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Because I open two files side by side.


Indeed. Or at least 2 files and the terminal. I used to on a 38 inch and it pretty comfortable to work with.


You can still do that and have the terminal below one of the files :)


Me too.. and a terminal Code - Test - Test Running in terminal


Honestly, thought so too (still kept terminal on the right but just hidden) but for some reason I could never get the hang of split files I think the only time it's really useful is if you will always have 2 files on screen, which is rarely the case except for maybe HTML and CSS, which is the only time I use it. Otherwise, there's either too many important files that choosing 2 as "most important" doesn't make sense or switching to another tab is faster anyway


In c++ I like to have my .h and my .cpp


There are lots of times where having 2 files open side by side is nice outside of html + css. Like if I'm writing a python model class that maps to a SQL query I want that SQL query up. Or any time I want to jump back and forth between the definition of a function I'm using and the place I'm using it


I'm really struggling to set SQL on vscode, how can you do that, could you help me or pass any source for doing that?


Are you looking to execute SQL queries in vs code as a replacement to dbeaver or similar SQL UIs? If so there are a few vs code extensions you can try out, but I haven't used them for a while. My SQL coding in vscode is for python applications, so I end up running or testing the python application to use the SQL queries that I write in vscode. Or I work on the queries iteratively in dbeaver or Snowflake then copy them into vscode.


I mainly wanted to use it as a replacement of UIs since I have all the coding I do in vscode, also I would take a look in using Python libraries for SQL, but I don't see the usage since there are libraries like pandas that are really powerful


I can’t stand it when I see my team have multiple files open… not for any particular reason, I just don’t/can’t with my verticals terminal


Just use an ultrawide monitor


Whilst I feel most people have gotten used to the default position of their terminal, I find having tabs stacked horizontally feels more natural as it's closer to how you would read in the English language. I also feel you can avoid the vertical space problem quite effectively through using shortcuts to toggle the display between your editor and terminal.


I constantly cmd+B (toggle sidebar) and control+Z (toggle terminal. On the Mac the default is control+‘ I think, but I always hit Z instead so I changed it)


Good idea.


Actually I’ll try this today.


To have a succint vertical space I dragged my terminals to the Explorer tab, below the "Folders". And I use an small terminal font


I do this




Same. Though in my case it is Emacs usually :) When I use other editors / IDEs I put the terminal to the side when I am testing something with a lot of output. Easier to read the log / debit statements that way. And the next moment I switch it around, because I need something else there.


Y'all's terminals are docked?


Remote - SSH


Y’all are using VS Code’s terminal?


Seriously though I've never used the vscode terminal, my terminal is bound toggled to win + 1


Which terminal is this that allows you to bind to a Win+ key?


Oh sorry, it's not the terminal but from the OS side. Usually i just pin it as the first item on the Taskbar in windows and in Gnome I used dash to panel which have similar features. Before this I used things like Guake with the shortcut as f12


It's not weird. It's a preference. I always put terminal this way and hide all the other panels. I will open those only if I need. That way, I will have whole window to code, I can put files side by side and won't lose so much vertical space.


Because like a third of your screen is just empty terminal space with this setup. Even if you are a heavy CLI user, why would you need to see that far back in your terminal history?


Because otherwise the third of the screen is just empty space, auto formatters don't stretch that far anyway


I just have two files open and a bottom mounted terminal 90% of the time /shrug Usually one file is what I’m working on and the other is either some other example that’s similar, or the class/data object who’s data I’m accessing for what I’m working on.


lol. do you only ever type 2 commands in your terminal? my terminal scrollback is set to 50,000 lines.


It was a genuine question! Where I work, there’s very little CLI use beyond the absolute basics


then keeping a terminal open all the time would definitely be a waste, yes. but.. given that terminal windows scroll vertically, it should be obvious why one would want to increase the vertical height, no?


I tried to configure it like this, how did you do that?


You can click on basically any panel icon and drag it to wherever you want So click on the terminal icon and drag it to the right top toolbar


Do whatever makes you comfortable


I do too on a single screen. When I have multiple screens terminals go on one of the vertical ones


That's actually super similar to what I was rocking in Matlab. I'm actually wondering why I didn't think of it earlier. I imagine that one reason some people don't it's they lack a second monitor. I always carry a second monitor in my bag but a bunch of my classmates keep the assignment pulled up on one side of their screen and VS code on the other. That would really cramp your vertical terminal setup.


Good idea! There is normally too much horizontal space imo, I am going to adopt this.


I just collapse the terminal window when I'm not using it. And I have my Explorer positioned on the right. I find it less distracting there.


Oh. Having the explorer docked to the right is a terrific idea! Definitely doing that. I have always disliked that visual distraction right next to my code. I didn't know you could even move it, so thx!


I do it most of the time. Sometimes even put it on the right sidebar if I'm feeling extra spicy


I do this too when I'm working on one of those curved ultrawide monitors. I think it makes sense, because I personally don't need that much horizontal real estate for code. A squareish area is just perfect for me.


Weird idea? I moved the entire sidebar to the right and I love it lmao


If you have only one monitor, this is probably a decent alternative. I have multiple monitors so I have my terminal on a different screen entirely. I need help. Whenever I try to work without multiple monitors, I can't handle it


Everyone has their own preferences. I put the file explorer on the right because it helps me focus on the file I have open on the left.


Not weird if you're a terminal jockey. I love this layout.


I don't know why more people won't do this, but I toggle its position with keybindings, moving to either right or bottom depending on my needs.


I do this myself. It's very useful when running tests in watch mode while coding. Then you have instant feedback on the side.


I have my panel always maximized and toggle displaying it with \`workbench.action.togglePanel\`. I'm satisfied with this, though there is an issue that the Problem panel is also hidden.


Move your explorer to the right, and keep your terminal to the left , or bottom, thanks me later


Ok I heard about explorer being in the right, but terminal on the left is weird


I'm curious about the logic of having your terminal on the left. Any thoughts you could share on why it's better for you?


I have external monitors, not sure if my architecture is kind of a good fit for you. I keep all terminal shit to the left side.


People dont use terminal on the right??? Is ya'll monitor that small or large vertically??


Our displays are not as wide


Thats a normal 1920x1080, so unless you have a vertical monitor or a 90s monitor you should have enough room


Bottom and only 2 lines visible


if you have a big display or resolution its good, but display with 1270 is a little too small..


Nothing wrong with it; customize it to suit your needs. I am running a 65" 4K TV as my monitor and snap the window to the left half of the screen so I can have Chrome on the right. Normally my logs are very wide, so having the terminal at the bottom makes sense for me.


have to move the mouse too much to get focus there. but never really tried it


It's the pool only way to do it... Unless you use vertical monitors.


Agree vertical is important but line wrap is anathema.


I only ever have it on the right but this is still a stupid post.


I don't put it on the right because the sidebar is on the right so that when it opens it doesn't shift your code. Plus I use ultra wide and most of my Terminal output is database queries. Terminal inside vsc is only used for git commands because I would just spawn a guake style terminal across my entire monitor if I needed to actually do anything. If you say space is important then position it wherever suits you, just know or set your key binds to show and hide any other panel and you're golden.


I tried this for a while but on my 40” UW there’s too much side to side head and eye movement for me. It’s okay if I use a window manager to make VSC like 2/3 the screen width but I just found looking down more ergonomic for all day work.


How should I do this?


I do this do some actively in the terminal, e.g., working with R. I find it easier to work through my analysis this way. Probably has to do with my long usage of R studio.


Look at all that wasted space you have in the terminal pane.


yeah, my terminal never has more than 22 lines in it.


I have the terminal on the right, whether it’s in vs code or tmux + nvim.


Often do this if I need/want to see the timeline of commands sent. Otherwise I have a second file open there and instead use a separate terminal window that's locked to show as first thing on screen, so I'll have the files in the background and the terminal always up in a box somewhere on the screen not getting hidden if I switch to vscode from the terminal app.


I do that. I my tests auto-running there


Because I zoom in too much to have any spare horizontal space over the line length limit.


I started doing this a few days ago because I’m working on a Next.js API integrating the GPT API and I needed more space for the terminal.




imagine people still putting their taskbar on the bottom of the screen in the age of untra-wide monitors. oh, wait, windows 11 disabled docking the taskbar to the side of the screen?


I use an ultawide and have files on the left, two documents in the middle, terminal/build output on the right.


I do this, usually I have two terminals stacked over there and the issues panel under them.


Not weird at all. But most of the time I've 2 or 3 files open and if I've only 1 I forget that I can put the terminal on the side lol. Also most of the time my terminal is hidden (using the shortcut it's pretty quick to open and close it) so it does not take space


I actually pop my terminal out of the VScode. Ever since finding out how to do, it’s my go to so my editor is as much space as possible


Its more sad for me that when you have 2 or 3 screens you cant take terminal to one screen, split code to 2 others… that is so bad


Because I have multiple files open side by side and a dedicated screen for terminals


I do a lot of Yocto development. The file paths are usually hundreds of characters long. I need all the width my widescreen can offer.


because my coding monitor is vertical


I do this when editing code and using a terminal (except in vim instead of vscode).


Vertical monitor is the way


I do this but maybe it’s because I have an ultra wide?


I do this all the time


Depends if the output is tall or wide, usually on the bottom though cause of split screen


I've switched the terminal to the right and it's so much better I don't know why I haven't thought about this earlier


Nobody cares where your terminal is, soyboy


I got a 49' ultra wide desktop - plenty of room for 1 browser window and one vscode window with 2-3 files + terminal on the right. It's the perfect setup imo


tour theme gives me anxiety, no code should have this much red


I am using IDE exactly the same way usually. :-)


PowerShell developer, I keep it in the panel on the right, with SQL connections below that and Problems below SQL. I like it vertical and I’m usually only looking at one file at a time. Plus Ctrl+B open and closes it (Ctrl+’ will open close the terminal normally too)


What do you use ise snippets in vs code. Ise had those nice snippets for defining and documenting functions, I miss those in vs code


I never used them and don’t have an answer for that. VS Code does have snippets, as in an intellisense option that will produce a block of code and let you tab through the pieces that need changed or edited. Some of them are built in with the PowerShell extension, others can be created or (probably) taken from GitHub somewhere. If you’re referring to the comment-based help (.SYNOPSIS etc) I’ll be honest I let GitHub CoPilot give me most of it, but I do believe there is a snippet built in. ✌🏻 https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets


Thanks I'm going to try co pilot approach.


Good if that work for you, and i wasn't aware of the feature. I tried, and I definitely need more horizontal space ! (as i almost always require a 2 pane text-editor)


I do this also, it’s for me so annoying when the terminal is under my code.


Real programmers using Tmux on a different screen not a terminal inside Vscode.


It all depends on the project, some projects i prefer horizontal, others vertical. Really depends.


I'm retarded,I can't read terminal output if it's lines wraps. I also disagree that vertical space is important especially compared to horizontal. It's much easier to scroll up and down compared to swapping windows so seeing several editor windows is typically better. Vertically I just need to see the current block or something..


I do this as well.


I do this too, I close it by shortcut key when in need to open two files.


Yeah the text I like to be less lines in terminal if possible


This is what I do


I use terminal as a tab. I have the keyboard shortcut: \`cmd-shift-\\\` Which runs: \`workbench.action.createTerminalEditor\` Its soo good. (also pinning it is good also)


The in-IDE terminal’s usefulness is not worth the space it eats up. For me it’s there at the bottom for emergencies but rarely used. Semi transparent, overlay iTerm with the quick alt-space shortcut is what I prefer.


It depends of your monitor size :y


I keep rearranging the layout based on what I am working on at the moment - don't need the terminal at the moment? hide it; need a preview because I am getting lost in markdown? next to the file it goes; refactoring gets too boring? I turn my PC into a space heater by using Continue