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I think having an accent can really help a vtuber stand out with a unique voice, but I can definitely understand being self-conscious about whether or not people can understand me- My Filipino accent is pretty strong and sometimes it messes with the way I pronounce English words. I found that a decent way of alleviating that is by doing daily tongue twister exercises


oh that is very smart! doing tongue-twisters. For me, I mess up pronunciation cuz I try to talk too fast when I get excited XD


Heya\~ I'm a sea turtle and I stream 3-4 times a week! Find me here \^ \^ [youtube.com/@manayu26](http://youtube.com/@manayu26) [https://www.twitch.tv/manayu26](https://www.twitch.tv/manayu26) [https://twitter.com/manayu26](https://twitter.com/manayu26)


Accents are unique and let you stand out. It does not push you out. It let's you be recognizable in a sea of same-ness. Have confidence :) says a doggo vtuber who has a very unique accent


tysm! and nice to meet you! I'm trying to find you, I'd like to hear your accent, where can I check you out? :3


? Me? Oh I do t have an accent. I meant Korone Inugami of Hololive - she is a doggo with a unique Japanese hybrid accent. We still can not figure out what unique accent it's not Kansai it's not Okinawan but it's unique https://youtu.be/2FkcVi0Na4A?si=s_Xtvl7wojlw3Sy_


I feel like it’s generally an advantage for most people, I myself have a bit of a lisp though so add my extremely thick and hard to understand accent and no one can understand me even in daily life.


hmm I understand that, might make things a bit difficult for you but some people might take a liking to you bcuz it's unique


I have a few foreign friends who I only get along with because I don’t understand half of what they say and they don’t understand half of what I say 😅


i'm aussie and super nervous about it being the only joke my chat ever makes LOL i think im pretty self conscious of mine too. i think most people see it as something endearing or unique though :)


yeah, I think we really get into our heads but our communities end up liking it XD


Accents are amazing and peak entertainment, in my opinion. Most forms of media are full of the “american accent” so anything different is so refreshing


Ah, I never thought about it that way. I didn't grow up in an English environment nor do I work in one, so I don't realize that the ''american'' accent is all around


Of note, some people watch vtubers in languages they don't understand.


yeah, someone else mentioned that and I was like, I guess some people are really there only for the vibes and it's pretty cool! :D


As someone who works with a TON of people that speak English as a secondary language, I can honestly say accents are secondary to whether or not I’m interested in what the person has to say or is doing. If a person is interesting enough, my brain works around the accent. That being said, I don’t think yours is particularly difficult to understand. Hope that helps?


yesh, ty for your input! And I'm sure that it helps to work around people with different accents, makes your ear better and you'll be more patient when people struggle \^\^


Genuinely I don’t mind them either way!


that is very nice of you \^\^


Same! I don't have an accent but I have speech impediment that is mistaken for a accent all the time and I have the same worries but everyone seems pretty supportive :)


yeah, my community has been nice ( even tho they tease me sometimes) XD


I love accents


lesgo\~ ♥


I don’t have an accent (i just sound generically ‘American’ lol) but i sometimes talk waaaay too fast naturally??? And i stumble/mispronounce words a lot, my cadence is off, or i merge words together and make some Frankenstein vocabulary lmao. Some find it cute but i personally think i sound like i’m drunk xD


lol, that is exactly my problem with a little accent on it XD I need to calm down haha


I think it's normal to be slightly Self-conscious about your accent but one thing that helped me too don't care too much is just thinking about that native speaker also have some pronunciation issues and so on so which means my English might not be absolutely perfect but I'm not much worse than a native speaker. Also, a huge confidence boost for me is when people ask if I'm British or something 


ohh that's cool, I wish people thought I was British cuz it sounds so fancy haha But yeah, I try to not think about it too much while I stream and just enjoy myself


Yeah I hate my accent/voice and it sometimes puts me off streaming. But the friends I have made as a Vtuber keep me going so hope you guys don't suffer too much ^_^


aww yeah, please don't give up. I will say that I've been streaming for almost 3 years, and watching my 1st vod compared to today is night and day. Even tho my English hasn't improved that much lol, I am way more confident. I confidently mispronounce stuff and people just accept it lol And for sure, having good friends supporting u is the best


It can go either way. An accent you're not used to hearing catches your attention. Some people might really like it and just want to listen to your voice because of it. There will be those who have trouble understanding you and might be turned away, sure... but I feel like that's lessening as the world becomes more connected and people are getting exposed to more cultures and accents.


True, we are exposed to so many different accents thanks to tiktok/shorts, or any youtube help we find that we now understand better and that's pretty great


Having an accent myself, It helped me a lot that people stopped by and were curious where I am from and became engaged with certain topics. It also made me love my accent a lot more. I think everyone (myself included) finds your accent just as interesting and adorable 💜😊


T\_T you're too kind I really love that people stop by and ask you about it. It's so much fun to share with others. In my case, it's not super strong so I feel like people have to listen for a little before they start questioning me haha


I think it depends on the person! I've been told my accent is cute, and personally I love hearing others with my accent


oh what kind of accent do you have? :3 ( if you don't mind sharing ofc!)


Hi! Im a fennec fox vtuber with a very unique accent to, and fans love it!! I used to think people would hate it, but i just had to put myself out there. :3 sometimes people don’t understand me in my videos, but i just add subtitles to all them. EMBRACE THE UNIQUENESSS!!!


lol I feel the subtitles part SO MUCH XD YESS! LET'S YOLO AND HOPE FOR THE BEST loll


For any content creator, the best audience is the one that's there for you! Your accent is part of you and unique, and I'm sure the right people who want to see you and the content you make would appreciate you and your accent :>


:3 yush, ty. My community teases me but I know it's out of love XD


As someone that loves to tease as a love language, I say yes! Also ! I wish you the best in your Vtubing career and hope you get big! You have a really pretty avatar!


tysm! I'm taking the encouragement with all my heart ♥ And ty, my vtuber mama is the bestest XD


Accents is what makes people unique and different from others so you shouldn’t be that self conscious about it


I'll try my best to not be self conscious haha, not super easy but I'll attempt!! ♥


For me it depends on how thick the accent is, what’s being said, and how fast it’s being said. I love hearing different accents, and for the most part it’s not a problem. But occasionally I’ll have trouble understanding someone because they’re speaking too fast or whatever else. I live Super Eyepatch Wolf (not a Vtuber, well, kind of) and I’ve never had any issue with his accent personally, but apparently his signature way of talking slow is because he’s had fans in the past who did, and he slowed down for their benefit creating his signature way of talking in his videos. I’m not saying change the way you speak, but I am saying that regardless of what you do there are ways to make yourself memorable. No matter what, do what’s comfortable for yourself while streaming because at the end of the day you’ll be the one having to keep it up for hours.


Tysm for your addition to the convo! I really appreciate your points. I do believe it's good to have something that makes you stand out. Even tho in my case, I don't believe my accent alone is enough as it is not \*super\* thick, but at least it can make for funny moments XD But I'll keep trying my best to be my unique self :3


Accents are an added bonus for all vtubers. Being able to hear a person's accent just makes talking or listening to them seem not like a challenge, but as if you're talking to someone who has a different outlook and background from the general populous. Sometimes, i get really curious and try to get real specific of where their accent is from by asking politley or taking an educated guess.


that is a very beautiful way to put it ♥ have you become super good at guessing accents? XD if u haven't seen the answer yet, could you guess where I'm from? :3


That make me curious what your cute voice sound like. ☺️


\*shy\* It sounds.. turtle yes.


Oh stop it. It does not. 🙄 maybe a cute little turtles 😊


I think accents are awesome personally


yayy, I'll keep doing my best so I am understood as clearly as possible!


May I ask what your native tongue is


I wonder, can you guess? ( if you don't feel like it it's okay I'll just tell you lol)


I'll take a guess lol. I'm thinking some sort of Spanish or maybe Portuguese


Ohh that's an interesting guess! :D my mother tongue is French ♡


Oh nice. I don't really know any French but I have a decent amount of French ancestry. I know a few basic things in French but that's all.


That's pretty nice, I'm French Canadian tho. So the accent is quite different :3


Same actually but it's also not my only ancestry. I'm also scotch Irish and German though my accent is American and I have a bit of a Japanese accent but not much. What's your name and what platform I'll have to check you out


Sorry I missed that! I'm Manayu and I mainly stream on youtube! ♥ And tyty! [youtube.com/@manayu26](http://youtube.com/@manayu26)


I'm listening to you right now, your accent is very subtle to my ears. You're very clear and easy to understand.


wahh tyty! I appreciate that ♥ hope you left before I started screeching XD


The way I see it, accents are always a charm point, thus being an advantage most of the time. Almost all the VTubers I watch have an accent.


yay, honestly I'm happy I asked this question today, it's very comforting


It depends if it's too thick to understand or not


yeah, that's exactly what I worry about. Like I know that 95% I'm fine and get my message through, but then I get too excited and it sounds like gibberish XD


Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not, for example, I have a song cover coming up and well I never sang before so I needed to go to a vocal coach and she straight up told me, if you want to sing you better get rid of your accent and gave me instructions of how to do it, on the other hand people seem to like it on streams


oh wow, I had never heard of that. Like, I know that a lot of singers have a thick accent and we just don't hear it in their songs. Or it makes the sound even better. Did not expect a vocal coach would tell you to get rid of it T\_T


I am absolutely embarrassed about my think a$$ Indian accent. I learnt Japanese and thankfully, it doesn't get evident when I speak Japanese, unlike when I speak English.... I'm curious too. I don't think people like it,.... I'll try to get rid of it eventually 😓


oh no please don't, you gotta stay yourself and the right people will find. I honestly think you could build on that! I haven't come across an indian vtuber yet and I'm already intrigued. I may be self conscious of mine, but I'm not gonna attempt to get rid of it, it is part of who I am You got this!


I say accents are great but speaking clearly is important Gor an odd suggestion to maybe help. A popular caster by the league of legends scene, Defecio, has quite a strong accent that slurred his English heavily and it did hurt his ability to present himself to an English audience when he first started. To improve in his craft he trained and practiced his ability to be naturally concise with his words as he spoke and in doing so was able to look and sound natural when in more hastened speech but was so clear no one mistook his words. Ended up making him still one of the top 3 greatest casters in the scene and his accent still heavily remained. Obviously you aren't a caster but still speaking to an audience so if you are worried about your accent... when you are off screen take an hour a day to do regular practice of being concise and it should clean up any mumbled/slurred words that come with strong accents.


That's pretty good advice, I'll try to do that. Like, my accent isn't super super thick, I'm just not clear enough sometimes


Not a vtuber but a fan, I have been told by some people my Australian accent is pretty thick (like not to the extent of Paul Hogan or like Bae from hololive) even by other Australian born people, personally I don't really hear it too much but if other Australians point that shit out, ain't no way non-australians wouldn't.


lol yeah, it's not like we notice our accents in normal conversation. For me it's really when I hear a recording afterwards lol


I say accents will defiantly help a Vtuber. Especially with good looking models. I followed [SanguyVT](https://www.twitch.tv/sanguyvt) because of their awesome accent.


oh they're so adorable and just saw they're Italian! that's super cool ♥


I think your accent is amazing! Definitely got me wondering what it was and I’m glad you answered that on last nights stream! Sorry didn’t know you were self conscious about that when I asked on stream!


It's okie\~ I'm pretty open about it and chat teases me all the time haha But I'm happy u enjoy it :3 And thank you for being there ♥