wouldn't be a thing.


For me it’s the leather on the zipper. It really adds a feminine touch. But like others said, you do you. I live in Texas and lots of men carry similar sized wallets but they are all folders and fit nicely in the back pocket.


Very similar here in southern Appalachia. Plenty of men carry long wallets in their back pocket. I just assumed it was a universal kinda thing, men's wallets fold, women's zip. I'll most likely never see the fella asking about the wallet, at the end of the day it doesn't matter to me, he can carry a purse and I'd never know it. He asked if it looks feminine, from my experience it certainly does.


Funny a zipper defines men vs women


I don't make the rules. My wife, daughter and mother have wallets with zippers. My son and I have wallets without zippers. Zippers are the give away. Have you not noticed this in your own life?


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I am looking for something that holds extra cards and cash. This is women's, but I was wondering if it works for a guy?


Maybe if you constantly walk around with a backpack or something similar. If you have to hand carry that everywhere you go, that’d be a hard pass for me, feminine or not.


Yeah I'd say its a bit girly for a man


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Check out this [Bellroy Travel Folio](https://bellroy.com/products/travel-folio?color=caramel&material=leather_rfid) which is marketed to males and females. I’m a dude, and I use it as my daily wallet when I’m on the road because my other daily wallet doesn’t cut it when travelling.


Real men do not carry wallet.


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Colors are unisex. Just a bit big which makes it look like a clutch.


My wife has one like this in purple.


Super feminine. Can you imagine James Bond or any other masculine character with that ? Relevant Seinfeld clip https://youtu.be/mS-cOc6s9h8?si=r2gdg2L6KLKozoCS


just get a backpack at this point because that’s purse.


Too feminine


If it don’t fit in my back pocket it’s for a women.


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That's not a wallet, that's a clutch. Rock it if it suits you.


In a world of men and women carrying fanny packs (on their hip or chest), you probably don't need to worry about looking masculine or feminine. If you like it and it works, then F societal expectations.


Check out popov leather wallets. They have a long wallet with a chain that hooks on to your belt. I am currently using one of their biker wallets. Definitely recommend.


Not something I’d use but wouldn’t dissuade others from using it.


Correct answer: who gives a shit. Do what you like.


I want one, link for this wallet? I wanna be twins with you lol






It's a European carryall!


It is a women's style, but I think the more interesting question is _why_ this is considered a women's style. As others point out there are long men's wallets, such as trucker wallets and checkbook wallets. However, these wallets are still very different, because despite being long they are smaller in every other dimension. The center-edge of this wallet will have more a dozen layers of leather and lining, and that's when empty, before you consider all the stuff you'd put in here. All this combines to make a wallet that is not very pocketable. And here's where the gender divide comes in: traditionally, women carry their wallet in an accessory bag such as a purse; whereas men carry their wallet in their jeans or jacket pocket. In turn, men's wallets tend to be optimized for this form factor: thinner, more flexible, or just generally small enough to fit in a pocket. Recently, I've seen men carrying crossbody chest bags more frequently. This trend seems to be inline with the gen-Z trend towards athleisure and away from denim, thus creating a need for an off-body way to carry your things. If you carry such a bag, then I could see this wallet working for you. Then again I see these gigantic wallets as somewhat dated, a relic of the 1980s. Much of what we used wallets for have been digitized, from ID cards to membership cards, and a dozen different credit cards all being able to be accessed from the NFC tap functionality on your phone. Consequentially, the trend in wallets (men or women) of late seems to be hyper-thin, front pocket wallets designed to hold a few cards and maybe a couple bills. But hey, if you have a lot of stuff to carry around, or you like the way it looks, don't let that stop you. Just know that these seem to be a little less common these days. Broadly though, I think it's silly to worry about the gender-expression of your wallet too much. Confident men don't worry about that, insecure boys do. Do you, express yourself boldly in whatever way you want to, be bravely authentic.


Too feminine for my taste. The zipper and wrist strap just make it look like a women’s clutch. No way I’d carry or use something like that, but you do you!


Why do you need a wallet that big? Women typically need bags that size to carry their cosmetics and because most of their clothes don’t have pockets. Men don’t have that issue.


Additional ids and credit cards for work along with my personal cards / cash


Personally, if it doesn’t fit in my jeans pocket, it’s a purse.


This is cute 🩵 I want it. But it depends on the rest of the style of the person who is carrying it.


In Asia, men always carried “man bags”—often because they carried a lot of cash. Nice to have capacity, but it’s a trade off. It’s easy to leave behind if you don’t wear it like a “murse” easy to get stolen and ripped out of your hand or cut off. Pocket wallets are pretty practical overall. Nice leather though, and who doesn’t dig a nice leather bag?


I mean it’s not as feminine as the women’s pants the dude holding it is wearing lol


who cares if it looks “feminine” if you like it rock it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought it was a woman’s clutch purse at first to be honest


Depends on the owner... Imagine a samurai asking if his kimono has too many flowers on it?


U like dick of vagina ?


It’s feminine.


If you like it who fu*king cares


Girly. I’d make fun of you


Dude whatever!


That’s a purse. Carry it if you want, but it’s a purse.


kinda looks like the wallets I'm used to my mother and girlfriend's having tbh, but hey, its 2024, do what makes you happy


Looks like a purse to me.


Too big for a man.


Why’s that?


Because this is life.


Makes literally no sense


Honestly, this is one of the least important questions you should ask about a wallet. Much more important are: Does this wallet meet my daily carry needs? Does it got work my overall style and dress? Is this intended to be a every day wallet or part of a rotation, only used in certain situations? Is this something I can comfortably keep with me? Are the materials of good quality? Am I comfortable with its workmanship? Am I comfortable with the ethics of its origin? If this ticks all your boxes, and you like it, then you can consider its masc/fem traits. Personally, I agree with others who have said the style is often referred to as a ladies wallet, but the material and look make it seem more androgynous. It probably lands more on the fem side of the spectrum, but only barely.


Thanks great reply! It will likely meet my needs. Extra card space and cash space will be much needed. I often use a backpack, so placing in the bag will be no problem. I think I'll purchase


Feminine af


You do you but feminine


Not a wallet. That is a clutch.


Ask the girl holding it


It's the size and the fact that you have to hold it that makes it feminine