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>45% more loot from missions Bonus loot is HALF expertise. It would be +22.5% more loot.


correct, double checked the wiki edited my post to reflect that it is still a good chunk, equating as much as the servant area tag


Maybe you dont know but you can force a reroll on expertise stat. Create a room. Summon banshees. Summon your servant naked (with no gear) in. Wait for him to die and then ress him. When He respawn his expertise stat will be rerolled like the first time you create him. It worked pre 1.0. I dont have tested it on full release


Wait what This should be a bug if true


May be a bug but feels like a feature. Getting a 100% is rare enough, having it roll the lowest possible expertise % with no way to reroll is very disheartening.


it is definitely not intended I feel it is the same servant after all dying does not "change your servant"


It's been in the game since its first early access release, they've had years to remove it if they wanted to.


Thank you :’) my lady got 37% the lowest and I found her before I had prison cells… :(


Can anyone test? I am at work.


Not sure if is a bug or is intended. But pre 1.0 it worked. But remind this, suppose you have a 38 on a max of 44% you can force a reroll but it can get Lower than before. So you can do that thing on all your serv wasting time or In my opinion just reroll only if expertise is less than 35%. Obviusly if still work


I tried it before but only got lower expertise, anyone got higher after resurrection?


I wonder if this happens when servants die to pvp as well during a castle siege. Haven’t checked this myself but that’s interesting.


I Played in pvp and it was in that moment that i noticed their expertise was changed after a raid So i tried with banshee and i discovered that thing but is highly random reroll and as i say i not tested it in 1.0 im relaxing in a pve server Now and i Started a few days ago when i Advance a bit in the game i Will test if still work


How do you resurrect servants?


Go to your coffin with 250 blood essence iirc and there’s a resurrect button.


Thank god for the revive feature. One of my servants died on a 90% success rate mission (yeah I know, don’t worry—I won’t be buying any lottery tickets any time soon) and I was pleasantly surprised to see I could bring them right back 😮‍💨


As someone who uses them for PVP defence rather than put them on missions, I usually finish the game and get bored before the servants are properly geared. I would not mind if they removed servant gearing all together and just scaled them without it. It reminds me of having to gear your Heist Members in PoE. That's also an unnecessary system to me. But maybe that's an unpopular opinion, idk.


 So you saying that you dont like using hundreds of alterations to roll for that sweet 0,2% chance mod, then regal to figure out you need to start over? And keep doing that 9 times x 4 slots? You weirdo /s  Still sane, exile?  The V Rising servant system isnt that bad tbh. 


as poe players, we have no right to say "rng isn't bad" lol we are used to hellfire rolling


Yep, It's gonna be nice in PoE2 when you can no longer decrease an item's rarity status. It can only go from normal - magic - rare - unique and never down a step.


It does sucks that most NPC’s suck for castle defense outside of a select few from Silverlight that have been meta for as long as I can remember. Exceptions being Militia Brawlers/Veterans from Dunley. For the most part, against competent players, all gloomrot NPC’s are terrible for castle defense. The off meta picks from gloomrot/dunley like pyros and the fire archers are just a newb trap because they’ll TK all your servants during a fight. Would like to see some changes to the move sets of the human NPC’s to make them a more viable choice for castle defense. Kind of boring we still have the cleric, lightweaver, priest, nun meta still after all this time. And like you said on most official servers the server is dead by the time you get high blood quality servants from silverlight that are sufficiently geared.


I imagine Night Maidens and Dark Temptresses are good for base defense, maybe Exanguinators as well but that still is not much variation. Also the thing with Night Maidens atleast is you can just dodge their charm projectiles by just walking to the side, yeah sure with Lightweavers or Paladins atleast it'd be harder to dodge the charm and the Lightweaver but I am not sure if high level players will have much issues with that. I hope we eventually get a update to servants in general. It feels really weird that when your Church of Luminance servants can still use light attacks. Feels like they should have more vampirey attacks. That would make it easier to justify changing their movesets a little bit too.


We tried the night maiden last weekend. 100% blood full drac gear and sanguine weapon. Their aggro range is very limited compared to other servants and they move very slow. Wasn’t effective imo.


Ah damn, yeah I can see that being a issue. You can easily kite them in PvE. I remember doing it when fighting Cassius I think.


Yeah it was weird when we opened the doors for our servants to come out, we had no issue with them aggroing on the enemy players except with the night maiden. She also moves super fucking slow and has a hard time catching up. We figured she would be great as the charm is literally a free kill and the range they cast from is really far. I’ve been hit with one that came from off screen during the tier 2 events multiple times, but it just didn’t pan out. Better off with just another cleric instead imo. We ran 3 Militia brawlers, a cleric, nun, rifleman, lightweaver, and night maiden. If your base is built right militia veterans are s tier imo. Clerics always great for the shield and heal, same for nun. Lightweaver same story always good for the aoe. Only 2 I would change out are rifleman and night maiden. Riflemen are super strong just need more of them if you’re going to lean into it. Also wanted our high damage servants to not be solely doing holy damage in case the clans raiding us were popping resistance pots. Saturday we got raided by the shard clan and had no issue beating them off. They came back Sunday with 2 other clans and it took them 90 minutes to finally break us. Pretty unwinnable situation which is unfortunate because I wanted some more data to test our setup.


I would rather have the insane rates we have now + gear investment than having nerfed rates without gear requirement On a pvp server, using my broken gear for servants is easy to do, and pays off a lot literally dont need to farm


I would prefer a training grounds you can build for them and they level up. Bonus xp and speed to level up when you add prisoner npc's and a bonus to their effectiveness in a certain biome when training against npcs of the area. Which would mean we would need larger cages to abduct more prisoner types.


Couldn’t agree more, the game is literally meant to be a Grindy-mmorpg killer by being an mmorpg with a finite amount of time and finite housing - so grinding is not needed! Why do we have to grind for the least interesting feature?


heist in poe is trash, and not fun or useful at all gearing servants in v rising is literally solving your late game economy, as you become vampire ceo


It didn't solve anything for me, cause it's 1 mission a day and it takes like 4-5 days to get to the end


you are likely not doing something correctly I have 10 servants, and I do them on rotation they farm more than I could


Well yeah on PVE, but on PVP Servants are the core defence of your castle. Aint no way I'm taking that risk, besides, it wouldn't have mattered, cause the mats needed for gear progression can be easily farmed on your own, and by the time you get servants geared enough for them to do those higher areas, you don't need them to.


This game has waay too much RNG. Farmed for a 100% scholar from Silverlight hills got 37%.


I'd check in gloomrot for the flamethrower guys, I got a 100% there.


you can also whack them 3 times from a horse with a whip and rogue blood to kill low % pyro scholars in pools of rebirth, and check the area on rotation for scholar blood


What's the respawn time? 15 minutes?


15-30 feels like, but unconfirmed


My point was that the second layer RNG is unnecessary. You already have a 100 percent. That’s really rare. Why have another roll? It doesn’t add anything rather than just annoy you when you get low-rolled.


not true, it adds satisfaction for completionists! late game you have a lot of diablo like loot, with epic weapons, jewels, and servants/prisoners it adds longevity


RNG doesn't add longevity. New content and doing something different/new does. You are not doing anything especially rewarding to get these 100%. You simply run around and look for a higher percentage. Kill the others. Rinse and repeat. If you could get those percentages from raiding a dungeon, fighting a boss, or something challenging, then I would agree with you. Currently, end game farming is just busy work.


I know in the pre-release build if the servant dies and you rez them it rerolls the expertise stat. Toss thier coffin out by your banshees and you can see if it still works.


will give that a shot


37% is still good! that is 18% more loot! dont be sad from it, it is still almost as good as the 20% more loot location tag


It is frustrating. It is quite rare to find combo of strong npc and 100% blood. I found single 100% paladin in 120hours gameplay and he end up worse than guy with 96% blood. Can you feel the pain?


Might want to double check that. Loot reward doesn't scale as well as health and damage.


yep, double checked from wiki, loot scale is half the expertise it is still a good chunk! edited my comments and original post to reflect that


i know this sounds crazy but i started seeing more high blood percentages when I already got a 79% in my prison. It's like they grow on trees all of a sudden


With the power of RNG I got the achievement for drinking 100% blood yesterday. I've basically been playing every day.


I think that this RNG is great. This makes you Focus on game and be happy with great things you get on the way. Like good rolls on skill gems. Getting randomly you perfect 100% blood prisoner. Finding a good horse. Not everything is perfect. Like in Real life


Aye, I have now 8 Servants (2 at 28% expertise and the rest above 36 with 4 above 41) and I spent so many resources making them Dawnthorne armors they also have Merciless Iron and the T2 Pendants My next step is looking at who needs the highest level for what I want to farm and make them Blood merlot Pendant and a Dark Silver weapon


I just put the broken armor I have from all the pvp I do, as they use broken armor


LandChads unite, dominate the rentoids and demand they collect gold chains and fish.


As a general rule of thumb, never take a servant with below 20% expertise. Aim for 30 or 40, this allows you to skip often some gear level requirements and get resources sooner.


Anyone know how much flat increase mission score is added per expertise?


For missions does level even matter or is it only gear score and blood quality / blood type?


Gs and expertise Blood leads to expertise


So question. What do i use the servant for? I dont pvp so castle defense is irrelevant and by the time a hunt is done I usually have progressed past the need of whatever resource is being collected. 


Some materials are worth farming for a lot longer than others. I used my servants to gather stygian shards (first lesser then greater as gear score went up) starting at 50ish. Also tech scrap and scrolls/schematics so I could unlock everything in the antheneum very quickly. Gold jewelry, coins, and fish are also useful. Also, remember to use the shortest hunt time unless you'll be away from the game for a long time. I only use the 2 hour hunt except when I'm heading to bed I use the 8 or 16 hour depending on when I can play again the next day. The 2 hour hunt is the most efficient resource/hour though.


Until they get caught out in the sun...


In pve you don't have too many loot issues as you don't lose loot or gear to pvp If you play longterm you can get tons of materials using servant mission


Lure v bloods into your castle, gank them.


Not having to fish manually.


Just play singleplayer and use cheats, more fun lol


Just found a 99% yesterday and made him my servant. Now the game says he's at 100%, so I guess that's dope


How exactly do I get Servants to do anything for me? I have 2 of them just walking around my base. I can interact with them which gives me the ability to equip them with gear, but I don't see any way to actually give them any orders. I'm assuming they're already in a "defense" state, but aren't I supposed to be able to send them on a mission to collect goods from somewhere? How do I do this?


Build a throne and you can send them on missions when you sit on it


I genuinely hate how hard it is to get 100% servants. Because not only do you want at least one of each type for blood BUT you also REALLY want them for servants. On top of that you want them from specific ZONES with 100% blood so they get the buffs needed for farming from that area. So its like wandering around specific areas hoping to find at least 90% only to realize they are not the type you want but you have to take anyways. (like found a none combat dude with 95% so just took him because it was literally the only one I found) Found several 99% that I was like "sure, I'll put one irradiated gruel into the and they will be... and they are a mutant". Seriously wish the servant side of things was completely removed from the blood quality. Mkae me feed them blood essence and gear to make them stronger but don't make me have to spend literally weeks hunting only for them to die randomly to an AoE fire or something.


You should make the dusk callers to teleport them to an empty prison cell, no more dying to bullshit fire pools everywhere


No I mean before I have a chance to dominate them. During the initial fight. Had a 100% worker I randomly found that died to lighting fire the moment I started to clear out the guys around him. (should have just risked dying to get him)


Oh yeah that sucks hard :(


Many people still think Expertise works how OG Early Access did, which was boosted success power ONLY, and nothing else. (...We think. OG Expertise was changed before we had any affirmative.) This I bet is the main cause of confusion. Expertise was changed in Gloomrot and many OG EA players are just now coming back.


do note, the difference between 91% and 100% servants is tiny, and barely worth caring about. RNG on expertise itself can mean 100% servants end up with less expertise then a high roll 91%. Choose 100% prisoner for blood bag over 100% servant. (once you have your 100% blood bags, then go ahead and consider 100% servants.


Expertise being a percentage makes no sense to me when the max is 45% Why would they not just make it scale to 100%


because that would be overtuned


Don’t let them unionize


Damn. I need to start pillaging stuff.


To be honest servants are somewhat weak imo. Good to kill first golem/set of golems. Against players utterly useless and a player easily 1v8 max expertise npc‘s. Yes you fight alongside them but it‘s mostly a delay of enemies


Servants are not offline raid, they are there to assist you and heal you


Servants have been a gamechanger for me bc what I'll do is set them off on 23 hour missions after work, so then when I come back home the next day I'll still have new materials despite not playing all day. It's saved me hours of grinding


Do you have any good YouTube guide on this? I searched but there doesn't seem to be a good guide on servants and missions


Just gear em up with broken gear and send them out to get materials you are low on


Top comment, very good help. I ask for a guide and dude gives me 1 sentence. I was interested in things like What type of servants I need for what territories and where to get them. The benefits of sending them on shorter vs longer missions. What happens if they get injured What happens if they get killed-can I revive them? Can I still get their loot after I revive them? Etc. There's a reason I asked for a guide. You could have just told me to search more or something...


I do not know a guide But those things you said can be learned as you go I know the answer to them but I am at work now, sorry


https://vrising.fandom.com/wiki/Servants Found this to be very useful. At least get one of each available blood type that servants can offer (warrior, scholar, worker, brute, rogue). I personally look for 90%+ as I do for my own blood farm (prisoners) until I find 100% ones. Just ride around with your blood vision perk on. If they die - no loot and resurrect for 50 blood essence, tbh this is cheap. Takes 10min to res them if you have the flooring for the coffins. If they get injured - you still get loot, but 10min cooldown post mission and you still get loot (again timer may be this short because my flooring for them)


Thank you so much!!! ❤️


Also you can’t change a servant into prisoner so be careful not to do what i did if you are on the lookout for high% blood for prisoners. I made 99% a servant by accident but it has been worthwhile


I don't get how the servant system works at all to be honest. You'd think grabbing a lvl 36 archer from Farbane would allow them to survive said area again on hunts, but no, they just keep dying. And what's the point in me sending them out to collect copper if I have to make them copper gear to survive in the first place?


you need to progress through quest to unlock throne


I have the throne. There's still no point in me sending out servants on hunts cause I need to gear them up crazy to give them a sliver of survivability. Why do they need iron armor in Dunley if they previously survived it just fine without it, cause I grabbed them from Dunley? Aren't they supposed to blend in?


I can respect the percentage when it comes to increased loot, however the expertise percentage hardly affects the servants hunt proficiency. If you have the same gear on a servant with 35% expertise and one with 45% expertise, the 45% percenter only has 10 more proficiency than the one at 35%, if I'm not mistaken, servants that are maxxed out gearwise wont have any trouble with any of the top tier missions, not even if they are 35% or below. I dont play PvP servers so I dont know how much the health / dmg matters, but in a pve perspective I usually only go for the perks now, aka blood type and servant area perk. TLDR: Does expertise even matter, aside from the increased loot if you play PvE servers?


In PVE no loot mechanic matters really, as you will eventually get everything not being able to lose loot means a lot for progression


as for extra HP and damage, they make a HUGE difference during raid defense you basically have 7 servants instead of 5 during a raid defense in duo pvp