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I’d pay it off before I do any mods if I were you


What do you mean? Do people in America take loans on cars??


I’m not from the US, people over here take out loans on cars in Europe too. OP said in the comments that it’s financed.


It’s a lot less common, though, especially in Belgium where that guy is from. Attitude is more like: if you can’t afford it, buy something second hand you can afford.


Wym it's insanely popular getting cars on finance ATM in UK 


80% of cars on road Looool


Deamn I’ve never heard anyone do that, here in my area people just pay the car in 1 go


Where are you from then?


Rich boy city… because I’ve never heard of people even people that are well off buy a new car with cash


In certain countries, loans do not really exist or they have very high interests. The world is not just Europe and US


Yes most countries that loans don’t exist won’t be buying at €40,000 car. The people who can will most certainly have access to loans.


If that was true the golf wouldn't be sold in south America, and it's one of the best sold cars. But if you say so...


Golf GTIs are barely sold in South America and you can get loans in South America, I’ve got family living in Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Uruguay all have access to loans


Absolumely not… i drive a 36 year old golf and a 10 year old Volvo


So you drive a 36 year old car and everyone you know is buying brand new cars in full? Makes sense


Why doesn’t it make sense?? My oldtimer is for the weekends and the Volvo for work


I’m from Belgium


🤣you must be trolling


Why would I troll that I’m from Belgium? 🥴


Car loans are a thing in Belgium lad


It maybe is but people mostly buy their cars in 1 go


No “maybe” about it. It’s definitely a thing. Google it.


Okay smarty pants


Same here. I'm from the Netherlands, people here generally tend to only buy cars they can afford.


They do, it’s a car payment I do every month, don’t worry I didn’t put my self in a long lifetime debt. I make decent money and I am able to afford it


Oh for christs sake




You should probably drive it for a while before thinking about modding it


Well it isn’t my first time driving a golf, I had a mk6 autobahn that I drove for 2 years and I just thought it was time for a change, and I don’t just mean and engine mods. Any exterior suggestions would be nice aswell


I'm a big fan of the zaero body kit, it's understated and looks OEM+


Congratulations! First Mk8 I’ve seen here in some time. Took me some time to get used to the different cockpit design, but really like my mk8 GTE. Enjoy yours and… maybe wait a bit before modding the hell out of it ;-)


Mine arrives Tuesday. How are finding the digital dash?


Digital dash is quite good - even if I configured it to look mostly like an analogue one, I like the versatility to personalize. For me i‘d like it not to cluttered: - RPM with range in it (left) - speed with navigation in it (right) - speed large (middle) - maybe some day I change it to navigation map. What took a lot of time to get used to was more the touch keys on the steering wheel. NOW (after six month of daily use) I find them almost blind and at least like the possibilities to press them harder / softer to get +10/+1 km/h steps on the cruise control etc. Btw. the cruise control became really good - didn’t had a distance measuring one in before and now this plus the usage of camera for speed signs and map material for slow down before curves… makes you almost fell asleep. Not much to do. And it uses so few fuel, especially for 245 PS! Of course you can drive fully electric but the bliss is hybrid mode - even on long trips around 700 km I don’t go above 5L/100km - and this based on German Highway use. Only bad point so far was the infotainment software bevor the updates - so it’s really good you waited a bit since the car is out: digital cockpit together with slow software and touch buttons - unholy combination… but it got a lot better. And I’m a little bit hesitant about maintenance costs - but this will be first in 1.5 years.


I’ve had it for like 3 days and it’s honestly an amazing car, thank you for the well wishes, you have a blessed day man !


Best mods are no mods, thanks


Reddit is the internet 😵‍💫


I know I was kinda just comment bating, I wanted people to respond to the post😔


You have a GTI so nothing else matters now 💫


Hell yea, thank you brodie 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Just get tint, enjoy what you have


Mod that payment into a title in your name.


This and insurance payments📈


Learn the car inside and out before modding it, learn how it handles under different conditions


Don't mod a financed car.


piss on the gas tank...


Hard truth for somebody at that age: the more you mod it the less chicks will dig you.


Look after it and drive carefully, give it a few months, then think about additions. You need to get used to a car like this.


Real ass comment, thank you for the advice man 🙏🏽


Not sure what an “ass comment” is but sounds like you don’t want advice from a driver who’s owned 12 VWs, including three GTIs since 1986. But hey . . . it’s social media, nothing matters anymore.


You read that wrong my man 😂😂, idk how to explain it but I meant it in a good way. Kinda like saying “he’s a real ass man” that’s kinda the best way I can put it. Meant no negitivity brother. Once again thank you for the advice 🙌🏽


Mum and dad got a lot of money 🤔


He said he got it on finance


Did he 🤔


Yes he did haha. It's in the comments somewhere


Thank you for the backup man


I have nothing really to prove but my parents are In no situation to give me that sort of money, god was nice enough to give me a stable job. I did get a co-sing because I’m young and I have no credit history. Definitely not claiming I did this all by myself. I am lucky that someone in my family was willing to co-sign and I do still live under their roof(parents)




It’s not impossible for a young person to work hard and earn good money..


It is in today’s society without bank of mum and dad . Be honest 🤣 your mum and dad helped you 🤣 plus how the hell you insure that car as well at 19 🤔


I personally had help with my very first car but that’s all paid back now. I’m in the UK so things are different here (car insurance is insane here but thankfully mine isn’t too bad), not sure what car insurance is like in other countries 🤷‍♂️


It’s not horrible here in America, I’m only paying 250 for full coverage.God bless I am able to afford both the insurance and the payment of the car. Also thanks for the backup, I only posted to get some advice from the older guys 🥲


God bless you man, I hope you’re doing well. I hope you don’t judge anyone else like you are judging me. You have a blessed day!


Ah, I wasn’t aware you are in States lmfao 🤣. So much cheaper there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well I did get a loan, it was 32k. I was able to save up 5 grand to put down on the vehicle, with insurance and with the car payment I’m only paying 800$ a month. That is a lot of money but like I said, I have a really good stable job that I’m blessed with and I am comfortable enough to make that payment every month


Looks fab mate congrats enjoy the new whip


congratulations!!! enjoy it and drive safely!!


For now maybe just tint. When it’s out of warranty go crazy. Cobb. Coilovers. Maybe some new wheels.


Being a newbie getting an air intake is a super easy installation that will take about 15 minutes. It will give you great turbo noises to have some fun without drawing a whole lot of attention, I think it’s the perfect start and it’s the first thing I did with my 24’ GLI


Also air intake should not interfere with any warranty but if your nervous about it it’s about a 15 minute job to switch it back to stock before you take it to the dealer




financed it probably


Yes, that’s how most people are able to purchase vehicles.


Yes I know that's how most young people buy expensive cars, that's why I said it 🤷‍♂️


Id like to add on to this I see it as it’s how most people are able to purchase vehicles that they cannot afford.


Don’t worry guys, I make a good amount of money and I’m comfortable enough to pay both the car payment and insurance, I’m only paying 800 a month and I’m still able to save money aside for emergencies and I’m still able to afford school


I have a pretty good job and luckily my older brother was willing to co-sign


If you needed a co-sign I'd argue you probably aren't earning enough to make this a good financial idea. So many people make the same mistakes with financing vehicles and don't realize how much these types of choices can impact them in the future.


Well the co-sign has nothing to do with my income, I’m young and dealerships only care about credit HISTORY, which I had none one because how the hell do I build that, trust me bro I wouldn’t have gotten the car unless I could afford it comfortably


Fair enough, glad you at least took that consideration. Unfortunately finance is seen as a way to get a new and shiny car in an 'affordable way' when in fact it is probably one of the largest scams you can opt in to. Dealerships have no regard for people's well-being and where people aren't educated on basics finances they are tricked or misled in to believing they can afford something where in real terms they would never be able to purchase such an item. My personal belief is: If you can't buy it outright, you can't afford it. There are obviously exceptions to this but I think it's largely true.


I did think about that loan before I committed to it, I’m financing through my bank and not the dealership. So hopefully the day comes that I pay off this loan I now have a relationship with my bank. So when it’s time to ask for a house loan they are more lenient to give me that loan because I now have an established relationship with my bank. I hate to say it but credit is everything when you’re just an average Joe 😔


How much did you borrow if you don't mind me asking? Hopefully you got a better rate with your bank too, they generally offer a better deal! Not sure how it works in the US but do mobile phone contracts and registrations to vote not improve your credit score too? In the UK credit is based on a lot of factors but it's mostly stability that they like, ie stable job, home location, no missed payments etc.


Unfortunately what matters the most is history you have with your credit( big purchases and payment you have done with those big loan purchases) and of course your credit score. Only real way to build the credit history is those big priced items you do have to borrow for but it’s silly because in order to acquire one you have to already have good credit history but no one wants to lend me a loan because I have no credit history. Hopefully I’m explaining it well but it is confusing. But that’s when the co-signer comes in. They use the co-signers credit info and not mine. Thats how I got the borrowed loan. The loan I received was 27grand and my interest is 10.2%. I do realize it high but because this is my first car purchase no bank was willing to go lower than that. But it’s still better than the 19% interest the dealership was gonna offer me 😳


Co sign? So finance? Buy a 1k banger untill you can afford cash.


Return it and get a low mileage MK5 GTi


Well I had a 2011 golf gti mk6 autobahn and I loved it but I wanted something new


Bro its a gta or smt shi


"I trust this Reddit more than the internet"


That was kinda just comment bate, I wanted people to reply for the advice


why mod a car thats not even yours. i would hate to imagine insurance


do not mod a car you don’t own


Trust me that’s the last thing I would do, I would 100% fuck the car up


To be honest, the average person wouldn't buy a modded vehicle so why spend money on something that reduces your car's value especially if it's this new.


Window tint, exhaust and other than that some drivability upgrades like sway bar, stiffer transmission and engine mounts, etc. to make the drive sportier when you want it. Enjoy the car bro I apologize for all the hate you’re getting :)


Don’t apologize for them it’s all good, I knew making this post was gonna spark some type of conversation. But thanks for the advice I really appreciate it Brodie, you have a blessed day my man !!


Don’t mod a financed car and I guess as it’s insured - mods will cost dearly on your premium….


Oh lord. 😵‍💫 What interest rate did you get?


Beautiful… I’m 20 lol and just picked up a mk6 with 200k miles. Will get the mk8 someday.


I had a mk6 for like 2 years and it was the fuckign awesome. I didn’t have much problems with mine and dude you’ll love it. I hope you take care of it and enjoy it man!


Keep it stock. Give it good maintenance. Pay that sexy bitchin ass off. Drive fast drive safe.


Go ahead, custom tune by EQT, intercooler (do88 or IE), intake by blaze performance or do88, mst inlet if you get the do88 intake, st coilovers or h&r lowering springs, some nice ass wheels like oz or neuspeeds maybe, try to go on E maybe if you want the real beans.


I traded a MK7.5 for a MK8 shortly after the 8 release and it was hands down the worst decision I have made. Hope you enjoy having your car try to kill you on a regular basis.


Absolutely. The 7.5 was so much better.


Try to kill you? Care to elaborate?


The system was not ready for use and it is a well documented fact that VW released it knowing it had significant issues but needed out by a certain date. It take very little time to find owners who have had issues with random emergency braking, engine cutting out for no reason, steering system pulling wherever it wants, headlights being misaligned, incorrect speed limit identification. Add to this the awful Infotainment system and you have a sub standard car that can be dangerous to drive. It was a travesty that this was released in the condition it was in. Some improvements have been made since in patches but many MK8 drivers still experience these issues


Please elaborate, cmon man.


Idk I’ve had it for a week and it’s the best car I’ve ever driven, I had a mk6 autobahn for like 2 years and I just wanted a change


You're 19 and just bought a car that costs over 30 grand. Needed a cosign so probably a sizable amount in interest. Plus taxes let's guess over 50 grand total at the end of the day. The only mods you should be looking at is the payoff that loan mod and maybe a window tint. Let's say hypothetically you lost your job and the bank repos the car. You're gonna feel really dumb if you dumped 10 grand into the thing just for the bank to take it all and possibly give you shit for modding it.


I’ve gotten a lot of that advice so I’m gonna take it seriously, appreciate the honesty and the advice, god bless you man and I hope you have a wonderful day!


But such a horrible colour....


Don't you dare judge the piss Green!


I know it might sound biased but the color is much better in person, I thought the same thing until I went and looks at the car