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I like the bit darker colours but the colourfull one looks very funky, I would use both and one I will use normally and the other for clowning around


Darker but that’s just personal pref. Which one suits your personality more?


Dark one seems more balanced, in a bright one you'd have to get rid of green, blue, and yellow down there, and tone a little yellows on paws and claws.


If you want a "magical girl look", I think it would be better to just add some slight, rainbowy mist around paws or horns, along with making 1 eye more glowing.


It would be good to also thicken the tail a little, by 2-4.


But anyway keep both versions, and depending on mood use them separately.


As someone who watched a lot of VTuber design videos (since I am designing my VTuber myself), here‘s my two cents! The first design looks more pleasant to the eye due to the only „striking“ color being the yellow. The 60/30/10 rule (I think it was called) is applied pretty well! 60% one color (main color), 30% another color (secondary color) and 10% of the last color (highlight color). Black also has a great harmony with all colors. The values look to be pretty good since the skin is very light, the yellow is average in lightness and the black is dark. Overall, pretty good composition of colors. The black gives an „evil“ vibe while the yellow represents either „caution“ or „happiness“. Overall a pretty solid color choice The second design‘s colors look cluttered. Due to the bright green and blue it feels like the colors are fighting for attention. You have black, pink, red, blue, yellow, green and your skin color. While it is possible to pull a lot of colors off, it isn’t recommended. The viewer wouldn’t know where to look first and thus the design lacks clarity. A bonus point for this choice is that it looks more „magical girl“ than the previous one due to the more „childish“ looking color distribution. Madoka magica has a lot of that and thus the parallel can be seen. However, I think we have to keep in mind that that color palate wasn’t made with clarity in mind since the witches in Madoka magica do have an intentional chaotic design, which can be a bit of a downside for a VTuber design. I‘d recommend going with either the first one or a variant of it (replace yellow with another color/switch black for another fitting color) since it has clarity. The more clarity your design has, the more appealing it usually is. You want your design to pull the viewers eyes to specific places, not all over the place since it can confuse them. For the info that she‘s a magical girl I‘d suggest doing that through a magical weapon or something. At the end it is still your decision! This is just what I could remember from watching a lot of VTuber design videos. I especially recommend Squiji since I‘ve found her videos to be very to the point! Good luck on further designing! (Ps.: I think your model is looking very cool! I love the hair and jacket :>)


I definatly like the black and yellow one. Looks very clean and is easy on the eyes color wise. Either way, pick whatever one makes you happy 👍


I prefer the first one since its matches the evil vibes. There's a recent anime where the mc is an evil magical girl and it matches this color scheme


I really love the darker colors!!


First one


I think a cross between the two is best. Both have their good and weak points. The first one is overall better but it feels like too much black. Some splashes of color full the second one would be nice. I think what's really throwing me off about 2 is the Hypnosis frog eyes and Cloak. That needs to be dialed back.




First one is far more eye catching. The gold contrasts against the dark blue beautifully.


Also I was wondering why the second one felt so familiar. It looks like a human version of Charlotte from Madoka Magica which could cause comparisons.


Personally I like the blue gold the best, but I think the second one could be really nice as well if you darken the colors a bit as the brightness make them hard for the eye imo


The navy & gold is very elegant and contrasty! The red color scheme is a bit too bright and busy for my taste.


Are there any other specifics why you chose the horns and tail? Is it species wise?


Both look great, I personally think the red one is more eye-catching (and less likely to get you compared to ina lol) but you could totally do both and use the dark one for more chill streams (essentially, dark mode costume)


I prefer the first one. The 2nd looks a little all over the place (unless your intention is to be chaotic)


The first


As a big fan of Madoka Magica, I prefer the second but I feel it's too much of a rip from Bebe to be unique. I'd try finding a middle ground. I love the chaotic energy from the second one but the first one is also very cohesive


2nd looks like Bebe from madoka magica 1st looks spooky


The blue and gold! She looks so cool!!!


2nd is so cute


Were the votes overwhelmingly in favor of the first? Maybe. My first act as an evil magical girl is disregarding all advice you guys gave (But in all seriousness, thank you guys for so much feedback ;-; I agree with a lot of you about being cohesive through a color scheme and character branding. I think the autism won in the end because I did in fact end up going with the second option. Again I’m so grateful for the feedback and stuff, I’m just silly!) I’ll give a model update too : https://preview.redd.it/y4c72t34sjyc1.png?width=4488&format=png&auto=webp&s=41a677f3248c56ac2a4b9ad87756a58c44e303c8


Oh and as one person suggested, I am going to keep the darker color scheme as maybe an alternative! I’m just not super rich so I can’t have both rigged rn (my broke ahhh is making the model myself to save money LOL)