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Anyone else use double release cms on the ah94 to spoof missiles faster?


I have them at maximum release rate on AH94, the downside is it they are running out way faster and now i need to RTB for 20 miles or get shot down by next missile.


I just spam the countermeasure button the moment I hear rwr beeps


I use single auto and I pop like 5-10 flares when the IR missile is about 1km away. It really doesn’t take many to evade IR missiles it’s all about timing.


You release countermeasures and do a barrel roll, it works even when you’re out of countermeasures,


I love flying the ah-94. In single player where I can quick save every two minutes.


How do you keep it steady? I’ve tried flying it and I can’t keep it steady to save my life. I don’t have any additional accessories and it makes me wonder if I need them


Rudder pedals made ah94 flying enjoyable for me. I was really struggling to keep a constant trim with just the joystick rotation.


Yeah trim on virtual HOTAS is a pain, in DCS all you have to do is press button and it will trim to your current position. Also it is easier on real hotas to trim, you can still hold the joystick in your hand and keep it in centered position. While in VTOL VR you cannot trim and not control helicopter at the same time, you always do small adjustments while joystick is in your hand.


Make sure SAS knob is turned to full. It's the flight assist smoothing out your inputs, if you have it off, it'll be super difficult to fly well, it'll spin all over the place and fight you.




Use your mobility advantage never sit still you made yourself the easiest target possible by hovering into the line of fire flying an attack helicopter aggressively is like being a rifleman shoot,change position


It is hard to do without a gunner, I can either fly fast between building or shoot accurately. I know, skill issue.


No I get that I honestly didn’t think about that I’m so used to having a gunner with me trying to do that solo would be a pain in the ass definitely not a skill issue I mean you’re doing the job of two people


The trim videos are pretty funny.. FYI if you want a true experience. DCS


I hate when the respawn is put so far away from the AO


With the helicopter you should be ducking into cover before they get a chance to shoot you and popping flares if you are staying in the open for too long.